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Posts posted by A200

  1. 21 Dec 2012 = 12/21/12 for americans (using their stupid (:)) M/D/Y system)122112... hmm someone was having fun.That date in normal date format D/M/Y would be 12/21/12... a date that doesn't exist.Thus this will never happen and we are all safe!Q.E.D.Regards,A200 :DPS-Unless 12/21/12 is the same as 12/9/13.. in that case the world ends on sep 12, 2013.

  2. It is impossible to make suicide illegal, as you are already dead by the time you are caught and they can't send your body to prison!But getting caught attempting, then I think you should be sent to a counsellor or to a mental hospital, not to jail. However, I think an old person who has lived their life to its maximum and have a terminating disease with no chance of survival, I would agree to them taking pills or something to gently put them to rest (aka death) when the disease becomes unbearable. It's like for animals, if they are suffering with no way of recovery then they are put to sleep, same should be with humans but WITH CONDITIONS! Family and friends should be notified of the person's wishes, and if someone is given pills in their sleep so that their children can take their belongings then that is MURDER.A200

  3. About Doctors and Actors/Celbs, there is another profession- teachers.Which is more important, the future generations knowledge and abilities or our entertainment?In the future, we cannot have doctors if they cannot go through school with teachers teaching them, so teachers IMHO are as important as doctors.

  4. I take it that there are quite the amount of people on this forum that are not from the USA? Where are all of you guys from?


    I find it interesting that this forum doesn't only attract U.S. members.

    It is comments like these that I find incredibly annoying ;) . Do you seriously think only people in the USA use the internet or use Xisto? Are you for real?


    Well let me see there are probably heaps of people from Europe (France, Germany, UK, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark etc.) then Canada, Mexico, South America, Asia (Japan, China, Singapore), Australia, Middle East, even Africa. Heaps of people worldwide in many countries use the internet, not just the USA. ;)


    BTW I am from Brisbane (Australia)


    Posted Image

    (not my image, from Aussie Bhoy on SSC)

  5. There are also the times when we are going somewhere and dark skinned people were walking along the footpath and they immediately start saying 'hahaha all you can see is the whites in their eyes and nothing else!!!!' and other crude comments which I find distasteful. But meh I have basically given up on trying to get them to leave their homophobic views... but I am just glad there are other people who have similar issues and know what it's like ;)A200

  6. I am in a pretty annoyed mood with my parents :) The way they act is plain annoying, they expect me (at the age of 16) to follow their beliefs and views on different things and expect me to be like them etc. etc. IT IS ANNOYING! It's like I am not allowed to live my own life...! Ok I am not saying they shouldn't have a say if I join a cult (i never will) but its some simple personal things that annoys me.First of all they are extremely homophobic. If on TV there is a scene where a gay or lesbian couple are kissing, they immediately say its gross and wrong. I believe otherwise (I think being gay/lesbian is perfectly OK and I applaud people who are open about it!) and am sick of them saying 'no it is wrong' when I tell them that there is nothing wrong with same sex couples. ;) Then when I go out with friends, they make a BIG DEAL about it and ask me to say exactly what we are doing 24/7 and don't let us choose which movie we want to see.. the parents of my friends aren't that overprotective. Also when I invite a friend over, they insist on cleaning up the house spotless to make an impression... for christs sake my friends aren't as judgemental as they are ;) my friends don't mind if our house isn't perfectly clean (we just have a lot of stuff...). It erks me.Then they are extremely racist and expect me to follow the same beliefs. We go for a barbeque or out to the shops and foreigners are speaking in their own language, I don't mind but they automatically assume that they should be speaking english :) yet when they go overseas (non-english speaking countries) they are hypocritical and expect the locals to speak to them in english! I just find it offensive when they criticise some of my muslim friends too. They think they are coming to Australia to make it muslim and take over the world etc. etc. etc. and that muslims should be avoided at all costs. :) Their views are extremely one sided and quite frankly I don't like it. Also in elections its the same thing. In 2010 I will have the right to vote and since the Federal Election last November (2007) they have been saying unionism and the ALP are horrible people and the only choice is the Liberals. I'm sorry, but who I vote for is my own choice. They shouldn't be allowed to dictate who I vote for. :) Unlike them, I think workers have rights and unions aren't that bad (when I worked last year my employer offered new recruits a union to join (we don't have to join) and because I wanted a say I joined. Once I told them they kept lecturing me to leave the union. I DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE IT! Just because they have had issues with 1 bad union doesn't mean they are all corrupt. I like my say, I want my rights to be protected, and they simply assumed I don't have rights.After 4 months I quit working at that employer (as they disapproved me working and told me to quit, and I simply had no choice) so now I have been unemployed for 9 months, and don't know how I can get work as, as soon as I look at a place to work at they look at the downsides and tell me not to apply. The last thing I want to rant about is my choice in eating.. I don't like eating pig (pork, bacon, ham etc. hate them all) as I simply don't like the taste, yet they say I should eat pork and force it on me...! They don't understand that I do not like it and continually bug me about it. I have different taste buds to them, I don't like the foods they like. OK I am not the sort of person who is addicted to fast food, I only eat it occasionally, but not being able to choose my hated foods is annoying. Eating pig makes me feel ill! I hate rare meat too (something they do not understand either). I cannot stand half cooked meat... it grosses me out! :) One last thing- I feel I am treated like an object. I go shopping and my parents like to let ALL the people in the stores know that I am a tad underweight and blab out really personal things as if they are things that should be common knowledge. I have a personal life and they do not understand that. I am human and not their object!RANT OVER.Thankyou for reading. Anyone else out there understand my issues?A200

  7. I live in Australia so our school year calendar is 6 months off yours, and our holidays are generally spread out instead of having one 3 month holiday and then other 3 1week long; we have 2 weeks for easter, 3 for winter, 2 for september/october and 8 for december/january. Our winter holidays begin on June 18 and end on July 14 or something. But before that I have exam block from the 7th June (today) to 17th June (2nd last day). We only need to go to school for exams and after each exam we go back home to study. I have 6 exams in total for my 6 OP Subjects... Modern History, Mathematics B, English, French, Geography and Economics! ;)

    Now I am on holidays, my last day was last Wednesday. Last Tuesday was the last day of exam block and is the day I had my modern history exam.

    I had an AWESOME last day.

    I got my Modern History results...

    for our knowledge exam I got B+
    for the 600 word essay written in exam i got B-/B

    I achieved great grades for french:
    Listening A-
    Reading A
    Writing A
    Speaking we did not do this term.

    For my geography exam I got an A, for Maths B I basically got an A as well.

    I was in an absolutely spiffing mood on the last day. It was great.

    Now for my report card, which should come in the mail sometime this week.


  8. 5 out of my 6 exams are over. Just Modern History next :( we have to write 600-800 word essay about Nazi Germany etc. takes 100mins. I had my english exam today and I am scared. the word count was 500-600 words but I wrote 830 and after counting I had insufficient time to cut it down (i made sure I had 20mins at the end for editing, and did 15mins of editing before counting the words)... but smeh I didn't waffle on so it should be all ok :(I am confident I will get an A+ for Geography. I knew absolutely everything on the exam and I am pretty sure I got full marks or close to. By far the easiest exam i've ever done :(Last Friday I had Maths B and I worked quickly so I had enough time for the problem solving at the end- I did. I got them all done and checked my answers :DFrench went OK, seeing as the school does not enforce a time limit as such (because the aim of french exams is to determine the amount you know, not how quickly you can work) but you can't spend like 3 hours on one part tho. It was 2 parts- reading then writing. I spent about 1 hour on each, as I wanted to make sure I wasn't making careless mistakes. After we finished we could leave, I was the last to leave :( but the teacher didn't mind, there were a few people who left a few mins before me. :(Economics went alright, we had to write an Executive Summary. I am confident I did all that was required at a good standard :DI will let you know how I went on the modern history exam tomorrow... its almost 10pm so I am going to bed :(A200

  9. I used to use Mozilla Firefox until Wednesday last week (11 June) when it decided to start freezing as soon as I opened it. That was the last straw, I just gave up on it. I also hate Firefox because it can be slow at times, it automatically deletes all bookmarks, everything, every 2 days. I had no idea why it does that so I left it. Now I use...*drum roll*OPERA! I installed it ages ago and had 9.26 on it, and it was much better than firefox but slower, and then I discovered that a new version is out- 9.5- and upgraded. It is AWESOME, SO FAST, SO NICE, SO SLEEK, SO FABULOUS! 1000X better than Firefox. FFx people don't know what they're missing! :D the only downside is FF and IE people only design sites for the browsers they use so browsers like Opera come out wierd. Opera is better than the others, but their shortsightedness means they dont design it for Opera. Its not Opera's fault. its theirs. Their loss :( they loose members for not keeping in mind the amount of browsers around!

  10. I would get all my money, donate some to charity and family, then get into an airplane and go skydiving, but before I am about to jump I will get the bag of money, open it and tip it all out so it gets spread out and float to the ground, then I would take off my vest and jump as I am so I die falling out of the plane. But probably close my eyes and just imagine I am GOD and I can do whatever I like before I slam into the ground. Hope I don't land on someones house... eww

  11. I live in Australia so our school year calendar is 6 months off yours, and our holidays are generally spread out instead of having one 3 month holiday and then other 3 1week long; we have 2 weeks for easter, 3 for winter, 2 for september/october and 8 for december/january. Our winter holidays begin on June 18 and end on July 14 or something. But before that I have exam block from the 7th June (today) to 17th June (2nd last day). We only need to go to school for exams and after each exam we go back home to study. I have 6 exams in total for my 6 OP Subjects... Modern History, Mathematics B, English, French, Geography and Economics! :D

  12. Hi all,We have exam block next week and the week after (so we have Sat 7 June > Tues 17 June in exam block) so we only have to go to school for exams and the rest is at home studying.I had an RE Exam today, it was pretty easy as RE is non-OP and is only a subject the school makes you do. Tomorrow I have a Modern History in class Knowledge Exam... and also an inclass French listening exam!!!So my exams next week:MON (9 June): Queen's Birthday Holiday, no examsTUES (10 June): 8:30am - 9:30am ECONOMICS written response exam on PopulationWED (11 June): NO EXAMS :DTHURS (12 June): French reading exam then french writing exam. 50mins each, 110mins overall.FRI (13 June): Maths B exam (8:30am - 10:30am)SAT (14 June), SUN (15 June): Weekend, studyMON (16 June): English exam, 8:30am - 10:30am, writing a letter to the editor about a news article then Geography 11am - 11:50am, knowledge testTUES (17 June): Modern History exam essay, 600 words. 8:30am to 10:10am.WED (18 June): Normal school day, last day of school for Term 2.Then 3 weeks holiday :(I am pretty stressed out at the moment, HOW CAN I STUDY?? I find the computer so distracting... its such a temptation to chat on MSN or post on here. I need to study because there is a lot in these exams that I have forgotten and need to revise. What is the most effective way of studying? Doing it in blocks of 2 hour study, or smaller blocks alternating between subjects? HELP!!!!!!!!!This is the second time I have had an exam block, last year in term 4 we had one that went for a week but I only had 4 exams not 6 and most were short and easy!!Please help anyone.A200

  13. I've got no idea if i've posted in here or not, i've answered some of things before but anyway here goes.I normally use Dreamweaver for things, it works like a charm and I like it how different code has different colours :D and I also like the fact I can save the files in the normal format without it getting stuffed up (which is what happens when I make changes in the cPanel file editor).A200

  14. Mine is meant to be 4MB/s and it is, but only for sites hosted in Brisbane. Anywhere else in Australia or the world I find loads at like a snails pace.. really weird. Downloads are generally slow too. Most of the stuff I download is from the USA or Europe so its slow to download. I am sure people in these places enjoy quicker downloads because they are downloading it from somewhere that is close. The new ALP Government were meant to introduce a high speed internet system for Australia. They were voted in like 7 months ago and nothing has been mentioned about it. Very disappointing!I would love to have fast internet. But because Australia is a large country with spread out population, its going to be hard and expensive to install good fast internet. :D

  15. I like MyBB, but I am waiting for 1.4 to come out for ages... :D so I have been using phpBB3.I have used SMF before and I dislike it, ugly design and SMF2.0 is no improvement at all. I can't afford vB and personally I can't see how its worth the money, and IPB is just the same as vB, but different look. IMHO you shouldn't have to pay for things like forum softwares etc. Well thats just my view, feel free to disagree.A200

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