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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    No cats i dont like cats.....they play with you when there kittens then when there big there always gone.....I LOVE DOGS AND PUPPYS! cause puppys are playful and when they get to be dogs they still are playful
  2. FNH is good i just wish i hade my web host up and going now....ipayed them 2 weeks ago, and nothing...
  3. submit a ticket http://forums.xisto.com/ or http://forums.xisto.com/ Tim :twisted:
  4. Rogers high speed cable as well as my TV and cell phone ;)I is Canadian eh
  5. lol ipayed for my Plan B 2 weeks ago....nothing yet, i want to get at my site asap :cry:
  6. rofl, how about give all ur money to me :twisted:You earned 1.25 FNH$ for that postYayi get money for editing my post?You earned 0.9 FNH$ for that postlol...kool? i didnt know that, weird.....0.9 FNH$$ w00ties
  7. iGuest


    I'm a graphic designer, nice to see some here, kool
  8. lol? its been 2 weeks i have not got my web host info and i payed!!!
  9. this theme is easy on the eyes and simpe, i like it
  10. iGuest


    Their last show (The Y-Front's Tour) was damn funny. Although Richie is beginning to show his age after the car crash he was in....It was good though...I have the DVD of it; god knows how many times I've watched it.
  11. How's about Total Annihilation and Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth?Both are very good games although I believe Total Annihilation to be the best strategy game ever due to it's stunning gameplay and in-game physics.
  12. Well i just hope i get my web info soon i would like to start on my site right away, i was hoping i would have hade it befor my March break started, but i guess not. :cry:
  13. iGuest


    Designers check this out: http://forums.xisto.com/
  14. I suck at playing it on a keyboard. I'm pretty good playing it in the arcade,my high score on the forum is 9500. I feel a little better know someone here sucks more than me. 250 Random
  15. SEND all FNH$ to me, please!Thanks!Haz
  16. Raising the dead only annoys people!It was an attempt to increase post count me thinks.
  17. It's not the same without the classic NES cotroller!Might have to some how try and shove my NES pad into my laptop some how :mrgreen:
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