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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Good looks kinda low-res inside th heart and the things above them
  2. but do Admin agree about this?
  3. Hey you shoud update links (I PM'ed him about this) Or someone Just Lock This Spam
  4. Good very pro looks like if a company made it a little tweaking and thats it and sound
  5. Not That Good what did you make with paint use photoshop colors not good you can do better
  6. Nice Good Job for your first
  7. I like the first the 2nd is kinda good but 3rd beats second and 1st beats 3rd
  8. iGuest


    My cousin..............I mean dogs are better they wont **** you over like cats.
  9. Maybe the ability to change someone else's title should be removed so as to save the hassle of having to deal with the possibility of someone changing eveyone's titles to something obscene.
  10. Please! First do the inactive members delete mod. I'm sure Hazaa would agree to that. :?:
  11. If i know what your talking about...............they will play on the pc/mac but if you try to copy them it acts like its damaged, but if you were smart youd figure out how
  12. YES!!! I like it! As long as I get half the money... ;)If not, :x :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  13. iGuest

    My name

    Watch now that you posted them people gonna get them so you cant.(i would but i'll be good )
  14. I'll try my best to install some mods today(hope I have time to do so)
  15. I got a idea lets try and sell CodeFX (aka God) on ebay see how much we can get
  16. http://www.wkyc.com/galleries/galleries_fury.asp?id=31279 theres the image of the pretzel...i'll get another link to the price, sec.
  17. apparently it was taken off the site, but it was sold on ebay for over 10,000 dollars. Search it on google if you'd like, it's most likely in a paper somewhere. It was on the radio a couple times.
  18. we could check them with xerox-hosting its not hard to figure out how (if ya know cPanel/whm fluently)
  19. yup. I know but the thing is that he already change my tittle twice...Imagine if i waste my FNH$ each time to change it and he could change it back again. i try to talk to this guy but the only thing he is thinking is to create a team I think to be doin this to other members too. This kid is goin nuts. and i need a admin to warn him to stop. after that i could change my tittle back.And please people I thank you for sending me Donation to change my tittle. stop I wont jus change it until this is over.He claims hes the rich rich boy here on Free nuke hosting by donatin to others. Thats nice i kno. But if you want to change my tittle or want to change it to any member here just PLEAESE ASK FIRST.
  20. Don't cross-post. Some mod should delete two of them... (The other two are in suggestions and show off your site)
  21. Not really, image ready, which comes with it can be used to make a website from a graphics.You're really making a template. (Is that what you meant?) Just so no one is confused, you can't put your actual content into ImageReady, as what ImageReady does is it splits an image according to your specifications and makes tables out of them. I believe that if you put text into the template and then generated, the text would become part of a picture. So after you have your template you would then use a web design program to insert the content.
  22. Heart internet offer 2500mb of webspace 10gb data transfer 1000 mail boxes free control panel free domain transfer and tons of other stuff all free so if you need free hosting check them out. the link is below. and this is not spamming its just helping out people who may not beable to afford paid hosting. anyway the link is below https://www.heartinternet.uk/
  23. Ah. I see now. That's handy to do. Here's what you do. Take your 850 FNH$ and set his to something evil. :twisted: I don't know if there is anything you can do, other than changing it back yourself. The shop's designed that way.
  24. thank you mate, i have names fro 11 of my songs now need 5 more names lol.and everyone i was only joking bout the 2000 $ lol
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