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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i ve only used https://nic.ar/ ... it's the registrar for subdomains .com.ar , i ve only used this till today
  2. There are many programs that can convert audio files types to mp3. Such as All converter (1st Benison) you should try it.
  3. yes, I agree with you ! This forum is one of the most fastest forums. It's really fast.I'm a new member. so i don't know much about this forum and people here. And my English is not good. (i'm still learning English everday). But I hope you are right. nice to meet you here.
  4. Aww thaaankks.. aww ... awww :cry:
  5. iGuest

    phpBB 3

    nah upgrading to PHPBB2.013 is not that hard because u just replace the files and run update_to_latest.php and u are ready. but since 3 is smth new it will need a lot of job and database backups and conversions. P.S i Don't think Cpanel pays for the IPB liscence. The one who pays for the liscence is the company to offer IPB2 so in that case is FNH. But i don't thinka ny comapny will ever offer that because they must get a liscence for every copy. Really not worth. Unless they make some kind of deal like buy unlimited liscences to give only to their hosting for some special prize with a special hosting tag on it like IPB 2 for FNH. So they can recognize if it is only indeed used by FNH and not given out.
  6. Pictures slideshow Put this inside <HEAD> <style>body{background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 275 150;}</style><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">var speed = 1500var Pic = new Array() Pic[0] = '.jpg'Pic[1] = '.jpg'Pic[2] = '.jpg'Pic[3] = '.jpg'var tvar j = 0var p = Pic.lengthvar preLoad = new Array()for (i = 0; i < p; i++){preLoad = new Image()preLoad[i].src = Pic[i]}function runBGSlideShow(){if (document.body){document.body.background = Pic[j];j = j + 1if (j > (p-1)) j=0t = setTimeout('runBGSlideShow()', speed)}}</script> Put this in <BODY> onload="runBGSlideShow()"
  7. nah the forum should just stay for mods admins etc. We have a forum like this at SG and it is good. I mean we want to post some things like who u think should take a yellow card or whose sig is not in the size allowed. that should stay between the admins because if u talk that in front of the person then he will start saying shits to the admin/mod who told that and he will register new accounts and annoy someone.
  8. Hope you like this javascript <HTML><HEAD><META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><script language=javascript>function timezone() {<!--Calendar-->var month= new Array();month[0]="January"; month[1]="February";month[2]="March";month[3]="April";month[4]="May";month[5]="June";month[6]="July";month[7]="August";month[8]="September";month[9]="October";month[10]="November";month[11]="December";today = new Date();date = today.getDate();month = (month[today.getMonth()]);gmt = today.toGMTString();exp = gmt;if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {exp1 = exp.substring(17,19);exp2 = exp.substring(20,22);exp3 = exp.substring(18,19);exp4 = exp.substring(23,25); tim = parseInt(exp1)==0 ? parseInt(exp3) : parseInt(exp1);time = ((tim>12) ? tim-12 : tim);}if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (exp.substring(5,6))>0) {exp1 = exp.substring(17,19);exp2 = exp.substring(20,22);exp3 = exp.substring(18,19);exp4 = exp.substring(23,25);tim = parseInt(exp1)==0 ? parseInt(exp3) : parseInt(exp1);time = ((tim>12) ? tim-12 : tim);}if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (exp.substring(5,7))<10) {exp1 = exp.substring(16,18);exp2 = exp.substring(19,21);exp3 = exp.substring(17,18);exp4 = exp.substring(22,24);tim = parseInt(exp1)==0 ? parseInt(exp3) : parseInt(exp1);time = ((tim>12) ? tim-12 : tim);}time1 = exp2;time2 = exp4;((time2<10) ? "0" : "");<!--AFRICA-->time0af = time; add0af = ((tim)<12 || (tim)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time1af = time + 1; add1af = ((tim+1)<12 || (tim+1)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time2af = time + 2; add2af = ((tim+2)<12 || (tim+2)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time3af = time + 3; add3af = ((tim+3)<12 || (tim+3)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");afra0af = ((time0af>12) ? time0af-12 : time0af);afra1af = ((time1af>12) ? time1af-12 : time1af);afra2af = ((time2af>12) ? time2af-12 : time2af);afra3af = ((time3af>12) ? time3af-12 : time3af);<!--AMERICA-->time3am = time - 3; add3am = ((tim-3)<0 || (tim-3)>11 ? " PM" : " AM");time4am = time - 4; add4am = ((tim-4)<0 || (tim-4)>11 ? " PM" : " AM");time5am = time - 5; add5am = ((tim-4)<0 || (tim-4)>11 ? " PM" : " AM");time6am = time - 6; add6am = ((tim-4)<0 || (tim-4)>11 ? " PM" : " AM");time10am = time - 10; add10am = ((tim-10)<0 || (tim-10)>11 ? " PM" : " AM");timeLV = time - 7; dstam = "+";timeMNTH = time - 4; dstam = "+";amer3am = ((time3am<0) ? time3am+12 : time3am); ((amer3am==0) ? amer3am=12 : amer3am);amer4am = ((time4am<0) ? time4am+12 : time4am); ((amer4am==0) ? amer4am=12 : amer4am);amer5am = ((time5am<0) ? time5am+12 : time5am); ((amer5am==0) ? amer5am=12 : amer5am);amer6am = ((time6am<0) ? time6am+12 : time6am); ((amer6am==0) ? amer6am=12 : amer6am);amer10am = ((time10am<0) ? time10am+12 : time10am); ((amer10am==0) ? amer10am=12 : amer10am);amerLV = ((timeLV<0) ? timeLV+12 : timeLV); ((amerLV==0) ? amerLV=12 : amerLV);amerMNTH = ((timeMNTH<0) ? timeMNTH+12 : timeMNTH); ((amerMNTH==0) ? amerMNTH=12 : amerMNTH);<!--ASIA-->time2as = time + 2; add2as = ((tim+2)<12 || (tim+2)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time3as = time + 3; add3as = ((tim+3)<12 || (tim+3)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time4as = time + 4; add4as = ((tim+4)<12 || (tim+4)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time5as = time + 5; add5as = ((tim+5)<12 || (tim+5)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time6as = time + 6; add6as = ((tim+6)<12 || (tim+6)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time7as = time + 7; add7as = ((tim+7)<12 || (tim+7)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time8as = time + 8; add8as = ((tim+8)<12 || (tim+8)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time9as = time + 9; add9as = ((tim+9)<12 || (tim+9)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");time5MC = time + 5; add5MC = ((tim+5)<12 || (tim+5)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");asia2as = ((time2as>12) ? time2as-12 : time2as);asia3as = ((time3as>12) ? time3as-12 : time3as);asia4as = ((time4as>12) ? time4as-12 : time4as);asia5as = ((time5as>12) ? time5as-12 : time5as);asia6as = ((time6as>12) ? time6as-12 : time6as);asia7as = ((time7as>12) ? time7as-12 : time7as);asia8as = ((time8as>12) ? time8as-12 : time8as);asia9as = ((time9as>12) ? time9as-12 : time9as);asia5MC = ((time5MC>12) ? time5MC-12 : time5MC);<!--AUSTRALIA-->timeADE = time + 9; dstau = "+";timeBRI = time + 10; addBRI = ((tim+10)<12 || (tim+10)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");timeMEL = time + 11; dstau = "+";timePER = time + 8; addPER = ((tim+8)<12 || (tim+8)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");timeSYD = time + 11; dstau = "+";timeDER = time + 9; dstau = "+";timeTOW = time + 10; addTOW = ((tim+10)<12 || (tim+10)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");timeWEL = time + 1; dstnz = "+";austADE = ((timeADE>12) ? timeADE-12 : timeADE);austBRI = ((timeBRI>12) ? timeBRI-12 : timeBRI);austMEL = ((timeMEL>12) ? timeMEL-12 : timeMEL);austPER = ((timePER>12) ? timePER-12 : timePER);austSYD = ((timeSYD>12) ? timeSYD-12 : timeSYD);austDER = ((timeDER>12) ? timeDER-12 : timeDER);austTOW = ((timeTOW>12) ? timeTOW-12 : timeTOW);austWEL = ((timeWEL>12) ? timeWEL-12 : timeWEL);<!--EUROPE-->time1eu = time + 1; dsteu = "+";time2eu = time + 2; dsteu = "+";time3eu = time + 3; dsteu = "+";time4eu = time + 4; dsteu = "+";time5eu = time + 5; dsteu = "+";timeMOS = time + 4; dstru = "+";timeREY = time + 0; addREY = ((tim+0)<12 || (tim+0)>23 ? 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" PM" : " AM");addMNTH = ((tim-5)<0 || (tim-5)>11 ? " PM" : " AM"); }else {addLV = ((tim-7)<0 || (tim-7)>11 ? " PM" : " AM");addMNTH = ((tim-4)<0 || (tim-4)>11 ? " PM" : " AM"); }<!--Australia-->if (month=="April" || month=="May" || month=="June" || month=="July" || month=="August" || month=="September" || month=="October") { { austADE = austADE - 1; } ((austADE==0) ? austADE=12 : austADE);{ austDER = austDER - 1; } ((austDER==0) ? austDER=12 : austDER);{ austMEL = austMEL - 1; } ((austMEL==0) ? austMEL=12 : austMEL);{ austSYD = austSYD - 1; } ((austSYD==0) ? austSYD=12 : austSYD);{ austWEL = austWEL - 1; } ((austWEL==0) ? austWEL=12 : austWEL);dstau = " ";dstnz = " "; }if (month=="March" && date>15) {{ austWEL = austWEL - 1; } ((austWEL==0) ? austWEL=12 : austWEL);dstnz = " "; }if (month=="April" || month=="May" || month=="June" || month=="July" || month=="August" || month=="September" || month=="October") { addADE = ((tim+8)<12 || (tim+8)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");addDER = ((tim+8)<12 || (tim+8)>23 ? " AM" : " PM"); addMEL = ((tim+10)<12 || (tim+10)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");addSYD = ((tim+10)<12 || (tim+10)>23 ? " AM" : " PM"); addWEL = ((tim+0)<12 || (tim+0)>23 ? " PM" : " AM"); }else {addADE = ((tim+9)<12 || (tim+9)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");addDER = ((tim+9)<12 || (tim+9)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");addMEL = ((tim+11)<12 || (tim+11)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");addSYD = ((tim+11)<12 || (tim+11)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");addWEL = ((tim+1)<12 || (tim+1)>23 ? " PM" : " AM"); }<!--Europe-->if (month=="November" || month=="December" || month=="January" || month=="February" || month=="March") { { euro1eu = euro1eu - 1; } ((euro1eu==0) ? euro1eu=12 : euro1eu);{ euro2eu = euro2eu - 1; } ((euro2eu==0) ? euro2eu=12 : euro2eu);{ euro3eu = euro3eu - 1; } ((euro3eu==0) ? euro3eu=12 : euro3eu);{ euro4eu = euro4eu - 1; } ((euro4eu==0) ? euro4eu=12 : euro4eu);{ euro5eu = euro5eu - 1; } ((euro5eu==0) ? euro5eu=12 : euro5eu);dsteu = " "; }if (month=="September" || month=="October" || month=="November" || month=="December" || month=="January" || month=="February" || month=="March") { { euroMOS = euroMOS - 1; } ((euroMOS==0) ? euroMOS=12 : euroMOS);dstru = " "; }if (month=="November" || month=="December" || month=="January" || month=="February" || month=="March") { add1eu = ((tim+0)<12 || (tim+0)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");add2eu = ((tim+1)<12 || (tim+1)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");add3eu = ((tim+2)<12 || (tim+2)>23 ? " AM" : " PM");add4eu = ((tim+3)<12 || (tim+3)>23 ? 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dsteu;}if (document.form2.africa.selectedIndex == "a" || document.form2.america.selectedIndex == "b") return;if (document.form2.asia.selectedIndex == "c" || document.form2.australia.selectedIndex == "d") return;if (document.form2.europe.selectedIndex == "e") return;setTimeout("timezone()", 1000);}// --></SCRIPT><script language=javascript type=text/javascript>function about() {DispWin = window.open('','NewWin','toolbar=no,status=no,width=330,height=105')message = "<title>About</title><body bgcolor=#ffff00><font size=2 face=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif><b>World-Times</b></font>";message += "<font size=1 face=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif> <b>(Copyright © 2001)</b></font><br />";message += "<font size=1 face=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif><b>Created by: </b>Sandeep Gangadharan.<br />";message += "<b>Home Page: </b><a href=http://web1.mtnl.net.in/~sivam/>Sandeep's Nook</a><br />";message += "<b>E-mail: </b><a href='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ />";message += "<hr noshade />Do contact me for any bug reports or any suggestions.</font></body><br />";DispWin.document.write(message);DispWin.moveTo(400,100);}</SCRIPT><script language=javascript type=text/javascript><!--function help() {DispWin = window.open('','NewWin','toolbar=no,status=no,width=350,height=124,scrollbars')message1 = "<title>Help</title><body bgcolor=#ffff00><font size=2 face=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif><b>World-Times:</b></font><br />";message1 += "<font size=1 face=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif>This is a World-Times script. You can simultaneously view the time in 5 different cities covering";message1 += " 5 different continents. In all you can find out the time in 91 given cities situated in the 6 major continents. Just choose the city and the time will";message1 += " automatically be displayed in the text box just below the respective drop down menu. This script supports Daylight Saving Time.<br /><br />";message1 += "<b>The Daylight Savings Time Rules are given below:</b>";message1 += "<ul><li>USA/Canada: (April - October)</li>";message1 += "<li>UK/Europe: (March - October)</li>";message1 += "<li>Australia: (October - March)</li>";message1 += "<li>New Zealand: (October -March)</li>";message1 += "<li>Russia: (March - September)</li></ul><hr /></font></body>";DispWin.document.write(message1);DispWin.moveTo(350,100);}// --></SCRIPT><!-- This goes in the BODY of the html file --><!-- Note the script in the BODY tag --><META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=GENERATOR></HEAD><BODY onload=timezone();><FORM name=form2><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 bgColor=#c0c0c0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#000080><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#ffffff size=2><B>World-Times</B></FONT> </TD><TD align=right bgColor=#000080 colSpan=4 height=1><INPUT onclick=javascript:about(); type=button value= i > <INPUT onclick=javascript:help(); type=button value=" ?"> <INPUT onclick=reset(); type=button value= r > </TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><B>Africa</B></FONT> </TD><TD><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><B>The Americas</B></FONT> </TD><TD><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><B>Asia</B></FONT> </TD><TD><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><B>Oceania</B></FONT> </TD><TD><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size=1><B>Europe</B></FONT> </TD></TR><TR><TD><SELECT onchange=document.form2.timer1.focus(); name=africa> <OPTION value=a selected>< Select > </OPTION> <OPTION value=1>Abidjan</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Accra</OPTION> <OPTION value=3>Addis Ababa</OPTION> <OPTION value=4>Algiers</OPTION> <OPTION value=5>Cairo</OPTION> <OPTION value=6>Cape Town</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>Casablanca</OPTION> <OPTION value=8>Dakar</OPTION> <OPTION value=9>Durban</OPTION> <OPTION value=10>Freetown</OPTION> <OPTION value=11>Harare</OPTION> <OPTION value=12>Kampala</OPTION> <OPTION value=13>Khartoum</OPTION> <OPTION value=14>Kinshasha</OPTION> <OPTION value=15>Luanda</OPTION> <OPTION value=16>Mbala</OPTION> <OPTION value=17>Nairobi</OPTION> <OPTION value=18>Pretoria</OPTION> <OPTION value=19>Rabat</OPTION> <OPTION value=20>Tripoli</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TD><SELECT onchange=document.form2.timer2.focus(); name=america> <OPTION value=b selected>< Select > </OPTION> <OPTION value=1>Bogota</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Buenos Aires</OPTION> <OPTION value=3>Caracas</OPTION> <OPTION value=4>Georgetown</OPTION> <OPTION value=5>Havana</OPTION> <OPTION value=6>Honolulu</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>Lima</OPTION> <OPTION value=8>Los Angeles</OPTION> <OPTION value=9>Managua</OPTION> <OPTION value=10>Mexico City</OPTION> <OPTION value=11>Montevideo</OPTION> <OPTION value=12>Montreal</OPTION> <OPTION value=13>New York</OPTION> <OPTION value=14>Quito</OPTION> <OPTION value=15>San José</OPTION> <OPTION value=16>San Juan</OPTION> <OPTION value=17>Santiago</OPTION> <OPTION value=18>Sao Paulo</OPTION> <OPTION value=19>Toronto</OPTION> <OPTION value=20>Vancouver</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TD><SELECT onchange=document.form2.timer3.focus(); name=asia> <OPTION value=c selected>< Select > </OPTION> <OPTION value=1>Aden</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Amman</OPTION> <OPTION value=3>Baghdad</OPTION> <OPTION value=4>Bangkok</OPTION> <OPTION value=5>Beijing</OPTION> <OPTION value=6>Colombo</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>Doha</OPTION> <OPTION value=8>Dubai</OPTION> <OPTION value=9>Hanoi</OPTION> <OPTION value=10>Hong Kong</OPTION> <OPTION value=11>Jakarta</OPTION> <OPTION value=12>Karachi</OPTION> <OPTION value=13>Kuala Lumpur</OPTION> <OPTION value=14>Mumbai</OPTION> <OPTION value=15>Muscat</OPTION> <OPTION value=16>Pyongyang</OPTION> <OPTION value=17>Seoul</OPTION> <OPTION value=18>Shanghai</OPTION> <OPTION value=19>Singapore</OPTION> <OPTION value=20>Tokyo</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TD><SELECT onchange=document.form2.timer4.focus(); name=australia> <OPTION value=d selected>< Select > </OPTION> <OPTION value=1>Adelaide</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Auckland</OPTION> <OPTION value=3>Brisbane</OPTION> <OPTION value=4>Canberra</OPTION> <OPTION value=5>Christchurch </OPTION> <OPTION value=6>Derby</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>Melbourne</OPTION> <OPTION value=8>Perth</OPTION> <OPTION value=9>Sydney</OPTION> <OPTION value=10>Townsville</OPTION> <OPTION value=11>Wellington</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TD><SELECT onchange=document.form2.timer5.focus(); name=europe> <OPTION value=e selected>< Select > </OPTION> <OPTION value=1>Antwerp</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Athens</OPTION> <OPTION value=3>Berlin</OPTION> <OPTION value=4>Bucharest</OPTION> <OPTION value=5>Budapest</OPTION> <OPTION value=6>Copenhagen</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>Dublin</OPTION> <OPTION value=8>Geneva</OPTION> <OPTION value=9>Istanbul</OPTION> <OPTION value=10>Lisbon</OPTION> <OPTION value=11>London</OPTION> <OPTION value=12>Luxembourg</OPTION> <OPTION value=13>Moscow</OPTION> <OPTION value=14>Oslo</OPTION> <OPTION value=15>Prague</OPTION> <OPTION value=16>Reykjavik</OPTION> <OPTION value=17>Sarajevo</OPTION> <OPTION value=18>Sofia</OPTION> <OPTION value=19>Vienna</OPTION> <OPTION value=20>Warsaw</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TR><TD align=middle><BR><INPUT onfocus=timezone(); size=12 value=?? name=timer1> </TD><TD align=middle><BR><INPUT onfocus=timezone(); size=12 value=?? name=timer2> </TD><TD align=middle><BR><INPUT onfocus=timezone(); size=12 value=?? name=timer3> </TD><TD align=middle><BR><INPUT onfocus=timezone(); size=12 value=?? name=timer4> </TD><TD align=middle><BR><INPUT onfocus=timezone(); size=12 value=?? name=timer5> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></BODY></HTML>
  9. yep u get whm. I am not sure if i get reseller but if i host a site then we are surely getting a at least paid account. Super features guaranteed stability very fast and cheap. If i was over 18 and was independent i would already have bought one but maybe i will get paid hosting now. Depends on the other site admin.
  10. -Removed from sticky. If you want it re-stuck then do so, seems a bit odd to me why it is a sticky.
  11. Hi everybodyMy name is Hai. I'm a student from Viet Nam . I'm learning about IT and economy here. Nice to meet all of you here !!!
  12. Your post count & cash count did not increase in this part of the forum. That was how it was set up.
  13. the bests is : punk/rock/metal :!: :!: :wink: :wink:
  14. iGuest


    I loved The X-Files. I have borrowed season 1-4 on DVD and now I am going though all the episodes... Honestly: I was not really into the show before I borrowed the DVDs but now I am *lol*
  15. iGuest


    cats are nothing but lazy fluffs of wool. They serve no purpose. Would rather get a dog.
  16. How is confussing? It's standard compound interest. ask ya maths teacher.
  17. you cant bring up the task manager thats one of the effects of it it keeps the task manager from staying open Didn't realise this. That's another variation - my mate had it and we were able to get the task bar up.
  18. The best is rock -----> :twisted: Heavy Metal Universe!
  19. I like to share the wealth - I like to help other users.
  20. iGuest


    Put up the link properly. No one feels like copying it and paste it. oh sorry, the link is next to your profile and pm button. The site is nice.. But I wish you could improve the color to some other color which is not irritating to visitors's eyes. The setting and arrangement is good too. Keep improving.. its a commendable work for a newbie ( as you've said.).
  21. I love CSI. I think it is a lot better than the spin offs, although I like the spinn offs' as well My favorite characters in CSI is Grissom, Sarah and Eric
  22. iGuest


    excellent work. A very commendable one. You have done really good in this. And the pic and the wordings are matching too. Show us more of your work here. Will you? :mrgreen:
  23. Prophet its nice. it matches with the name prophet. In fact prophet's appearance should be like that. We never know from where it will come out. hehe
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