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Posts posted by Inspiron

  1. Forgot to ask in my previous reply. If you upload your files to the www folder are they mirrored in the public_html folder in the same manner?


    Yes.. Whatever you see in www folder, it's exactly the same as public_html folder. In fact, both folders point to the same directory in the server. Hence your files in there exists only once, not twice. Deleting a file in either folder affects both. Think one of them as a shortcut, it's pretty logical.

    Yeh, and I just spent 3 1/2 hours downloading it on my 56K modem. :angry: My husband was not a happy camper, but I did manage to get it done even though he accidently picked up the phone at one point. As jlhaslip says, some of us are restricted to this archaic method. I am in a rather remote area of northern lower Michigan in the middle of a National Forest. As well as the 56K modem, we are also on a pulse phone system. :angry:


    I use WS_FTP, but this method is way beyond my comprehension anyway. I guess I will have to stick with what I know I can do at this point. Thanks for the input, tho.


    I've used SmartFTP for awhile some time ago. I'm not sure about it's full features. I believe it can resume downloads which is very useful for you on 56k modem. I believe the servers support resuming too. Hence you need not wait for hours just to download one file. Anyway, how did you manage to get it donw on a 56k connection when your husband picked up the phone? I though it suppose to disconnect and you would have to redownload everything again. It's very lucky that you get it done because I'll be very annoyed if it's me. I'll give up..


    You mean like pull the program up twice opening one to one server and the other copy to the second server, then drag and drop files from on copy to the other? Sounds not so complicated if this is how it is done. :D


    It means SmartFTP is able to download your file with multiple connections to the server. It's a common feature among most download managers. In other words, the program made it such that you are downloading similar 5 files form the server and merge all of the 5 parts together at the end of the download. This gives better efficiency and speeds up downloads. Because some servers have a maximum cap of bandwidth per connection, multiple connections will mean it can go beyond the maximum cap the number of times your program can connect. Hence that improves download speed.

  2. Actually I realised this Google Analytics running on alot of websites before this service started for public use. On Xisto forums for example, I've seen the website connecting to the Google Analytics. Likewise for my own webpage as well, which I didn't manually added any related codes to it. I believe the services which I've used on my website connects to it to earn some page hits everytime someone visits my site. I believe the service which does this on my site is Tagboard.com. Over here in Xisto, I believe Opaque manually added it, or it could be that some modules used in this forums connect to it otherwise. I though this service existed quite some time already.Now Google advanced by giving this service to public. We all can manually add codes to monitor statistics of our site. That very great. Before this service, I've been looking through AWStats in cPanel which gives similar statistics.

  3. Galahad had pointed DVI and Composite port which I've missed out. They are too the alternatives. However, they are built on different technologies which suppose to work together in terms of working with multiple monitors simultaneously. Hence you will need to know how they work before plugging them and configuring to work together..

    Here I'm found some help which you will definately like to look into.

  4. It's a general topic of saying new video cards getting awesome. It's obviously true as time goes by, everything becomes better. Not only it works for video cards, it works for everything else, more than just a computer. We will not be surprise that in future, video cards are capable of rendering 3D images in hologram form. Meaning, it can draw images in the air without a surface. It's just like the Star Trek movie, where the screen in projected in mid-air. Who know's if it advances to accept inputs by just touching the air.It's too a general topic.

  5. Like what Joe2Chance said, each monitor is supposed to be connected into one monitor port. Hence for his case, he had more than 1 graphic card, which each graphic card support 1 monitor. Hece he could have multiple monitors running simultaneously.Otherwise, you will have to use the S-video method which I've posted earlier if you got only 1 graphic card, which is usually the case for most people.

  6. Hey that's a very nice tatoo design. It looked great for someone who is still new to photoshop designing. The 3D effect and lightings made it outstanding rather than a normal flat piece with you did on the first one. Also, I love the combination of black, silver with shiny effects for 3D images, hence yours is one of my favorite.However I'm thinking if you would ever put that 3D design on your body as tatoo? That's pretty hard to stay nice on your skin. I'm quite sure the effects on your body will look dull and became like a flat image again. It's not easy to make it stay on your skin with your original design though. Anyway, even if it fails to stay on your skin, keep it up designing. It really looked good on computer screen. :angry:

  7. I don't think it is possible to connect 2 monitors that both uses the standard monitor port. You will need a monitor that supports S-Video input to work on multiple monitors simultaneously because your graphic card only can have 1 monitor plugged in as it cannot accept the other of the same plug.I'm using a Dell notebook now that has an S-video output. Dell provided me with a S-video cable that splits into the typical red, yellow and white video and sound ports which can be connected to a normal television, a monitor that accepts video inputs or even a projector. I've tried connecting to my home television and watched a movie on it. I could have the movie displayed on both my notebook screen and the television simulanteously. In fact, whatever I am doing on my computer did showed up on the television when connected. That is one of the way where people are using to give presentations on projectors as it works the same way.If you don't have a S-video port on your computer, then I don't think it will be possible to use your second monitor. The screenshot that rvalkass gave will work and configure when you have both your monitors connected to your computer. Otherwise the configurations like what the screenshot show will not render the usefulness because it's basically configures nothing.

  8. You claimed that you were able to install Linux on your new customed-made computer, but not Windows (assuming Windows XP). Reformatting your harddisk for more than 5 times was more than enough to show the harddisk is in perfect working condition, together with the installation of Linux. I'm currently expecting that your Windows XP CD might be damaged or contained corrupted files or data because it worked fine for Linux, which was also, assumed, installed from a CD. You can double check and confirm if it's the Windows XP CD fault by placing another bootable CD in the drive while rebooting the computer. You computer should not hang. Hence, if you had bought this new Windows XP software together with your customed-made computer, get back to your computer dealer with your purchase receipt as soon as possible to get a replacement of your CD.Also remember to reformat your computer again to install the new copy of your Windowx XP. This is to prevent any faulty or test data exist on the harddisk.

  9. I think his question is to ask whether if an OEM copy can be installed on another computer. OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer, are not software producers. Rather, they are authorised companies to use the original software to customise and sell them off together with their customised product package, like what you will find in many computer manufacturers. OEM are customisers, in short to say. These companies have to be authorised by original software producers to customise them, hence I believe the idea of having one unique copy on a single computer still persist, even though it's an OEM copy. However, since OEM copies are installed on multiple computers on a single go in the computer manufacturers worksite, you may also do the same to install your OEM copy on another computer. I doubt it can be detected since this method is used by OEM companies in mass production.Anyway, in terms of software, just know the rule that each system runs an unique copy. If you copy a disc and install on a second computer, simply a risk is taken.

  10. Actually I don't think there are any standards for banner sizes. They simply just have to fit your fittings nicely and have to me carefully measured before designing and printing. For example, a banner that supposed to be placed on the large wall of a shopping mall would be first measured for the certain dimension of the wall before constructing the banner. Because wall sizes and dimensions varies in different buildings hence there isn't any real standard sizes to follow. However there are still sizes that are recommended and suggested by many.Likewise if you are talking about banners that supposed to be placed somewhere on your webpage. That will also have to suit and follow your page design and fittings. Everyone's webpage design are of different sizes hence there isn't any standard size for banners as well. Again, banner sizes for webpages are also recommended and suggested by some for its contribution in page loading speed.

  11. It may not sound right to edit someone's work and claim it for himself/herself. However, whether we like it or not, the technology of reverting a compiled flash file back to an editable *.fla file has been proved working, with the example given here. Even if it's wrong to edit someone's work, I think no much people will bother about this but to continue editing the work or extracting data, such as graphics, animations or sounds from the compiled flash file. On the other hand, people can start compiling flash files encrypted or irreversible such that their work can never be exposed.The whole idea about this software, flash to *fla converter, is to expose the original creator's work to this software owner, with itself saying like, "Hey I can expose and reverse your flash file. What can you do about it? Haha.." I believe, since such technology has been developed, security and privacy measures would be implemented like how companies in the software and music industries protect their CD or DVD content.

  12. Linux is definately not equals to Windows. Windows operating systems are getting easier to configure and administrate by the versions. Now you can plug in a flash drive into a USB 2.0 port in Windows and it detects and load the drive for you in My Computer like a breeze. You can never be able to do that in Linux. Alot more, Linux is simply too difficult to configure for a pure Windows user, at least for myself. I guess it's the same for the rest of many people.Just awhile ago, I was installing Windows 98 SE on another computer for office work. It was a new customised computer bought yesterday so I was installing the OS and drivers whatsoever just now. Suddenly Windows 98 became slight alien to me. I cannot get use to the fact that everything in Windows 98 requires a driver, even for a flash disk. It's very annoying because basically there's nothing you can do with a flash disk on Windows 98 because you cannot afford to carry a 1.44 diskette to install a flash disk driver in a Windows 98 machine just to use the flash disk. Also network support wasn't much very well supported as compared to Windows XP, obviously because it's an older version of Windows. But my point is that it appears same for Linux operating system as compared to a Windows 98 or even Windows 95 system, because there's nothing much you can do about it. Everything needs a driver and you have to install them everytime you want to use a new device. It's espescially irritating when you've just reformatted a new computer because everything starts from nothing. What's worst on some Linux distributions are that their support are so little, even if they have dedicated support forums, your questions are either replied days or months later or even never a reply. Hence for me, I'll never again install a Linux OS on my harddisk. At most I'll use a Live CD and play with it for awhile if I've nothing better to do.I agree to rather go for an Apple than a Penguin.

  13. Any type of software firewall should work for FreeBSD OS, provided they are made compatible to it. Look through the website where you got your FreeBSD OS from for suggestions of firewall software which you can use as well as your grandfather.

    You may like to look through a list of security software tools here. Make sure you select those that are compatible to your configurations.

  14. Yeap I agree with what the rest suggested. It all have to suit your preferences because you are running your site. Like us, we have our own preferences and that's why our choices differ. You may like to put a poll or vote script on your site to gather data of what your visitors prefer first then decide. I think that's best if your still don't know how to carry on. Otherwise, having both text-ads and image-ads shouldn't be a big problem as well.

  15. I am like 99% sure it is a harddrive issue. It sounds like the hard drive is about to fail.

    Few questions before I ramble about my theory:1) did you install/update any software/driver before this happened?
    2) when freezes, do you see any sign of hdd light flashing?
    3) how do you restart? (unplugging or press and holding power button for 3-5 seconds)

    I'm on 50 50 agree on both no9t9 and BuffaloHELP. I can't think of any other possible reasons that could cause your problems. Answer BuffaloHELP's questions so we can proceed the troubleshooting further, otherwise if all fails, the harddrive could be failing like what no9t9 said. You case is worst when the problem remains even you tried booting in Safe Mode.

    As for suggestions posted by the rest, I was wondering how would k2wl execute your suggestions if he is not able to boot successfully into Windows desktop? He stated in his first post that he got stuck when the Welcome screen showed. He can't even login properly into his local account into his desktop. Hence suggestions like click START > RUN > whatsoever would not possibly work.

  16. I wasn't disputing that. My point is/was that the browser with the best CSS support that is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW is FF 1.5. So Opera 9 is due soon and it's going to be better; Firefox 2.0 is in alpha development too so who's to say it won't be better again. The argument should only be based on what is currently publicly available.

    Actually Tyssen had make very good points also. Being what is currently publicly available, I guess both browsers stand in good competition between it's own standards. The best way is to get both Opera and Firefox. That should render alot better efficiency in web browsing as we will be sure most things will work on the web with both. I also cannot deny that Opera renders everything perfectly. A good example is Gmail where it wasn't a supported browser some time back. Now Google make it compatible so it's not a big problem using Opera to check Gmail inbox.

  17. For me, if I am you, I'd test the script with 3 browsers which more people commonly will use. Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. If it works on all these browsers as much as what you've programmed to be, you can be sure it will look the same for the rest elsewhere. If you are still worried, I suggest you can upload it up and post the link here. We are all gladly to test and make a screenshot for you. :angry:

  18. Among all, I'd prefer SmartFTP because it is able to autologin to our webhost without keying in your password again. Simply opening SmartFTP and you will land up in your webhost directory and your administration of your own webhost gets started. It's so convenient using SmartFTP as it is also fast and easy. It took me 10 minutes to understand how it basically works.I think it's the best FTP client programs among all the rest. It's free to use actually. That's the best part.

  19. Usually when such computer problems occur, or for most computer problems, there isn't a need to replace your BIOS. For most cases, reformatting of computer will solve the problem. Unless it's a physical hardware problem, a replacement for the particular hardware is then needed. BIOS seldom need to change because hardly it can be affected with a virus. Note that I didn't conclude that all virus will never hurt the BIOS, just that it's unlikely that viruses spread to it..

  20. Oh Spectre thanks. I didn't know that SQL statements accept ' signs. For me to differentiate between the table or column names and the SQL codes, I usually use block letters for SQL codes and follows the same cases for the table and column names as in the database. Now I'm learnt something new too, that I never realised.

  21. Hey I've visited your blog and I think it's okay to put adsense to it since you've got so many visitors. I've visited awhile ago and realised that you update your site every once awhile. I think that's good because it makes your visitors comming back again for more. Your pictures were interesting too. Somehow I will want to read on. I'm sure the rest of your visitors too.As for the placement of the adsense, I don't think it's nice to place after 3-4 posts as I find it irritating as a visitor. I'd rather have it placed on the right column which doesn't interfere with the content and also display a professional interface. Actually I don't really like forums having ads every once or twice of posts. I find that really irritating.Between text-ads and image ads, I'd go for text version because it loads faster. Also it's lesser being identified as a spam on first sight as compared to an image one. However, if it's placed at the right column instead of in between the posts, I'll suggest you to go for both. Get two of them and they should look good on your blog. Make sure it doesn't interferes with the content or your menu on the right column.

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