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Everything posted by elaks

  1. Nobody listens to techno- except me. (From Eminem -Without Me) I know Techno covers a very broad array of music. let me just clarify; from Techno I like: New Order, DJ Tiesto, Chemical Brothers, Moby, The Orb, Daftpunk. I also listen to quite abit of rap. This only happened in the past few months, I used to hate it with a passion until I found some dusty tracks that have slipped otuside of mainstream: Twista - Lovely Day, SugarHill Gang - Rappers Delight, Grandmaster Flash - *Everything*, Kanye West - Stronger, Jay-Z -Hard knock life, Eminem - *Everything*. I know it isn't particularly on topic, but I HATE jazz with a passion.
  2. Well the guy shouldn't have stolen the car in the first placed. Frankly if he has decided to break the law; anything that occurs whilst he is comitting the crime should be added to his charges whether he meant it to happen or not. I'd suggest double man slaughter- serves him right. :PI agree with Plenoptic, the pilots really should've been skilled enough to avoid each other- maybe the companies they were hired from should be investigated.
  3. ReconRaiders, I'd have to give that an 8/10. The first things that spring to mind is "Raiders of the lost ark" and "Ghost Recon". A combination of a great film and a great game can't be bad.
  4. Thanks for that. I'm a changed man- I've been looking into alot of new stuff actually and I'm rekindeling my love of HTML. I'll definatley venture into Div tags.
  5. <table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><table width="100%" background="/images/bg.gif" cellspacing=0><tr><td width="100% BACKGROUND="/images/bg.gif"></td><td valign="right"><img src="/images/greyhound.gif"></td></tr></table><table height="100%" width="100%" cellspacing=0><tr height="100%" width="100%" bgcolor="#ff0000"><td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="150" valign="top"></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"></td><td width='150' bgcolor='#cccccc' valign='top'></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> Okay, this is the very basic design of my site, I've taken all the content out. Also- if it is my fault when it comes to coding, cut me slack; I haven't been using HTML for about a year. So here's the problem: When I put this code up, it works perfectly in IE 7 (Weirdly). I've set the page to have no margins, so all the tables touch the page borders. However; in firefox a white space is left underneath the table that stretches the page. Check out the site here: MA PAGE Please help me find the problem as I would prefer users to use Firefox.
  6. Technically they did. By saying that as a Christian as if scientists were placed by the devil; they themselves are adding to the bible, a set of rules and beliefs for Christians to follow.
  7. That's an incredibly valid point. The things people have listed as idiotic things said by Christian's is usually always the opposite of wat the bible wants one to believe. No where in the bible does it say Scientists are evil- yet at the time of the bible's creation, there were people contradicting religion that could've been written about, but weren't. Christianity is there to promote level headedness, and just because preachers you find on the Open Access channel are streaming out, does not mean all Christian's believe. For instance, I think creationism is nonsense, and the Pope is unrealistic- I'm still Christian.. I also find it hypocritical that people who're sayin Christianity preaches hate, are speakingly so cruelly towards Christians.
  8. I'd have to give you 7/10. I mean, it's a good name, but it's not that original- however there is a church named after you just down the road from me; good job. I'd give you a 6, but I give all names without numbers an extra point.
  9. Yes. No one more the stupid than him was being. I for one support the majority of Bush's descisions. Whilst I agree with the invasion of Iraq- I don't think he should've entered without an exit strategy. I also find Bush too lenient on immigration and other subjects. However I will say he is one of my favourite presidents, and compared to other leaders he has changed America for the better. I probably shouldn't comment, I live in England...
  10. Salvia It's not that hard to make a unique signature. Even if it's just your name and a picture of 2pac (As many are) it's still unique. On TrueFusion's point, I find that people change their avatars more regularly than their signatures, I know lot's of people- like Block9 for instance, who only have signatures; avatars aren't that important, as long as something makes that user recognizable. If they do change, it doesn't take more than a few seconds for your mind to reallocate their new avatar to their name. Exactly my point. Earlier on when I was mentioning seeing topics with nothing but usernames, the people were all just scavenging for credits and had only 8 posts or so.
  11. Me too, but I still get stuff like that happening. I do live in England, so I don't know what the difference may be though. My private school is of high quality, probably top in England- but it's in a crappy area. Literally, drunk Poles (Polish people, no offence) are everywhere. Gangs walk outside our school, and graffiti is sprayed on a regular basis.
  12. Now, I don't want to be mean but- MEGABUMP. THis topics nearly a year and one month old. Oh well... I have a: PS1 PS2 PC PC > NES emulator. Gameboy SP That's about it. I doubt I'm going to be getting any of the the next generation consoles because I can't afford them- well I can, but I'm saving up for college and such. My main source of gaming is the PC, so my PS2 is gathering dust until I have friends over.
  13. That would certainly remove the problem of large amounts of bandwidth being taken up. I'm all for that. In my spare time I post in BBSs, so absolutely no images at all. But when some users in a topic have avatars and others don't; I find all my attention is drawn to the person with the avatar. Doesn't bother me, it's unlikely a user is going change their avatar more than three or four times a week- and that' only extreme cases. Once I see a username, I look at their avatar and allocate it to their name and posts. I will admit, problems to arise when people share the same avatar. For instance, in my last forum (Not mine) there were about a thousand members. One of the mods sent a message to me and friends saying it would be funny for us to change avatars to the admins. So we did. And for a whole week we had the same avatar as the root admin. Let me say; this caused havok. This topic has given me alot to think about. Thanks for the feedback. The problems caused by forced avatars seem to outway the pros. Well- I suppose it's best to make thinks purely text based instead to make the username really mean something.
  14. For me, web 2.0 means Php. I know it's been around for a while, but people are learning how to build more and more with it. As new forum software is coming out that automatically counts as 2.0, people have begun playing around with the coding and making it personal. Without Php, I doubt very much that forums; the biggest piece of Web 2.0 engineering- would have advanced to such a point that companies now use them to talk with their clients, and almost every single distinguishable site has one.
  15. I'm always annoyed on forums, by people who don't have avatars or images in their signature to identify themselves. Topics with rows after rows of people talking with nothing but their name's to identify themselves gets abit tiresome.Maybe it's because I've become lazy, but the only real forum members I can remember are ones with distinguishing avatars/sigs. The rest are just a blur of random names- even if they have over 500 posts. That's why I think it should be necessary for HOSTED members to have avatars/sigs. Just an idea.
  16. My favourite to use would have to IPB. But my favourite to run as a webmaster is Vbulletin. Whilst I feel IPB is fair for it's price- Vbulletin seems to lack in the skins department making most installations of the board look the same unless heavily modded by hand (E.g, Somethingawful Forums, Facewound Forums). I do agree that forum software has become a big business for those successful few; but their are still too many free options to make it a rip off. If you can't afford VB, just go for Phpbb. Simple.
  17. A free trial of Flash 8 can be found on Macromedia.com by going to their download section. That's 30 to try out Flash, of curse it'll take longer than that to build the site- but I'm sure it'll give you enough time to grow comfortable with the programme, and an idea of whether or not to buy it.
  18. I was just wondering what the first job you did after University was? I have lot's of people on one side saying I should get a job that pays the best with the smallest amount of work; however oters are saying I should get a job that ties into my hobbies and aspirations such as workign at an internet cafe. Of course I don't particularly have an aspiration for my future job- I definately want something in the business sector (Banking, Media), but I want to learn more about other people's jobs and their thoughts on them to give myself an idea of what's on offer. Thanks.
  19. I'd have to say Blur. One of the greatest English bands of all time. Not too keen on some of their latest music (Pretty deep and sinister) but the early and mid-life are the best songs I know. Second favourite band would have to be Led Zeppelin; Stairway to heaven is probably my third favourite song.
  20. I used Php because it works flawlessly with MySQL (Type of Database). I'm going to assume Html is more popular as that's really what one would start with, but more professional sites are nearly all Php.
  21. yes, I'm from England but I support Scotland leaving the UK. It'll be abit of a change to the maps, but on the whole if Scotland wasn't connected we would have the majority of votes as Conservative. Graham's my favourite member! Back to business... lol.
  22. Lol, I've hard the same type of thing. On surf maps, when I'm unlucky enough to get spawned with M16/AK47 I end up just spraying randomly whilst in the air. People are always calling me a lucker.. lol. Worst was once when I forgot I was a CT. I was playing on one of those maps with a jail, and there must hav ebeen about 40 players (Big server). Anyway. I was sitting in the jail camping with a sniper until a terrorist suddenly came in. I had the target on his head, but as I said- I forgot I was CT so I just let him come in. The only weapon he had was knife, and he seemed pretty nooby, so he started running head on into me when I could've shot him. You can probably guess what happen, stabbed in the head and dissed by my whole team. Having 20 people shouting at you, and another 20 laughing isn't a great feeling... Oh well, just a game.
  23. It's looks okay, but I think this forum is only meant for review posting. I'd say http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has the best reviews myself, but that's just opinion..
  24. Guys please, I'm hurt. Freewebs was basically my webmastership birthplace. I'd tried a few places which were even worse; bravenet, myspace (I know, not website at all). I finally stumbled upon the site when my friend gave me his site address (Along the lines of Asian_Gangsa, seriously) I thought it was fantastic, even with it's limited content. After starting my own site I slowly grew. First I used the public themes for a site where I uploaded flash animations from my friends and I, before moving onto coded my own HTML. At first it was simple because I used the freewebs generator, but in the end it was by hand. The site's still there if you can bare the horrible layout. Be aware I made it at the age of 11: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know Freewebs isn't good for genuine webmasters looking for Php, but I think it gives a decent amount of space (100mb) and has enough freedom to allow people space to grow. I would rate 7/10 purely out of nostalgia, but I agree with the domain thing.
  25. Thanks for the welcome. yeah, I really meant it when I said "lose" anagram. You've got to admit Aleks is a pretty cool name, I was thinking about making it Elakz... The "Z" makes it cool as is the norm. Thanks again for the welcome.
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