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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. hmm almost everybody likes soccer here
  2. hee everybody this is the dutch topic...nu kunnen we hier weer nederlands praten, aangezien de dutch topic in de spam corner weg is
  3. O when that is coming I am sure going to buy it..
  4. It will be pretty good, and with the ending of HALO 2 theye sure can make HALO 3... because the story in HALO 2 didn't end
  5. iGuest

    My name

    I have voted for Hazaa, that is better then Hazaa3000...
  6. iGuest

    GTA 6

    hmm I can't whait to know where the new GTA will be...
  7. iGuest

    GTA 6

    where cann you find al that information about GTA??
  8. iGuest

    GTA 6

    hmm I can't whait to know where the new GTA will be...
  9. iGuest

    My name

    I think it should be Hazaa, not hazaa ;)That's just me though
  10. I just wish to have my web host info soon.....i rly want it so i can start my website
  11. What your feel with the incoming American Idol? Let share who will be or have the high changes to be a American Idol?
  12. Come and join the hottest fever in Malaysia Formula One Racing.......If u haven but the ticket,quickly buy the ticket and join the greatest party in this month...Cool
  13. This is just the basics of sending email using telnet. First you'll need to find a SMTP server that you can telnet into, me, I'm using my localhost server for this. So here's the commands prefixed with a $:$ telnet localhost 25Trying to localhost.localdomain ( character is '^]'.220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1/8.13.1; Thu 10 Mar 2005 20:02:09 +1300$ HELO localhost.localdomain250 localhost.localdomain Hello localdomain [], pleased to meet you$ MAIL FROM: from_who@domain.com250 2.1.0 from_who@domain.com... Sender ok$RCPT TO: to_who@domain.com250 2.1.5 to_who@domain.com... Recipient ok$ DATA354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself$ Subject: subject goes here$ $ Message goes here and ends with a dot$ .250 2.0.0 <some random message ID> Message accepted for delivery$ QUIT221 2.0.0 localhost.localdomain closing connectionConnection closed by foreign host.Remember the $ signs are not included and just mark when the commands you enter happen.The other shown messages, are the usual OK messages produced by the SMTP to say everything is ok, and going correctly.You can also use this method, by using PHP sockets, so you can connect to an SMTP server, pass the commands, and hopefully the mail will be checked. PHP Mail function maybe easier to use though.Subject: needs two enters after it, to be valid else it won't work. e.g. Subject: this subject\n\nOnce you've finished with the DATA you end it with a single dot on a line by itself and that's it, quit the connection and it'll be sent.Cheers,MC
  14. Malaysia is a multi races country.Any one is planning go for travel?Try think about Malaysia.I sure u will like Malaysia because the food.Malaysia food is so tasty.......Yummy.......
  15. I would like to purchase a digital camera.Is Nikon good?Other brand to suggest?TQ.......
  16. Any one interest to develop a webpage?Try to use PHP.Is easy and stable...
  17. Ahhh random flip1 Tim. 4:10That's a good one.
  18. hey looks good. sorta new age look,good job
  19. another nice smooth finish, nice 1 :shock:
  20. Geezz....It looks like I will be looking for a new webhost alright. Take care, guys. When FHN comes with free again, I will be back then. I will miss you all.
  21. Actually it's very simple... The only thing you have to do is to click the category name But what I want is to have my index always looking like that! :idea:
  22. iGuest


    well..i dont know about u guys..but i love spanish girls..there a$$ are sooo smooth and tight..*BLEEP* are great..i better stop or i might get ban....lol what i am trying to say damn..spanish (dominican, mexician..etc) are hott!!
  23. wow..ur good..my sig that i created a few days ago display below my post..or it should!mine sucks compare to yourz..wow!
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