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Everything posted by elaks

  1. I know there's been alot of speculation about this topic. I know you probably found a source you thought was reliable, but I have found many articles on the internet disagreeing with each other.Lifestartstat.com has an article about the very same woman claiming that only last year she celebrated her 125th birthday.However another site (Whch I'm afraid I've lost the source of) claims that she is 132.Whilst I would love if a woman living to 149 was true, it seems highly unlikely. I mean, she actually looks pretty good considering her age, I've found other photos on the internet where she's smiling and looking only about 80. Oh well, sure she's broken some sort of record for age.
  2. Yes, I myself am not overweight on the BMI scale- I want to make it clear, I weigh 8 stone and am 13 years old. I'm sure alot of it's down to drinking soda and other things, but as Stevethedog said- it's all down to will power. It's good that people want to lose weight, but I'm tired of some saying it's too hard and it's practically impossible. What? People say this because the vast majority of people who lose weight just put it back on a few months later because they couldn't be bothered to stick to the regulations. It is possible to retain some eating habits, a soda a day isn't good- but in the long run it isn't that bad. Real calorie intake comes from food with high protein and fat.
  3. I'm too young to drink, so my opinion won't really matter as I'm basing it one taste as opposed to effect. I'd have to say Pimms.Nothing is more delicious than a glass of Pimm's and ice. Possibly with fruit on special occasions.
  4. Well, I'm a conservative; and the thought of Brown being in power for a maximum of three years without say from the public was horrifying. After the small problem of losing billions of British pounds by selling the countries gold reserves even when he was warned against it- I find it hard to trust the man. However, since Tony Blair has official said he will leave office, Brown has been making better decisions.For a start when the EU was banging on about how they required more money from Britain, Tony Blair began to waver and considered giving in. However when Gordon heard the news he told the EU to "Bugger off" or something along those lines.I stayed up until three in the morning to see the house of common's debate between Brown and Cameron and it was well worth it. The more Gordon Brown spoke about NHS cuts, the more I agreed with him. I realise he wasn't as good as the last three (Thatcher, Major and Blair) but he certainly isn't afraid of his own opinions. Much to my surprise, Cameron is being beaten by 6% in the polls. I'd like to add a poll to this topic but I can't so.. What are your opinions? Is Brown a force for good, or a sleazy bureaucrat?
  5. Sorry for posting in an old topic, but I recently got involved with telnet. To connect using Windows go to the command prompt and type: telnet domain.com Most telnets then give you an option to register from that point. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has a good list of currently active BBSs from aroudn the world.
  6. I haven't experienced anyone I genuinely dislike butting into my group of friends and killing the mood. But I do know a certain boy from my class that's constantly trying to fit in with us. We are kind to him- but he knows we're not great friends.My example of him:Once I was invited to a party at my friends house (A nerd party so basically just a sleepover and the screening of Scary Movie 2, lol). The plan was to leave school at the end of the day and head towards Pizza Hut, and then onwards to the local Cinema (Pirates of the Caribean 3). So, the guy keeps asking us what's going to happen, and we keep brushing him off saying nothing's happening. He eventually persuades us to spill the beans by promising he won't be jealous and he doesn't want to come. In the end, the kid gets his mum to phon mine and get her to make me bring him to the party. Two words, BAD PARTY; the kid spent the whole time being awkward, not being able to eat the food, not enjoying the film and then complaining about it- and then talking all night, to himself...
  7. Favourite game has to be Half-life 2. A masterpeice, even if the company that own it (Steam) force you to use their crappy game client that bugs out all the time and requires you to be online to play their offline games.. :DSecond would have to be GTA-San Andreas. I'm a few missions off completing it with no cheats used (I completed the game using them once before).
  8. I'd have to say PS3 wins. I'm not a Sony fan boy, but I have played it (A few games) and loved it. I don't dislike the Xbox360 but it was abit dissapointing.Offtopic abit: I HATE THE WII. My friend has it and only uses it for Legend of Zelda (Which is alright) and WiiSport (Which sucks after the first ten minutes).
  9. My school's pretty good, we still have stuff happening though.Four kids got busted for possesion of ecstacy.A kid was expelled after using a hair spray can and a flame to flamethrow a hot dog. (lol)A good kid had to leave because he push a boy in his class over and kicked his head in.Some girls were spotted smoking outside the school.Practically everybody in the Sixth form (16+) smokes.Apart from that, my school's actually pretty good.
  10. Now, I'm no expert of Xisto. But, for people to even consider your job application you've got to list some of your talents (In this case; programming, writing, management). What you also have to show is that you are more than an employee, you have a real life, e.g, hobbies, clubs, your website.Also, wrong forum. Just some points if you're ever planning to try again.
  11. He looks lovely! As long as you've had previous experience you should be fine. But watch out. Remember that that's probably the most dangerous breed of dog in the world- it's banned in the UK (Where I live). My cousin was nearly bitten when an African street gang was walking past him with their pitbulls (Before the ban). Good memories.
  12. Now, I myself am against abortion. Not because I see it as wrong, takotsu has a pretty harsh opinion- I just think it makes people lazy. Agreeably, if a woman is raped- then by all means abortion is acceptable. If an 11 year gets pregnant, I think abortion should be forced! But people these days are using it instead of contraception. We have all these tools; coils, condoms, the pill. But people still become pregnant because they weren't thinking. Giving children away for adoption is much more humane, and cheaper from the parents perspective.
  13. Yeah, maidmarian has some good stuff to waste time.I've got to warn you Jake. There is nothing made in Java (Browser based) that's nearly as big as Runescape. I myself would recommend Guildwars because of it's price (One off ?15+ payment for the CD).You could try "Dungeon Runners". Google the name, it's made by the people who made Guildwars but it's absolutely free and has graphics similar to World of Warcraft. Try it out- not my favourite, but I know people who have got into it.
  14. I don't blame you man. If there was one, or two I would've helped the guy. But a group that size, no way. I mean, I live in a pretty nice part of London but still- I assume most of the kids like that in my area have knives (And as you say, guns).
  15. There was and English advert where a man turns his brother into a diamond through a mythical company. In the end it was either for a car or beer. Still, the idea is sick. I'm not squeemish about corpses, but this would be like keeping someone's ashes at your side at all times. Weird, and wrong.
  16. Thanks for making this topic and all of the replies from mods.Let's just say I've had all too many hosts die on me because they haven't gotten enough sponsorship. I've grown good at predicting it, first they force ads no matter what package, then they increase the amount of posts needed- this continues until they just dissapear.Xisto seems pretty trust worthy to me.
  17. Elaks here. Real name's Alex- you can probably see the lose anagram in my nick name.Anyway- I'm basically looking to start up a content filled portal; I know what you'll think- not another one!? Don't worry, I've have three years of experience with site ownership, and know the do's and don'ts of advertisement, the line between contetn and eye, and finally- how to lure in more members. Hopefully it will be up within a month or so- I'll concentrate more on content than making a unique theme at the beginning, but I have the ability so it'll happen soon.
  18. Thanks alot for the info. I've been aching to find a way to disable nearly all the crap that won't allow you to change startup preferences- but I've never particularly bothered. I've tried restarting and the time it takes is nearly halfed. Thanks again.
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