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Everything posted by Azriel_Stormbringer

  1. Umm...tis on PC and PS2 and there's a version of it for PSP (nearly bought it but got Carbon instead) And yeah...what downloads are there? ive never seen any...
  2. The amount of requests you take is up to you.As for legal stuff, absolutely no idea. Would be best to find out on teh internet or ask someone who has their own business type thing.
  3. Yah, you're right about the fire bit, i only had a few minutes left at that point though, got the PSD somewhere.Oooo and that dragon S....shortly to be a tattoo
  4. Here are a couple of my sigs that i have made:- Won me SOTW on Asylum51.com also a wallpaper i made (only a few minutes work): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png I know there are alot of areas i can improve on, but i would like some constructive critiscism please. Thanks.
  5. Um, i wasnt sure where to post this, im either blind or couldnt find the Graphics sections. Anywho's, this is a PSP wallpaper i made using Photoshop CS2. I thought i may as well post it here seeing as alot of people i know like it and use it on their own PSP's. thinking about writing a tutorial at some point too. Thanks ~Azriel
  6. Aye, that is completely true, but at the same time AMD have been leading the market for a while now, and pairing up with ATi has really boosted their popularity with gamers. (I also have an ATi card xD)
  7. OMG!I dont believe it...only one person has mentioned Guild Wars.Possibly the greatest MMORPG ever!Ye ye, i know all you WoW players think WoW is teh bestest n shizz, but each to their own eh?List of MMO's i play:Guild Wars (all campaigns so far)Test Drive Unlimited (rox's if u like racing)Silkroad OnlineAnarchy Online (if im bored)NeverwinterNights (all expansions)Oblivion (tis an RPG...but not online so dnt rly count like)Diablo II LODAnd i used to play a few others too.Hope theres a few there that someone is willing to try out lol.
  8. Performance isnt just about speed, its the power it has for well...number crunching really. Also performance may be effected by the cache size on your CPU...from there it gets a lil complicated lol. And, your AMD is a dual core...right? So it will definitely be better than a single core Pentium processor.
  9. You're right about Dreamweaver and its code. Alot of the time it is wrong, and its sometimes a pain in the *bottom* to go back when you realise it is.They could have added some more things to dreamweaver too...i like to make websites with two side frames, a middle and then a top as well, but you have to code it yourself otherwise it messes up :S.Thanks for the tips btw, methinks ima try site developing again xD
  10. Umm...i dont think you can make flash in PS....did i phrase my post wrong?And Photoshop CS2 is all i use at the moment, trying to get hold of CS3.
  11. I smoke but only rarely now, i have quit several times...but then i just start again for no apparent reason. Not had one for about a week though now!Willpower will get you there in the end
  12. Im still looking for CS3.CS2 is amazing! And i also got it from BitLord.
  13. For years ive weighed about the same (8.5 stone (im 5ft7' btw)). Ive tried alot of ways to put on weight, but i dont really wanna try any drugs or anything like that.Whats the best way to put on weight? I am a regular eater, and always eating plenty more than anyone else i know...
  14. Do you have Photoshop?It's very easy to make animations using Photoshop.I'll try and find some tutorials i learnt from, but mostly its best to just experiment.Also the obvious choice would be Macromedia Flash.
  15. I upgraded to Vista a while back, and OMG! I LOVE it!It really is very nice, but then i found out....that...omg...Steam wasnt working properly on it *cries*. I couldnt even run CS: Source.when i get a new HDD, ill be installing Vista back on here though.To be honest, i do miss Vista and its shinyness.Also, i love the WindowsReadyBoost feature...cant wait to get it back again
  16. Sony Ericsson FTW!I currently have a K750i, before that was a K300i and a T610, both of which are still alive.Sony Ericssons are amazing, and seemingly indestructible.But, when i can, i want to get a Nokia N95 or some kind of PDA/Phone combo thing...
  17. AMD is definately the best.I have had both an Intel and an AMD processor, and the AMD easily performed better.I'm currently running an AMD Sempron 3000+ (1.8 ghz) which out performs my old Intel 2.6 ghz processor.
  18. Ever since the age of 5 ive been a computer fan.Since then i have learnt, by myself, to repair, upgrade and build pc's.Give me the pieces and ill have a pc built for you in an hour.But, for christmas my ex-girlfriend bought me a Sony PSP. What a console!Before i got one, i was always saying how rubbish its going to be (cos alot of consoles really are), but this really is an amazing console.Since xmas i have completed all the games i got with it and sold them off lol.Nice to see the PC is above everything else xD
  19. I did a Web Design course at college, although i knew most of what was taught i still learnt new stuff.I have since then made websites for people, but i was never sure how much to charge seeing as i didnt know anyone else in the business.I thought it would be like charged for hourly work or something.I'll try and find a site i made so someone could tell me how good i am. (Not really that good i dont think)Also, anyone with some good Dreamweaver tutorials would be ace!
  20. I've just recently split up with my fiance (that how you spell it?).So at the moment the only girl in my life is my 9 month old daughter, shes the cutest, most beautiful girl in the world and i'd do anything for her.Not sure if posting a pic is allowed, so i wont.Sort of looking for a girlfriend at the moment though...anywho's back to work.
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