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Posts posted by A200

  1. I once heard about a man who was at an airport, and his son walked of so he called "BOB" "BOB" to get him back, the kids name was bob, and the people around him thought BOB meant Bomb on Board so ASIO took the man away, tracked all his emails, phone calls etc. and he is put in jail and released on bail or something. He doesnt know that everything is tracked, so his explaining the situation to a friend and says something like "F%^&ING ASIO!!" and they immediately come and surround his house and he gets arrested ^^Being grounded isnt so bad... i know how you feel, but perhaps sometimes you can leave MSN alone??? with that man he was innocent civilian caught up in security... now that would suck...

  2. I am going to be blantly honest and I go to a private school, in Brisbane. BUT, I am NOT RICH, neither do I other people are "second class". Stop assuming that PRIVATE SCHOOL = RICH. IT DOESN'T. We are FAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from being any where near rich, we live in an ordinary house in an ordinary suburb, we don't normally have much money to "waste" on designer clothes, I am fine in normal everyday stuff. I know the type of people who associate with private schools- celebrities, rich people, politicians etc. but you will find that most people in there are your average joes working 5 days a week living in the suburbs, who just want their kids to get a good education. Thats the reason my parents sent me to a private school- education, NOT to look like some wanna be rich geek.I've seen it all, I went to Primary school at a state school, those were the most fun times of my life, I really fitted in, and school was more enjoyable, but high school at a private school is just dullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, education education education galore.... if private school was fun my parents wouldnt have sent me there.^^ Trap Feedbacker, I agree 100% with everything you just said. Just because we can try to get a good education doesnt mean you should whine like a 5 year old. Don't be judgemental, what you think isnt what is true. Most people at our school *MOST* would respect non privates just as much as privates, it doesnt make a difference.Is what I am trying to say make sense???

  3. Oh dear I think I am a little behind the times... I used to have FS2000 for a while, but then in 2003 I got FS2002, and never bothered to get any new ones... I hear the latest is FSX or something? What new planes are there, cities, quality etc? I have some custom content planes for FS2002, the concorde, but the cockpit is all wierd so its hard to fly and theres some sound file missing for it somewhere, so a popup always comes up! And I also have the A380, but it was for FS2004, although the site I got it from said it would work in FS2002, the plane does not come up at all!

  4. A couple of major issues with such an idea... there are heaps of custom content out there from sc4devotion.com and simtropolis.com, like the NAM, CAM, SAM, RHW, Big Dig, Euro Roads Mod and also the large amount of towers out there... if someone made a city full of custom content, someone else who is new would not be able to use it as it simply wouldnt work and they would get brown boxes and all sorts of issues!

  5. I believe cats are better than dogs; they cuddle up easily, are very cute, don't chew all the pillows up (*cough* the dog *cough*) but overall cats are better. My issue with dogs are that their plain annoying, they pee everywhere, chew everything up, eat the cats food, bark and carry on like a pork chop! But some dogs are cute, you have to admit, and there are some really ugly cats out there!

  6. Hello ;) my name is Lachlan and I live in Brisbane, Australia! I am 15 years old :D I am hoping to have a good time here and to meet and get to know you all! If you wish, you can add me to MSN: lockelymarkets[AT]hotmail.com (replace [AT] with @). You will see that i registered some time ago, but I never posted as I was with another company, stonerocket. I am pretty much sick and tired of them- FTP didn't work, i felt ignored by staff, etc. and there was just too much spam and not many good discussions going! I hope to move my site, Australia Online, over to your hosting soon, but were currently moving from SMF to phpBB3! Yay!Well anyway, I speak english (obviously), I learnt german for 3 years from 2002-2004, but since then ive forgotten most of it so I can only say a few words, but since 2005 I have been learning French and I like it alot! I visited New Caledonia back in September/October for a week, very exciting as it was my first time out of Australia and on a plane :D I could be going to France itself next year as well, but that is unconfirmed... if it does eventuate to get back, we would depart from Nice and would have to stop over at Rome, Dubai, Singapore then to Brisbane! Oh la la!Ask me any questions if you wish :rolleyes:

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