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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. but is there any means ( technology ) to check whether the file which is being transferred in a p2p is legal or copyrighted , i am sure there is not technology for the same , if this is the case then i guess the Bittorrent ( or any such client ) must establish a centralized server before establshing the p2p connection , in the server they have to check and do someething about the file which is going to be trasffered , some key exchange or something , thus making p2p only for legitimate files , then p2p will be rocking i guess , Lets innovate such a technology
  2. but do any one know whether still this particular thing is open or not , i just tried following that link, at last i got an email id , and i mailed , but had a bounce , the mail was not delivered to the email id which was displayed over there , that too it was [at]google.com , so i just wonder whether google people too suspend their own email id ?
  3. hi friends , i hope you are all aware about the adsense offered by google and its policy . Earlier it was like whomsoever need to subscribe for adsense can go and register a domain and thereafter come and register with google adsense , But now Google has rewritten its policies , eg: now only high level domains are accepted , (.com etc) , moreover the most important change is that , if you are registering for an adsense account your domain must be atleast 6 moths old. so this keeps away many people for just like that registering with google adsense.
  4. Recently i came across a program by name galwaysidle.exe , now whats new in this ? you might have noticed that of your account is not used or if you leave it idle the logo changes to an orangle bulb lol i dont know exactly how to call that orange thing , but with this galways idle one can bring it permanently to orange no matter even tough you are in a chat or in other words even if you are active this makes you IDLE
  5. I wonder how this so called peer2peer softwares exists till now , and how the cyber laws of the United states still permit the same , the whole is aware that all the softwares which are transffered via peer2peer is gonna be illegal and no legal softwares are transffered . may be in some cases there are some , on the other hand there is a high probablity of vruses to be transffered via p2p , leave alone viruses , my only doubt is , how come the Laws permit Softwares to be transffered ( against the policy ) thorugh some p2p clients legally ??Results of p2p :Advantages :-You get anything and everythingDisadvantage :- Illegal distriobution of softwares which may hinder the tech. growth in near future.- Spreading of viruses ( however this may be controlled using some scanners on the recieving side )
  6. Hello every one , if there is a single large network and the Admin has gone for setting up a Virtual private network , let me consider this scenario as network a and network b , Both the networks a and b belong to a single network , but they are put under diffrent VPN ( Virtual private network ) , both the networks are assigned into diffrent VPN from a Layer 3 Switch ( A Cisco's product ) and in this layer 3 switch the admin have made some conifuration to put both a and b under diffrent subnets.I am not that much familiar about this VPN concept , but now i do find that these networks are not seperated completly though they are under diffrenet VPN , if some one hosts a webserver in network A and shares a file , and another person can use a PUTTY CLIENT ( SSH Tunneling client ) in network B and through this putty client once can bypass the VPN restriction and can access the file from network A .So actually here the main aim of the network admin is to split two networks , but out of practical experience i am writing that there is a way possible to bypass the VPN . So network Admins beware ,Now my question for you is this , if one is able to bypass this VPN with SSH tunneling , why not one can use the other network ?? Let me be more clear , if Network A has a high privelage and Network B has comparitively less provelage ( may be the connections are made through a proxy server and many sites are blocked in the proxy server ) , in such a case a person in Network B can use the Same connection as in Network A with SSH Tunneling , but for this some configurations has to be done so if anyone is confident about the connection settings for a SSH Tunneling client in this scenario , like what config. has to be done to the SSH client etc. please share it here , so that many can beaware of the security policies .
  7. When i was in my school days i want to get out of school by some how. meaning i want to complete my school studies, but now i am crazy to go back to school again ,when ever i pass by my school where i studied, i remember the golden moments. So friends who are doing their schooling now please dont regret , dont miss to have fun , enjoy to the core.
  8. i would suggest that u listen to OpaQue, because he is the man of Xisto , moreover once you are confident that your site is gonna have a pretty good number of visitors then you neednt worry about $ , because there Google is there to save you, so go ahead happy hosting with Xisto , this is cool and have the Updated / latest cpanel and the admins and moderators are good friends in this forum , so Host with Xisto and you will never regret , I can be pretty sure about that.
  9. i am surprised to see the word "free" from Microsoft , I thought Mr.Gates dunno the meaning of "Free" but its good to hear that they ( Microsoft ) too are releasing some free products and in this case it is gonna be an anti virus software , so lets hope for the best
  10. Let me call this a tech-Zap !We all know about the revolutionary browser CHROME and how google boasted of its hi-fi security-based browsing feature called INCOGNITO mode.But wait! Can it be a googly?Chances are bleak but highly possible.Let me talk about UNCHROME which may sound rather contradictory.The creators of UNCHROME claim that the installation of Google Chrome contains a unique ID that allows to identify its user(What For??? Now thats an creepy question to all you security-loving geeks),and that Google doesn't make it an easy job to remove this ID makes the issue hog the limelight.The creators of UNCHROME claim that they can actually help you to remove this "ID" by replacing it with null values so that the browser cannot be identified any further.Also the functionality of Google Chrome will not be affected by it and all you need to do is to install UNCHROME once.So all ye CHROME users-- Big Ben is watching ! Get safe !
  11. I don know how many of you have actually thought about why you are using the internet browser you are using by default. Probably its because you got it with the OS or because its famous or your friend uses it too...but then its interesting to see that today there are lots of such browsers available but each one has got its own unique features and add-on's, though the most commonly used ones are Mozilla's Firefox, Microsoft's IE, Google's Chrome and so on...recently i happened to come across a statistics comparing the famous browsers on different criteria. It was interesting, 1st place goes to FireFox , 2nd is Chrome and 3rd is Internet explorer , i was surprised to see Chrome in 2nd place , it came into the market very recently and still it has got a place in the 2nd where as microsofts IE is in the 3rd
  12. XAMP is php for Apache Server only, this tutorial is strictly for IIS because IIS does not come with a default php installed,so inorder to run php on IIS this configuration is a must
  13. I just now Successfully configured a PHP ennabled webserver at home so thought of sharing it with you , may be useful for some. Pre-requesities: Must have IIS installed on your system.You must have the PHP Binariy file, you can get it directly from the Quoted link below,please be aware that there are many 3rd parties who provide php Binaries and this tutorial is not for those Direct Download From (http://php.net/downloads.php). Lets have the tutorial Step by step so that if you have any error during installation you can quote the Line number to clarify your doubt. Step 1 : Extract all of the files from the zip file ( which you got from http://php.net/downloads.php ) into C:\PHP ( Here PHP is the Folder name which is assigned , remember that if you run IIS on D:\ or any other drive create and extract the files onto that drive, dont have big paths like keeping the PHP folder into another folder etc. ) Step 2 : Open System Properties. For this ----- > Right-Click on My computer ----- > choose "properties". Go to ----- > Advanced tab----- >click the "Environment Variables". Now here you can see two sections in the Environment Variables window, User Variable and System Variables. Look into the System Variables You will find the variable path. Select it and then select Edit which is available below the System Variables window. Step 3: Now add php to the variable here do not delete anything on this line. Go to the end of the line you will find a semicolon . After the semicolon, type: C:\PHP ( Drive depends where you have extracted the ZIP file ) and then click OK. Now click OK on the Environment Variables window. Click OK on the System Properties window Step 4: Restart the computer to make the Environment Variables changes.To proceed to this step Restart is a must. Once Restarted .. Proceed from here .. Go to In C:\PHP you Search for php.ini-recommended ,and rename it from php.ini-recommended to php.ini. Now PHP has been installed, Now we have to configure our IIS Server with PHP Step 5: ----- >Open IIS ----- >Under Home Directory: Set Execute Permissions to Scripts Only----- >Click on configuration.. ----- >Click Add ----- >Set executable to C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll ----- >Set extension to .php ----- >Click OK ----- >Click Apply, then OK. ----- >Under ISAPI Filters Click Add ----- >Set Filter Name to PHP ----- >Set Executable to C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll ----- >Click OK. ----- >Click Apply, then OK. Now Restart the Webserver that is IIS. Thats it done,you have successfully configured PHP on your IIS and now all .php files can be executed on your server. Just Take a Simple php file and drop it into wwwroot and access it through the browser via localhost/myphpfile.php, Thats it done . If you have anyyy Queries please post it here I will be happy to attend ..(Quote the step number please when you have doubts)
  14. Go for additional softwares which are available for free use , eg: your freedom. using this you can change your IP and hide the actual IP which is provided by your ISP , these are nothing but Proxy's. Eg.If you want to connect to gmail you just type gmail.com and you are connected directly to the google's mail server, in this case your IP is revealed to Gmail server.If you want to avoid the same , you can connect to some other proxy server using some third party softwares and from that server(proxy) you can connect to gmail server,to be more clear let me explain with an example.Assume that your home ip address is and your are trying to connect to gmail. Now if you connect direclty gmail server will record in its log, instead if you connect to ( proxy server ) and from that proxy server if you access gmail.com , the gmail will store and not in its log.Hope now you are clear about changing the IP address which is provided to you by the ISP
  15. HTML i guess i learn t it from my school, and moreover HTML one can learn more by practice, by practice what i mean is that one has to create more web pages by writing those HTML tags and have to get familiarized, if you see in today's world we have so many software like Dream weaver etc. which allows you to create web pages without even having the knowledge of HTML ,on a broad sense this is a big advantage and if you see in dept you can find none of the younger generation will have an opportunity of studying the beautiful HTML :P
  16. I am a beginner in learning C# and i hope i have learnt all the basics in C# , previously i had learnt C,C++,Java and now C# . Out of all these languages the language which impress me the most is C# and i really love it. Just because it is not the most advanced or state of the art or something like that , C# is really worth studing , It has some extra features like of you take loops you have a beautiful extra looping variable in C# which is known as the foreach . This foreach statement can help you to traverse or search data from an array without even knowing the array boundary. The helps you to get rid of various multiple for loops which you have to use in many cases.
  17. Adding on to the above valuable tips i need to bring to notice to all admins/home users who use a wifi device, there is yet another important factor to be noted when you set up a wireless network.When ever you set up a wireless network you should make sure that it is not accessed by any one else illegally.First of all if some one else is going to access your wireless network illegally you are gonna loose the speed in your network more over there is going to be a security risk also.If the other person does some activity which can break the cyberlaws and cause some problem it is you( the one who is actually supposed to use the wireless network) who is going to be in problem.So in order to make your wireless network secure the primary step one has to do is that create a wep password, that is the password which is use to access any wireless network by a 3rd party.So with this password your wireless network is safe upto a certain extent (only) .Now if you have your friend in the room with his laptop, you can share this password which will enable him/her to use the connection.Now the big question over here is that is this password safe??? or can any one hack this password ??The answer is so simple, this password is not safe unless you take an extra step,Now let me explain to you the vulnerabilities in this area there the password can get hacked,yes it can , usually the ADSL router which are supplied to home use the default user name admin and the default password admin.If this password is not changed then your wep password is unsecure.Let's have a closer look at this.Lets say you have a wireless network , and the wifi device is connected through a wired network,if some one else who is in you wired network comes to know your IP he/she can easily connect to the router using the default username and the password and can login to your router,now once he is login he can view the wep key just by selecting the password and by giving view source.Or he can also change the WEP key, So all of you have to learn 2 things here , keep a secure wifi password change your default router password and your wireless network is safe to a higher extent , you can save your bandwidth from getting stolen , and can avoid all kinds of misuse of your network by a third party.
  18. I have a Wacky idea for this , in your home computer just set an email client which sends email from your system to some mail account ( say xxx@yyy.com ) regularly (Time can be set according to your convenience) , So now when you are outside , what i mean is when you dont have physical access to your computer just go and check the mail ( at xxx@yyy.com ) .The email client from your system must have mailed you and all you need to open that mail, give show all headers , and if you see carefully you can see something as "Originating IP:" Check that one and that IP address is the IP address of your home system, use that connect through FTP to your home system inorder to access the network drive.Though this is not an apt technical solution this will meet the requirement which your need.
  19. To install 2 LAN cards on the same motherboard windows have some limited option ( Bridge connection ) etc. but however it is not that successful , if you are planning to install 2 or more lan cards on the same mother board go for Linux , but in your case you have to find ways to make Counter strike run in Linux and it is going to be a big deal.Anyway give a try.
  20. Ir really sounds crazy , you want a network to be slow ? If at all you want it just send some flood packets into your network and your network is going to become automatically slow ( Note : This is Highly not advisable ) Just scan for some open ports for the network host connected to your computer and use some flooding clients and flood the network, technically what happens is that packets of junk data is being sent on your network which causes a heavy traffic and thereby slows down the connection speed.
  21. ype and Skype simply The latest version of skype that is 3.08 can do more than your description , im a regular user of skype and i love it.In the latest version you can have a video call , conference call and moreover the logging in time taken is much faster compared with any other messenger.Skype originally was a p2p calling piece of software , not it can be used to call PC2Phone also.Note?:A rare piece of information, If you see the technical aspect of the skype ,it is the best software where reverse engineering is not possible on it , if at all if you try to see the code behind Skype all it shows is a fake set of code,the security is so well built in skype
  22. Did you recently install or use any proxy softwares for browsing , if so you will be unable to access the internet if that proxy port is closed and still if your browser is trying to establish connection through it.Now all you need to do is that in all the browser check out the connection settings , example in internet explorer go to tools---->settings---->Connection------>Lan settings and see if all the check box are unmarked.fIf you are using a Mozilla firefox, go to tools---->options--->network a and check for the same . Hope if you are or were using any proxy before this will be a right solution for you.Have a happy browsing
  23. before buying anymobile check that whether the mobile has an inbulit modem to do this ,once i was into this problem, the mobile had a gprs/wap but it didnt have a inbuilt modem so i could not use that mobile as a modem and connect internet to my pc.
  24. Yeah i have a wireless+ a wired Router , my wireless access point is fine for streaming,all you need to know is that the technical stuff.There are 2 types of wireless access ( Wifi and Wimax ) Wifi is the one which is easily affordable and is used at home.Wi-fi supports 45 Mbps transfer rate and im sure this is sufficient for streaming :P
  25. Just refer to you mannual regarding the same , you say that it creates a LAN like connection when you connect it with a USB , that is you mean the connected icon in the task bar in the system tray ? If so that is common when you connect any external devices , for instance if you connect a normal mobile phone with the PC using bluetooth then too you can see that icon over there in the task bar ( system tray ) So all it means is it is connected.Sharing data between the two is possible thats it.
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