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Posts posted by sonesay

  1. I get affected by scary thoughts somewhat before I go to bed. Its just something about it the dark atmosphere you are in. Theres been many times where I watch a horror movie and I cannot sleep. Especially ones that deal with devils, witches, all things evil. The worse one is the exorcist then comes the grudge. Oh man I cant sleep well after that I'll lay in bed but cant sleep and checking the corner of my room ever few seconds to make sure they haven't showed up for a late night visit. There are times where I would go on and fall asleep then dream about more scarty thoughts. I will eventually wake up and realize it was only a dream.

  2. I've got an exercise given out by my tutor and I'm basically stumped. Part of it is to compare words then work out the shortest number of characters that is required to uniquely identify them. For example..catdoghorseOut of this group of only the first letters can be used c, d, h where as other groups like ant and antelope would require ant, ante.Given this problem I've been trying to figure out how to do this and so far I'm manage to split each word into char arrays but when I try to compare them with other copies for a match I get two errors, Either I get incompatible data types

    char[] cLetters = word.toCharArray();            //System.out.println(cLetters.length);            for(char letter : cLetters)            {                if(letter == "c");            }

    or I get char cannot be dereferenced. I dont know how to use them exactly so I need some help, I have been looking at the API but theres so many methods my eyes are gone blurry lol. I've got to be able to compare each letter to another, whats the method to do that?

  3. Trying to brute force your way into your own account will do you more harm then any good. I am sure after repetitive connection attempts to the server you will be seen as spam and they will no doubt block your IP resulting in you not being able to access their sites again. This is a bad idea and should never be even considered when all it takes is an administrator to reset your password, much much simpler. Just so you know there was a guy on Xisto that had his account or was it IP address banned from their server because he was running too many active connections on his account. I think he was running some kind of automatic signature update image or something. I cant remember the thread but hopefully you get the idea its not good to make continuous amount of connections that may end up looking like spam.

  4. This prison will have people wanting to break in instead of out. I have to say who ever thought of this idea should be seriously beat with a black jack. The day we start treating criminals better then is necessary required we are saying its OK if you commit crimes we'll look you up but it will be nice and comfortable.. I think a better use for them would be to put them in the army instead of drafting normal people. I can see a problem with this though if they go rouge it will probably cause serious problems in the field, so I guess lock them back up and make them work hard until they are released.

  5. I wouldn't mind trying to mod my PC but if it blows up I'll have to replace too many parts and the risk of having to spend more money isn't worth it for me. Plus to get it customized you have to spend more money on more parts I just don't have the money or time to be messing around with it. I would just prefer to have a working and reliable system if you know what I mean. I'm sure if your experienced enough you will have no trouble over clocking safely but to me the risk of something going wrong to gain some more clock speed isn't worth it.

  6. Thats right you can design your site to be as flash as you want but when you come to finally build it its in HTML so you will be limited to what you can do here by how much HTML and CSS you know. This doesn't take awfully too long to pick up but it does take considerably much more time to really master. If you really enjoy building websites and want to make a career out of it you have to master your web coding skills. A CMS is the easy route out and you are limited by what you can do with a CMS. I see jobs out there on a rare occasion where they want you to have CMS experience but I don't really get it since its like saying you need experience in dreamweaver where you could do HTML in any text editor.If you don't care about being an expert in HTML/Web then go use a CMS it will be less headache for you to get a site up and you have access to somewhat useful controls that have been built into them.

  7. Sadly I've never been to the south island, I'm hoping that will change once I start working and can save up for a holiday. Yeah I hear stories of everything being rural once you get out of the main city etc but I think it would be great for study since it will probably be much easier to get around to your studies and you'll probably have more time to yourself instead of spending almost 2 a day getting to and from University. Yeah public transport in Auckland does suck and people should really take care of their personal hygiene. If you can study in another city I'm sure their facilities will just be as good if not better.

  8. I don't know what it is with girls and makeup, When they have it on they look nice but as soon as it comes off it looks horrible. Its like two different people. A friend of mine was using that product but when they don't have makeup on I think it looks worse. Maybe its just her skin type. Of course I do not say anything. I think if you can just avoid using makeup I'm sure it makes your skin worse over time and is doing more damage then good in the long run. I'm a guy but I've never tired anything and my skins not the best but I don't try to cover it up I think in the end my skin requires less care because I don't use any products on it like make up. I'm not sure if guys even use make up lol? do they ? Natural is the way to go just be proud of your looks and don't worry too much about what others will think. No ones perfect and makeup is only that just something to cover up your true features. Of course in worse cases like its use to cover up scarring from accidents or what ever I can understand the need for that. Yes girls just want to look pretty and makeup helps I get it. It attracts guys blah blah.

  9. OK I use the bus for transport right to get into the city, It takes so long about 40mins or more to get into town and I have to sit near people who stink from body oder. Come on take a bath please lol you don't have to use fancy perfumes to cover up the smell but at least do something to reduce it. The next person you site next to isn't guaranteed to be smell impaired. Maybe wash them cloths you wear every few days or so. I also hate the loud girls who sit in the bus and play their hip-hop music, I'm only saying that because you never hear someone crank up their rock music why is hip-hop or rap any better? and if its not the music its their hole in their face making the noise. There is no consideration for other users on the bus at all from some people. No I don't want to hear about your love life with that guy you just meet. I'm sure no one else on the bus cares so just shut it lol. When there are empty sets on the bus maybe you can move your fat bump and go sit there instead of staying next to me just because your too lazy to move and make it uncomfortable for the both of us. Unless you like it like that and swing that way I have to say sorry I don't. If your a hot chick then I wouldn't mind of course. Then theres the part where theres a empty seat on the bus next to a pretty girl but you choose to sit next to me lol. Now I'll move on to my lectures, Some of them are great and some of them are just so bad it makes it difficult to learn. I'm taking Algebra and discrete maths and I'm not the best at it but my lecture is foreign and they have a very bad accent, on top of that they don't explain things too clearly. Its already been 2 lessons and I'm falling behind on material work. I need to catch up but I'm still waiting for my loan to go through so I can purchase the math book and start catching up since its clearly explained with good English.Then there is computer newbies in my family, I love you guys but I've shown you how to do those things 100 times already why do you need me for every task that involves more then 3 steps. Burning CDs, downloading music, printing, faxing, transferring your music to your phones... I'm so tired and all those minutes adds up to hours and probably even days. There is probably more to add but I'm so exhausted right now I cant think right. I hate public transport the most. /sigh

  10. I dont know any other ways you'll do with the credits, I would say just keep them and offer them to members if you don't really want them. Some do struggle to keep their points up and maybe they will help you out back even with problems since you helped them. Other then that I cant really think of any other reason why you'll want to keep the credits beside hosting and domain name purchases. I think if you offer credits for competitions it would be a good incentive for members to be a bit more active here. Thats just my idea anyway on this topic in the end its your credits do what you like.

  11. I know how you feel when someone gets on my nerves all I can think about is doing something like that but I have enough self control to not actually go ahead with it. I don't really know what to tell you on this but what ever you do, do not do something you'll regret. If you assault someone it will most likely be on your record and can affect your ability to get a job. Its not worth it in my opinion. I tend to just ignore people in this situation as its a lot easier for me to do then confront them. If I confront someone on this I know I will just lose control even more easily. There is no shame in keeping quiet and letting things go, In fact I think its a nice quality to have. You are the bigger person from stopping stupid things from happening instead of giving in to primal rage.

  12. yeah the riches guy now is worth 62 billion? I forget his name. thats like 62,000,000,000 dollars? If I ever make 1 mil In my life time I would be happy I'm sure, I just want a house and all the bare essentials. Of course having more money is like security. If you just live on your day to day income its not secure you have to have money saved away for the rainy days. These guys are masters of making money and I'm sure most of them do support charities its just they make so much money that giving away a few mils is like nothing. They are always thinking about planning for future investments. Ever hear the saying the rich get richer while the poor get poorer? I don't really dislike or hate rich people from being rich. They worked hard for it and as far as I can say they can do what ever they like with it. Now if your poor and have no money your can only blame yourself from not doing anything. This is directed at me since I am poor <_<. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom for you to change your life. When it comes down to it I'm sure everyone will do what ever they can to survive. The poor people keep going in other countries when they have no money and barely enough food, Its human nature. Rich people do give money to help but it can never be enough. Our world will always be full of rich and poor people and full of problems I'm not sure what will make it change. Sometimes even thinking about this gets me depressed and I feel sorry for all the unlucky people in this world. I have realtives in 3rd world countries that I dont even know off its sad. If I had money I would probably help them out first. It must be tough in a way if you have a strong conscience and to know you have that kind of money laying around and you know there are so many people out there who would benefit greatly from it. It could change their life but what would you do spend 90% of it helping out as much as you can and risk losing all you earned knowing you've put in a good effort to help people. Its a tough call to where you draw the line. Most of us aren't in a position with that much money to give out. If money is the root of all evil like the bible says then the riches people in the world must be very evil :E. Just a though I don't know really.PeaceSone.

  13. Its ashame they do not allow IE to run on other operating systems, I really find the time needed to load up IE7 or 8 on my PC so annoying. I have a legit windows so upgrading isn't an issue its just having two machines on is. If IE8 does turn out to be very good in CSS compliant then that will make life a lot easier for us trying to code for both IE and Firefox.

  14. I used to work at this one logistic company its was rough to say the least. I did it for about 6 months because I needed the money, the pay wasn't great, just minimal wage or maybe a bit higher. The people there were not too friendly either. Most of them smoked, liked to drink and probably didn't care if they lived or died the next day. Also racism and discrimination was normal there. Thats a bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea lol. There was a few people there that I didn't mind they were OK good people who showed each other respect. The job started early like 6am and finish about 8 or more hours later. Sometimes they asked us to stay back because there was a lot more work that needed to be done. Well the job was pretty much unloading containers all day :E. You know those containers that come off the boat. They rushed us too so after a while you build strong arms but man it was stupid because there would be very hard items like cans of food or what not and you would have one person toss it and the other catch and load it onto the pallets. This worked OK if the two are in tune but there would be times where someone would go too slow and the object would be tossed and either it was dropped or it hit you on the finger when you try and fail to catch it. We lost so much product from breaking them it was stupid, I dont know how the company deals with it they probably say it got damage in shipment and insurance will cover it or something. The logistic companies hire people who ain't even trained properly for the job because its cheaper to pay someone unqualified. Theres been cases since I was there where a young kid who thought he was a hot shot started driving the folk hoist around even when he had not been trained to. Of course that day we happen to be moving some 40 inch LCD tvs around and he ended up dropping about 6 of them lol. I think all of them got damage and was just junk. Oh and We also move Dell computers in new Zealand lol. Dont buy them man I drop them on the ground like it was junk so does all the other workers there. I'm surprised they get there to their customers working lol.If you see your box damaged you know its been treated badly. That was my last job and probably worse ever in my whole life just because of the boss, co workers, and job was crap. I finally said screw this theres no point working here when I have other skills I should just try and get a better job.

  15. The only way that I can think of doing it is to scale the height on one side down. This would create a similar turning effect but its not 100% correct. or if you have access to a 3d program you can just load those screenshots or images of the window onto a primitive square object where it is loaded as a skin on one side of the surface, do the rotation there and render the shot. If your using photoshop there maybe some save actions out there that people have been passing to do these cheap rotational effects.

  16. Thanks I'm speeding towards the 280 mark. As much as I enjoy winning the credits I think it might be a bit more fair if there is a set time for the next challenge, I don't know if this would work its just an idea. From todays challenge I pretty much had no competition since I'm on Xisto most of the time. Serverph figured it out before me I think but refrained from claiming the win, thanks <_< I'm not sure if you mods need the credits or not. Cant wait for the next challenge by the way I'm sure you'll come up with something interesting next round.Peacesone.

  17. Yeah I hate hearing people say that too, I don't how you can be bored if you are not constantly thinking or planning things to do. Maybe they just have no motivation to do things and have so much free time that they run out of things to do and it becomes boring. For me I'm the opposite, there isn't enough hours in a day and I get frustrated about not having enough time to do all the things I need to do and want in a day. 24 hours a day I spend only 8hours sleeping roughly the rest of the time I am working and doing the necessities like eating, drinking, getting around places, attending classes, doing homework, looking for work. I'm so busy the only time I get to chill is minimal. I think if people have responsibilities they wouldn't have problems of being bored, You will be way too busy to be bored.Every time I hear the words "I'm bored" I wonder what they do with your time lol. I wish I could be bored and have nothing to do.

  18. Could you guy document how you go about it? It could be worth some credits and helpful for others who have no idea about taking on such a complex project. There would be many ways of doing this but having an idea of how others go about it would be a good insight for people learning. They could look at it and see how or why it was done that way. Look at the advantage and disadvantage of how you guys went about it you know. Just an idea if you can share with the rest of us. thanks.

  19. I agree with what SM has said. I would add this.. if you don't like whats going on you can either tell your boyfriend or your cousin, Who ever your comfortable with or what ever reason tell that person. Let them know how you feel about it keeping in mind if you are being reasonable about it too. You don't want to come across being too controlling since they are free to have who ever as friends as they like. I guess it all depends on you and your boyfriends relationship and what you both consider OK. If hes visiting 5 days out of 7 then tell him to go find some other friends but if its once a week or less it seems reasonable enough. I'm a bit different when it comes to friends I can not see them for months years and I wouldn't really miss them. Just last night my friend came over to visit me I found it annoying since we don't really relate well. It would of been OK if it was just him but he brought his kid and his kid is kinda annoying as kids are. He was playing PS3 with my little brother too instead of catching up with me. I dunno I just find that annoying.

  20. Yeah thats pretty amazing, I remember seeing a report on this a while back but there wasn't too much detail on it at the time. I think its a great idea and it will open up a lot of opportunities for new features with this kinda of virtual world. The idea of having your own custom avatar would be nice but I wonder what kind of limit you can have on it. There would obviously be people who are going to abuse this with displaying profanity on there if there is no strict control. Remember counter strike where you can spay custom tags? Then someone got the idea of straying porn and what not on there it was OK if you didn't mind but there could of been kids playing the game. Voice chat is on there and it will be interesting how its implemented there. Open chat to all would be a problem if there are too many speakers, maybe some kind of filter system would be put in place.edit:The only thing I found disappointing was you have to purchase some more cloths to wear, screw that I will just wear plain clothes lol. It wasn't mention if you could design your own cloths or not either, Probably not and also the face creation edit feature looks OK but it would be nice if they gave you more control over models and skinning. How about a little tattoo or scar across the forehead? Or what about a black eye you got from having a scuffle in the arcade the other day? Or if you can lose teeth that would be awesome.Theres way too many things to comment on it its worth having a look for sure.

  21. My little brother was playing lost planet demo yesterday on PS3. I was surprised you mentioned it was originally on XBOX360 as now I remember seeing it one time. I guess I only take notice of what I like heh. The graphics on the PS3 I would say looked OK. We have a 50inch plasma and HD cable from the PS3 connection to it at home but when I saw it on XBOX 360 it looked much smoother maybe because when I saw it at the store it was on a much smaller screen who knows what it could of been.The game play is pretty good, a lot of features I haven't really played with on other games like controlling those mini Mechs, grenades that pop decoys, shooting out hooks and pulling yourself up high places, a large variety of guns made things interesting. All that combination worked well and I was only watching him play for the most part. I had a go myself but I'm not used to shooter style games on controllers. Keyboard and mouse for me and I will start owning :E.

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