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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. *Is having a bad day, but refuses to give a flying *BLEEP* Now I guess we could all just *BLEEP* and moan to no end about or this, or try something else: it works for. Pat yourself on the back, you're doing good with your site Take a *BLEEP*ing break, the site aint going anywhere, It'll be back Stop *BLEEP*ing, it does no good If you need to mellow out, just watch these: http://www.homestarrunner.com/systemisdown.html http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail45.html
  2. *Is having a bad day, but refuses to give a flying *BLEEP* Now I guess we could all just *BLEEP* and moan to no end about or this, or try something else: it works for. Pat yourself on the back, you're doing good with your site Take a *BLEEP*ing break, the site aint going anywhere, It'll be back Stop *BLEEP*ing, it does no good If you need to mellow out, just watch these: http://www.homestarrunner.com/systemisdown.html http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail45.html
  3. Just out of curiosity... Why are new accounts still being created, if it doesn't work ?
  4. This is just what we need at times like these. Glad I could lighten the mood.
  5. It's not about getting it fix that is getting us a lil bit worried, it's just that it has been down and there's no post from the admin saying that it's down.
  6. i had that problem to.. but my "myphpadmin" doesnt work.. it says incorrect username and assword and it never even shows me where to log in?
  7. Yea i think it's chmod 777... whatever try the 2 of them one will "maybe" work
  8. for christsake, read my posts before making comments, at no point have a directed anything at moderaters let alone shouted! i know they dont work on the site, thats why i want someone who does to post here! ive written the same thing how many times now! just read my original posts,
  9. hey, it's free! If you're paying, that's one thing...But it's free! Most likely, we'll have a shitload of cool new features when it's back up, if it's taking this long. And *BLEEP* moderators have no control over the site, so stop yelling at them!
  10. at what point did i saw that complaining is going to make the admin fix it faster? idiot. we dont even know if anything is being done about it, all i was asking is for someone who actually knows whats going on to post here and let us know. anyway its ok i found a cheap host that im going to purchase. well you complaining alot and so is everybody else and it aint going to help nothing its just gonna annoy people and piss them off you guys got like 50 post saying my websites down, my website got hijacked,my website aint workign, problem with cpanel,mysql error.... IF YOU WOULD SEARCH THE DERNED FORUMS WE WOULDENT HAVE CRAP and YES we do know somthing is being done about it because the admin is a good man and he is working hard to fix it and why dont you know whats going on there are like 50 posts on this the apache server is down!!! thats whats going on there someone who knows whats going on posted here and letted you know and you can go waste your money on your stupid cheap host if your to impatient to wait a few days for the admin to fix the problem you dumb *BLEEP*, have i made a single post saying anything about "my websites being hijacked or my website aint working" no so shut the *BLEEP* up. all i want is someone who knows whats going on to let us know! what i dont want is some stupid childish fool like you saying "the admins working on it" when you only as much as everyone here, nothing. just because the webmasters a good guy it doesnt mean his working on fixing it! he might be too busy or has something else to do, so dont speak on his behalf.
  11. Webmonkey https://www.wired.com/ Hope you find this useful, I sure did.
  12. at what point did i saw that complaining is going to make the admin fix it faster? idiot. we dont even know if anything is being done about it, all i was asking is for someone who actually knows whats going on to post here and let us know. anyway its ok i found a cheap host that im going to purchase. well you complaining alot and so is everybody else and it aint going to help nothing its just gonna annoy people and piss them off you guys got like 50 post saying my websites down, my website got hijacked,my website aint workign, problem with cpanel,mysql error.... IF YOU WOULD SEARCH THE DERNED FORUMS WE WOULDENT HAVE CRAP and YES we do know somthing is being done about it because the admin is a good man and he is working hard to fix it and why dont you know whats going on there are like 50 posts on this the apache server is down!!! thats whats going on there someone who knows whats going on posted here and letted you know and you can go waste your money on your stupid cheap host if your to impatient to wait a few days for the admin to fix the problem
  13. have you heard directly from the person on it? if not your words mean *BLEEP* all.
  14. you all are wrong the admin is working hard to fix the problem its going to be fixed they aint just gonna leave it broken forever
  15. say i have two different domains can they share the same hosting? so can i have two websites on one hosting?
  16. at what point did i saw that complaining is going to make the admin fix it faster? idiot. we dont even know if anything is being done about it, all i was asking is for someone who actually knows whats going on to post here and let us know. anyway its ok i found a cheap host that im going to purchase.
  17. Same here, and I thought FNH was back to normal...lol, *sighs* oh well, GL fixing it you guys .Kevin Cho
  18. It'll be a bit of time b4 I'm ready for that, but I've already written most of the code for the Tablature site. Now for the sheet music...
  19. yeah plat does have to modules that you can just download but doesnt it make it way esier to just upload youre files go to phpmyadmin import the tables and start working on youre site?
  20. iGuest


    or he could be talking about the E.T. game for the NES
  21. i got eactly the same problem with fantastico. after reviewing all the threads for this problem i found out that only the host admins can fix it for us.
  22. i read many messages about this problem in this forum today after i posted my first message. all the messages say that i have to wait for host admins to install it for me as i cannot do it for myself. i hope this problem will be fixed soon.
  23. Novosell video
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