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Everything posted by TikiPrincess

  1. I've had all three and like robocz033 said, they're gonna break eventually. Flip phones are perhaps the most easily broken because the hinge is the weakest point and can be broken by too much pressure on either side. On the other hand, the screen is more protected from scratches and I didn't make random phone calls whenever I was digging around for something in my purse because I accidentally hit the buttons. Slide phones also have a weak point where the two parts of the phone connect together, but it's usually smaller and there's no hinge, so it's not being pushed in different directions. For the most part, the screen will probably be scratched up. I also had to change the settings because I would accidentally hang up on people when the slide part closed. And a regular phone is a regular phone, but it's cheap and easy to replace if you break it.I personally like my flip phone, but I'm not a big phone person anyways. I usually can't wait to get off the phone.
  2. Happy Birthday Borda! Now blow out your candles and make a wish, but can I be the one to unwrap your package? I promise I'll be gentle with it. :PSeriously though, I'd usually toss a few credits your way, but you're not hosted, so I can't send them to you! I guess I'll just have to be more creative...
  3. Happy Birthday Borda! I'll ask MB to bake you an evil cake so you can make an evil wish when you blow out your evil candles. Or I can send you some of the peanut butter cookies I'm baking ^_^

  4. Hey there crazy, evil guy! Oh wait, that's supposed to be Crazy_Rob... omg, have I been spamming the wrong comment box this whole time! I'm soooo sorry. Let me make it up to you in SPAAAAAAAM. mwahahahahaha

  5. I could, but I'm just trying to use euphemisms here so that I can imply what I mean without actually going out there and saying it. Although I do understand that it might be difficult for people who may have learned English and it's not their primary language, I figured it might be harder for some of the younger Trappers to understand the meaning as well. We are all only humans. Though we try, we are weak and sometimes fail. The best thing to do is show acceptance and forgiveness rather than berate or admonish someone for being only human. Love is not love without an open heart.
  6. Pranks are like covering someone's yard with toilet paper. My husband did steal his friend's stuffed animal and sent ransom notes and left messages on her beeper of the stuffed lamb baaing (because when I was growing up, only the really rich people had cell phones, weighed about a pound). And his friends' found out his password and changed the greeting message on his voicemail. But none of these things really harms or damages anyone in a significant way. Yeah, toilet paper is hard to get off the lawn sometimes, especially if it's a wet morning, but it doesn't really hurt anything or anyone. My husband's friend laughed histerically over her stuffed animal's "kidnapping" because it's an inanimate object and something that didn't really affect her. And changing someone's greeting message can be annoying, but otherwise harmless.I had some "friends" in high school that thought it would be really funny to chat with some guy online and pretend that it was me. I was hilarious until he showed up at my house and wanted me to do all the stuff that I had supposedly been doing with him online. Thank god that my parents and brother were home at the time because things could have gotten ugly very quickly. I could have "pranked" my friend back, but I decided that she just wasn't worth the effort and if someone is willing to do something that horrible to me, then she doesn't deserve to be called a friend.What your "friend" did is sadistic and cruel. It's completely mean-spirited and, as he stated, done to inspire hate. I would seriously reconsider a friendship like that.
  7. Excuse me, I'm looking for a devil in the form of a helpful buffalo. ^_^ BTW, the California sunshine is calling your name.

  8. Sorry, I'm a fan of the 80's power ballads. Anyways, welcome to the Trap! As requested, here are some handy links for important stuff: Xisto Readme, Board Rules, Shoutbox Rules, and the Pre-Signup FAQ. Those have everything that you need to know about rules and stuff.As to the hosting credits, there is a cap on how many credits you earn per post. Right now, 10 credits is the max you can earn per post, and you have to write a LOT to get the full 10 credits. Usually you get that when you write a really lengthy tutorial, roughly the equivalent of about 3 pages, single-spaced on Word. But you can post on lots of different topics. I think Saint_Michael's more than enough credits to maintain hosting for the next couple years without needing to make another post. As to how they can offer free hosting without using ads, there's a handy little thread about that somewhere here.
  9. Oh, my post isn't about starting a relationship, just the differences between what turns men and women on. Because women need emotional or intellectual stimulation, it's harder to pinpoint what women want from men.
  10. After reading several sob stories and pleas for advice from other posts on this forum, I thought I might share some of my experiences and knowledge. Though I've had my fair share of relationships, I also like to people watch and I always seem to be the friend that everyone turns to when they need a shoulder to cry on. It's interesting what you can learn just by watching other people. First of all, you have to accept the fact that men and women are, for the most part, wired differently. There are exceptions to the rule, as always, and it's not clear whether these differences are genetic or conditioned through the environment, but men tend to think differently than women. This is significant because even though both sexes value aesthetic appeal or physical beauty, the emphasis on these traits differs. For example, most men are visually stimulated. Guys don't do a very good job of hiding this fact, and women can quite easily exploit it, hence the large number of "paper bag magazines," movies, internet sites, etc. that make a fortune off of this very idea. Women, on the other hand, usually need more than just visual appeal. It's a fallacy that a woman knows whether she'd have sex with a guy within five minutes of knowing him. Most women need to connect intellectually and emotionally with a guy, which will often outweigh the physical attraction (or the lack thereof). When you consider the long running popularity of soap operas and shows like "Grey's Anatomy" or "Sex in the City," it seems that women really do enjoy the complexities and multiple levels of relationships. It's not that they need drama, but they enjoy plot twists or romanticizing about the whatif's and other possibilities. Brad Pitt, aside from being the hottest guy on the planet (IMO), is also a humanitarian and active in wildlife preservation, which only adds to his hotness rating. If he were a complete jerk, the way Russell Crowe can be, then he would drop down on the list. So how does this play out in the real world? Well, you guys need to realize that we women know exactly what you're looking for and that we will try to make you think with your head rather than your brain to get what we want. You've been warned. Aside from that, men need to understand that they can't use the same tactics on women. Yes, gorgeous and sexy men will appeal to more women, but if you can connect to a woman on an emotional level by appealing to her intellect, then sometimes it doesn't really matter what you look like. As for women, well, we just have to accept the fact that guys are turned on by hot women. If he turns his head to watch Pamela Anderson go by, it doesn't mean that he doesn't think you're attractive or that he doesn't love you. Even though my husband's pretty good at just turning his eyes and not his head, I'll usually say, "Wow, she was hot" or something like that. He's smart enough to say, "She was wearing too much makeup" or "They looked fake to me" rather than denying he saw her. Of course, all this is just based on my opinion and experiences and, again, can't be applied to everyone. Feel free to take this post with a grain of salt or voice your disagreements.
  11. Sacramento is only slightly better than Fresno, which is only marginally better than Bakersfield. Points added because it IS the state capitol and has such beautiful and regal architecture, points down because it's the residence of the last two governors and because it's the state capitol and filled with greedy politicians and lobbyists.I think if I were to rate my favorite areas in California, San Diego would be #1, followed by Santa Barbara, then maybe San Francisco, then Carmel, not just because it's absolutely gorgeous there, but I think it would be cool to say that Clint Eastwood was Mayor. Anyways, Los Angeles is actually at the bottom of my top 10, but as I said before, my family's here and like most Filipinos, family is everything to me. And between my husband's family and mine, I've literally had to go to 6 different family functions for Christmas, 8 if you include Christmas Eve. Maybe moving wouldn't be such a bad idea after all...
  12. Welcome back! I do enjoy spamming SM's comment box. But only because it shames him so. ^_^

  13. Thank you very much for your suggestion, but you might want to take another look at the Board Rules in the Xisto Readme. The first line specifically addresses languages, stating, If we had a foreign language forum, we would need a moderator fluent enough in each language under the subforums. Since English is still the lingua franca, or dominant international language, it is a much more reasonable request to have that as the required posting language on the forums since the mods and admins will be able to catch any posts that are questionable in content.However, please feel free to post any other suggestions that you feel would add to the quality and activity on the forums.
  14. TikiPrincess


    Actually, he was talking about himself in the third person because he used "he." Second person would be "you" or "your," while most normal people refer to themselves as "I" or "me," whereas royalty refer to themselves in the plural first person using "we" or "our." For example, the Queen of England might say, "We are displeased with your performance."Anyways, I'm very happy you've discovered our little niche. It can be quite comfy and fun if you follow the rules. We value quality over quantity, so if you put a little effort into your posts, you'll be able to earn hosting more quickly. We also have a number of tutorials on HTML, CSS, and PHP under the tutorials forum while the sub-forums under Programming often have tips for specific problems and you can also post there if you're having trouble with a particular aspect of coding. Since you're into FPS games, you should check out TimeShift. I think it should be coming out later this year, around November. My brother's been working really hard on it! Welcome to the Trap and I'll see ya on the forums!
  15. For those of you who are still debating on whether you want to buy a PS3 or a Wii, you might want to check out this YouTube video for another perspective. It's a spin on those Mac vs. PC commercials. Of course, they're appealing to a completely different demographic. I'm sure most of you have probably seen this before, but I couldn't find it, so I figured I'd post it here.
  16. I disagree with your rating. Whenever I see it, I think of that guy Arnaz from that show 'One on One.' He was pretty hot. Of course, nothing could be hotter than demonfire. And having enjoyed Ghostrider despite the fact that it stars Nicholas Cage, I'm gonna say 8/10. Points off for weird capitalization without being 1337. d3m0nf1r3 would have been cooler.
  17. I think that calomine lotion is supposed to help. Of course, you'll end up a lovely shade of pink after applying it, but it's supposed to soothe the itch. If you can, try to escape the heat as much as possible. Go to the movies or the mall around noonish when it gets really hot. That way you don't have to pay for air conditioning. It should cool down enough after 5 or 6ish. My house doesn't have air-conditioning either, and I'm in California. It usually climbs above 90 and sometimes over 100 sometimes. But we don't have the humidity that you guys get in Indiana, so sweat usually dries off pretty quickly. Other than that, I think you might just have to wait it out for the rash to heal.
  18. Apparently Jason Bourne isn't the only one lucky enough to survive being adrift at sea. Vacationers at a Dutch resort saw something floating in the ocean, so the hotel employees dragged it back to shore. Beachcombers and sunbathers alike were treated to an 8ft tall LEGO man model, complete with yellow arms and head, red pants, and blue shirt. You can read the story here. I'm assuming it's some sort of artistic commentary considering that the words on his torso say "no real than you are." I'm wondering who the artist is and where it came from. An eye-witness says she thinks it was coming from the direction of England. Of course, I'm sure LEGOland will be trying to snatch that statue up sometime soon if they haven't made an offer already. I prefer their other lifesize statues made entirely with LEGOs you'd find at Toys 'r' Us.
  19. Jim, I hope you've seen The Princess Bride since it's an awesomely fabulous movie, but more particularly, I'd like to do to you exactly what Westley says to Prince Humperdink in the final scene. "To the Pain!" :PI know that if I moved, I wouldn't have to pay ridiculous prices for a house or deal with all this crappy traffic or smog or earthquakes or the dozens of other things that I deal with on a daily basis for living in Los Angeles. But it's where I grew up, and all the people I love most are here. It's a trade-off I'm willing to make for near perfect weather all year long, surfing in the morning and snowboarding in the afternoon, exotic cuisines from all over the world authentically prepared and only a few miles away, bargain-shopping at the garment district, theme parks galore, and the hundreds of other reasons why people choose to stay as well as the thousands of other people who keep moving here. Honestly, there are better beaches out there, there are better mountains, better deserts, better metropolises, but where esle in the world could you find them all within a 2 hour drive from each other.
  20. Heh, thanks for the comments! I really appreciate the suggestions. I'm still a noob at all of this. I haven't really "gotten into" making sigs, I'm more just playing around and having fun. My stick figure sigs are really all I've got going for me and that's just because I've got a very twisted sense of humor more than anything else. Though I would rather not be a jack of all trades and master of none, I'm always eager to learn and experience new things. I'm the consumate student always seeking more knowledge and this world has so much to offer.I did download GIMP to check it out, but I'm still really iffy on the interface. The filters seem different and the end product is sometimes... well, not what I had hoped for or expected. But I'm still playing around with it.
  21. I'm glad everything went well! You'll definitely want to keep that bottle of Vicodin handy for awhile. Can you still breathe through your nose right now? If not, I would guess that eating and drinking are problematic. It would be great if you could keep us updated so that others might benefit from your experiences.
  22. You're back! Woohoooo!

  23. Hi, will you help me find my lost puppy? I think he went into this cheap motel room across the street.

  24. That would be wonderful if Los Angeles wasn't such a sprawling urban area built by incompetent city planners. I'm actually quite adept at reading maps, but, unfortunately, my Thomas Guide is only for LA and Orange Counties, not Ventura. Of course, it's damn near impossible to get anywhere in LA without taking the freeways. If it's moving at least 20-25mph, that's faster than going on sidestreets which are usually just as crowded. If you're lucky, there's a road that follows the freeway, but ours don't always seem to go in the directions that they're supposed to. For example, Highway 101 is supposed to run north and south, but the stretch I was driving ran more east and west. And then there's the awful 10/710 interchange where the on-ramp is actually on the left. We've also got the MENSA candidates working for CalTrans who decided it would be a great idea to have all the freeways merge in one place, so traffic gets all congested everytime you get to the Orange Crush or the East LA interchange. Don't even get me started on when they think is a good time to start construction or "beautification" projects.
  25. The rules are actually pretty fair. You're getting FREE webhosting and all they're asking is that you contribute some quality posts to the forums. They even work off a credit system, so you can spend some time making a good, long post on something that you know about or are interested in rather than trying to keep posting on lots of different things. If you write decently enough, you can earn enough credits in a day or two to keep hosted for over a month. They don't require you to "check-in" every few weeks like some of the other post-to-host forums. If you think that the post requirement is too much for you, you can always try Xisto's quipis service where they add a line of advertising text at the bottom or Xisto - Web Hosting for low cost web hosting. They both have all the same features as Xisto's free services without the posting requirement.
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