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Posts posted by Inspiron

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences in Xisto. This is how a user would be if he/she didn't read the terms and conditions properly.

    1) Application form for free hosting account didn't work, it just sent me to post a new topic. So I posted I wanted an account, and had no form, so it was denied. Ended up trying the next morning, same thing happened, no form, so I did what somebody else did, and just copied the info from another post, and filled it in. Application approved.


    In the FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS forum, there's a pinned topic stated clearly that the form is to be used when requesting for a web hosting account. See screenshot below.

    Posted Image

    In that topic, it was further stated that the form is to be used, otherwise would be void.

    Using the link below will ensure that your request for Free Web Hosting will be complete and correctly formatted. As a result, you will be more likely to avoid unnesessary delays in your account activation.

    Xisto Free Web Hosting Request Form


    2) I had over 100 credits, and asked for a 10 credit account, so I wouldn't use extra resources until my site was ready to open for business, as it were. Skipped coming into forum for one day (doing backups, pc maintenance, housework, errands, etc.) and my credits were down to 0.36 days credit. I didn't realize I would lose all my credits I had built up at the time I got my account. Be careful not to run out immediately, lol.


    If you've read all the documents, you will realise that once you request a web hosting account, your total hosting credits gets resetted. I can't find the reference to it. Probably someone else may be able to post the source to this.

  2. Also another problem i encountered.. when i installed server side script like php.. .it doesn't work for some reason. I remember doing it before and it worked. .but after i formated my computer... and reinstalled apache and php ... it doesn't work. The only thing i could access is html files. Any idea how i could fix this?

    You will need to configure php.ini and httpd.conf files for them to inter-operate.
    Refer to this site on how you will need to configure them to make php working on apache web server.

  3. Weird question. Even if there is an exploit discovered, it will be made known and patched extremely fast. Basically there isn't any much you can do to help yourself with those exploits. Just have a good firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs installed should be enough to keep your computer healthy. The main part will be patched by Google itself, hence you will not need to worry.

  4. It's a position in the board awarded by the administrators to help keeping up things well in the forums. One of them that I know of is the Spam Patrol. It was started and founded by MaineFishing45 and BuffaloHELP made it official. The objective of this group of members are to help assist moderators and administrators in searching and reporting spam and other activities going against the rules in the board.However, asking for a title might be going against the rules. The administrators will answer this question in more detail.

  5. W3, also known as World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), is a group that sets the internet standards which internet browsers and web developers will follow. By doing this, it makes sure that whatever you did on your webpage will be viewed properly in browsers which were built based on the standard.Those lines of codes in your post indicates that the webpage was created with reference to the specific standard on the w3c website.

  6. I don't use AIM so I can't help you on it. You can take WindAndWater's advice by switching to another third party IM client.


    As for MSN messenger, I had this problem sometimes. This is what I will do.

    1. Open up Options in MSN. (Tools/Options)

    2. Go to the last option stating "Connection"

    3. In the Connection Troubleshooter, click Start to troubleshoot any possible errors. Over here, MSN will usually self heal its connection settings and you will then once again able to log in without problems. See screenshot.

    Posted Image


    In the time where I took this screenshot, I'm connected to MSN, hence that button is disabled for me. It will be enabled for you when you are not connected to MSN.

  7. Yeah.. That's why you need a benchmark to satisfy yourself what it can do. If course, like many will say, at least a 512MB RAM or even 1GB is recommended for WoW.Anyway, the technician you've spoken to was refering to RAM memory, not your graphics card memory. If you have a 256MB memory on your graphic card, it is considered huge already.

  8. I'd assume you are refering to your site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Firstly, impression does count alot as it sets whether your visitors will come back again. I'd suggest you to shift everything to the center as it will look more unique and organised. Also, try using CSS. The blue colored links doesn't look good on black background. For me, I'll prefer silver text.

    Try using a template if possible as it will look more organise and professional.

  9. The Internet Will End on April 11

    What does this mean? It's April 12 today..

    I can see from that site that there is only a minor change.
    	 <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5..." ...>		  <param name="src" value="sample.mov">	 </object>
    changing to
    	 <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5..." ...>		  <param name="src" value="sample.mov" [b]/[/b]>	 </object>
    The change is by adding the "/" at the end of the param name?
    What I don't understand is why it must be done with Javascript?

  10. First question: Are you still able to visit webpages with other browsers and access the internet?

    Since Trillian is able to connect, I'd assume you can still access the internet. The problem of your latest version of Firefox not connecting to the internet might be due to the proxy settings. Schools usually have proxies which you will have to get onto it to use the internet. If you still remember, or still have the information of the configurations of your previous Firefox version, try changing or editing your proxy settings manually for your current version. See screenshot below.

    Posted Image


    If your Internet Explorer is still able to surf webpages, then you can also take reference from its proxy configuration for your Firefox. In the screenshot, there sin't any proxies set on my computer because I'm using it at home, hence I don't need a proxy. If you have text available on that Address textbox, copy it and paste on your Firefox configuration. Make sure the port number is the same as well. See screenshot below.

    Posted Image


    Your Firefox should be then able to surf webpages again.

  11. Your graphics card is most probably an integrated one. Of course, it is not a high end graphic card hence for every games you play, not only for WoW, you may have to set it to the lowest configurations.

    I am using a Dell notebook for all my use, work and play. I use it to play Warcraft III for hours, and set the graphics to the minimum. Definately I don't get to enjoy the high detail graphics, but I could still enjoy the game without much problems. You may do the same, it's a form of give and take. If you want to play WoW on your computer, you might just have to give up high end graphics, which I think is pretty worth it since you don't have to pay to get another graphic card.

    I suggest you to use a benchmark to test your graphic card performance as well. From there, you can see what's your graphic card's potential of displaying it's highest possible detail.

    Try 3DMark.

  12. i supposeAll Profit will be gain by Microsoft which will be adding advantage over mac which cant be use on normal win box

    I don't think Microsoft profits from this program done by Apple either. Instead, Apple should be the one profitting from it. Apple provides this program free of charge, which hence encourage people to install Windows XP on any Apple computers. These cool and sleek designs of Apple computers can then support both operating systems, which then more people might buy Apple computers in the future, since Windows XP is already supported in them. Definately it's an advantage to Apple because more people would like a unique and sleek design of Apple computers and still use Windows XP in them.

    On the other hand, as the TC (Trusted Computing) chip gets inplemented in normal computers, like those in IBM, Dell, HP etc, even more people may switch to Apple computers as they don't implement such chips, and hopefully they don't. Hence eventually, Apple will be earning most of their income through the hardware computers instead of their MAC operating system. Who knows if they are selling awesome packages and bundles in future, which will definately boost up its market share when Apple gets more customers.

    However all hopes will be in despair if Apple decides to join that Trusted Computing (TC) program.

  13. Millions of people are using microsoft operating systems. If they want to monitor and control mine with other million users let them do. I don't think they are stupid enough to do such things. What will they gain in general. It may have the capacity to take control of our computers but I don't think they will eventually do it. I don't see any good reason for them to do. If you and I are thinking this way, a smart guy like Bill Gates will not do. This is my simple reasoning.
    Longhord screen-shots are awesome, they look beautiful and I hope it performs too.

    That is the point of that chip which they are making. Everything is automated and they don't have to manually control anything remotely. The chip, programmed to do all the stuff, will handle every of your doings on your computer, making sure you don't screw up their system. It is made to destroy all your precious data which were not created with geniune software automatically without them controlling it remotely.

    By having this chip installed on your hardware, whatever you files you've created with that computer will no longer compatible with computers which does not have the chip installed, even it's it's the same operating system, same hardware, same applications installed, except that chip. In future, as companies and individual buy new computers, the older computers, which are what we are using now, will be virtually locked out of the rest of the IT world. No longer we can share files with those computers with that chip installed, not even in a secured local area network.

    This idea should be stopped. It's rather a form of corruption to the IT industry more than saving manufacturers' products. It is a sure lose competition for computer owners and a sure win competition for those companies making and supporting that chip. They make sure you buy new computers, installed with geniune applications and use every single software that is paid for legally.

  14. Even with the possible solutions given by harad, the exact source codes may not be directly exposed. Using a hex-editor to view a exe file simply gives you weird codes which no one can understand and recognise except a computer. Using a disassembler can be possible however it depends on what programing language the exe file was programmed. Unfortunately if it is a .NET application, like VB.NET or J#.NET, you will most likely not be able to get back your source because the .NET engine is made to compile source codes which cannot be reverse engineered. If may still work for old programming languages.

  15. This problem has been affecting me for long. On and off, the server which hosted my hosting account seemed unresponsive. I'm able to ping my own account though. Sometimes I'm able to load my site, and sometimes I unable to. I'm very sure it's not the content of the page that I'm loading because I've tried entering my cpanel, it cannot respond as well. Also, I've tried loading a simple small-sized JPG image to test its response, which sometimes fails as well.


    Once or twice doesn't affect me much but this problem comes pretty frequent now.


    Posted Image


    It's still happening for the past few days. Currently its at it's worst. Even the root directory cannot be connected. I've asked some of my friends to try visiting my site and they gave the same response as me. Will someone look into this matter?


    Notice from KuBi:
    Merged double post. Remember, we have an edit button for a reason!

  16. I've PMed you the link.Like what others said, we need to know where you want your form to go to and what the form should do after submitting the form. The possibilities of what the form can do are to send email messages of the information entered in the form, storing the information from the form into a database, publish the information into a web page, etc. We cannnot proceed further because we don't know what you want to do with the form, hence the Submit button does not function. Until when you've provided us what you want to with the form, the Submit button will perform as what you request.

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