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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. Hi,
    does anyone know if it is possible to make a control panel of an embedded object transparant, and if so, could you let me know how it is done?

    I put a piece of music on my web site earlier, with a control panel to adjust the volume, start/stop etc.
    The problem is, I have also put a Christmassy background on the site and the white area around the control panel makes it look somewhat untidy.
    Here is the code I used for the embedding:

    <div align="center"><embed src="Music/Stille Nacht.mp3" width=150 height=115 autostart=true align="center" loop="true"></div>
    If anyone knows a solution to my problem I would be extremely grateful.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi,hope I am putting this in the right topic, I chose it as it seems to have something to do with a Windows XP bug.I use Win XP SP2, and lately I have been having the following problem:Quite often after booting up, my "Start" button is stuck when I click on it with the mouse.It does work when I use the Windows button, though.The solution then is to do CTRL-ALT-DELETE, and in the Task manager I have to end the explorer process, and then restart explorer from the Task manager.However, when I do that, many of my icons are missing in the System tray.Also, when the machine boots up, not all my icons are there.The icon problem seems to be a known Win XP bug, and several solutions are offered, such as disabling UPnP, or downloading a Taskbar Managing program from Kelly's Korner, or logging off and logging on again.Anyway, the start button and icon problems seem to be related.I have tried a number of solutions: a while ago the UPnP disabling did the job, but that does not seem to be working anymore, I also downloaded the program from Kelly's korner, and that brings some of the icons back, but that's it.The only solution which really works at the moment is logging off and then logging on again. (I mean logging on and off Windows, just to clarify), but I don't want to do that all the time, of course.Is there anyone who knows a long term or permanent solution for this problem?I also have Ashampoo Powerup XP Platinum 2, is there a setting in there that might cure the problem, maybe?I really hope someone could offer me a working and lasting solution.Thanks in advance.

  3. I was wondering if something has changed in the MySQL or PHPMyAdmin section of Trap 17.(Hope I am explaining this correctly).I run a newsletter system on my website and the details of the people who subscribed are in a MySQL database.To get those data from the database and to send the newsletter to all subscribers I use a program called "Qios Pelican".Up to now it always worked perfectly, but now it cannot seem to retrieve data anymore, yet I have not changed anything to my setup.I use the MySQL OLEDB Provider driver to connect, and in case it helps, here are the details of my connection string:Provider=MySqlProv.3.9;Data Source=mrdee_reloader;Integrated Security="";Password=*****;User ID=mrdee_mrdee;Location=;Extended Properties=""However, when I try to test my connection using that driver I now get "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Unspecified error".This never happened before, as I said, the program always worked perfectly.Is it possible that anything has been changed the Trap 17 end?Thanks in advance.Update 14/12/2007I think I can consider this topic as resolved now.I changed my ISP yesterday and forgot to put my new IP address in the list of IP addresses which have access to the MySQL databases.

  4. I do Shotokan Karate.At the moment I am a 2nd Kyu (which is a brown belt with white stripe, 2 away from black).It looks like someone up there wants to stop me from going further as I had to skip two grading exams now, the last one in September as I had an operation on my nose, I managed to be back on the scene just in time to take part in a championship, unfortunately then I ended up with a knee injury.The doctor said he was considering giving me an injection on the day of the grading so I would be able to take part after all, but in the end he decided against it and told me not to do any karate for the end of the year, which means i once again saw my brown belt with red stripe go past me.I think it is enough to make anyone cringe.

  5. Hello,I was wondering if someone could point me into the right direction.I am using Adobe Acrobat 8.1 and have (with varying success) tried to use the Livecycle form designer.As most people probably know, Adobe makes brilliant programs, but they are very difficult and user unfriendly to use, while the help files and Knowledge Base and online support look like they have been written in Chinese.Anyway, designing a form is very straightforward, but getting it to work to send the contents by email or put them into a database is quite another matter.I made two forms once and put them online, on one occasion I got an emailed reply, but when I tried it myself, it just would not work.It probably would take far too long to explain all the issues I have come across in this post, so, does anyone know of a place that can help out with Adobe software where the contents are written in human language, i.e. comprehensive and as much plain English as possible.Thanks in advance.

  6. Well, yes, sorry about the confusion.

    It is Javascript of course.

    The tags say

    <script language="JavaScript">



    Just to see if it would help, or ring any bells, here is the code for the entire page (a whole, but short quiz with 5 questions):





    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="SolidSoftware's KwizMaker v1.0 ?2002">

    <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="">

    <script language="JavaScript" src="clock.js">






    <script language="JavaScript">


    document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false");



    function login(){

    document.location = "http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/;; }



    var ans = new Array;

    var yourtry = new Array;

    var thisscore = 0;

    var x;

    var secsAllowed=15;

    var count=5;

    var choice=3;

    var username;

    var email;










    for (x=1;x<=count;x++) yourtry[x]="";



    function storetry(question, answer){

    yourtry[question] = answer;




    function getscore(){

    var y;

    thisscore = 0;

    setCookie('save', 'false', 365);

    for (y=1;y<=count;y++)


    if (yourtry[y] =="")


    alert("Please answer ALL questions");



    else if (yourtry[y] == ans[y]) thisscore++;


    alert("Your Score is: " + Math.round(thisscore/count*100)+"%");

    document.quizform.score.value = Math.round(thisscore/count*100)+"%";

    document.quizform.name.value = username;

    document.quizform.email.value = email;

    document.quizform.lapsed.value = lapsedtimestr;

    if (thisscore<count)showerrors();





    function showerrors(){

    var h;

    var v =145+((count-thisscore)*20);

    h = "top=0,left=0,width=180,";

    h = h + "height=" + v;

    h = h + ",scrollbars=1";

    var i;

    var newwin;

    newwin = window.open("", "", h);

    newwin.document.write("<FONT size=4><B>Your Error(s)...</B><BR><BR>");

    for(i = 1; i<= count;i++){

    if (yourtry != ans){

    newwin.document.write("\nQuestion: " + i);




    newwin.document.write("<BR><B>Have another try...</B><BR><BR></FONT>");

    newwin.document.write('<BUTTON onclick="window.close()">Close</BUTTON>');




    function refresh(){






    function getCookie(NameOfCookie)

    { if (document.cookie.length > 0)

    { begin = document.cookie.indexOf(NameOfCookie+"=");

    if (begin != -1)

    { begin += NameOfCookie.length+1;

    end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);

    if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;

    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(begin, end)); }


    return null;




    function savequiz(){



    setCookie('save', 'true', 365);

    for (x=1; x<=count;x++) setCookie('q'+x, yourtry[x], 365);




    function setCookie(NameOfCookie, value, expiredays){

    var ExpireDate = new Date ();

    ExpireDate.setTime(ExpireDate.getTime() + (expiredays * 24 * 3600 * 1000));

    document.cookie = NameOfCookie + "=" + escape(value) +

    ((expiredays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + ExpireDate.toGMTString());




    function docookies(){

    var con;



    if (username==null) {

    alert('Please log in');

    window.location = "http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/;;


    else {

    document.quizform.name.value = username;

    if ((getCookie('QuizID') == document.quizform.ID.value) && (getCookie('save')== 'true') && (getCookie('quizuser') == document.quizform.name.value))


    con = confirm('Saved quiz found. OK to continue, Cancel to restart.');

    if (con) getsave();






    function getsave() {

    var c;

    var found = false;

    var y = 0;

    var ch = 0;

    for(x=1; x<=count;x++) {

    found = false;

    c = getCookie('q'+x);

    yourtry[x] = c;

    while(found ==false){

    if ((document.quizform.elements[y].value == c) && (document.quizform.elements[y].type == "radio"))


    document.quizform.elements[y].checked = true;

    found = true;





    y = y + choice-ch;









    <BODY onload="docookies();startclock(); checkLocation()" onUnload="refresh()" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#FFFFFF" BGPROPERTIES="fixed" >



    <DIV ID="object1"

    STYLE="position:relative; visibility:show;

    left:85%; top:0px; z-index:2">


    <TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" ><img src="0fdg.gif" name=min ><img src="0fdg.gif" name=minu><img src="cfdg.gif" name=gap ><img src="0fdg.gif" name=sec ><img src="0fdg.gif" name=secu ></TD></TR>






    <FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE="6" COLOR="#000000">






    <FORM NAME=quizform method="POST" action="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; onSubmit="return getscore()">

    <P align="LEFT">

    <FONT FACE="serif" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    <B> Question 1: Wie was eerste minister in 1978?</B><BR><BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    a: <input type=radio value=A name=q1 onclick="storetry(1, this.value)">Wilfried Martens<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    b: <input type=radio value=B name=q1 onclick="storetry(1, this.value)">Hugo Schiltz<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    c: <input type=radio value=C name=q1 onclick="storetry(1, this.value)">Leo Tindemans<BR>


    <BR><BR><HR width="50%"><BR>


    <P align="LEFT">

    <FONT FACE="serif" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    <B> Question 2: Wat is de echte naam van 'Madame Non'?</B><BR><BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    a: <input type=radio value=A name=q2 onclick="storetry(2, this.value)">Noella Millequet<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    b: <input type=radio value=B name=q2 onclick="storetry(2, this.value)">Joelle Milliquet<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    c: <input type=radio value=C name=q2 onclick="storetry(2, this.value)">Joelle Milquet<BR>


    <BR><BR><HR width="50%"><BR>


    <P align="LEFT">

    <FONT FACE="serif" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    <B> Question 3: Wie is de onlangs mislukte formateur?</B><BR><BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    a: <input type=radio value=A name=q3 onclick="storetry(3, this.value)">Didier Reynders<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    b: <input type=radio value=B name=q3 onclick="storetry(3, this.value)">Yves Leterme<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    c: <input type=radio value=C name=q3 onclick="storetry(3, this.value)">Olivier Maingain<BR>


    <BR><BR><HR width="50%"><BR>


    <P align="LEFT">

    <FONT FACE="serif" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    <B> Question 4: Wanneer was de Guldensporenslag?</B><BR><BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    a: <input type=radio value=A name=q4 onclick="storetry(4, this.value)">11/8/1300<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    b: <input type=radio value=B name=q4 onclick="storetry(4, this.value)">11/7/1305<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    c: <input type=radio value=C name=q4 onclick="storetry(4, this.value)">11/7/1302<BR>


    <BR><BR><HR width="50%"><BR>


    <P align="LEFT">

    <FONT FACE="serif" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    <B> Question 5: Wanneer werd de Gentse universiteit vervlaamst?</B><BR><BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    a: <input type=radio value=A name=q5 onclick="storetry(5, this.value)">1900<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    b: <input type=radio value=B name=q5 onclick="storetry(5, this.value)">1940<BR>


    <FONT FACE="monospace" SIZE="3" COLOR="#FFFFFF">


    c: <input type=radio value=C name=q5 onclick="storetry(5, this.value)">1930<BR>






    <FONT size=+1>If you are not  

    <A NAME="stayput"></A>

    <input type=text size=30 value="" name="name">   please click <A HREF="#stayput" onClick="login()">here</A>.<BR><BR></Font>

    <FONT size=+1>Your Score:   <font>

    <input type=hidden name="email" value="">

    <input type=hidden name="URL" value="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

    <input type=hidden name=ID value=Nr.1>

    <input type=hidden name="lapsed" value="">

    <input type=text size=5 value="N/A" name=score><BR><BR>

    <input type=submit value="Check Score" >  

    <input type=reset value=Clear All onClick="refresh()">  

    <input type=button value=" Close This Window " onclick="self.close()">





    Hope that helps.

  7. I found a nice program which allows you to put quizzes on your web site.You can design your own questions, set the layout of your page, and there is also a possibility of having the results emailed to you.It further offers a facility to store the results and all that, all you have to do is put a link in the program, telling it which page takes care of that.However, when I look at the HTML code the program generates, I see that most of it is written in Javascript.Obviously, it also uses variable names, but as I don't know any Java, I was wondering if those variables are exchangeable with PHP, in order to let it store the name of the quizzer and his/her results in a MySQL database, or whether Javascript can address the issue directly.If this question is not clear enough or if people require more information in order to answer the question, I can always post the HTML code of the page here.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Edit title to add javascript

  8. I was wondering if anyone here knows something about Windows updates.I use Win XP SP2 and have done a repair install of Windows.I now notice that my updates do not work properly anymore.I have Automatic Updates turned on, but now, I see the yellow icon in my taskbar which tells me updates are ready to be downloaded.When I double click on the icon and allow the install, everything still works as normal, except, after only half a minute or so, i get the message: "The following updates could not be installed:", showing me a whole bunch of updates.After that, the yellow icon keeps popping back, only to give me the same result every time.Microsoft's web site is not very helpful in the matter either.Also, another thing, eventhough I am not doing anything, my cursor keeps flashing from arrow to arrow and hourglass and back, telling me something goes on in the background.I think my whole OS has become unstable, and I don't want to format really.Does anyone know how I can restore proper updating again, as I am quite desperate.Thanks in advance.

  9. Hi truefusion,yes, there is indeed Java embedded in the HTML.The form uses an .swf, a PHP, a HTML, an XML and a .js file.No onload attribute there, though.Like I said, everything works, but I am not sure whether that message in the status bar is OK or not.On the odd occasion it does stop and shows "Done" in the status bar, but that is only sporadically.

  10. I made a form with Coffeecup Form builder and embedded it in a HTML file.I have now uploaded all the files to the server (in a separate folder).The page works, all functions work OK, but when the page is fully loaded, in the status bar it keeps saying: "Read http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that normal? Or is there a fault somewhere?Do I have to do something about this?Thanks.

  11. It did indeed make a difference, BuffaloHELP.Thanks.By the way, the first thing I do whenever I run Spybot S&D is "Check for new updates", so that I am sure I have the latest threat definitions.But, as I said, after the run in Safe Mode (which I think I will do every time I run S&D from now on), I got the message that "No immediate threats were found".Thanks again for the advice.

  12. It looks like my PC has something against HTML editors.I use Coffeecup HTML Editor 2007 and I also have Dreamweaver CS.In both cases, when I am editing web pages, whenever I switch from one task to another, eg. after editing do a save, or do a preview or whatever, both programs (Coffeecup even to a bigger extend) stop responding for a good while, quite often 45 secs.- 1 min minimum.You can imagine how much time that wastes during editing, not to mention the frustration it causes.My PC has a P4 dual core 2.8 Ghz, 1 Gb RAM, 250 Gb HDD, Win Xp SP2, the HDD is regularly defragged.I also posted on the Coffeecup forum , they asked me if I had installed a new firewall or antivirus software.I have installed a new firewall, but the problem started long before that.They also advised me to uninstall and then re-install the program, I did, and the problem stopped for a few minutes, only to come back worse than ever.The funny thing is, that problem only seems to happen with HTML editing software, coincidence or what?If any one has (had) a similar problem or knows a solution, please let me know.Thanks in advance.

  13. I have often wondered how you can deal with spyware effectively.As a matter of fact, I seem to find spyware more dangerous than viruses.The thing is, I use Spybot search and destroy, gets great write ups everywhere, everyone considers it the best free antispyware program under the sun, however....When i run it, I always get a whole list of threats, and I obviously delete them, after which SpS&D tells me all infections have been cleaned, but my PC still shows the symptoms of being infested (running sluggishly etc.).When I run the program again 2 minutes later, it shows exactly the same infections.The question is: how DO you get rid of spyware once and for all?I have already combined Sp S&D with all sorts (Lavasoft, System mechanic, Windows defender etc.), but when you clean with one program and run another one, that other one is still going to tell you you are full of infection.What can be done to really get rid of spyware or to reduce it to a minimum anyway?Thanks for any advice.

  14. I'm afraid the opening post of this topic looks suspiciously much like spam.When I see the nature of the site the poster is sending us to.... very wel known.And as soon as you surf to the site, it immediately invites you to reveak your details and before you know it, your mailbox overflows.Stay clear of those siyes.On the other hand, people should also have more sense than to post such ........ here.

  15. Thanks for the help and support.
    My site is up and running now.
    (On Xisto of course).
    It can be found at this location.
    Even the domain name propagation only took about 1 hour.
    Feel free to visit, and leave a message in the guest book or register for the newsletter and/or forum.
    Should you wish to comment on my site or add some advice or suggestions, please feel free to do so.

    thanks again for all the help and advice.

  16. I do agree with Anwiii on some points.The best thing i could advise you is, if you can, go and watch one of the classes of some of or all of those different styles, and if you can, have a chat with the senseis/sifus.This will give you a much clearer picture of what seems to be for you.You will at least be able to assess what kind of moves, attacks, blocks and defenses are used, you will be able to see the amount of strength, effort and energy is required, as well as seeing what results every style yields.Or you could even ask (or it might be on the leaflet you were given), some schools let people have a or some free sessions so that they can see and experience for themselves what things are like.By the way, not all things in your list are karate, like you say in your title and your post.From what I can see, Ishinryu and Wado Ryu are two styles of karate, the others are kung fu or Chinese boxing.Obviously, you also have to take other things into consideration, like, how must do the classes cost, how many times a week do they train, is it on days/times suitable to you etc.This is a problem for many people wanting to take up a martial art.For example, I do Shotokan Karate at the moment, but I used to do Wudang Tai Chi and I would love to take up Muay Thai (kickboxing), the only problem is, either there aren't any clubs near enough to me, or clubs that have their sessions on times which suit me, or, and that is often the main factor, some of them charge you an arm and a leg for their sessions (and have you ever tried doing a martial art with only one arm and one leg? :) )But, yes, the best thing is to do some research, and that will reveal a lot.Which brings to me the following unpleasant thought:I have just come back from the doctor's, i had to stop my training Sunday evening due to an excruciating pain in my knee.I have to go to hospital later to have an X-Ray done, the doctor thinks there is something loose inside my knee, either a piece of tissue or a piece of cartilage that has broken off.The worst thing is, on Sunday 9/12 I have my grading exam for my brown belt with red stripe, which is the one just before black.The doctor has said, if the worst comes to the worst, he'll give me an injection so I would still be able to do the exam, but I can't afford to miss any training sessions at the moment, being so close to the exam.He has also prescribed me some anti inflammatory pills, hopefully that can clear up a lot of the rubbish in a short time, but I am quite worried about having to miss the practice sessions leading up to the exam.I know tonight's session will definitely be a no no, hopefully I can stand on both legs by Sunday.Anyway, hope my advice has helped.Good luck and have fun.Banzai!!!

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