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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Another great one for classic lit is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. They have a great collection of horror, mystery, and pulp titles. They also have a small collection from one of my favorite authors, Robert E. Howard. Check out his Conan stories. PS Sorry for the lack of PHP links.
  2. never heard of them. at first i tho u were talking about the real postel service lol :mrgreen: :arrow:
  3. What!! you're kidding right? Where you heard that free hosting will be gone from here? Come on m8 you got to be joking. BTW i don't think there's any SQL DB available, there're all gone.
  4. Yeah we all hope that this problem will be fixed soon. I really don't think that this is fair for persons who have bought hosting here and they don't have there account working. And just to make us feel a lil bit relaxed, i think that the admin should say something about this him self, cause up to now the admin haven't even say a word, I think. It wouldn't kill just to spend like 1min posting a message. Would it?
  5. iGuest


    isnt this like the CSI? :arrow:
  6. yeah but GTA 1 had all does cities but no one knew how to even go to places cuz is was some crazy top view :arrow:
  7. iGuest

    GTA 6

    ROckstar games they be registering domains just too make people crazy, because the gta4.com domain was registered in 1999 and vice city wasnt even out that year. :arrow:
  8. What you mean that it will be gone??? :arrow:
  9. iGuest


    I'm just over 7,000 FNH$
  10. A result what? To insert it into html just put it within <?php ?> tags, so <?php echo "php can go before the html starts"; ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo "php generated title"; ?></title> </head> <body> <?php echo "php can go in the body too"; ?> </body </html> <?php echo "php can also go at the end"; ?>even result
  11. iGuest


    I have watched the X Files since season one. I couldn't wait for each new episode of weirdness. I guess I would have to agree that some of the episodes would get a little creepy/scary, but I am a wuss. Anyway, I stopped watching around season 5 or so. I thought the stories and mythology were becoming too farfetched and complicated, I guess I am a lazy tv watcher. I eventually stopped watching the show and probably haven't seen one episode since season 6 started. Until recently when I got a Tivo. I started recording the show on three different channels, 11 hours of X Files creepiness every week! I think I am officially hooked again. If anybody is interested here is a link to transcripts of the show. If you are like me and were confused by all of the conspiracy mythology in the show, this site might clear up few things for you.
  12. Yeah.. we all hope. I'm getting into trouble right now to. cuz my lycos database space is almost full :oops:. hope they'll fix it this week. or so
  13. A result what? To insert it into html just put it within <?php ?> tags, so <?php echo "php can go before the html starts"; ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo "php generated title"; ?></title> </head> <body> <?php echo "php can go in the body too"; ?> </body </html> <?php echo "php can also go at the end"; ?>
  14. Keanu reves ... maybe my favourite actor ... Very cool movie ... but matrix the first one ,,,, was betterisn`t it?
  15. Now that we know that free hosting will be gone, is there anyway that we can backup out Mysql databases?Thanks
  16. If u want a high rezolution photo u should know where to get it from. Here are the sites who worth visiting: http://www.freeimages.com/ https://morguefile.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.imageafter.com/ http://www.freefoto.com/index.jsp http://ww8.pixelbag.de/ If someone know other good links where pictures can be downloaded please post them ....
  17. I know, but I'm saying that why doesn't Stone Devil take charge of the template and design part of this forum? That way it will benefit *admin and Stone Devil *the community.
  18. Well, they aren't really the same company or place. They're just partnering. StonedDevil makes templates for FNH. I'm not sure what FNH does in return, but they're not the same thing.
  19. Might I make a suggestion regarding the recent partnership of Stoned Devil Inc. and Free Nuke Hosting.My suggestion is that instead of having a forum at Free Nuke Hosting and a forum at Stoned Devil Inc. why not just have the one? I feel that the larger community is here, at FNH rather than at Stoned Devil Inc.Surely it would benefit both sites if the main area where webhost and web design was in the same forum.Any way this is just my thoughts. What do you think?Haz
  20. Yeah, you get money for editing your post, as long as it's longer than the first. You can also earn negative FNH$ if it's shorter.
  21. Will you please explain to me how this could posibly work. These are your mistakes: You have an assignment operator without anything to assign the result to-Lines 2 and 4 You have several references to Resource id #4. This is nowhere near correct PHP. Lines 2,3,4,7,8 and 9. You have missing arguments in some of the functions-Lines 3, 8, and 9 You have an increment operator without any variable to increment-Line 6 You display "Hits: ", but not the number of hits. This is the correct code re-written: <?php $file = "count.dat"; if(!($file = fopen($file,"r"))) die ("cannot open counter file"); $num = (int) fread($file, 20); fclose($file); $num++; echo "Hits: $num"; $file = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($file,$num); fclose($file); ?>
  22. Please visit: http://forums.xisto.com/ for an up-to-date list
  23. iGuest


    That's not a result of your local server configuration. Scan your system for spyware, and then try again.
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