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Posts posted by mrdee

  1. I use a nice program (which I helped to beta test) called 'Simfatic Forms' to generate forms on web pages.

    The only problem is that it does not (yet) support MySQL databases, it saves the form data as a .CSV file.


    Now I was wondering if you can do the same with a .CSV file as you do with a MySQL databse, ie. displaying the data in that file on a web page which adjusts automatically as data are added to the file.


    To clarify: eg. if I make a form to sign a petition online, the data are saved to a .CSV file every time someone fills in the form, is it now possible, using HTML or PHP, to put the people who signed the petition on a web page, without me having to update the page manually every time someone signs the petition?


    Would it also be possible to only display some of the data instead of all of them? Eg. when people sign the petition they will be asked for their name, City and email address, but for protection of their privacy I would only display their name and city on the result page.


    Is there a way to achieve all of the above and, if so, how should it be done?


    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. I have the New incredimail and it is not connecting with my yahoo account!



    I would like to know why! I have tried re downloading the software and that didn't work and then I tried being online and attempting to loggon so that I could send my incredimail although nothing seems to be working! Need Help! Thanks


    Leann aka Miaha~


    -reply by Leann

    The answer to that is very simple:

    not one email client will let you connect to your Yahoo! account as it is really a webmail service, and to be able to receive your email in a POP3 email client you normally have to pay.


    I say, normally, as there is a way around this.

    Just download and install YPOPs! (Although, I seem to notice from your avatar that you use a Mac, the last time I checked, there was not really a satisfactory version of YPOPs! for Macs).

    You can download it here, and the homepage, where you can find further information about the different version and the forum and support pages is here.


    By the way, before I forget, YPOPs! is totally free, it also works with ANY email client, all the instructions for setting up various email clients are on the homepage.

    Go check it out and see if you get any joy.

    Good luck and have fun.

  3. well taekwondo!
    easiest to be! coz u have to learn almost nothing in it

    Are you quite sure about this?
    How can you become proficient at a martial art if that is the case?
    In any martial art you have to learn basics (and as our sensei always claims (and I must agree with him) "If your basics are not good, your karate is not good", and while this is about karate and not Tae Kwon Do, there is definitely an analogy), punches, kicks, blocks, stances, attacking and defense techniques, kata and more.

    Now, although I have never done Tae Kwon Do, I cannot imagine anyone getting by, be it in the dojo or on the street, with hardly any techniques learned and without practicing the studied techniques thoroughly so they can be executed to the most effective level.
    When I see (taking the example of Tae Kwon Do) the variety of techniques they execute I would hardly see them as people who have "almost learned nothing".
    We do live in a real world, not in a fictional Mr. Myagi world, where the students are taught the whole concept of a martial art on the principles of washing a car (wax on, wax off), painting a fence (up, down, side to side), sanding a floor (big circle, small circle) and all those things.
    (Although it is a nice thing to see how Mr. Myagi bases all the techniques on everyday moves).

  4. Hi, when running a PHP script I keep getting the error:

    Notice: Undefined variable: bret in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\poll.php on line 294
    Notice: Undefined variable: bret in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\home\poll.php on line 294

    (And, yes, I get it twice).

    The code related to the variable is as follows:
    function LogString($string,$type)	{		$t_log = "\n";		$t_log .= $this->globaldata->server_vars['REMOTE_ADDR']."|";				$t_log .= date("Y-m-d h:i:s A|");		$t_log .= "$type| ";		$string = str_replace("\n","\\n",$string);				$t_log .= $string;		if($this->is_enabled)		{			$bret = $this->writeToFile($t_log);		}		$this->whole_log .= $t_log;		return $bret;	}

    I must stress that I did not write this code myself, but a program called 'Simfatic Forms' which I am Beta testing.

    Can anyone spot where the mistake might be?
    Thanks for any help I might get.

  5. I would like to appeal to people who have a working understanding of Adobe Acrobat 8.Adobe has great software, though it is all very difficult to use and not the most user friendly stuff around.The help files are not exactly helpful neither.What I would like to know is:When I use Acrobat 8 to create a PDF file, either using a web site as source or a HTML document that resides on my hard drive, I always have the problem that, in case of a web site as source, every page of the PDF file shows the URL of the web site the PDF was created from, and it also shows the date and time the PDF document was created.(See attached file WWWPDF.jpg for example). In case of a file from my hard drive, it always shows the path where the source file is, and also the date and time of creation.This happens, regardless of the fact whether I create it from the Adobe plug-in in my browser or other programs, or whether I print and use Adobe PDF as my chosen printer.I have also tried changing all sorts of settings in Acrobat, and typed all sorts of search criteria into the help file, all to no avail. I can get those annoying lines out by editing the document afterwards and erasing all those lines, but if it is a long document, that is obviously time consuming.I also feel that should not be necessary as the printing of those lines could probably be avoided (If only I knew how it is to be done).Is there anyone here who has had a similar problem, and even more important, know a solution to it?Any help will be very much appreciated.


  6. Hi shadowx,

    I see you are from the UK too (I am from Slough, Berkshire).

    First of all, could you give me the URL to the forum of the club you want to join?

    I would like to read about their ways of teaching, as I do Shotokan Karate with TISKA, I am a brown belt with white stripe now (2nd Kyu, 2 away from black), however, in our dojo I have never come across throws and the likes.

    Sometimes when we get some little extra-curricular explanation about how to apply a technique we are asked to apply a throw, but that is it.


    Our system is grossly based on:

    Kihon (basics)

    Kumite (sparring)


    Those are the things we cover during trainings, and, when gradings are a while away or there is a tournament coming up, we sometimes do some man-to-man Kumite.


    However, I would be very interested to see the website/forum of the club you mentioned, interested to see how they go about things, and when i have had a scan through things, I also might be able to give you some further and maybe somewhat more detailed advice.

  7. To be quite honest, I think the forum should be left alone.It is one of the few forums I know where you find such a diversity of topics, practically all areas of interest are covered for, not to mention the help in solving problems you can find here. (As I certainly have).Furthermore, there is also the matter of the hosting credits: people sometimes go through a lot of trouble getting their credit level and then maintaining it, and, as St. Michael mentioned, wiping all the posts away would indeed affect a number of people's credits.No, best to leave the forum as it is.

  8. Hi,I don't know whether there are any people here who know Cubase/Nuendo, the question is not software specific, but it might have a particular kind of solution in those programs.It is about sending a Program change, normally, on any given track, you send a program change, and, if you want to use a different instrument later in the song, you send another Pr. Ch. with another number.However, I use a virtual instrument called MyOrgan, which works like a real pipe organ.You have to use one certain MIDI channel for a manual, another channel for another manual, and a different one for the pedalboard.Now, every single manual and the pedalboard all have a number of different stops (sounds), which all have their own PC number.Unlike a normal MIDI track, where you use 1 instrument per channel, you combine those stops and use certain combinations.This works in Cubase/Nuendo by setting the numbers of the stops you need in the List Editor.But now, the question is, what if all of a sudden, you want to change your combination by switching off one of your stops and keeping all the others active?In other words, how do you switch a PC number off?This is the tricky one, as normally you only have to use a different number to start using a different instrument, but how do you do the one above.Sorry, it might be explained in a sort of semi Chinese, but it is a bit of a tricky one to express.Any help will be much appreciated.

  9. A very interesting question, and indeed, for someone who knows little or nothing about it, it can turn into a bit of an enigma.While I do understand that some people here do, without hesitating, recommend whatever sport or style they do, I think it is not as simple as that.They might well be good at what they do, and as a result, enjoy it very much, but that does not mean to say their sport/style is automatically going to suit other people.I myself do Shotokan Karate, and I am quite happy with it, but that does not mean that automatically goes for every Tom, *BLEEP* and Harry.The best thing I can advise is: shop around, do a bit of homework.Contact some clubs of different martial arts, ask them if you can visit them during a training session, some even offer a or some free training sessions for beginners (so called taster sessions).Think for yourself what you expect from whatever you want to do, and try to find which one best suits your needs.Of course, there is also the aspect of "How much do they charge?" and "How far away from where I live are they?", after all, no one would want to go bankrupt trying to pay for their hobby, or no one would like to travel 3 hours to go to a 45 min - 1 hour training session.So, get looking, look on the net for clubs in your neighbourhood, go and see them, have a try yourself, and then weigh up all the pros and cons, also things like, "Am I going to be able to keep this up physically?" "Am I going to be able to cope with the trainig, commitment, exams etc.?".All questions you need to ask yourself, and in the long run, you might save yourself a lot of disappoint ment and even money.Hope that helps.

  10. Antivirus scan is done evry day, antispyware twice a week.At the moment I am not aware of any malware.I do have quite a few startup items, the funny thing is, quite a few of them appear in the list more than once, eg. I have CTFMON in there 5 times, desktop 4 times.This does not look right to me, or is that normal?If not, how can I safely remove redundant entries without having a major crash?Thanks.

  11. Hi,first of all, a very Happy New Year to everyone.Now for my problem:I use Win XP SP2 on a 2.8 Ghz dualcore P4 processor machine, 1 Gb RAM, 250 Mb HDD.Whenever I boot up, or even when I return to the bare desktop after having had a number of windows open for a while, my icons on the desktop are all blank ones, such as the ones you get when there is no program associated with a certain file.Then, one by one, they begin to get the appearance they should have, but it is a real drag which takes ages, and the PC is not very responsive while it happens.I seem to remember that I had a similar problem in the past and someone recommended a program which seemed to help, and, AFAIR, the program had something to do with Favicon. But that might date back to the days when I still used Win 98, I can't really remember.However, is there anyone who knows a solution to that icon problem, as it really get s on my nerves sometimes.All help will be much appreciated.

  12. Not sure about the registration or the Hacking thing.Your site is working fine for me, by the way.
    Have you recently deleted any files in the Account Root?

    I have not. I can't see how my site works for you, for me it keeps timig out (incl. cpanel and FTP does not work, nor does my email)
    At first I could get past the homepage, but when I used a menu the problem started, ie. the site timed out.

    The ones you did not place there? Or any Mods to your .htaccess file?

    Nothing like that.

    How are your credits?

    15.80 days.

  13. Odd, I can't even access cpanel.I have not changed any firewall settings.Any other site loads fine.I don't even get to my login screen on the trap 17 cpanel.When trying to send or receive email (trap 17 is my smtp server) I get socket error 10060 connection timed out.I don't know whether any of the mods have any control over things, but I sent a ticket report, but I just realised I cannot receive email at my domain address, so, the ticket number is XFA-769148.Just tried to register with Xisto - Support, after I sent a support ticket.It turns out my email is already registered, but I never set a password.When trying to log in, I am told my username or password are wrong but since I can't receive mail on my domainname I won't find out my password..Will someone please help me out here?

  14. Hi,
    I was wondering if any changes have been made to the PHP and/or MySQL section at trap 17.
    All of a sudden a PHP script is beginneng to give errors where it never did before.

    I have a greeting card system on my website, and all of a sudden, when I try to add a card I get a load of errors, while I have not changed any code.
    These ar erthe errors i am getting:

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /home/mrdee/public_html/kaart/admin/classes/class_images.inc.php on line 200Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/mrdee/public_html/kaart/admin/classes/class_images.inc.php on line 202Warning: imagejpeg(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/mrdee/public_html/kaart/admin/classes/class_images.inc.php on line 206Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/mrdee/public_html/kaart/admin/classes/class_images.inc.php on line 218

    As I said, not a single letter of code was changed.
    I did have to fiddle with CHMODing , though, but I did not make any folders that were supposed to be writable non writeable, the opposite might be true.

    Could that be the reason?
    Or is there a temporary fault on the hosting?
    An update: I contacted the author of the script with the details I provided above, and he replied this:

    All those functions are a part of the GD graphics library. If the script cannot find them, GD support is either not installed or not enabled. Have you changed servers?

    Does that make things any clearer?Anyone who knows an answer to the problem?
    The author also said that it was possible my hosting provider (Trap 17) upgraded something and forgot to re-enable the GD graphics library.

    Please help.


  15. I see, I had indeed missed the colon out.However, when I did slot it in, the panel was gone, but so was the music.You see, what I meant was, around the panel there is a white square that clashes with the background.I do prefer to have a panel where people can turn the music off if they like, or adjust the volume.What I did ask, really, was whether you could make that panel and its surroundings transparant, so that the background comes through.Thanks.

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