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to convert the amount in one cell in words to another cellMS Excel -- Automatic Update Of DataReplying to iGuest download suresh addin and install that addin in your excel . Where ever u need to convert no into word it will convert for ex a1 cell is having 250 u want B1 cell in word (put =rswords(A1)) -reply by NAREN BHARADWAJ
HAZRAT ADAM ALAIHISSALAMAdam was the first man and Prophet of Allah. Quran tells us that Adam was created from dust (Imran, 3:58). He was created and was granted inspiration (Hijr, 1:28). He was created to rule on earth (Baqara, 2:30). Quran says that after creation of Adam, Allah said to the Angels: I am going to place a ruler in the earth. They said: Will Thou place in it such as would make mischief in it and shed blood? And we celebrate Thy Praise and extol Thy Holiness, He said: surely I know what you know not.And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels, and said: tell Me the names of those if you are right.They said: Glory be to Thee. We have no knowledge but that which Thou has taught us. Surely Thou art the knowing, the Wise.Allah said: O Adam, inform them of their names. So when he informed them of their names. Allah said: did 1 not say to you that I know what is unseen in the heavens and the earth? And I know what you manifest and what you hide.And when We said to the angels: be submissive to Adam, they submitted, but Iblis (did not). He refused and was proud, and he was one of the disbelievers.And We said: O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and eat from it a plenteous (food) wherever you wish, and approach not this tree, lest you be of the unjust.Rut the Devil made them slip from it, and caused them to depart from the state in which they were. And We said: go forth, some of you are the enemies of others. And there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time.Then Adam received (revealed) Words from his Lord, and He turned to him (mercifully). Surely He is Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.We said: go forth from this state all. Surely there will come to you a Guidance from Me, then those who follow My Guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.And (as to) those who disbelieve in, and reject Our Messages, they are the companions of the Fire; in it they will abide.Adam lived in this world for about 1000 years. After him his son Shis, and after Shis his son Noah, and after Nosh his son Qalbitan, and after Qalbitan his son Mehla'eel, was the successor, and during the life time of all these the belief in the Unity of God was maintained.After the death of Mehla'eel, however, the Satan succeeded in persuading his son to make an idol of Mehla'eel for "Ziarat" for all who visited his place. The practice of "Ziarat" continued for some time and thereafter the idol-worship started and took the form of religious practice.
People havent been replying to this thread for a very long time but I need help with this too. My situation is slightly more complicated than others. I have known this guy since I was quite young because our parents are friends. At the age of 14 I started to have very strong feelings for him but thought he would never like me. The next year we got quite close at a holiday that we always go on. We started to talk a lot and he asked me out- I was so excited! I could never stop thinking about him, and after having our first, amazing kiss that I still think about, I went overseas for a few weeks and got back to our yearly week away and he wouldn't speak to me because he had met someone. This rollercoaster went up and down over the next few years and we always stayed very good friends. Every time I see him at this holiday I fall madly in love with him again. I met someone almost 3 yrs ago and we broke up, but after my 6 month holiday we got back together and have been together ever since (2.5 years). He is an absolutely beautiful person and he loves me more than the world and I love him so much too. Unfortunately over our relationship I have been back to this holiday where my childhood sweetheart goes too and I have almost broken up with my boyfriend because of my reoccurring feelings for the first boy.He also has a long term girlfriend but he has told me numerous times that he still has feelings for me and wants to be with me. My current relationship with my boyfriend is lovely, we have spoken about marriage and kids and he is positive that we will get married one day. We have travelled together and everything is so easy! However for absolutely no reason recently I started to think about the first guy again. It is strange because the only time I have every really thought about him before is at the holiday place. I also just found out that he broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago- strangely coinciding with when I started to think about him again.Up until recently I really could see myself with my current boyfriend forever, but for whatever reason I've started to doubt it and started to notice more of his flaws, but I know I still love him and I cannot even imagine breaking up with him. This other guy has been at the back of my mind for 5 years now and I don't know what to do. I really want to try with the original guy, however the only way to do that is to break up with my current boyfriend. People keep saying go with your heart or go with your head, but I actually can't choose! I have pined over this for years. I think perhaps I am scared of the risk of breaking up with my current boyfriend and then failing with the original one so ending up alone. I also feel that I am way too young to be in such a situation- im only 21. Please help
Hello my name is Sana and I just want to let you know what you wrote was motivating and inspirational. I am Christian myself I recently had a job but it was foreclosed so it was just a temporary job. I have been having a hard to financially. It's been hard for me and I have been doubting my faith n trust in God. It gets so overwhelming I have been experiencing so much stress. I think about it everyday and I just continuously have these mental breaks downs. After reading what you just wrote made me realize that I shouldn't be stress or sad because everything will work out through the grace of God. I thank him everyday morning for life even when I don't want to be here on earth I still thank him for every meal day and all of his wonderful blessings that he has blessed me with. I will be calling in tomorrow about a employment application and I just ask that you pray for me to get this job or just a job, any job will be find. I just ask that you keep me in your prayers. I thank you for the beautiful message you have shared it was amazing and extremely helpful and again thank you. God will bless you and use you in so many tremendous ways.
Php Unique Hit Counter Count page hits with php.
iGuest replied to maddog39's topic in General Discussion
any idea why my counter is resetting after a couple of days? -
Geez my parents always have to be right. They never listen to what I say (even if they say they do they really don't, they only pretend to listen) and if I try and argue my point they get mad because they think that I'm talking back to them. Then they ground me because they want to keep their 'control' and think me arguing my point is an act of defiance to them. If I don't do well on an assignment they automatically start up an argumentative lecture with me about how I don't love them enough, that I should try harder, how horrible of a person I am. And I'm a straight A student. They can never praise any of their kids. If I get one point off on an assignment they'll say 'What did you miss? You shouldn't have missed that try harder.' They always blame everything on me. They'll start lecturing and they can go on for a straight hour. I'll tell them that I get what they're trying to say and get up to leave; then they'll tell me to sit down cause they're not done talking to me and go off on something totally unrelated. They'll just start to blame me for everything, including their life problems and sometimes how they wish me and my brothers were never born. My mom has a pole up her butt most of the time; she yells at all of us saying how she hates me and my brothers all the time. And if my brother has something missing for homework she'll go off and start beating him up. She can't do that to me anymore because I wont take it and I'll fight back. My brother fought back once so she's more careful around him now. If we try to hold her off to keep her from hitting us (and we're just holding her like in a hug lock to prevent her from using her arms to hit us, not hard at all either) then she'll go completely nuts and start yelling to dad for help that we're trying to kill her or something. What's worse is sometimes my brother will lie about me to my mom to divert her anger from him onto me. We're scared of her cause when she's mad she screams at us and looks like a rabid dog trying to kill us. Afterwards we'll get grounded; they'll take the computer, PS3, phones and everything else away. If we talk back or try and hold her off to defend ourselves we always get grounded cause dad always takes moms side even when he doesn't know anything about what happened. He never listens to what we have to say about anything. Whenever we try to tell him he'll just interrupt us and say 'Nope, nope your grounded.' My parents can't apologize for anything either. Dad will ground us on the slightest thing we do wrong or if we're just annoying to him somehow. He prides himself on being the military dictator around the house. Even when figures out that we didn't do anything wrong later, he still makes us stay in our rooms and wont let us come out. Parents are annoying and get under your skin. They don't have any respect for you as a person. A lot of the things I've read here have been similar to my own experiences too.
i had a intel centrino d processor on my pc and i wanted to replace it with my pentium rIntel Pentium 4 Socket 478 vs. 775I had a intel centrino d processor on my pc and I wanted to replace it with my pentium r mobile process on my laptop as its mobo stopped worked working I donno how many pins it has or what I cant even remove a heat sink as of now , I just wanna know if its worth the pain to remove it and try and check if the centrino r 1.86 ghz processor works in it, I use a asus p5pevm mobo on my desktop and the specs are on the site of support.Asus.Com can someone help me? -reply by sagaer majithia
Hey there is way to bypass megavideo time limit on here: http://megavideo9.com/.. Your welcome
I just got through a MESSY break up n straight after one of my best m8s told me he likes me. I sed let's date first n c how it goes n somehow we ended up In a relationship. The thing is I'm still licking my wounds from the first guy. I made a mistake by jumping too quickly but I really like my current boyfriend. He is really sweet, caring and treats my like a princess. He's also really calm unlike my aggressive ex who threatened to beat my brothers up (c messy break up ).My dilemma is I'm still getting over my ex. Sometimes. In my head I'm like.... He'll change n be less angry n we'll be together. But I know that's not the case because when I talk to him I want to hit my head on the table. He acts like a angry thug and never considers other peoples' feelings!!!!!!So am I on the rebound, because I think of my ex?if so I should break up with my current bf, as he's amazing and only deserves the best. I've never had someone treat me so well consistently. He even calls me his little princess ...So am I on the rebound, n if so what do I do?
nah ... its geting hard to lvl up when ur almoust on 326 lol i got my first reset but now its so hard to get it
I think so :-) PES 06 it very very nice I like play this game ;-)
alright you kb cowboysHow To Change Your Ip Address.... Listen...There is no command that you can enter into a windows home computer that will renew your WAN IP. WAN = WIDE ACCESS NETWORK a.K.A. Your ISP = Internet Service Provider a.K.A "the beginning of your internet"It has been stated already but I keep seeing people post retarded stuff.Modem/Router is the ONLY way.If you continue to believe that ipconfig will be your hero... Shut it already. You don't know what you are talking about. The only irc server you will fool doing that would be one that is hosted within your local network... And if you have that going, you damn well better know more than you do now.The ISP issues IP leases usually based off of MAC addresses. This may not always be true, but your best best bet is to unplug the modem anywhere from 3 minutes to 3 days(maybe months) to release the lease from the ISP servers. You could also injunction before doing so release the lease from the router, or maybe spoofing the router mac address...OR GO MAKE A SHELL ACCOUNT and learn some *nix
Replying to iGuestThe K-5 Video Reversal Tool reverses video clips in one step. Just input your video and click "start". Freeware program.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by Piper
Me tooWeb Server Uplink Speed Is Very SlowI am having this problem as well. My webserver worked fine connected directly to my modem, but now that it's using the Netgear router with port forwarding, it is EXTREMELY slow (I'm talking 15s to download a 300k file from that server using a remote machine). -reply by Somebody
Replying to iGuestGee, I hate to say this but have you checked the monitor cable?
I am a 24 year old guy. I feel people get offended when i look at them. All i want to do is look at people and observe them,i have no bad intentions. But if i look at a person for 2-3 seconds they are looking back at me very angrily.Then i feel guilt that whether i stared at them,thats why they are looking back angrily at me. I have lost self confidence to go to public places like banks,hospitals,etc. Even when i am riding my bike i feel all the people are looking at me only. So have stopped riding bike also unless it is very very important. Recently a lady who stays near my house was coming opposite to me on the road, i just looked at her. From then onwards she refers to me as dog whenever she sees me and she is doing character assasination saying to everyone near my house that i made a stared at her. I feel totally helpless and now a days stay indoor all the time and avoid looking at people even for 1-2 seconds and put my head down while walking and sitting. please kindly tell me what is staring? how many seconds can we look at people before being perceived as rude? how to avoid staring at people but look at them. Is it alright if we look at a womans body instead of her face because i never look at a womans body in public. I always look only at their faces.please help me.......
Replying to FeedBackerHey Selva! You should try changing stuff a bit in the "php.Ini" file in your server. So, do these:-1. Open up 'php.Ini' in notepad or some text editor.2. Find for the term "max_execution time = 60"3. Change it to something of your choice. I.E., it's in seconds. So its 60 seconds (a minute) for your server. You can change it to something say, 120 seconds (2 minutes!) or you could set it to '0' for achieving a 'infinite execution time'.Note:- This will change the maximum script execution time for all the PHP scripts on your server! In case you don't want that, You could give this at the start of your script:-Set_time_limit(0)This will ensure that only that script has got an infinite time to do its job! Not all the scripts you've got! Which means you are no going to eat away your server system resources!Hope that helps!Sidd -reply by Siddharth
why do you say "PLEASE"Using Regedit To Remove VirusesReplying to wutskeWhy the "please" in your answerIs it REALLY important to you that novices should stay away from the registry.So many so-called-experts are fanatical about the registry and its not really a big deal.Worst case scenario, you render your PC unbootable but your files can be recovered and you can reinstall the OS anyway.Best case scenario - you learn lots of cool stuff. -reply by jacko
upload the mdb file to ftp serverHow To Upload A Database Into InternetI want to upload ms access database file (.Mdb file) to ftp server using asp.Net or C#...Thanks and Regards,Raj Gupta-question by Raj Gupta
I totally agree with you.My parents blame for everything,i want to go die in hell rather than living.I'm going mad! :angry:My father is not that bad,my mother is the worst.She tells me not to do this and that and yet she deos it herself.You Know I'm been invited to 7 partys and she doesen't allow me to GO I AM GOING MAD!!!!!!
I am American and I LOVE my country. Talk about busy... I live in New Jersey (the most densely populated state) directly between NYC and PHL. Seriously, I know fast paced life. That said; NJ (even though called the armpit of America) IS the most expensive state to live in and the median income is 2nd highest in the country... AND!! It's still beautiful!!!! Cape May Is beautiful (one of the nicest beaches in America)!!!! I live right near Princeton University too, an let me tell you AMAZING. The only other country I have ever been to is Canada (Vancouver, Banff, etc...) it's nice. It just makes me so mad that people don't look deeper into America, there is SO MUCH TO DISCOVER. just because you went to Cali, Vegas, or NYC it doesn't mean you have seen the best that America has to offer, you haven't even scratched the surface!!! We Have *58* NATIONAL PARKS ALL OF WHICH ARE BREATHTAKING!!!! YELLOWSTONE ISN'T EVEN THE BEST!!! SOME OF THE PARKS ARE BIGGER THAN ENTIRE COUNTRIES!!!! >>>>>>>> Everyone do me a favor and download the fotopedia app of US National Parks. <<<<<<. The photos were taken by a Chinese photographer over a decade!!!! Even people from America don't know how beautiful it is...
Help With Installing Sims 2 previous copy uninstalled for new installation
iGuest replied to brandon10092's topic in Software
Hey , This is just a question.I have the sims 2 and it comes with four disks , but i lost the first one can i still install it with disk 2 or disk 3 or disk 4 . PLEASE HELP ! -
Request A SignatureRequest A SignatureMain Signature Text : Love, LinaColor Scheme: light happy colors (mostly green)Grunge Type: Sleek can do good (but u can do whatever)Animation: noneCharacters/Objects: Hearts, flowers...Etc. (be creative)Thank you so much! -reply by Lina