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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. ok i dun disagree that many ppl may like this but shouldn't it be up to the user what theme he wants. maybe they have to edit every theme files for the mods so that's the reason. no time for this when server is down i guess.
  2. iGuest

    New new

    hi sofie, welcome to Fnh, remember to stay active and dont spam, nice to have you here around
  3. iGuest


    Hey all ! My real name is Justin and im from USA, Michigan. Im 25 years old and some of my hobbies are online gaming and taking part in different community forums on the internet. I have my own forum too which is what brings me here to see if I can make the switch to this host.
  4. I love the style ... :shock: :shock: :shock:But the header is not my style :wink: :cry:
  5. Added a poll, and i voted no, If you want a blog, you can set one up trough cpanel :wink:, but maybe other peoples thinks different
  6. Omg, Thats nice 8) This rock serious
  7. Here is a link to the company forums. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The latest version of IPB is really nice. Here is a site which i think has a really nice skin. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Linky: http://forums.xisto.com/ Closed.
  9. iGuest


    That would of been cool! lol Yeah, it should make things more stable around here. Also reduce costs etc.
  10. iGuest


    I love the cats !! :!: But I can't have one because i'm allergic :?
  11. Great!I leve the first! :shock:
  12. silentcast, it is not acceptable to be rude to staff. Concider this as your first warning. 3 Warning will get you banned. I hope this is clear. FNH will not tolerate rudness towards the site staff. Please visit. http://forums.xisto.com/ Locked.
  13. I watch a lot of TVshows and here are my favorites; (not in order though)24AngelAliasBuffy the Vampire SlayerERGilmore GirlsLostCrossing JordanCSICSI Miami
  14. iGuest


    I love Lost!! It is one of my favorite shows. Lost, Alias, X-Files and Buffy/Angel are my favorite shows to be more exact. My favorite characters in Lost are: Boone, Charlie, Hurley, Claire, Shannon, Locke, Sawyer and Sun.Which are your favorite episodes? I have only seen to Raised By Another (episode 10) but of them my favorite episodes are: Walkabout and The House of the Rising Sun.
  15. iGuest


    Yes I have cats I got about 8 of them. Although it sounds more than it acually is, trust me on that part
  16. I agree with ya: 1. Lots more activity - I'm like new thread, read, moderate if needed, go back to main page, see a new thread etc. 2. Hopefuly the money thing will bring in more people
  17. Hey all! :DMy name is Sofie and well... I am new here I come from Sweden and I just wanted to say hi to all of you!
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/ READ IT. Locked to prevent spam
  19. OK - I've decided to change the rates (for the better). Here is how it will work now.1. Donate 10FNH$ get 13 back2. Donate 20FNH$ get 26 back3. Donate 50FNH$ get 59 backAny amounts donated that are less than 10FNH$ will not qualify for the programme and will not be returned. Any amounts that are donated that are not either 10,20 0r 50 FNH$ will also not qualify and will not be returned.Simple!
  20. iGuest


    I am a newbie in website development and still have many things to learn. Thank you for visiting alnuke.com
  21. sound like an army recruiter......I KNOW!!! U NEED TO CHANGE UR TITLE TO LOAD SHARK!!
  22. The following users have already benefited from my donations:crazzyt9livestrongukwayneuk2004Little_OnE[-WarLoCk-]crimnalaflmGodMiketronVampyreVeincloud03dnljeffIntermontanoWhy not join them?
  23. This is going off-topic.Also, if the user that started the topic, searched, they would of found 100's of these already open.See, if users were active, they would know this - the forum is here for a reason lolLocked!
  24. oooooim still confused....... :roll:
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