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Everything posted by Mermaid711

  1. I have to agree with salamakengro, this is a sign of stupidity and laziness in men :)Lol, Men keep bragging about how much more stronger and powerfull than women they are, and now they cant lift a silly toilet seat? God gave men hands for a reason.
  2. Excuze me? Oh no you didn't! As a matter of fact Mr. Male Chauvinist, we can handle hard jobs. More and more women are joining the military AND FIGHTING ON THE FRONT LINES!!!
  3. Now for anyone who knows me, they all know how much I hate obssessive gamers and there stupid MMORPGs, but the otherday I came accross a game which I'm guessing to be like runscape.http://www.gothador.com/ And here is a link to a bunch of 3d MMOs:ww.maidmarian.com
  4. Well you seem to have the right idea tikiprincess :)But I hope you read my post on how you can trick yourself into eating less, and you'll get to your goal faster!Also, may I suggest getting into tennis? Just getting out and hitting balls around with your buddies is a good one to two hour of viggorous activity!
  5. Haha, the other day I was babysitting and the kids were watching some cartoon that was about just that thig! :)I think people shouldn't waste there time on this kind of thing when they need to be social :)Besides, haven't you ever heard of SecondLife or Kaneva? Why create a virtual you, when you can use programs like that to create a better you?
  6. Today, I went to the movies with my best friend Monica. We saw Evan Almighty.First of all, it spoofed the story of Noah.I find it more entertaining than Bruce Almighty. I also find it more family friendly than Bruce Almighty was too. There was a lot less language in it.The acting was a lot different too. Steve Carrel is a lot more impulsive it seems than the guy who played Bruce. Morgan Freeman was excellent in this movie too.The special effects were okay, but I found them to be a little bit on the cheesy side, but it must have taken a very long time to do all of the CGI. They worked with real animals in this movie too. It took a very long time for them to train them, i guess :)But none of the less, Evan Almighty is a very good movie which you need to take your kids to.
  7. Haha! Guess what Saint Michael! I didn't pick Sanjaya Sorry, he was good, but not as good as Melinda. Who really should have won? Post your comments here.
  8. Hi,I have a female cat named patches.She bathes herself in my parents jaccuzi tub and kicks my mom out of bed in the morning I wish you guys could see it, because it's halarious.
  9. I think that women are equal if not more to men.Get ready for my feminist rant.I'm sick to tears of the male chauvonist mentalaty that we are below men. I'd like to see a man try and give birth to a baby. The other day I wanted to hit my uncle over the head with a shovel because he was going on some rant about how women are poor leaders, and women shouldn't be presidents, and how women would be horrible wartime leaders and blah blah blah.Like tikiprincess said, we posess the womb, we keep the human race going, we raise the kids. We cook the meals. And most importantly, we don't act like apes when we see someone like pamela anderson.
  10. Well, in the Bible, it says money is the root of all evil.Studies show that people who have more money are generaly less happy than those who have less.The other day in church, we talked about this guy that won the lottery and his brother hired a hitman to kill him, so he could have a share of the fortune.I wish sometimes we never thought of money, the world would be a much happier place.
  11. Haha, my life was ruined cuz my myspace was hacked.But the only reason that i keep it is to talk to all my friends who moved away.if she doesnt believe you, she's no worth your time.
  12. Um, no i havent.I'll consider that Jim :)Thanks!!!
  13. ahhh yes. Im a polish american. my father is polish but born in america and my mom is uhh.... i dont know because her grandmother was adopted. so i could be full blood polish, but i don't know. I was in a couple of theater classes. I praticipate in plays, and although i havent been on tv yet, I am trained to act profesionally. I learned my sign language from one of my bestest friends jacob. He is deaf. As for my picture, my head shots are getting out dated so I've got to get them re-done. I may or may not post them here. we'll just have to see!
  14. You don't have to be rude. What's clear to you may not always be clear to me. Sorry if I didn't understand you at first you dont have to be a butt about it. Try google. Be careful what you post. I hope you dont get warned or banned for rudeness. The word 'theme' can mean a lot of things. You were unclear and now you are being rude when there is no reason to be. Not all phones use these so called themes.
  15. You know, I never realized it, but you're right about the 28 day thing.I don't know about my actions, but my thoughts can be affected by a full moon. For some reason, im a little bit happier when it is a full moon out.
  16. Small one liner posts are considered spam. Please be a little more specific. Do you want a site that sells ringtones or what???
  17. I gotta vote crazymind 21 his is cool. i want him to make me a sig!robocz033:0mattmgill:0Imtay22:1Mich:0crazymind21:3Ridwan sameer:0faylestarr:0
  18. My obssesion in keeping my hands as clean as possible. i've nearly dried out my hands from washing thm so much. You really shouldnt use lemon juice or anything acidic on your teeth. You'll end up with all the enamal that protects ur teeth gone, and it wont come back. your safer off using white strips.
  19. You accidently double posted. Young?!?! Every girl who isn't a lesbian is wearing makeup at our school.
  20. Lets start from the begining: Scientists ***THINK*** that the universe we inhabit began with a small burst of extremely hot light, and it began expanding from that point. The universe today is still expanding, and faster than ever. so if it is still expanding, in the endless void that the universe is in, there should room for others. I am aChristian, and I think Heaven and Hell are in two seperate universes. How ever, should we try and leave said universe, what would happen from that point? But my question is in why the universe began and how it came out of nowhere, and so that's why i turned to religion. "For we walk by faith, not by sight." -2corinthians 5:7
  21. Well theres two kinds of Autism:1. The kind that causes you to be an extreme intravert.2. The kind that makes you super bouncy off the walls.Its so sad people have to put up with this. One of my old friends is autistic. She has Aspurgurs Syndrome (I'm sorry i cant spell.)
  22. If you want us to stop reproducing, go talk to China. Did you know hat if everyone who LIVED in China (not born in) walked in a single file line besides you, the line would never end because they reproduce so fast? That has nothing to do with religion. Good luck with getting people to change their beliefs. That's physicly impossible. We're not going to make plants not depend on water and minerals. All living things on this planet require water. Your not going to find/engineer a gene that can do that. Good luck with that. You're not going to get anyone to work for free. You must have been raised on welfare or by communists. Okay, what kinda drug are you on??? It looks like acid to me. You're not going to get everyone to agree with something. There is always going to be that one person who can't keep his mouth shut. Besides, if this took place, the entire world would end up like North Korea. Haha!!! I cant wait to see how many people are killed by Jupiter's RADIATION belt, and the ASTROID belt does NOT go around jupiter. it seperates the inner planets from the outer planets. And anyways, your working with extremely complex molocules here. And, by the way, the outer planets have such a strong gravitational pull, that you would not be able to leave once you got there. And we are a long way away from terraforming. So kid... Do you read a lot of comic books?
  23. Well, I use a Chi straightner.You should use a silk infusion or sirum of some sorts when straighning your hair.Chemical treatments, such as relaxers, are worse for our hair, because they can make your hair dull and lose its sheen.Along with using an iron straightner, you should eat healthy. Your hair is the biggest marker of what you eat. Someone with nice, soft, shiny eats lots of veggies. Someone with oily, nasty, dried out hair is, most likely, but not always, someone who constantly eats at McDonalds.
  24. So yeah this is my interduction, here goes:Hi, I'm Sarah.I'm 12, and I'm turning 13 in July.I can speak American Sign Lanuage, and Spanish, and bits and pieces of Polish.I'm an amazon. I'm 5'6" I have a jewellery business.People say I'm too smart for my own good.I'm a myspace addict.I'm a Fanjaya, and not in denial.My favorite song is Besame mucho/ Bathwater.My zodiac is cancer.My parents drive me insane.I act on stage and on camera.I write scripts.I'm a very good artist.I don't care if people don't like me.My FAVORITE tv show is Ameican Idol.I'm sexy, and not in denial.I can have my moments, so watch out.I play the Alto saxophone, the electric gutair, and the piano (I forgot to mention that. lmao)I play tennis (forgot that lmao)If you look hard enough, you can find pics of me and my home girl randi bellydancing. (Forgot that too!!!)Sarah means princess.You don't have to call me princess."Your royal awsome fabulousness" will do.So yeah, thats all i got.If you need to contact me for some reason:Myspace: American_idol_junkieEmail (I dont check it alot): Sarah-kk@sbcglobal.net
  25. Haha, i went through a phase where i doubted my own existence. And sometimes i still question it. but thats not the point. I belive in God because things just don't come out of no where. A universe does not spontaneously forming on its own. You and me alike are sort of proof God exists.
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