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Posts posted by Inspiron

  1. I've found out this chat script, free, from a friend's web page. It's really cool based on AJAX technology. The chat window simply floats on top of your site and it's draggable and resizeable. I only can say, wow, when I see this real cool service.


    Unfortunately, it still does not have support for Opera browser.


    Xisto.com sample


  2. Notice from KuBi:

    Merged double post. Remember, we have an edit button for a reason!


    That double wasn't make on accident. I made it to show that its a two seperated posts, with the main reason of the different timing and dates when they were posted. The point was to show that the problem still exist from the time when the first post was posted till the second post, and ongoing.


    Right now, I've attempt to visit my root directory link again (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), it showed the same message, same error.


    Actually to be honest, my problem is pretty similar to itssami's. Simply, sometimes only, I hit the refresh button or pressing Ctrl + R to refresh the page, only then my site comes back. Otherwise the first hit to the link usually does not point to anywhere, hence prompting the same error message. Also I'd like to highlight that it works sometimes only. Yesterday was at it's worst. I've asked my friend to visit my site and he reported the same error as me. Many times we tried refreshing the page, and disappointed us eventually. For about 5 minutes, the link was virtually inaccessible.


    what is in your site, anyway? as it is, inspiron.trap17.com is just showing the default welcome page. other than the apparent absense of your own custom index page (or even a simple redirect page to your existing main page), i don't see any problem.


    I've placed my main web page in another sub directory. I did not modify the root directory html as I might want to add another page to my webhosting directory. It's easier for my to administrate my site easily.


    via google, i found your MYWEB main page however. i tried to load it (using dialup), and your site opened without any hitches and under a minute. check out your tagboard, i even added my message there. :lol: by the looks of it, it is not a Xisto-related problem at this point. your other pages from your menu links worked fine as well.


    The point is that its not related to the stuffs on my site. Reason because I could not even load the default html page in my root directory when the problem occurs. We all know that the default html page in the root directory is nothing but just text. Hence loading it will not cost more than 3 seconds on a dail-up connection, needless to say a broadband connection. I'm on a 1500kbps broadband connection by the way, and the default html page when I am just attempting to visit my root dictiory (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) did not load. Isn't that weird to say that the only text html page cannot load with a 1500kbps broadband connection? My friend's report existance doubles up this statement.


    by the looks of it, you are aware on how to check network status of our servers. you even have it on your site, and in your forum signature. i would suggest to check your ISP connection first for "the connection has timed out" errors.


    The reason that I've place that link, and made a dedicated userbar for it, is because I had this problem since that time when I've added them in my signature. Being a member for more than a year, and having 1000 posts, definately I know the rules. I'm not trying to criticise the hosting service, or whatsoever. I'm just trying to verify the problem.


    Probably it's my ISP problem, I'd have to check that out. I'll be glad if Opaque could comment on this.

  3. Do you mean that the computer sound is working fine when it was purchased from the previous owner? If that is the case that you don't receive any sound on your speaker, change to another speaker to test it. It could be that the speaker or earpiece that you are using is faulty, like what Blacklaser commented.Otherwise, make sure that the drivers are installed correctly, matching your sound card hardware. a wrong driver installed will only let Windows know that a physical sound card is present but will not function properly.If you are trying on the earpiece output jack on your CD-ROM, it could be that the direct sound output from the CD-ROM is not properly connected in the motherboard. There should be a direct wire connecting the CD-ROM straight to the sound card, which then will process and output the sound directly to your earpiece through the jack on the CD-ROM.

  4. right if you want to fix a slow startup go to Start>Run>type in msconfig and hit enter>go to startup>deslect Norton antivirus> Norton now wont startup when you boot onto xp and slow down your system

    Thanks. I agree that using the msconfig will be able to select and unselect the programs to automatically run upon boot up of computer. But what is the point of installing an antivirus program if you disable it on startup? With it disabled, it will not do a live or real time scan, hence defeating the purpose of being an antivirus.

  5. If you intent to host this service on your Xisto free web hosting account, be sure that the uploaded contents from your visitors does not violate any of the terms and conditions set by Xisto. MaineFishing45 had posted some of its points. Not following the rules will result in termination of hosting service and banned membership.I'll advice you to provide this service to trusted people only, like your family members or your friends. They will most probably not use alot of bandwidth and space on your hosting account. Also, you can be better assured that they will not violate the terms and conditions. I'd suggest you to provide password protected uploading accounts to enhance security.

  6. The Google Web Accelerator does nothing but simply caching all your visited webpages so it will load from cache if the site is visited again. The cache is stored on your computer, hence loading from it will be alot faster than loading from the original site. It is similar to Opera's way of being the fastest browser. However Opera includes additional pipelines to grab site contents faster than any other browsers.

    However there is a disadvantage. Say if you are visiting a stock exchange website, everytime you visit you will be expecting updates and changes to the site contents. Having this web accelerator running would most probably load the previous visited site from its cache to load fast, hence you will not see the updated information from the orginal page. You will have to do a manual refresh to the page to view the up-to-date contents. At the time, it also updates the cache stored on your system. Every time you visit the page, it may happen again.

    I used to use Google Web Accelerator. My total accelerated Internet loading time was 1.2 days. It saved me a total of 1.2 days loading time for pages. But after reformatting my hard drive, I decided it wasn't required. So now I don't use it.
    Get Firefox and try it out if you like.

    It is not a great requirement for browsers. Since you've reformatted your harddrive, your cache will be cleared off as well, leaving your system as a brand new one. Surfing webpages will be slower than having the web accelerator installed, whether or not using a Firefox browser. It will load as slow on Firefox still. Hence doesn't make any difference using Firefox or not.

  7. There's a similar thread regarding keylogger in visual basic.

    If you are trying to make a hardware based keylogger, refer to this.

    Otherwise, like others stated, you most probably would like to download a ready made keylogger. It's advance and known to work for its purposes.

    You are however adviced not to use a keylogger on a foreign computer, whether or not authorised, as the actions are not lawful. Users of the computer who detects you the existance of the keylogger and realise its placed by you may take legal actions. There are no exceptions if who you are, even if you are Bill Gates.

  8. According to WinTask, msmgs.exe seemed to be a virus.



    Follow the suggestions given in the webpage. You will also like to do a full system scan with an antivirus software and an anti-spyware program. It should be done after you've deleted the process and making sure it will not launch again.


    Note: Do not tell me to use Linux or Mac because Mac is too slow and buggy for heavy Java-applications, and crashes all the time, and Linux can't run the programs I use.


    No worries. This should just require simple troubleshooting. There issn't a need to switch operating system because of a minor issue. Furthermore, switching an operating system is never easy. It's an alien to another.

  9. http://www.googleidol.com/

    Google Idol is not endorsed, affiliated nor owned by Google Inc. All videos provided have been made public by the original content owner via Google Video.

    I knew it. It's definately not something from Google. Basically it's a web portal to let people upload their videos and use the Google Video as a third party service to run their page. Nice idea. Worked pretty well and I'm enjoying some stupid and funny videos. :lol:

  10. Thanks alot people. I've swapped to AVG Antivirus and it loads pretty well. Very fast now in booting time and I can still do my work while making a full system scan. One disadvantage is that AVG does not do auto-detect of virus when a new file is created. Hence every file you download, AVG doesn't scan for you. You will have to do it yourselfI've got Outpost Free firewall as well. It worked good but sometimes crashes for no reasons. It's due to the bad programming code, simply nothing else.

  11. Hi,it seems like the harddrive in my Creative Zen Touch just gave up, it produces constant clicking noises and when trying to format/flash firmware the player displays "harddrive problems" (or similar)

    now, is this thing by any chance a normal notebook harddrive? Could I put it into an old notebook and check or even fix it with some hitachi diagnose tools?

    thx in advance!

    I'm sorry but to tell you that your Creative Zen harddrive has failed to work. This is the time when you will need to call up Creative or go to their support centre to have your MP3 player exchanged. You will need a warranty card if it is still under warranty. Otherwise you may need to pay for the repair.

    If it is still under warranty, I suggest you not to try dismantling the device as this can result in void of warranty. You should be able to do a part or a whole unit exchange without any additional charges. If your warranty has already expired, you may like to try fixing it yourself. Here's a guide on how you can do to change a harddrive.

  12. Ok this is a template re-design request. Hence I believe I've posted in the correct forum and not in the sig or banner request forum. However, if a moderator thinks otherwise, please move it to the correct forum and PM me the actions done because I'll be tracking this topic.


    I've got this template somewhere on the web. Now I would want it to change its look to some glassy effects like what we are seeing on the Vista system. However, redesigned tempate should follow closely to this original template. In short, I'm requesting for a glassy 3D effect version of this template. I've seen that many members here knows how to create glassy effects graphics hence this request should not be a big problem.


    Posted Image

    Original template download: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    To make the request short and simple to understand, I've made the requirements in the form of a list. I'll also follow the similar method of requesting like we use to in the sig request forum. Hopefully this get things understood easily.




    Re-designed web template that follows closely to the orginal design in the given link

    Design should be of glassy effect similar to the Vista glass

    Background should remain black in color

    Designer may include or add additional elements to beautify overall effects

    Additional elements added must follow based on the design theme

    Text should be in glassy effect

    Buttons, including hover buttons, should be in glassy effect

    Hover buttons should be unique to the orginal buttons

    You may use the image resource from the zip package file in the given link

    Graphical Effects (based on sig request form)

    Size: No limit. Based on template layout.

    Theme: IT / Technology themed, follows closely to orginal template design. Design template becomes glassy effect interface.

    Render: Allows designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to base on the theme

    Render Theme: Allows designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to base on the theme

    Color: Designer's preferences and creativity depending on design theme and render. Prefered mostly black glassy effect.


    Based on orginal template image resource:

    (filename) link_1.jpg - "About Myself"

    (filename) link_2.jpg - "Blog"

    (filename) link_3.jpg - "Photo Archive"

    (filename) link_4.jpg - "Community"

    (filename) link_5.jpg - "Feedback"

    Font type and font size goes according to designer's preferences and creativity depending on design theme, render and part color.

    Note: Require 2 images, the orginal and the mouse hover image, both based on glassy effect

    Other effects: Allows designer to use his/her creativity, prefered to base on the theme, prefered to be outstanding or somewhat 3D and mirrored effect. Eye candy icons may also be added.



    Terms and Conditions

    I reserve the right to change or edit any of the requirements stated here

    Continuous modification may be required until an eventual template satisfies me

    Credit points may be awarded for a template that I truely like

    I reserve the right to reject templates

    What happens when your template is accepted

    Upon successful completion of template, and once I've agreed to accept your template, the template shall then be of my property. However designer's name shall remain on the template.

    I reserve the right to edit, modify, or remove any parts of the accepted template without any notice

    After accepting a template, this request shall still remain open for 14 days from the day of acceptance. After 14 days if there isn't anymore templates submitted, credit points will be awarded to the last accepted template designer.

    The number of credit points shall be discussed with the accepted template designer, and shall not exceed 20 credit points

    I shall give a certain number of credits base on the work done on the template. The template designer will then be given a chance to request for higher points, not exceeding the 20 credit points limit, selling the good points and the work he/she has done.

    I shall decide the final credit point to award

    All messaging is to be done using the board private message (PM) system

    I hope you have much fun redesigning this template into a glassy 3D look.

  13. Like others commented, I also agree very much that having Windows 2000 installed as a fresh installation will fix for problem and still have all the Windows features. Your programs, games and network features will remain the same and as easy as or even easier to what you are using right now.Linux can be a good choice of operating system to hop onto. However you must have good knowledge of the Unix system and familiar with the command line interface. It's not going to be easy to use for newbies hopping over from the Windows interface. Compatibility issues will be a great problem in Linux because alot of programs you have now in Windows will most probably not to work. Like xJedix stated, you will need emulation software for Linux to operate your Windows program in it. However in any emulation software, all your programs working on it is emulated. Hence you cannot get 100% workability as it is on Windows originally. Crashes will be occuring frequently, and thus not a surprising issue. However there are programs stated on the emulation software websites that they support very well on some programs. Otherwise you are playing with it on your own risk.Games, which you are playing alot on Windows, will likely not to work on Linux, Hence you will need an emulator. Otherwise you can try games that are built for Linux. Most of them, of my preference, are not as fun as Windows games. Most are pretty boring and meant to provide fun for small kids. However there is one game which is fully supported in Linux that provides real gaming experience is Unreal Tournament. I played it before on a Linux system in school where my lecturer setup for us. He wanted to show us the on a Linux system, you can also play high quality games. It worked very smoothly and I like it very much. You cannot tell its running on a Linux operating system in the game. I believe there are other games which are very fun as well and they don't need an emulator.

  14. I don't think Xbox Live, or any of the Xbox family, requires a wireless router because there isn't any hardware that uses or connects wirelessly as yet. Hence a wired router should be enough to let you connect to the internet live. In future probably there will be devices for the Xbox that requires the wireless feature from the router but not for now.Anyway, even if you plan to buy a router from any brands, chances are that you will be getting a wireless one because the wired routers are slowly phasing out. Wireless routers can do the same what wired routers can with the added feature of being wireless. Hence you need not worry about the issue.

  15. I realised this thread is about 2 years old. Anyway since it is bumped, I shall contribute.You can modify your own wireless cards or even your wireless router to whatever you want it to be. However by modifying, all warranties will be void immediately. Also, you have a very high chance of getting a non-working product as a result unless you are very sure of what you are doing and a professional in it. If you know how to modify it, you can even tune it into FM radios or detect walkie-talkie signals at far ranges.

  16. I recently got a 166mhz kingston 256mb ram from my friend and i have a MSI motherboard with a 266mhz bus.

    So you have a 166MHZ RAM or a 133MHZ RAM that you want to fix onto your motherboard?

    I've tried fixing different and incompatible RAMs on motherboards before on purpose to test what will hapen to the computer. There isn't any to worry because nothing is going to happen. Your data will not be lost, your computer will not explode, neither will your house blackout.

    Hence you can try inserting those rams on your motherboard to see if it works. If it doesn't, your computer will simply not boot up or have consecutive beeping tones. Those beeping tones are a signal from your BIOS stating of hardware incompatibility or that the BIOs don't recognise one or more of your hardware installed. If this occur to you when you inserted the RAMS, simply remove it and replace with the working ones. Your computer will function as normal again without any damages caused.

    If you want to know theoretically, refer to the manual for your motherboard. You said that the manual stated that the motherboard accepts 266MHZ RAMS, hence you can be sure that 266MHZ RAMS will work on your motherboard. Otherwise, you will have to try hands on, trial and error.

  17. You could have installed a wrong driver that is incompatible to Windows XP, hence the operating system is unable to regcognise your hardware when you insert it into your PCMCIA slot on your notebook computer, causing it to restart continuously upon boot up or system halt otherwise. Install an updated and correct driver will solve the issue. Check out from Linksys website for the dedicated driver for your wireless network card. Also, note that there are different versions for the wireless card hardware that you have on the Linksys website as the wireless standards are a little different between Europe and Asians. Hence, you will need to get the correct website. If you do not know how, you can reply this post with your wireless card exact and full model number and the country you bought your wireless card. I can help you to find for the correct link to correct driver version for your wireless network card.If you are sure that it is not the driver that is causing the problem, then it could be that other drivers installed on your system are somehow similar in terms of similar driver source codes. Other drivers on your system, which may be installed for other network hardware, may crash with the driver for your wireless network card when your wireless network card is detected, hence caused the system halt. Ensure that other drivers are also installed correctly and they are not the cause for the problem.If all fails, try using another wireless card on your computer. The current wireless card might be physically damaged. You can borrow your friend's network card, which uses the same G-standard technology, on your system. If you are able to connect successfully with your friend's wireless card, then yours might be having a problem. Likewise, ask your friend to try inserting your wireless card on his/her system. This should verify your wireless card workability.Also, make sure that your firewall is not the cause of the problem. I recently had blue screen of death (BSOD), which I had not encountered before until I've swapped firewall to Outpost Free Firewall from Norton Internet Security. Outpost Free Firewall sometimes produce BSOD and halted my system which left me no choice but to do a cold reboot. This problem was the cause of the improper programming for Outpost Firewall. It was patched in the paid version but not it's free version. I'm using the free version hence I'm still encountering this problem as and when I plugged out my wireless network card. Therefore, you will need to ensure also that it is not the cause from the firewall you have on your system.

  18. I though Web 2.0 is a new internet technology or standard that is going to take place in future until I searched google for it. I realise it's just how the term Web 2.0 came about, having the internet usages being transition from the past to the present. Personal websites have been replaced by blogging and stickiness replaced by syndication. etc.

    This interesting article talks more about Web 2.0 and brings back the history of web pages and ideas we used in the past.

  19. oh.. ok. unfortunately, because i can't find the original copy of our xp, it feels as if our copy is not legit. if i'm not mistaken, we got a new hard disk and my older brother took it to a computer shop, to have it attached and setup on our cpu. i don't know if the hard disk already has xp on it (which i doubt, since it's new). hmm... i guess that would make our xp not legit, right?

    If that is the case, then you are really unfortunate. Without the geniune copy of Windows XP that you are using now, you cannot prove to Microsoft that you are using it. I've not called Microsoft once before. If you do, probably they will only require the genuine serial key code of the Windows XP operating system you were using before reinstalling the motherboard, as a form of evidence or prove.

    Did you meant that your harddisk was brought to the computer shop for exchange or repair? The Windows XP operating system was installed on the new harddisk when it was returned to you? If that is the case, you should check if the copy of Windows XP installed on your harddisk is the same as the copy you had it on the orginal Windows XP disc. Since you said you've lost the disc, the only way to check it out is to ask your brother since he was the one who handle the computer problems then. He should have full details of what happened to the computer when he was troubleshooting it or exchanging or upgrading its parts.

    Currently you have 3 alternatives: Call Microsoft for another geniune serial key, purchase another geniune Windows XP, continue using the current version and accepts all these prompting and problems. Of course there is one more way out, that is to use Linux which you will probably not use.

  20. I'm sorry to hear about you failing some of your school subjects and such problematic operating system. You would have to spend more time on your school work and organse a better time table. Have confidence in yourself and you can do it better the next semester.Regarding about your computer problems, it seems like you do not know the architecture of how Windows XP was built. In order for Microsoft to prevent pirated use of Windows XP, every genuine copies of Windows XP shipped with a new computer is made to connect to Microsoft's website and send every of your hardware details, including unque serial numbers, during the Windows XP installation. By doing this, the Windows XP operating system is tied onto your computer in which only your computer can get to use that operating system using that specific serial key code. Installing your copy of Windows XP on another computer will be void and continuously prompt to enter a valid and geniune Windows XP serial number, like what is happening to you now. This is because on another computer which the same copy of Windows XP installed, does not have the same hardware as your computer has. Hence, this is how they tie each Windows XP to each computer uniquely.The problem comes when the owner decides to change or upgrade hardware parts. As hardware specification changes, Microsoft detects it as using the Windows XP operating system on another computer which is not genuine and unique. Hence, you are prompted all the messages asking you to register a unique version of the operating system. You were also prompted to make a call to the Microsoft service center to verify if your operating system is a legitimate copy.In fact, you are using a geniune copy of Windows XP as you only got all these prompts after reinstalling a new motherboard. I would suggest you to call the number Microsoft provides to verify this issue and demand for a new serial key. You need not worry because you are using a geniune version. Just tell them you've change the motherboard and the reasons for changing it. It will only be fair when Microsoft provide you another serial key without having you to pay an extra cost or purchase a new copy of Windows XP. If that is possible, take down the serial key and keep it in a safe place because this key will be your valid current key as the key stated on your Windows XP booklet or CD will become invalid.

  21. you might want to set your jumpers settings. If two drives are both set to master at the same time might cause a computer to freezes. And like everyone else.. you should try to use a different xp cd.

    Good point regarding the jumper settings. However, Fermy didn't say anything about having more than 1 harddisk present in his computer. Furthermore, even with both drives were set as masters in the jumper settings, he would not be able to install Linux and having the chance to reformat his harddisk 5 times. Simply, his computer might not even boot up and error beeping tones will sound in the BIOS when multiple harddisk drives were set as masters.
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