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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. Wow somehow I wish i were in your place, I want a bike :DI think that would be.. useful Im going to break my Razor scooters which i have had for more then like 8 years.
  2. Hey guys, right now we have Verizon FiOS, with an HD receiver. The HD Receiver is running to the TV on one HDMI cable. The tv is wall mounted, and the wires are going through the wall. I don't want to rip holes in the wall again, so I was looking at HDMI splitters. I was just wondering what you guys recommend, and how they work?So basically what I am trying to do is... I am buying a blu ray player, or a PS3 for blu ray, and our TV does have two HDMI inputs, but that means ripping up the wall to install the second one, and i already have one running from the tv to the HD receiver for verizon FiOS tv. Is there a way just to split that wire between two systems, and be able to choose which one works, basicly adding like another input or something but external.When split, how does it choose from which signal to play, is there like a switch on the splitter or something of that sort?Thanks, Kyle_vdk
  3. Mkay, anybody have any ideas? This is really buggin me
  4. Well, there is a hacker, and an ethical hacker. an ethical hacker is hired by a company to try to hack into the company's.. company.. haha. they are paid to find out their flaws, and how to secure. A hacker is someone who just does it for the hell of it, or to gain information.You ARE allowed to hack your network, if it is yours, but you arn't allowed to hack anybody else's network, THAT is illegal, unless you have permission
  5. ah, im portfowarding only port 80, but it's the ventrilo that is more important, because the XAMPP interferes with blackberries..yeah im portforwarding for ventrilo also
  6. Well ok. let me try to draw this out in paint.. this is how our routers are set up.. I beleive that is how it goes.. Ok.. I am trying to run both an XAMPP server, and a Ventrilo server. I connect to it fine with (vent server and xampp) but nobody else can connect with my IP address, not even remotely to my router (router control panel with password and IP and port) How do i fix this? Ghost rider ( i think that's his trapian name) said it might be because the modem can't choose what router to send the IP to... any solutions guys? Need more detail? Ask.
  7. well some screens have inputs on them, like mine, i have input 1 and two.. 1 for VGA and 2 for DVI, i think it auto goes to the one bein gused, but if not,look for an imput.
  8. Hmm that is interesting that looks really cool!
  9. Well this works.. its not really a hologram i guessIt shoots up little air particles with water on them, and then i projections projects something on it, to give it the feel that it isnt being projected in a wall. Its not true hologram, but i guess its a start.
  10. Just try pushing your RAM in tight, to make sure its working.Motherboard? well is the VGA cord plugging into an ADDON card, or the motherboard itself.
  11. Well i had this problem with a Dell, luckily in a way, Dell solved it.Behind most DELL PCs above the USB things, there are ABCD and the lights light up, and it gave me the error that my RAM wasnt being read, so i made sure it was in tight, rebooted, and the screen worked fine
  12. I have never heard of an external video card, it needs to go through your motherboard some how, so it wont really work out, sorry.
  13. Ah thanks, i was thinking of the htaccess.. also the only reason i couldnt find anything was.. i didnt know what termonology to use in google. but i guess this isnt really PHP lol
  14. but then if they choose to remember password, i dont wannt that, i want this very, very secure..
  15. Ok, you know IP address banning on websites, right?Well i want kind of a reverse effect of that.Can i make a required IP adress to access a website?like say i want three people to access a website.Person1:IP address= 72.106.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPerson 2:IP adress= another ip addressPerson 3:Ip address= ect...So i want only those three people to access my website, and ban all other IP's (not we an IP list, but just like.... if an IP isnt applicable in the list, or something like that)Do you understand me?Is there a script that can do this? is there a name for this? like IP restricting, or something.
  16. Ah the image on CPU-z are not the specs of my RAM? Uhm, how do i figure that out... Hmm... haha i used quotes this time <3 uhm seems to be 533MHz.. hmm so it should work.. your opinion>
  17. I have a dell stock motherboard Im buying a new one. the dell stock RAM.... is 333MHz at the most.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that is the motherboard.. pic of CPUZ Specifications thats the info from the site.. it says Meory supported 533MHz DDR2 and Dual Channel supported is 667MHz DDR2.. and 800MHz DDR2 ,will my RAM work in the motherboard? im planning on buying the MOBO today.. so yeah need a quick answer.. also.. if it doesnt ill just buy new ram, but i dont got cash for that yet AND can i SLI with two different video cards, like maybe a XFX 8600GT and an XFX 8800GT or something like that. Notice from jlhaslip: Material from other sources must be inside Quote bbcode as per the Xisto Readme. Board Rules
  18. I was just trying to say that monitors are part of performance.
  19. not true about the "a monitor will never increase or decreas the performance of a system" What if you have a 22" monitor playing Crisis, you are getting 10 FPS.. you downgrade to a 15" monitor and you get 30 FPS... preformance just incresed.. or if you buy a 30" monitor, you get 1 FPS... preformance decreased.
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