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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. http://ww2.dbspot.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 Um, my site, it has wings and umm, it's awesome..
  2. and i will get a domain when it's up again.
  3. I have Nokia 6600 and Nokia 6585 CDMA
  4. My choice ... sure, the simpson
  5. you dont like the dead lamb do you lol
  6. The refrigerator was the best part thanks to Whizz. Oh I feel lost without our spam forum :|
  7. hazaa3000 has donated 2 FNH$ to you. hazaa3000 wrote: As promissed your 2 FNH$ Please leave feedback in the topic! Thanks Haz
  8. backs that up 100%! i will be upgrading to a paid hosting as soon as my site gets up and running!
  9. iGuest


    not to bad. if i were you i would make the url in your profile a link....most ppl aren't going to think of looking down at the www button. just my $.02
  10. yeah it was just for fun spamminglike the refrigerator thta i put a bombin and tried to blow up god or didthis:doiafjdwoafjeowiafjeafoafioeafjoiejwafoejafoeijwaf0932gtand tried to win but i couldentbeat god
  11. Anybody attend or watch the Minnesota high school hockey tournament?
  12. iGuest


    My name is Jason Larson. I am a 27 year old male. I like sports, I work with computers professionally. Mostly the Linux operating system. I am hoping to host my site http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=moorheadspuds&e=com with freenukehosting. They are our local hockey team. I am from the US.
  13. I'm posting this again because obviously no one reads the thread before posting :? I like emilin's Idea best. How bout we all just say *BLEEP* YOUR WINGS, I'M STARTIN MY OWN! Then we can think for ourselves. I don't take sides, I just stances: Pro-abortion Separation of Church and State: Best thing ever Bush: Idiot America: dissapointing Don't hate us cuz' we're American Just hate our leaders. Confilct in middle east: We're only there for the gas Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because saddam tried to get daddy killed. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are dead Gay-Rights: Okay, so first racism, then sexism, now you're hating on people for their sexual preference WHO THE *BLEEP* DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO INVADE LIKE THAT? NO GOD OF MINE HATES PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY ARE Seriously, who are we to say? Well, anyway, there's plenty to learn: Okay, I think I'm done. Lol, oh, yes...one more thing Go to http://www.bushflash.com/ Make sure to watch the animations, especially dust bin america and poisonous legacy.
  14. No, that's what he has on hand! Anyway, don't worry about it, it doesn't really matter. It'll only show up in the bank.
  15. Nope I dont think theres any reason to do so. You get webspace so some for a blog
  16. Jesus! What the hell is the need to clasify your own thoughts into a general mindset? Why can't you think for your self? I guess it must be the protection of the pack. :x Sigh, just think for yourself and state your own thoughts here. That's what we're talking about in the thread. This ain't a thread to split up the groups and proceed to *BLEEP* at each other, so why must you?...Sigh
  17. Here is a nice free one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can find more at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope it will help you.
  18. thanks guys (mods n miketron) ... i hope the admin could fix the problem fast...plz keep us updated about this...i really like this hosting.. n i dont like to lose it... :wink:
  19. dude , Battlefield 2 is the bomb , i think its coming out in June , im not sure i forgot :/
  20. i'm from Viet Nam. I live in Ha Noi, capital of VietNam. My country is beautiful.
  21. hix, i'm using dial up. It really really slow. i'm thinking use ADSL but now i still have to use DIAL UP. REALLY SLOW.
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