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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. hehe...it is so funny to listen to all this stuff!! Please ask yourselves ppl..WHAT WILL CHANGE IF THESE PPL COME??? We and these improved ppl are still going to try and fulfill every wish we have, problems will still be there, suffering is never going to stop because of the EGO inside us and everybody still needs to take a *BLEEP* and eat! So what would change so radically for you lets say....You don't know when you are going to die and you are not prepared for that - no, you are thinkig of these imporved humans and forget your reality and the state our poor earth is in...All these new steps for mankind NEVER BROUGHT US ANY GOOD!
  2. well...It is just like that: JAPANESE were asked to give up and the war would be over! But they didn't - so the punishment had to come! If they wouldn't have thrown these bombs than all the other deaths of innocent ppl and soldiers would bo without any meaning...THE WAR HAD TO END!! and this was the only way to do it...so I hope you don't think that this was just because Americans are so happy killin people ?! Nobody likes to kill civilians if he is not a psycho & war has that sort of outcomes - this is why war should not start at first place!!!But I usually look at it...that it had to happen because there was so much karmatic tension that it had to release...Without that everything is nonsense!
  3. well I think this whole civilization is going totaly in the wrong way. We are constantly tryin to develop new things and easily forget how bad is the state of our little earth which gives us everything we have today. Why do we need to use poor earth to such extent!? I think that these new technologies won't make anyone happier, it is only a way to make people spend money and presents a great income for some people...Other than that I think that this civ is on its way down (all this gay, "too much sexuality", totally materialistic,...). All these things are not knew!! If we look at the old greeks, they also had "lil' boys" and other sexual objects...and where did that bring them? They does not exist anymore...It is so funny because every and each civ thinks that it is the most developed and the best so far and on and on....But we are just another civ on its way down and guess what we are not the last civilization:) Maybe life on earth will be impossible for 10 million years, but that is nothing compared with our earth's time...So I would really like to see people open their eyes, that this materialistic *BLEEP* doesn't lead anywhere and what is the funniest - only gives you partial and very non-lasting pleasures, but still we are all crazy about it...But changing mentality of ppl is a lot harder than changing water into fire...Greetz
  4. According to inquirer, AMD published a comercial in a few american newspapers (Wall Street Journal, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle and others) in which AMD processor stands in a fighting ring and waits for his Intel opponent. That was a move, with which they are tryin' to stimulate Intel to accept a battle in which both new two-core processors would be tested by an impartial company. AMD claims that this would be the only way for users to know which processor to choose.. Well Paul Ottelini, CEO of Intel have easily turned down the challenge. If you want to know more please read the original story in The inquirer. Intel was acctualy right to back off because AMD is a high-category "boxer", but the question is what will be users reaction to this..
  5. well, i must say that winamp is my favorite! There are several reasons...First I think it is esteticaly speaking a lot more beautiful than Windows Media Player (WMP). Than I think it works faster evethough it is not directly implemented in windows. If you have a slow computer than winamp should be your choice without any fancy skins or stuff like that. It also takes less ram and eats less disk space. It also has many more plug-ins and other adds than WMP and the most important thing is it is A LOT more simple to use. Than there is media library and internet radio. I think that winamp offers wider and better range of internet radios than WMP, although i don't really know how good WMP's are All in all....I LIKE WINAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ell guys this sattelite internet is acctually not that good, because in most cases sattelite connection is only one way, which means that you can download but cannot upload and need some other way to send your data - gprs or something...so if you only have sattelite internet that means upload does not exist or is really bad - most p2p sharing stuff doesnt work and you can hardly download anything because you always have to send data when you download...I think that this whole sattelite mania is for now only in wraps and maybe someday it will be better than most of the other interent options...Well..just thought it would be interesting to add!
  7. Yeah I ment "beat" Wow..that sounds interesting - DNA and all that! Predicting future? Hm...thats a hard one;) I don't believe that that sort of thing will ever be made possible because everything would loose its sense and actually it wouldn't change anything because, when everbody knew their future, the would have tried to change it and then their future would be different again - u know what I mean? it would become a vicious circle of constant looking in the future, trying to avoid bad situations, but as soon as you would do something different than the way "it was planned" the whole future would change and you would have to go through the same process again and again...It just wouldn't help anyone i think!
  8. Thaicom company launched a new communication-satellite in the space on thursday morning. As the biggest satellite ever built, it will enable internet access for Asia (pacific region), Australia and New Zeland. Launch of the new sattelite was sucessful after a hour and a half delay. On the website of Arianespace (company, resonsible for the launch) they say, that the reason for almost 2 hour delay is their checking of the telemetry on the lanuch-pad. Shin Satellite comany will be in control of this satellite, named Thaicom 4. This company is owned by the thai minister Thaksin Shinawatr and is the forth satellite owned by his family! It is 7 tons heavy and worth "only" 400 million dollars. It was built by the SpaceSystems/Loral group and Palo Alto from California. The sattelite is capable of transimiting 45GB per second and is goin to use 18 gateways. If you want to watch the video, visit: CNN.com Greetz
  9. Well, I think that all the religions of the world share a few similar and most important concepts! There is no religion that would try to convince that doing BAD is acctually good and vice-versa. I think the main difference is in the word that is used for some sort of divine being (god, pure good, alah, whatever u name it...) that represents the highest good to all of them. I think that a mountain is a very good example to explain how these religions are connected: There are inumerable ways to the top of the mountain and each of this ways is a certain religion but all of those paths lead to the same top and all religions basically aim at the same goal - do good, avoid evil and practice compassion - this is the basis of all the religions around the world!What do you ppl think??
  10. According to Slashdot, a Japanese managed to overclock his Pentium 4 processor to 7,132 Ghz with the help of liquid nitrogen! The computer worked stable and was able to correctly display the Pi number to million decimals in 18.516 seconds - current world record. I really ask myself what is todays limit of processor speed...Can you bet him??
  11. Very interesting indeed, I would like to use that You maybe know if that is spread around the world, because I am from Slovenia and I guess we don't have that here...If you know where I could learn that and please describe the way one learns that..Thx in advance
  12. After Nvidia made nForce 4 chip for AMD A64 processors and later nForce 4 Intel Edition, which serves to run Intel processors, they decided for the first major upgrade of this chipset. nVidia gained the most with SLI graphic cards and went a big step ahead of Canadian ATI in the graphic-car battle. The only bad isde of SLI was, that for its usage PCI Express X16 had to be divided to two sides which than worked only with half-speed (2X8). And this is exactly what nVidia wanted to change. The new nForce 4 SLI 16X is about to have two PCI Express bridges with full speed (X16) and 8 PCI Express slots to be used for connecting other stuff to it.. It is worth mentioning that this upgrade is compatible with AMD and Intel processors. Read The Full Story
  13. During researches of a preety widespread and dangerous browser hijack, named CoolWebSearch, investigators discovered a big identity theft in which mean people used this tool.This version of program turns the computer into a spammer tool and what is even worse, it sends a bunch of personal data and files (E-Bay, holiday plans, passwords, usernames, telephone numbers,...) on a server that is located in the USA.The whole story can be read at Pc World!
  14. Niice..I will give it a try imidiately!Don't you ppl think that this software development is goin preety quickly..I mean a few months ago there was this NEW MSN 7 and now there is 7.5 - things are really going on fast if we compare them with the way things developed in the past - Now we measure updates in months or even days on the world-wide point of view, while in the past years were needed to make something and nobody even thought of a world-wide market...I know its crap but I really find that interesting..
  15. As far as I know, this separation means that church has nothing to do with leading or boss-ing the country in which it exists..If we look at the Islamic religion in let's say Iraq (as it is so popular right now ), there we can see that religion plays or lets say played, since now democracy is being tried out there, a basic role in leading groups of that country. Religion is used there to make people do stuff, that is in no way of religious nature but entirely political and vice-versa because if you are ranked high in religious circles than you will be able to have great effect on political decisions too..But if we look at let's say Germany, there are two different and seperated organizations. One of them is The Curch and on the other side there is The Government which is a democratic top of the country. Here Church has its own party and can in this way influence the political and other state-decisions, BUT we cannot say that it has full power or that someone in the highest hierarchical position in Church has the highest position in the Government!That was my point of view..If someone has anything to add or thinks I am wrong please let me know
  16. Wired report, that Nathan Eagle, a researcher for MIT, recently finished a project in which he was researching habits and customs of 100 people. With the data, he got from the research, he was able to predict with 85% reliability what a certain person will do in the next few moments or near future... Mobile phones Nokia 6600 were given to 100 students and working on MIT. On those phones was a certain software which saved the current position of the user and throguh the bloetooth searched for other test-users, which are in the range of the bluetooth signal. With this acquired data, which was suplemented with data of all-made-calls, time of calls and missed calls, Eagle managed with Data Mining methods to predict if a certain is going to go out with friends in the evening. Gathered data also enabled the view in users responses to certain actions and their behaviour before difficult tasks. Eagle found out that workers work at night also for example... Eagle sees the project as a way to envision how mobile devices will further change our lives, but also as a revolutionary new way to study social networks and adds that this experiment shows a way in which mobile phones will change our lives in the future.. Eagle is already in talks with a large networking company that is interested in handing out phones to its employees to learn how its organization really works, compared with how the company's organizational chart says it works. Gathered data helped the 100 "experiments" also, because they were able to look thrgouh theit entire saved history - "How much did I sleep in October?" "When was the last time I went out with Mary?" "What happened than??" Chris Stakutis, coavtor of the book Inescapable data said: But, DO WE REALLY WANT THAT?????? Notice from KuBi: When taking statments form other people use
  17. The Register claims, that yesterday a new Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage program (WGA) was published. Its job is to prevent updating of pirate copies of the Windows operating system.Users have to join the WGA program for checking authenticity of their operating system, if they'll want to recieve updates for their software. If you want to register yuo must visit Microsoft Download center, Windows Update or Microsoft Update, where and ActiveX program will check the authenticity of your installed system and than save the key for later updating...Owners of the pirate copies will still be able to get security update through the automatic updating system, because Microsoft does not want spreading of unnecessary "dirt" around the web...Well at least something for THOSE SNEAKY CHEATY pirate-copy owners
  18. In my opinion it is hard to define cheating but I'll go with the following definition:If you have feelings to someone else than you partner than that is cheating!BUTIf you are with someone else during your partnership this is still wrong eventhough it is not cheating - Everything that causes bad feelings to people is wrong..If for example you and your girl have a sort of deal to go out with others (I don't imagine that sort of relationship) than you won't be doing somehting wrong because you won't make bad feelings to your partner...See where i am aiming..Well as far as I am concerned, I did "cheat" (cause bad feelings to my gfriend) once and I felt bad as hell eventhough the moment i did cheat was amazing..I think it is all about HOW YOU FEEL INSIDE YOUR HEART and what does a certain relationship pose to you..
  19. WOW..I don't know what to say I really find it hard to believe that this works but since i got a friend who studies psyshlogie and we went out the other night, he demonstrated the power of psyhcology. He was just standing there and talking to people and after a few minutes talking he was able to tell me what sort of person this man/girl is...And it really worked because i've known that people for a long time and they were exactly the same as he described them...So I think if you are good a that you also know the weak spots of all ppl and this gives you an advantage to know which buttons to press at which time...It is really interesting (acctually we are really interesting - humans) ...
  20. Some time ago Matrox introduced a new Matrox Millenium G550 PCIe, which runs on PCI Express x1. If you find it difficult to understand that x1, you are right, because usually graphic cards use PCI Express x16, especially the new more developed systems. But as soon as we look at the specifications, it becomes clear why Matrox decided for this x1 slot. On this card there is an old G550 processor, which is not capable to run modern gmaes (DirectX 7 support only, 2?2,...). But this card was not ment for that sort of users, servers and industrial computers are the targeted group.G550 has 32 MB of memory with 64-bit connection and can be used to plug in two monitors. Matrox haven't develepoed a new processor to work on the PCI bridge but it wnet down the same path as Nvidia and ATi - Texas Insturments develpoed a chip, which transforms signals for PCis. Notice from BuffaloHELP: A part of forum's posting rule is that you must post in language that all members can understand. Removing last two lines.
  21. Well copyright protection in its purest form means that you can protect somethin you invent from other people to use it without your permission. This invention or ownage can be material or mental and there are certain policies with which you can protect those. It is different in different countires, because none of them has the same policies and if one is not in some sort of connection with others than your product will be protected in lets say US but in my country (Slovenia) it won't be...So you have to make sure that you protect you work in all of the countries which can be a bit expensive so it is up to you to decide...
  22. Intel wishes to reach even more for cheap (integrated) graphical solutions and is developing a new solution on this department - GMA 950. We are talking about a solid graphic soltion, which will be a part of i945G chip, what is interesting for the manufacturers of computers that are built to be used in offices. So Dell and HP are very likely to use this option because it is cheap and enough powerful. There are also roomers, that this card is goin to be capable of running games like Doom 3...This is also a bad news for Nvidia and ATI, which will loose a nice part of the market on that account. Intels solution will be a direct competitor to products like 6200TC, 6200 or X300SE, X300HM and X300 – X550. Larger manufacturers are likely to use the more affordable Intel soulution, because it will bring a lot more profit..
  23. hey! i am 20 and i have visited some very beautiful places:)i come from slovenia, which is btw very besutiful and i recommend it for anyone, who likes mediteranian.. last year i went to croatia and it was so awsome that i am planing to go there also this year. I liked Izrael very much, but i think that it is not a best place, peaceful place, to go... but i liked Jeruzalem it is a city filled with history and religion...
  24. I was reading threw the words you posted, and some of the questions popped in to my head ?Why is it so difficult to accept the truth that you are the owner of a relationship? After all, you initially saw something that you wanted, took steps to obtain it, and then made a decision to keep it in your life. Sounds like a possession to me. But there?s something inherently more complex about a marriage or long-term committed relationship that makes it harder to quantify. Perhaps it?s because there is no definite point when you actually "buy" a relationship. Maybe it has something to do with the notion of love and romance, as most of us get caught up in the notion that we "share" a special relationship and it would appear greedy to claim ownership. But whatever the reason, I have run across few people who enthusiastically embrace the idea of seeing themselves as an owner. It?s easier to just let it happen and hope for a good result. Avoiding the thought that you are responsible for the relationship also lets you avoid accepting the blame when something goes seriously wrong.Being an owner also carries with it the responsibility of learning about your product. Unfortunately, you probably have never read a set of instructions that accompany your life relationships. The reason is simple there is no instructional manual that covers all of the various situations that you will encounter as you put together your own relationship! If you are lucky, you and your partner basically agree on the same set of instructions and the relationship works for many years. If you are not so lucky, you both attempt to construct the relationship in very different ways, and it breaks down. It then either has to be fixed or thrown on the scrap pile as unusable.
  25. Everbody that watched at least a single movie on your computer in the last one or three years probably know DivX format. This popular codec is so appreciated because of the mass usage in the p2p community and of course because you can archive and compress your home-grown viedos... Developers, which are here for developing the DivX package ofcourse don't sleep and wait and this is why only a few days ago download of their latest package named DivX6 was possible from their website.. The first impressions were collected at Tom's hardware, where they put together all the new candies that are offered by this new package. Here are the most important: -interactive video menus -XSUB subtitles -more sound trails -chapter points ... It is also worth mentioning the new DivX Helium, which is being develpoed by the Divx Labs and is some sort of optimization of DivX codecs on the newest multiprocessor computers with multi-core processors, such as Pentium D and Athlon 64 X2 Another nice news...
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