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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. You can also download Motherboard Monitor from THIS SITE because lately their homepage is offline.. greetz
  2. Measuring temperature can be quite a problem, so here are a few programs that really ease up the work... - manufacturers usually put their own programs with the bought equipment - the most widely used is Motherboard Monitor - u can also use HSM or AIDA If you know of any other good program please add it below...
  3. Well...recently I changed my Motherboard (I had Asrock P4V8+ with VIA chips and now I have ASUS P4P800S-X with Intel 848 chips)..I kept the processor Intel Celeron 2,8 and added 200GB to my harddrive, which means that now i have two discs, 1024 MB RAM and three Zalman 8mm ventilators. I am wondering how it is possible that the temperature of processor raised for about 10 deegres celsius after i changed the motherboard, eventhough i used the the "termal gel" when i intalled the processor.. - Before it was 42 deegres C and 47C when it was fully used - Now it is 50 and 55 C when it is fully usedWhat is the optimal working temperature of a processor and which temperature is critical?????Pls..help
  4. There are battles between different browsers for a long time now and it all began when netscape and microsoft started the war;) First is now almost forgotten and the second one survived and is today fighting mostly with Mozilla, Firefox and Opera. Each of those has many fans which will say that his browser is the best! But WHICH IS REALLY THE BEST??? On the page HowToCreate they tried to answer that question as they were comparing the most popular browsers for Linux (Firefox, Mozilla, Konqeror, Opera, Epiphany), Mac OS X (Safari, Opera, OmniWeb, IE, iCab, Firefox, Camino) and Windows (Avant, Escape, Clue, Firefox, IE, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape). They were comparing "coldstart", "warmstart" and the speed of CSS rendering, pictures, scripts and history... Results are here: Not a single browser is as good as OPERA which is THE FASTEST BROWSER at the moment and is the most apropriate for every platform. YOU DONT BELIEVE? Its hard to believe ....feel free to comment
  5. Some time ago i found lots of interesting sites which include JAVA tutorials, books... Here are the links: general java tutorials - The Java Report - Books on Java - Short courses on Java programming tutorials on more specialized java programming topics - Apache Tomcat Tutorial - JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tutorial - Java2D Tutorial For more links about JAVA and things related to it please visit: CLICK Hope you found this inf. usefull....
  6. OOOPS..i am sorry for the previous post - I totally blew it:) Here is how it should look like: If your computer is running this operating system , Windows Millennium Edition, Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows XP Professional Do This Use System Restore in Windows. Windows Media Player 9 Series will be removed and the previous version of the Player will be restored. Any CD tracks copied to your computer will remain, and the previous version of Windows Media Player will be able to play this audio content. If your computer is running this operating system , Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows 2000 Do This In Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs, and then click Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player 9 Series will be removed.
  7. If your computer is running this operating system Do this Windows Millennium Edition, Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows XP Professional Use System Restore in Windows. Windows Media Player 9 Series will be removed and the previous version of the Player will be restored. Any CD tracks copied to your computer will remain, and the previous version of Windows Media Player will be able to play this audio content. For more information about System Restore, see Windows Help. Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows 2000 In Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs, and then click Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player 9 Series will be removed. more information: CLICK HERE
  8. The error message "is not a valid win 32 application" is inductive of a few things mainly:1. If it was a download something went wrong and the file is incomplete.2. A virus type infection, sadly the errors can keep happening even after removal.I would suggest running a couple of online scans, but first it would be nice to have your log..You can also try the HijackThis forum, down there in the security center and send your log there and give a little description of your problem and someone will help you..Hope it'll help ya..
  9. Hehe...This is a bit of a weard question but we all have places in some building or somewhere in the nature or out of this planet and we would never like to go there..I personaly don't like dark forests at night where you can hear wolves and other WEARD SOUNDS ...I know this is mostly in my head but WHAT IF one of those animals get crazy and decides to eat me:) (it really isnt a pleasant thought)....After I thought about it, I think the reason hides in the fact that I like to watch misterious horror movies and in those scenes you really see that sort of things happen...I know it is all made up in someones head...but he must have gotten his ideas from somewhere?!
  10. Well I come from SLOVENIA....a lil' small country in Europe of which almost noone ever heard of:D Since nobody knows it, I'll give a short description of it: Here is the location: We border on Austria, Italy, Hungary and Croatia and we have lots of mountains in the north of our country and sea in the south...the north part actually looks very much like Canada (lots of woods, mountains,...).. I really don't travel a lot so I wont say that i like one country more than any other..
  11. Well in my opinion WINAMP is better because of his internet radio which i really listen a lot and you can get ANY music you want...on the other hand it is not that good for movies because you cant put subtitles in and stuff...for video WMP is better although BSPLAYER is the best for movies...It is nice that WMP is nicely integrated in the XP system so it maybe starts faster and is more compatible with windows, but again winamp is more customizable in my opinion and looks better;) After all it is everybodys choice which to choose, because you usually get used to one of them and then use it all your life Have a nice day..
  12. I would recommend you the following site, because it has lots of options from which you can choose: CLICK Hope you'll find what you need;)
  13. I just got this game and I was really expecting a lot, because it is soooo praised on all the gaming sites and I must say it is cool for first 1h but then it gets kinda boring...Well that was only my opinion, but i really do prefer more those old age of empires style games that are not TOO complicated..peace..
  14. Well...I would like to stream a few tracks that I've produced and i don't know how to do it..can anyone please explain the procedure for Xisto for example...Thank you very much for any answers...
  15. Well...if you truly realize why you are living, than you are on the right path to stop living! Let me explain...as we all see life is full of suffering such as pain, sickness, injury, tiredness, old age, and eventually death (joy is never permanent!!). The reason of all this suffering is our attachment to transient thing and beacuse this things are transient our loss and then suffering is inevitable. So the meaning of your life is that you truly realize that and when you do there is a happy news...there is a path to the end of this suffering...you must extinguish all form of attachment and when you are free of that than you will be in a state of permanent JOY (btw isnt joy what we are all seeking??). So, my meaning in life is trying not to be attached to all the things that surround me but i do know, that this is hard! (but once you realize it, you cant do anything else..believe me!)hope you understand...
  16. Well in my opinion eating meat is a question that has to do with killing human beings. And I devide two things here. First, if you order someone to kill some animal or you kill it yourself first and then you eat it, in this way this animal died because of you! Other thing is if you go to a store and buy meat there, because that animal was already dead and if you didn't buy it someone else would!So it is acctually a question of killing animals...btw if everyone would stop eating meat I would do it too, because I would never hurt a human being on purpose!That was my humble opinion...
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