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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Thank you for your explanations everyone.The matter no longer exists now anyway.I have just managed to get my hosting upgraded to the default package.One more question , though, I have looked through the forum, but can't seem to find it, can anyone tell me where I can find the different free hosting packages and their cost (in credits)?Once more, thanks for all the help and advice people have so kindly given me.

  2. I think I am beginning to understand it bit by bit, only:

    Is there no "Select all" possibility in the File Manager?

    How is it possible to overwrite files/folders that already exist?

    Are there any files I do not need to copy (specific for my other hosting company)?

    That last question especially relates to folders such as 'ftp.log', and folders like/.cpanel/, which probably all contains files which have specifically to do with my previous hosting company.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. The easiest way is to to two backups and two uploads.
    Here is how:

    1) for all your HTML files under public_html folder from another hosting, use your backup option in their cPanel. Instead of downloading, you can use their cPanel to FTP directly to Xisto cPanel (assuming their cPanel functions just like Xisto).

    Do I use the 'File Manager ' function for that or something else?
    In the File Manager i can't immediately see a function that would allow you to transfer files.
    And I can't really see any option in the Cpanel which would allow such a transaction.
    (I am probably missing something anyway).

    So, could you let me know which Cpanel function I need to make that happen?


  4. As I said, I had to move my web site away from Xisto temporarily because I had ran out of disk space.Now, when my upgrade is finalised, I would like to ask for a little assistance.The provider I will be moving my site from, back to Xisto also uses Cpanel, and the admin let me know to do a backup and that backup could be simply transferred via FTP to my new provider.The backup includes all my files and MySQL data, in other words, the whole web site.It is in a .tar.gz format.How do I get all this across?Do I 'unzip' the file and then transfer them bit by bit via FTP or is there a different (and maybe quicker and easier) way?All advice will be much appreciated.

  5. While trying to upgrade my hosting account (I got an email I was approved), I encountered the following:When I clicked on the link in my confirmation email, I was taken to the Xisto menu page, where I selected "Upgrade your hosting account".I was then asked to enter my forum username and password, and was then taken to the upgrade page, but almost immediately got the message:"There were problems creating your account! Please Contact Administrator."Then, underneath, it said: "Debug Info", followed by two lines with nothing in between them, and below the two lines it said:"End of Debug info..Please report the above information to Administrator", but obviously, there is nothing to submit as there is no debug info.Can someone help me sort this out and get the upgrade going, please?Thanks in advance.

  6. Here are some great and tasty, but especially quick, pasta recipes:


    Spaghetti Bolognese


    Fry some chopped onion and garlic and a red, green or yellow (or a mix), mushrooms if desired in a tiny bit of butter/olive oil until lightly brown, then add about 500 grammes of mince (pork, beef or a mix of both).

    Let simmer and stir often until the mince is nice and brown.


    Then add a tin of chopped tomato and tomato puree, make sure the mix gets coloured a nice red.

    Let that simmer, while it simmers, boil 1 packet of spaghetti in boiling water, when the spaghetti is tender it should all be ready.

    Drain the spaghetti and put back in the pan.

    Then dish up the spaghetti and pour the sauce over.

    Top with grated cheese (mozarella, parmesan or gruyere) and, if desired give the guests some garlic bread with it.


    Spaghetti with cheese and ham


    You can use spaghetti, pasta twirls, pasta bowls or any pasta you like for this, I like it with spaghetti though.


    Boil the pasta in a pan of boiling water until tender, then put in a sieve to drain.


    Quickly wipe the pasta pan and put it back on the fire with some butter in it.

    melt the butter and add some milk (just a bit at a time) then pour plain flour into the milk, stir carefully against clotting and make sure it does not burn.

    keep adding milk and flour until you have enough to mix with your pasta and until it is as thick or runny as you want it.

    Then add grated cheese to the mix, if it gets too thick, add some more milk, when your mixture has the desired texture add some chopped ham to it and stir.

    Then pour in the pasta you cooked earlier, stir well and let it warm through.

    Ready to eat.

    Serve right away.


    Watch this space, plenty more where that came from.

  7. To all the people in this topic here, I would like to say that I have not regretted once taking up music as a career.I started learning music when I was nine years old (Yes, that is forty years ago now), but even before that age i was always mad about musical instruments and anything related to music.I started out with private lessons on the accordion and when I was older I started learning piano and then made the switch to organ.Obviously, since in my day you only had the option (except for private tuition of course) to study classical music, that was of course pipe organ (church organ).About four years after I graduated things changed and you could then study jazz and popular music in higher education as well, but maybe it was my good fortune that I had to do it the old way, i.e. listening to the great jazz men and copying from them, and going to play with older and much moree experienced musicians and learning from them.Believe me, I have learned a lot that way.And, never forget, they will never turn anyone into a musician at a school desk, with which i do not mean I studied for nothing, no, I learned lots of useful things, but I also learned a lot from real life experience.And I also dislike those 'classical snobs' I came across so often when I was a student, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against classical musicians, i still love classical myself, but I do have a lot against people who go through life with blinkers on, like the ones who claim that only classical music is worth to be called music and anything else is useless, inferior, and good for people who never made it as a real musician.Look at the classical abilities of many jazz musicians and you'll see what I mean. Some of them are brilliant.Anyway, I did all sorts of things, I played in church and sometimes gave organ concerts, and i also wandered all over Europe playing jazz and popular music.I used to have my own jazz trio, jazz quartet and my own dixieland group.Then, about ten years ago, I went into teaching.I have always trained musicians, but now I am in teaching on a more permanent basis.I must admit I do miss the stage.Who knows, if the opportunity arises again, I just might be hitting the road again.So, if any of you ever need any musical advice, do not hesitate to ask.

  8. Well, 9block, you just mentioned a very typical thing there, you say you don't smoke that many cigars, but when you go out drinking you go through a whole pack.I have seen that happen quite often.i know two people who do not smoke that much, a 25 pack of cigarettes lasts them about a week, but when they start lighting one cigarette after the other it is a clear tell tale sign they have had a drink.Me too, although i smoke a lot more than you do, when i have had a drink i go through more ciggies than usual.Funny enough, if you (or anyone) could manage not to smoke a single cigar or cigarette or whatever while out drinking, it would take you much longer to get drunk, or you might not even get drunk at all, even if you drink as much as you normally need in order to get tipsy.Unfortunately, it is also the case that people who have given up smoking often start again when they have had a drink.That obviously happens because in this state they have less control over their thoughts, actions and willpower, and also the mentality of some people, when they know someone has given up either smoking or drinking, they will go on trying to tempt these people by insisting on them having a cigarette or a drink of alcohol (why on earth do they always have to do that?).But unfortunately, people often give in as a result of that, with all the well known consequences.Now, on the subject of giving up, I myself gave up three times, the first time, I stuck it out for about a fortnight, until everyone around me kept begging me to start again, saying "please, go to a pub or a shop, get yourself a packet of cigarettes and light one, because you are impossible to live with" (now I think about it, I really was a pain in the butt, touchy, nasty, grumpy, I argued over nothing....).Anyway, that was the end of my first attempt.Then, six years ago, I decided to give it another go, while trying to use nicotine patches.Believe it or not, I start using the patches, stop the ciggies, guess what, the same night I am in an ambulance having a heart attack. :) The worst thing was that I had to celebrate Christmas in hospital. I must also confess that, the week before that happened i had developed angina.Anyway, after three weeks in hospital, they unclogged my artery with the balloon they blow up in it and put a stent there, and I have never had any chest pain since.On that occasion I managed to stay off the cigarettes for 5 months.You are not going to believe this, but due to personal problems, stress, worry and lots of things to do, the first thing I grabbed for was a packet of cigarettes.Then, about two years after that, i went to counseling sessions, i used nicotine lozenges then, and to be quite honest, I felt like I did not really need them.I managed to stay off the cigarettes for about three months, and once again, with changing jobs and having a very stressful life, and because off the wife nagging (we had the counseling sessions together, and for her it proved a great deal more difficult than it was for me) I started again, believe it or not.Now I am trying to pick a time to give up again (after all, they say "don't give up giving up"), although I do not feel ready for it yet, all of a sudden I will probably have a spell again where I say "why the heck am I doing this?" and give up, it will probably be for good then.I know it causes you a lot of damage and furthermore, you can save a lot of money too with giving up, but it certainly is not easy.And if there are people here who say "What a cheap excuse, starting again due to the reasons you gave", well, think again, it is certainly anything but an excuse, and I hope anyone who effectively wants to give up never has the stress i had to cope with, don't forget, you are already tense when you give up, and if external factors add to that, it is enough to drive anyone back to that little white stick.Anyway, the best of luck to anyone who wants to give it a go to give up.

  9. I have done this kind of job myself for several years, and I loved it.It can be so rewarding when they achieve things, both for them and for you.I used to teach them music, but I had a very mixed group, I had people with Down Syndrome in my group, people who were slightly mentally retarded and autistic to very severely autistic pupils.By the way, they were all adults.The fact that they were a mix of different people, all with their own conditions, did not make my job any easier, and also, there are quite a few different forms of autism, all leading to their own typical disturbances.One thing I did get, though, something which these days you rarely get in mainstream schools (where I worked too) is a great deal of respect from your students.I had to be very patient at times, and sometimes I felt like screaming, but, as I said earlier, when they managed to do new things, it felt so rewarding.The other thing was that those people would have done anything for me, even when they were in other classes, they kept asking for me, or at the beginning of a new term or year, the first thing they asked was if they were having music with me again.Me and them both were devastated when I left the job, which I only did because the college I worked in was really awful and useless, and if it hadn't been for those students I would not have stuck it out as long as I did.Even now, when i see a former colleague, I get to hear they still keep mentioning their music classes and still ask for me.I have invested a great deal of time and energy in those people, but at least I can look back on it and say it was well worth it.

  10. In my humble opinion, I would recommend AVG (http://www.avg.com/de-de/homepage) as one of the top antivirus packages.

    I think so for the following reasons:

    It is completely free

    Every day there are new virus definitions

    You don't have to remember updating or checking for updates, it does it automatically.

    It is a very straightforward and user friendly program.

    It has never changed from free to paid.

    Although there are paid for versions, Grisoft never spam or nag you to upgrade to a paid version.

    They do not even advertise their paid versions (except on their web site of course).

    Contrary to other virus packages, which either give you a certain period for free, or promise you a 'free' version, only to, after a few months of use, get in touch with you to tell you they will not be offering the free version anymore, AVG has been free and remained so in all the years (about 7 years now) I have been using it.

    i have never had a single email from them to try and persuade me to switch to a paid for package.

    And besides, it does the job you use it for very well.

  11. Hi,I was wondering if there has been a mistake when my webspace was set up.I read that Trap 17 offers 150 Mb webspace and 5Gb bandwidth per month.Yet, when I go to my control panel I seem to have only 20 Mb and 512 Mb bandwidth.That is why I temporarily had to move my site away from Xisto as I ran out of webspace (I have filled 52.2 Mb of webspace so far).Could someone clarify this, please?Thanks.

  12. I always restore my real IP and switch the program off when I am finished with it.
    But my PC (or is it Windows?) is not having it.
    I have to reboot or switch the firewall off if I want to FTP.

    Thanks for your help so far.

    I seem to have solved my problem.
    I simply dumped Windows firewall and installed Comodo instead,

    Everything seems to work now.
    Thanks for all the help everyone.

    Oops, had already posted that, that's why I edited.
    please ignore this post, it was unintentional.
    One thing to add though, Comodo Firewall Pro is freeware.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Merged Posts.
    Board Rules
    Please use the Edit feature to avoid double posting.

  13. Thanks,I have now some additional information:It happens after I have used EasyHide IP, a program to hide your real IP address.In Firefox, which I use, you have to go through (localhost) and then switch back to "Direct connection to Internet" after use.In IE, you do not have to change anything, it happens automatically.Yet, the FTP problem exists whether I use Firefox or IE.When I reboot my machine, FTP works again too, but that is until i use EasyHide IP again.Does that ring any bells with anyone?Thanks.

  14. I have a weird problem:since this afternoon, all of a sudden I cannot FTP anymore.I have not changed anything to my setup or system but all of a sudden it happened.It does not work with WS FTP, Dreamweaver, Coffeecup or Filezilla.It always used to work perfectly before.The only thing that helps is turning the Windows firewall off.I have also added Filezilla to the exceptions of Windows firewall, but to no avail.I also tried to add port 21, no luck there.(I wonder if I did it correctly, though, I just went into 'Exceptions->Add port', then added 21, named it FTP and added it as YCP, I also tried with UDP, no luck in either case).I use Win XP SP2, Win firewall enabled, all my FTP clients in passive mode and on port 21.I don't know what happened, this problem started this afternoon, without me making any changes at all and it always worked before.If anyone knows a solution, please help, as I do not trust turning the Firewall off for too long.Any help will be very gratefully appreciated.Thank you very much in advance.

  15. Hi,Has anyone got any idea about where I could find some exercises related to PHP?I have already found some great books which taught me a lot in a short time, same for places on the net, but what I really need is something like (Be it a book or web site): 'We have now covered this topic, now, write a program that does this and that, using the material you have just studied'.What I have seems to lack that, and i think that would be the best help for me, learning by doing things.So, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.Thank you very much in advance.

  16. Sure,
    have a look here: Tai Chi, is it perfect?.
    You might say 'It is not about Chi Quong', but the two are very closely related, as Chi Quong exercises are all part of some Tai Chi style or other.
    You will probably find referrals to books on the site as well, and , while I do not have them at hand, in a next post I will give you a list of excellent books on that matter.
    hope this has been helpful.

  17. Hi folks,
    I am asking for an opinion on my web site at http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/.
    It is a bilingual (Eng/NL) web site, all about Flanders (what or where that is, you will have to find out on the site).
    It is a good opportunity for Flemings who have moved abroad (like me), or foreigners of Flemish origin, who still feel a bond with the land of their ancestors, or even for foreigners who want to get to know Flanders better (as it is quite popular with tourists and well worth a visit).
    It also gives the Flemings at home some useful information and current news, and, to be quite honest, it is Flemish nationalist inclined, so in a way it is there to help my fellow Flemings in their fight for independence.
    It has quite a bit of information on it, among others a page about famous Flemings (this one is constantly under construction and new information is to be added regularly), there is a page "About Flanders", which outlines the country culturally, historically, geographically, ethnologically and politically, this page too, is constantly under construction as some of the information there can be very complicated to gather, needs a lot of research and is the most complicated one to set up (lots of typing and adding of images required).
    It is also an accusation against the Belgian state, for keeping Flanders and its people in slavery for 177 years now, and as the media often show or write reports about actions which could lead to Flemish independence in the way it suits them, or do not mention them altogether, the proper news has to be shown somewhere.
    There is also a Forum, completely bilingual, where people can do their own discussions and polls, and there is a page with sights from flanders, to show the world what a beautiful place it really is. There is also a media page with music, video, presentations and the likes.
    Now, about the critique, the contents might not appeal to everyone here on the forum, or some people might not really understand what it is all about, but I am asking people to have a look at the way the site is constructed, if they think certain things could or should be changed, or if they can offer further advice, of course, people who want to comment on the contents itself are also very welcome to do so.
    It is also a site policy that people who can offer advice, or who think they can contribute to the site, eg. by submitting news articles or anything else, are more than welcome to do so.
    Anything relevant and/or suitable will certainly be considered for publication.
    It is a tough job holding up a day job and keeping up with all the news and improvements (especially since there is a government crisis at the moment and independence looks closer than it has ever been before, so the news does not stand still for a second), but the love for my country and my people makes me feel i owe that to them.

    Please go and have a look, and all help and advice will be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  18. Hi,I was wondering if there is a possibility in the PHP Date function to let it display the date in other languages (probably not, but I thought I'd ask).I know that 'D' gives you 'Sun', 'Mon', etc. and 'l' gives you 'Sunday', 'Monday', etc.Is there any provision for letting it display something like eg. 'Zon', 'Maa', etc., or 'Zondag', 'Maandag' etc. ?It would be handy for people (like me) who have a multilingual web site.Thanks in advance.

  19. Thanks,but I keep getting errors all over the place.
    Ultimately, the code for confirm.php changed to this:

    <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Vlaanderen-Flanders</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><?php$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","*************");if (!$con)  {  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());  }$Voornaam = trim(addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['First'])));$Naam	 = trim(addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['Name'])));$Stad	 = trim(addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['Town'])));$Land	 = trim(addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['Country'])));$Epost	= trim(addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['Email'])));mysql_select_db("tester", $con);mysql_query("INSERT INTO newsletter VALUES ('','$First','$Name','$Town','$Country','$Email','')") or die(mysql_error());$result = mysql_query("Select id from newsletter where Email=('$Email)");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){$confirm_id = $row['id'];}mysql_close($con);$email_address_to = "$Email";$site = "http://vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk;;$subject = "Thanks";$message_contents = "Hello, $First, thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.\n Click the link below to confirm your subscription.\n http://localhost/home/confirm.php?confirm_id='$confirm_id' \n Kind regards,\n The webmaster.\n $site\n";$header = "From: webbie@vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk\r\n";$header .= "Reply-To: webbie@vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk\r\n";$header .= "webbie@vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk\r\n";mail($email_address_to,$subject,$message_contents,$header);?><div align="center"><img src="Pics/Vlaamse Leeuw.jpg" width="114" height="127" alt="" border="0" align=""></div><p align="center"><b>Thank you, you are now subscribed.</b></p><br><p align="center"><a href="index.htm"><img src="Pics/begin.gif" width="95" height="30" border="0"></a></p></BODY></HTML>

    I had to change in a few places where you did things like
    $result = mysql_query("Select id from newsletter where email =". $Email);
    as i got parse errors and all that.
    I think I am losing site of the trees through the woods with all the single and double quotes and parentheses and curly brackets and that.
    The last errors I got were those:

    Notice: Undefined variable: Email in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 16

    Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 18

    Notice: Undefined variable: First in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 22

    Notice: Undefined variable: confirm_id in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 22

    Notice: Undefined variable: site in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 22

    Notice: Undefined variable: confirm_id in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 24

    Notice: Undefined variable: id in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\confirm.php on line 24
    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=''' at line 1

    I am getting more and more confused now.
    Please try to give me further help.

    Thanks in advance.
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