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Posts posted by Inspiron

  1. Comparing to eyeOS, I think eyeOS look and feel is alot better. It rather resembles nearer to the Mac operating system. On the other hand, YouOS resembles more to the basic Linux interface, pretty featureless still. In terms of workability, YouOS seems to respond better to mouse clicks especially moving a window's position and bringing forward a window that is behind others.I'm having trouble to add/install new applications in YouOS. It simple got stuck there. Nice findout anyway.

  2. It could be the reason that you've installed a wrong driver and hence it crashed. Your video card basically don't regconise the commands given by your computer due to the wrong drivers installed. Try verify which is the correct driver, reformat your computer and install your driver once. Installing it twice may crash so avoid it.

  3. I have a Dell v50 and found out that the TPM chip is in it!

    How do you find out? I though all along this stuffs are hidden from the computer owners, which is us. I've found out my computer is installed with Windows Genuine Advantage too, which I've never install manually. That's probably the first step that Microsoft wants to control our Windows XP computers.

    Here's a similar thread to refer to

  4. Then I'll not get a Vista system. In future, I just hope this TC thing don't get in the way of Apple computing because for the next computer, I'd most likely to hop into Apple as it's not very far behind still. I'd most like use Windows XP as well, and stop all Windows updates. As what I've though of a few years ago, Windows Updates are just nightmares. They update your OS with crap stuffs which you won't know what is it and there goes your privacy. Your freewill and privacy is exchanged for their anti-piracy. So all in all, owners of computers are the ultimate losers while manufacturers wait for money to flow into their accounts like water.

  5. Actually, that is similar to the boot loader for Linux. Apple is using something called the Boot Camp to dual boot between the Mac OS and the Windows OS.

    This is a very smart move from Apple because it indirectly welcome it's competitor's customers to use Apple products. Apple is well know for its sleek and innovative hardware design simply based on translucent white color. Everyone loves the Apple designs of their hardware as they are unique. Now Apple include this dual booting software to allow its users to boot into Windows. Hence it attracts Windows users to buy an Apple computer as it kills two birds: the sleek and unique hardware design and the Windows OS. Apple can win the back some market share as it's computer sales becomes higher. Like me, the next machine I'd be buying would probably be an Apple. I just love it's design and hope to own one. I've went to the Apple Center yesterday to try out the Mac OS. Simply its lovable, sleek and its animations and transitions are so smooth.

    This step from Apple can make nightmares to computer manufacturers like Dell, HP, etc. because Apple computers are alot more unique. Unless they are able to build computer systems that look as unque as theirs or even better, with support of a Mac OS as well as Windows OS.

  6. I believe you can rename and change it to .php extention. It should still work because the content is just a php script regconised by the php engine. If I'm not wrong, you can actually rename and give your php scripts practically any types of extention and include into a real php file. I believe people do this so as any one who edits the script will less likely touch those files as they are usually used by many of the function in the entire program. Hence it is used as a virtually protected php script that is shared among all in the same program.

  7. This will not happen because speakers are built to provide more than enough volume, rather than having a quiet sound. Check if your drivers are updated and correct as this controls your speakers on your operating system. Also, check if you got all the volume levels set to the maximum in the volume control in the Control Panel. For everything else, set them to maximum levels as well because you can then control your eventual volumn physically on your speakers.

  8. This definately not a very good way to lessen or prevent pirates from pirating genuine software. Instead, it's rather a dominance of market and control over what we own, that belongs to us. In terms of software, we own a license to use a geniune Microsoft software but we don't own them. However for hardware, we own them directly. Hence we can dismentle, modify or even destroy a hardware that we own. Having this new system that comes built into Vista systems, the hardware that comes with it will no longer owning them in logical thinking. Everything somehow comes to belong to the creator of the chip in the system, which controls every single element in the computer system. In future, it will render alot of difficulty in upgrading hardware. On the other hand, hardware manufacturers who do not manufacture the chips will also have alot of difficulty as incompatibility issues comes directly. I suppose the chip recognise serial numbers in every hardware. As serial numbers are unique, changing a hardware will seem impossible.Another alternative, which I would most probably be doing, is to stay put in Windows XP, never to further upgrade. Or else, attempt an Apple or a Penguin.

  9. that souns like adware to me try adaware.com for free anti-spyware software.

    It's not an Adware for this case. It's a trojan script that force the modem to dial into services without the user's acknowledgement. It is meant to blow up the infected user's internet or telephone bills since everything is forced by the script and carried out in the background. It's called a Dialer Trojan. Spybot software is also able to detect such scripts. Hence downloading and runing Spybot will most probably solve the issue.

  10. For instance, i have laptop.. 1.7 Ghz Intel Centrino and ram is 512 mb ram.. i have windows xp home edition.. (is this configuration okay ? of course just for test purpose )


    Your computer configuration is perfectly alright. You will, most importantly, need Windows Services to run everything successfully because they depend on it. I've recently tried to install a web server on a Windows 98SE computer and encountered alot of problems. It's because Windows 98SE doesn't have the Windows Service feature. Almost every part of the server don't run well in this old Windows operating system. This feature, as far as I know, comes in Windows XP both Home and Professional editions. I'm sure the future Windows Vista family will be also fully support Apache web server. Hence you need not worry about compatibility.

    Now please tell me next steps..suppose i have a website and i want to host it on my computer.what are the things i have to do.Most important, how i will create Name servers etc...How i will redirect any domain to my hosting.(I mean creating my own , like NS1.domain.com etc , NOT no-ip.com etc )Please im very concious about it .. i Will be very thankful to you if you just tell everything.


    For me, I use similar services like no-ip.com provide. Basically someone on the internet just have to type your computer's IP address as the URL on their browser and it will point to your computer's host directory, which is your document root, or htdocs. You can try that out yourself too. What these services, no-ip.com etc., does is that they take your IP address and change it into a domain name which is easiler to remember and recognise than an IP address. Let's take no-ip.com for example, you sign up an account and register a domain name from them. After that you will be prompt to enter an IP address for redirect. The database at no-ip will be updated about 5 minutes before someone can enter the domain which you've registered. The domain will first point to no-ip.com and no-ip.com will search its database for your IP address and forward the visitor to your computer, which then the visitor will see your web pages in your document root.


    I'm not very familar about NS nameservers working with Apache server as it can be very complicated and require quite an amount of coordination between the servers. Basically the nameservers are elsewhere in the internet which you will register your own domain name, that is not done on your computer locally. The procedures of working around should be much alike to how no-ip.com does. I suggest you use no-ip.com or other DNS services that provide their services for free. Choose among the different services for the domain which you desire as they provide different domain names.


    You may like to refer to these websites regarding nameservers for Apache web server. Take these as reference only. You don't need to change your configurations to suit what these documents require you to do because you already have a working server that is ready to run. I'm sure you won't want to accidently corrupt your own server without knowing what you are doing.




    Here are afew free DNS services to get you started.






    Also visit this thread for more free domain services


  11. 1- How do you do that ?

    It all depends how many ports your motherboard accepts, in IDE or SATA connecting to your hard drives. Take note that the CD-ROM drives, including CD-RW and DVD-ROM drives, will share the total number of IDE inputs that the motherboard will accept. If it's a SATA hard disk, it will be dedicated, one SATA drive to one SATA port on the motherboard. Likewise for both, connect the hard drives to motherboard with its respective cable types. Be sure to set correctly for one master drive and the rest as slaves on their jumpers. Take note of their power required as you may need an additional power supply if your devices use more power than your default power suply unit can provide.


    2- How many hard drives can i put in the array? is it determined by the motherboard?

    Yes. See above. It also depends if your computer case accepts the number of hard drives. Usually it's two. However it still depends if additional slots are provided in your computer case. It's only logical that each slot fits one hard disk. There isn't any where else you can place any extra hard disk safely.


    3- How fast do you recommend the hard drives must be?

    At least a 7200rpm type because it's the basic specification you can find in hard disks. If you have the money, 10 000rpm will be best for a high end computer system.


    4- THeres a relation between the number of hard drives and the amount of ram i need?

    There are slight relation involved between hard drives and the amount of RAM you have in your computer. However still it depends on what applications you are running that is using more than 1 hard disk simultaneously. The RAM provides sufficient memory so that lesser data will be written into the page file on the hard disks to lessen the time taken to process your data. More RAM means more efficiency.


    5- In order to run well what else do i need?

    Since you are looking into a high end 3D computer system, I recommend dual-core processors and GPU (Graphic Processing Unit). Having a water cooling system installed will be best to keep your computer running at high speeds with lower temperature. Give your system a benchmark test to satisfy yourself if you desire.

  12. Apache is the basic software you will need to install to start everything going along to become a web server. After installing Apache, your computer will basically be a HTTP web server, meaning it can then host HTML files live on the internet. If you want server-side scripts, you will need to install an add-on to your Apache web server. PHP will be a good server side scripting which you will need to install. Be sure to read through the documents before installing as you will need to configure the Apache and PHP configuration files for them to work together successfully. Likewise if you need a database to store all your information, you will need MySQL or similar database software. Again, careful installation is also required and SQL database skills are also needed to manage your database well.

    Many people find it tough to install every thing that makes a perfect web server. Hence there are also ready made scripts that installs all needed software together in a single setup. XAMPP is one of them. It installs everything you will need to become a web server without much manual configuration. It's also a better alternative for newbies instead of installing part by part manually. Again, be sure to read it's documents to make an easy task installing and administrating your webserver.

  13. I believe the following sites will help you.. I'm not too sure about Flash but the first 2 sites using an ActionScript to force download a file in flash. The 3rd site should be regarding to detect the Flash version and install if the required version does not exist on the client computer. Likewise, some programming will be involve in Flash.

  14. For me, I'm using free subdomains. Hence I'm required to enter a URL in the subdomain configurations for it to point to. I host 2 websites, hence I entered 2 different URLs to the subdomain configuration. Both actually pointing to the same webhost, but different HTML file. This is another way of working. This way, you can have alot more sites hosted on your same webhost account with individual domains for each of them.

  15. A subdomain service is separated from webhosting. A subdomain points to an URL or an IP address which you will configure upon creating your subdomain. Hence if you don't have a webhost, you basically points to nothing. Your subdomain therefore goes to no sites. It is however perfectly alright to sign up for a subdomain, but it's not logical to have a subdomain that points to nothing. By subscribing to a subdomain without pointing to your own webhost, you will park that domain until you point that to your webhost. However, do read the terms and conditions of your subdomain provider as some of them don't allow domain parking. It is a must to point to a URL as one can signup for multiple URLs that points to nothing, while others cannot use the same domain. Most providers disallow such thing, hence you have to point to a webhost.

  16. Try this echo instead..

    echo "\t";echo "<li><a href='";echo $full_dir . $file;echo "' alt='full-size'><img src='";echo $dir . $file;echo "' alt='";echo $dir . $file;echo "' ><img src='";echo $mid_dir . $file;echo "' alt='mid-size" class='preview' /></a></li> ";echo "\n\r\t";

    Basically I've swapped " to become the first and last instead of using '.
    I believe " has higher priority than ', hence " should comes first.

  17. We all know that Windows XP can now be installed with Windows XP. Now Apple made an offical dual boot program that allows you to boot into Windows XP with ease. It's official with support. However it's still in beta. I guess in future, Windows users may get an Apple computer instead because you can use a Mac OS any time you want. Although I'm not a Mac user, I think I'll consider getting an Apple next. I can learn Mac OS as well, while using Windows XP for my everyday chores.


    Available as a download beginning today, Boot Camp allows users with a Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac, and once installation is complete, users can restart their computer to run either Mac OS X or Windows XP.


  18. For fast p2p transfer, I usually use mIRC's DCC function. I love it because it's simply fast, alot faster than MSN's transfer. I can also resume a download as well. If there's appropriate scripts installed to mIRC, you can even schedule a download there. However the drawback is that it's not encrypted. But I can see it's advantage among all others is the transfer speed. I guess no others can be better.

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