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Everything posted by Azriel_Stormbringer

  1. Do you mean the table cells get strecthed? Try to remove the size limit for your table cell's and see what happens.If you make your site in PS theres a way of just saving it as a HTML and edit if from there. I cant remember myself...but i was thinking about getting back into it soon.
  2. This is my favourite car =] Aston Martin DB9 yay! I also love the Lambourghini Gallardo and Lotus Elise Mk2....theys so pretty.
  3. Ok, ive uploaded al lthe files, but i get an 'Error 404' page every time i try to install from the /install directory.I do know how to install php based forums, i have done it many times, but im just trying to figure out why this one isnt working.Have tried going through the CHMOD settings but that didnt work.Ugh nevermind, my FTP program wasnt telling me it kept on losing the connections. Had to upload each file by myself
  4. Ugh..Vista lol. The only version worth getting is Ultimate, the others are just mix-ups of the features.Vista is vastly superior to XP in many ways.1. Eye Candy: Like everyone says, it is pretty, and so so much prettier than XP.2. Media: Media Player 11 is amazing and pretty (even tho it comes on XP too)3. Games: Wow! Look! A built in X-Fire type thing...how cool is that?4. Security: Vista is alot more secure than XP, and you can also properly rstrict what other users do on your system.Yes everyone will/may have problems with Vista, but just like with XP nothing will be properly fixed until at least SP2.
  5. Hello everyone...i have been here about a week so far and i have decided i am definitely staying at this great community.So...My real name is Rob and i live in wales.I have a 9 month old daughter (pics in another topic xD) and yes, i really am only 17 lol.I enjoy spending my free time on my pc, surfing the web and playing online games. I am also a grafix artist (tho not always v.good lol).If ya wanna get to know me more just ask questions or PM me and ill send my MSN address
  6. Ive installed this and...actually...its really quite good.I know alot of people hate Vista for whatever reasons, but i had it installed and i miss every part of it.Tbh i really cant wait to get it back on.Thanks for this Evil Man
  7. Wow! That skin is absolutely gorgeous!Ive never really looked at v3, cant wait for the full version =]
  8. Im sorry for the outburst...wasnt in the best mood. My apologies to anyone i hurt/peed off.
  9. My PC isnt the best, but on low gfx....it really doesnt look bad at all (i also have AA turned off)Will post some kind of gameplay thingy in a bit...also am getting this for PSP on Fathers Day xD
  10. Ugh..just go for a handheld like the PSP.I'm not really a console person, but the PSP has amazed me beyond what i thought it was capable of.
  11. If you want an example of a PHPBB3 board go here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also, tis a good GFX community that i have been in for umm...a long time Ive not really had a chance to play around with it yet, but go have a look
  12. I used to have the same problem, but since i started work everything has started getting bigger (oi! dirty minded people haha).It really is just down to how much you excersise your wrists....im pretty sure using a mouse all day doesnt count tho
  13. Woot! Heres some screenies. 1st is my Chevrolet Z06, 2nd one is a Ford Shelby is took for a test drive...didnt buy it tho
  14. Hey all, I noticed that there was no review for Test Drive Unlimited, so i thought i may as well post a quick one. TDU: OMG! One of the best games i have ever played, visually realistic, even on lowest graphics settings with no anti-aliasing. Ive not figured out how to use my own photos in game yet so just follow this link to see some screenies: http://www.testdriveunlimited.com/ Also it is out on Xbox360, PSP, PC and PS2. I only own the PC version. TDU is categorised as a M.O.O.R, meaning Massively Open Online Racing. In online mode you can challenge any other drivers from around the world to a race. But, you can create your own track from your own position. Amazing ya? But it isnt all about cars, you can also ride motorbikes, ranging from Ducati to Triumph. A few things about this game i dont like are: No headlight light (just a quick flash) No real-time daylight Physics engine isnt the best. Newho's...im off out, anyone else who would like to post something about this game then go ahead. Will post some of my own screenies later on.
  15. All this stuff people say about Vista being absolute s**t is, well...bullsh*t.I used to have Vista on my pc, but the only problem i had was game compatability issues. Everything else wroked fine, if not better than on XP.My system is: Processor: AMD Sempron Processor 3000+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.8GHzMemory: 512MB RAMHard Drive: 203 GBVideo Card: ALL-IN-WONDER 9800 SERIESAnyone who likes vista but wont run it because of RAM issues, you should get a flash stick and plug it in. Vista has a built in thingy to use flash drives as RAM.Soon as i get a new HDD im going back to Vista.
  16. Ok, heres some pics Not the best quality ever...both taken with my K750i on medium quality. Sorry to hear 'bout your problems Tuddy. I find the best way is too wait and be patient. Just to see which way things are heading and then make a decision. You dont want to be with someone who still wants an ex.
  17. I do play Oblivion, but not very often at all.Ill have a look for you and see if that will work.
  18. Woot! Happy Birthday Xisto!Even though ive not been here long i love this community and hope soon that i can be hosted here.I love you all! (mostly)
  19. I have my own source for Tutorials and i know some real pro's in PS.That popout one is -DESIGNED- like that.WTF?!?! Dont use inner/outer glow? Ok...well...seeing as alot of people ive done sigs for WANT it then i use it. Sigs are made for the people requesting one, not for me.As for brushes, i use them overly large so that they bring a better effect and i can use just one part of whichever brush im using.It might just be me, but i really dont like when people talk to me as if im a noob and dont know what im doing. Its just the way i am.
  20. Ive been suffering from depressions for about 2 years now. Ever since a girl left me for someone else.Since then ive found it hard to be friends with people around me, instead i shut myself off and do all my talking online.It's wierd though, the way i trust random people ive never met more than people ive known for years that are close to me.But luckily for me i have managed to get a job and its kept my mind off things for a while, still feel suicidal sometimes. Specially today for some reason...I found that talking to a counsellor helped alot, but now ive gotten even worse than before the counsellor.Tis a vicious circle...
  21. OMFG!!! WTF!!!How many WoW/Runescape noobs are there?Guild Wars FTW!!!Definitely owns ALL other MMO's
  22. Wellll.....if people would like some sigs done i can try.BUT please bear in mind one thing: It has been a while since ive done anything with Photoshop (I use it for all grafix type shizz).If there are any questions about whether these are my own creations or not please PM me and i will show the PSD.
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