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Everything posted by Mermaid711

  1. No infact, they are not. They are a complete waste of time, and you do not get anything out of them. They are one of the main causes of obesity in america, as a lot of kids do nothing but sit on their buts all day and play them, getting no excercize, and no vitamin d from the sun. The are in no way essential. I do not play video games, and I refuse to jump on that bandwagin. And besides, why would you refuse to socialize, when you can o out with friends, go play in the sun, and play a good game... oh say... tennis? So you are not proving a point in anyway, you are only proving ignorance in a broad manner. @smack: So everything is a waste of time? YOur mother raising you was a complete waste of time? next time try to be a tad more acurate, mmkay? And no sports are not a complete waste of time. As a human, you do need excercize, and just because you're not an athlete doesn't make it a waste of time. You have to go outside SOMETIME and do something... and I HATE joggin distances, so I choose to play tennis. And some people play sports and make money from it... Is making money a complete waste of time?
  2. Have you ever fallen head-over-heels for somebody... but you didn't know why? It happens to the best of us. And the worse. But I always want to know why it happens. Like this one guy on our tennis team... I don't think he is all that cute... but i can't help but wanting to be with him. He has the world's most wounderfull personallity, he is such a good tennis player... he is sweet and caring and kind... poor thing's only 5'0"... Why can't everybody see past looks... and se what REALLY counts? I mean, is it ALL that important to have a sexy "fling" (teenage slang for those of you who don't know) I think the world would be much happier this way... What do you say?
  3. Wow. I must agree with Archangle. But seriously... wow1. Stupid people- hahaha. Yeah I can't stand them either. Sometimes it seems like they don't have the sence God gave a rock. Or they have it, but they refuse to use it... Hmmm....2. Plastic people- Yeah I can't stand it... Pluss some of them act like they care about you and do a horrible job at it...3. Toxic people- Amen sister.********I just can't stand it when people waste forum space being complete hypocrites saying, "Oh I HATE preps! They are such posers!" Yeah well go take off your black eyeliner, don't dress like a homosexuall neckrophiliac, and then you will have room to talk
  4. At Habbo: I AM A GIRL see? MerMAIDanyways, I'm ot exactly proportioned like everybodyelse in my grade. the other day, a senior at another highschool that my mom teaches at thought I was his age... funny yes, but anyways... well I'm 13 now and I'm nearing 5'7" if i am already there :XD: so if guys like taller girls than i guess im ok
  5. Yes soviet. This is true, because corparal punishment is like tectera and i said, primitave enough for a young child to understand. But nowdays in schools they preach, "If your mommy or daddy EVER hits you, come straight to school and let us know." people are sooooo sooooooo libberal these days RAWR!
  6. Mermaid711


    At Unstopable:That kind of racism is called a double standard. Basiclly, white people are known to have been slave drivers in the past (I am not racist- I am white) And people just can't let it go. That was almost two-hundred years ago. Like for instance: There is a NAACP but not a NAAWP, because if there was a NAAWP, it would be racist. There is a BET but not a WET, because- you guessed it. It would be racist. in my town, a person of anyother nationallity can call a white person honkey, cracker, [[insert your racist white person adjective here]] but oh emm gee, should a white person DARE call somebody else omething along those lines they get in HUGE trouble.But In my oppinion, racism is wrong, and I will admit, white people started a lot of it AND FOR THE LAST TIME I AM WHITE SO DON'T CALL ME RACIST! But it is spreading to other nationalities, and it has to stop all together. I try to not see colour. Colour does not matter to me one bit. i try not to see colour, sexuallity, size, any of it. But not everybody is like that. Yes I make fun of obese people wen I'm mad... Whatever. But do you get my point?The other thing that bothers me is unintentional racism. I.E. I am polish. Somebody continues to use polish people as an exampe for the things that are being done badly in his/her countrie, et he does not know it, and refuses the fact that he/she did wrong.
  7. At salamangkero: Some people do not know where to draw the line between being a friendly parent, and being just a friend. I respect your mother very much because she actually knows what she is doing and I wish all kids had a mother like that. What i think seanfoster meant is that many parents think nowdays like they did when they were kids. "Oh spankings caused me sooo much pain when I was little, so I'm not going to do that to my sweet little angel!" And BAM! You have an undicaplined child. As for the talking about sex thing... hmmmmm being a pubecent thirteen year old myself... "the sex talk" was incredibly akward. But it is very much needed. Especially since schools are corrupted and can not teach "those" sorts of things properly without being yelled at by some whiney parent. But even in that case, our sex ed instructor said an infamous statement in wich I will never forget how hard I laughed, and how much trouble I got into laughing at it :XD: "Sex is fun and it feels good. Don't do it before your married, but it is wonderfull and it feels good." Now why would you tell that to a bunch of kids with raging harmones? Hmmmm smoking... Both of my parents smoked for a short time and they both quit. My mom doesn't sing as pretty as she use to... but she still sings well... My dad I don't think it affected him in anyways very much. But the extremity of the side efects of smoking vary by person, but you should just be smart and not do it at all... it turns your teeth and fingers yellow and makes your breath stink. Anyways, back on topic. It is important that you spank young children because pain is primitiave enough for a developing mind to understand. However, when a child is about my age you can stop spanking and start grounding, especially since everybody my age wants out of the house alot. But in one of salamangkero's previous posts, it is very undesireable to have a five year old's head littery nudging you in the behing, and haveing him lie down in front of you in an already crowded place. Your child will not turn out perfect. It's physically impossible, bbecause we all are sinners, weather you believe in God or not. But he/she will turn out fine, take me for example: When i am angry, I tend to pick apart the flaws in the person/object who made me angry and start name calling. However, even though i post in "The Vent" a lot, I am generally a happy person and rarely intentionally offend anybody. But we all have our flaws and that is what makes us who we are. But we can AVOID flaws with corparal punishment in early childhood.
  8. Well, It's been two whole years since I started playing tennis, and I have already upgraded my racquet once... but I now want to do it again. I have enough money saved up for this raquet. It is the Head? Airflow5. It is a racquet sepecifically designed for a female player, as the grip in the part where you hold it is a tad bit smaller than the rest of the grip. There are 4 different versions of the AirFlow:AirFlow1-The First of the AirFlow racquets, is a control oriented racquet. It has a forgiving sweet spot. AirFlow3-The second AirFLow racqute... hmmm i wonder why it is the airflow 3 instead of the airflow 2... Very control oriented. AirFlow5-The third Airflow, and the one mermaid plans on getting. A balance between controll and power, with a forgiving sweetspot. AirFlow7-The most recent AirFlow, and the most powerfull. But ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS start with a cheaper racquet before spending 150-300 on a raquet :XD:
  9. Oh Emm Gee will, I TOTALLY understand.As most of y'all know, I'm a tennis player, this year, I'm like either number 7, 8, or 9 on the tennis ladder out of the like 80 girls on our team, so I'm big on after school practice. Well, As fall arrives, and days get shorter, I am left with not very much time to practice (Both of my parents are teachers so I have to babysit my little sister untill they get home :XD:) But they won't let me stay out after dark. Because if I do, I get all my privilages yanked out from under me. And I HATE how they think I am capable of absolutely nothing after dark. I am fully capable of protecting myself. And I can't stand how they won't let me do much on a school night... Other than go to the tennis courts...And I hate how they freak out when I make a B in a class. i mean for [[insert your religous firgure here]]'s sake I'm taking ALL Pre AP classes, and I'm only 13. Pluss i'm over loaded in extra-cirricullar activities that I barely have time for a social life. Oh and one more thing- they won't let me have a boyfriend... 'nuff said. They found out about one and i was in soooooo much trouble...
  10. Yeah I like this book ALOT! I have almost finished reading it in three days... I think Lois is a very good authour... She managed to change my opinion on reading :XD: because I HATED reading before this point... Anyways...But i have noticed that everything in the book is like alll communist and stuff... Like trying to make everyone the same and equal... I have no idea why because I know it won't happen, but I want Jonas and fiona to be together... But I guess they can't because he is trying to flea the community. Im on chapter 20 right now
  11. Well, recently in my Pre AP Language Arts class, we started reading a book called The Giver. At first I thought it was completely stupid and pointless but when you start to read more of it you just can't put the book down. I wouldn't recomend somebody younger than the age of 12 reading it, because it is sort of complex, but after a while you understand it. Honestly, I can say that this book changed my oppinion on reading. I used to HATE reading. I despised it so. So now this lady is making us rad this book... Oh Glory :XD: But I am glad she has made us do this. <<<<<<<<<SPOILER INFO>>>>>>>>> The book is about these people who live in a community where everything is supposedly perfect, but it's purely communist IN MY OPINION. These people live in a world were no choises are made. They do not think for them selfs. They have a rule book in every house. They do not live with there birth mothers. They do not know what there birthdays are. they are promoted to the next age group in december. When they become "twelves" they begin training for their assignment. They are LEGALLY not allowed to have bikes untill they are "nines." They have "Confort objects" which are promptly taken away when children becom "Eights." Well they also release people from a community, I.E. Somebody does something just absolutely horrible, and they are no longer allowed to live in the community, or a newchild isnt delveloping properly and they are released. And the old. The oldest are released to... I still have yet to figure out what "Released" means... I hope not killed The other reason why i don't think this book is quite appropriate for younger children is because Jonas has what's called a "Stirring" which is a dream that TYPICALLY involve a member of the oppisite sex without clothes on but anyways... The giver=A very very good book
  12. Hmmm... I seem to be getting that more increasing ly not only from you but from the world around me Yeah I totally agree! It amazes me when people around my parents' age come up to us in public and say "Oh my God, your children are behaved so well!" Well I say to myself, "WELL DUH! WE WERE SPANKED!" Well the whiney bleeding heart person can kiss my behind for all I care. I do not deserve to be punished for instilling basic behavioural instruction in my child. And if you do not have proof the child is abused, by law they can not take the child away. They should be smart enough to figure out that children are sometimes confused about what goes on in their world and what goes on in reallity. And if my child ever did this.... ohhhh the spankings... oh the groundings.... oh the dinners with out desert.... Amen. And the other thing that I believe is just as bad if not worse, are the parents who spank their children, but soon after turn around and say sorry. It's just as bad as not doing anything in the first place, pluss it teaches the child nothing... RAWR! :XD:
  13. hello there fellow Xisto members.As some of you know I use my webspace to distribute stuff for myspace and other things...but i'm running out of ideasHere are the layouts i currently have:ParamoreMake Cupcakes not warRainbowsThe spaces between your fingers (AKA the kissy kissy layout)You were born original. Don't die a copy.Playin like a playaI also need some ideas for more guysh layouts... I'm chalenged in that department :XD:Please help me out
  14. *Off topic* So you along with Carson, have passed away and have the answer to this question? Wow. I sure feel mortal right now :XD: Anyways, that isn't the answer to a question. I to, along with the big bang and the bible are theores. However you failed to explain to me how we just came out of nowhere, big bang or not, with out divine intervention. That's right. YOU CAN'T. However, being rimitive 300 years ago has nothing to do with what will happen as you pass away. *Sorta On topic* I believe in an existince after death. I am a christian, and I don't giv a flying fig with what you think about it. Just because I believe in a God and in an existance after death does not make me primitave or ignorant in anyway. Sure I could be wrong. Whatever. *On topic* There can not be life without a drive behind it IN MY OPINION! However if we are no more than mortal beings we have nothing to lose in religon. There is nothing wrong with believing in a God or other supernatural being. So yes, I BELIEVE in life afer death. Call me a Jesus Freak. I don't care.
  15. @ Carson, I am asuming you have already died and know the answer to this question? :XD: And if we are all coincidences of evelution, in this universe, SOMETHING had to be first. So explain to me, where the heat came from. Explain to me how 32 basic elements created by the stars eventually created 119 elements and how the basic elements bonded together to form intelegent life. Tell me all of it. I really want to know. I know the big bang theory, but i want an explenation.I believe in a spiritual existance after death. I don't see how it is possible how we could be something so... so... so complex with out there being a drive behind it... It just doesn't make sence. And to everybody who says religon is a waste of time:You have absolutly nothing to lose. There is either an afterlife or there isn't.But yeah. I believe in heavan and hell. I am baptist so I don't know about pergatory... oh well
  16. Well, in two days we have to go back to school. In Texas we have what is called TAKS Testing. Well, all we do is spend all year preparing for these tests. It does nothing for anybody accept for the avarage kids. How ever, if you are an all AP student, above the class, over involved student like me, it wastes your time.But anyways, just thought I might through that in there.Have you noticed China is starting to catch up with the US? And do you know why? Their educational system is wayyy different than ours. They pull all of the smart , genius, overly intellegent kids out and send them to a school or university. Then, the not-so-smart kids are sent to do a trade. Now I think everybody should recieve an education, but We should also try to emulate their education system.In texas (Yes more texas stories :XD:) they have passed a law that requires all high school students to recieve four years of math and four years of science. But it shouldn't be that way. Okay honestly. How many kids out of a class of 350 kids are going to be nuclear physists? My point exactly. I planned on taking four years so I could get some college credit down, but the kids who probably won't even go to college are just sapping tax money and wasting space and time. Send them to do a trade.Our school used to be a magnet school. They offered more electives. But now we don't have a very big choice of electives. All of the rooms at the high school are being wasted with stuff that isn't needed.Who here agrees with me?
  17. Yes, while you may be able to go dirrectly from middle school to highschool, not everybody has the brain power to. I can honestly say, I'm glad we have a highschool system. It gives you the knowlage you need to go on to college, or n somecases get a decent job. now at the highschool that I will be attending in exactly 369 days (It's an estimate :XD:) You can take college classes (Which I plan on doing.) Anyways, a middle school education isn't really enough to take you through life. Most GOOD colleges won't except you, unless you have a highschool education.Just because you're not sharp enough to get a good grade as a freshman, doesn't mean tat highschool is a complete bust.
  18. Okay, so before I go into why I think parents who don't punish their children are bad, let me give you a little information before hand. A couple of weeks ago, my dad took me and my little sister to hurricane harbor (A water park.) We were going to go to six flags, but the day we secided to go was a 100+ day. So we decided to go to a water park instead. well, over all it was a fun experience, but one thing just annoyed the living crap out of me. My little sister, who might i add gets everything she wants, wanted to go on the buba tub, which might i add is a complete waste of time for the wait. Well, the line was moving pretty fast untill we got close to the platform, where it is the hottest. Well this one family comes in behind us. They looked like complete white trash, dressed like complete white trash, smelled like complete white trash, and most of all their children behaved like they were raised by white trash. Well, the son Dillon, had no sense of personal space, and was completlely up my *bottom* the whole time. Their daughter, who's name i can't remember, would get in front of people. Well Dillon would get in front of us (YES I KNOW IN FRONT) and LAY DOWN. Well, I accidently stepped on his fingers, and he just threw a complete hissy-fit.Well, If I was a little kid at a water park and I behaved like so, my dad would have just spanked me right then and there. But did these parents take any action at all? NO THEY DID NOT! All the fat lard of a mother they had was doing was teaching them their vegitables.Well I turned to my dad and gave him a look that means something wich i will not quote :XD: and he said in english, "It's a lack of home training." Well, I guessed she heard us by the sound she made.Well, Dillon got up and started being annoyingly close again. So, I keept "accidently" hitting him in his thick head with my elbow.So. Don't be white trash. Spanking is GOOD for children! They will behave in public! They will sit still at resturaunts!And you know what? My father spanked me. I turned out fine. IT'S NOT ABUSE!Oh, and another story. We were at Brookshires (a grocery store) and there was this fat lard white trash woman with her son. Well, her son got up out of the cart and just started missbehaving. BADLY!Well, the kid grabbed some tomatos and started squishing them on the ground. And you know what the mother said? "No noah. Stop that noah."Had I taken he same action of the child, i would not live to see the next day (FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING) I would be in soooo much trouble... I hate to see what parenting has come to these days...Well, if you're not that into physical punishment (even though it works the best) i guess you could try grounding or time out (Time out doesn't work very well just so you know.)So why are they trying to make spanking illegal? Can't thy see that people are allready having enough trouble with their kids? HONESTLY!
  19. Okay, what kinda drug is this person on? :XD: JUST KIDDING!I don't think the free stuff off the internet is a good idea. As a matter of fact it's just flat out stupid. That wouldn't last for more than a week, and the Sims company would go bankrupt.As for your other idea, there is an MMORPG on the internet availble (Kaneva, I think?) Anyways, that idea isn't original. It's already been created...
  20. Wow :XD: I didn't mean to start a fight :)Just kidding.Honestly, I must agree with tiki. Sorry truefusion. But tiki is right.
  21. I just couldn't believe that he/she never heard of that before! The news makes a HUGE deal out of it. But yes, like tiki said they must have a sample of DNA to compare the child's DNA to. That's my point. Yes I'd be embarrased to walk into a family planning center and pick up free condoms, maybe because i live in a semi small town and everybody knows everybody's business. All actions should have consiquences. But like i said in my previous posts, it is a good alternitive to abortion I.E. if you are a rape victum, especially now that studies show that he fetus can actually feel the burn of an abortion. And yes, a much better alternitive to being left to die. Oh no tiki, You're absolutely right! In my town, there are tons of foster kids, and i know won family who has like seven kids that are foster children, and they live TWO DOORS DOWN from a sex offender. I know they are not taking care of the children because it's a good thing to do, they are doing it for the major cash benifits that come along with it... But how on earth is it not illegal to live two doors down from a SEX OFFENDER if you have SEVEN FOSTER CHILDREN?!? I totally agree with you tiki. Hahaha I remember sex ed at my school... It was such a joke. I'll never forget when the instructor said, "Don't do it. Sex is fun, and sex feels good. But don't do it." And I will also never forget the D-Hall I had to do for laughing at it... oh well. The media is liberal. Enough said. See, If everybody listened to Fox News Channel than we wouldn't have so many problems, IN MY OPINION. Also, another reason for it is guy can trick girls who don't think they are very pretty or have low self confidence into having sex with them, and alot of time, (since i think there is an age limit on buying condoms, im not sure because i never did it LMAO) it goes unprotected.
  22. Well, like i said, it beats dumpsters and abortion by a long shot. I don't really want to start the whole abortion debate either, but i feel the only time an abortion is okay is when both the baby AND the mother's life is being threatened, I.E. a falopian pregnancy, or a bursted blood vessel... you name it.And in fact, it IS a good thing for rape victums, in my opinion.
  23. I believe that the baby moses law is a better alternitive to litteraly "disposing" of an unwanted child. ANd actually, last year (Every body has to take it this year) the boys had to take a sex ed class. And you know what? Last year I was in the 7th grade, AND WE HAD A GIRL PREGNANT! But you are right in my opinion. The baby moses law is probably the best alternitive to the situation. You don't have to go through the hassle of the process of putting up a baby for adoption, somebody will take care of the baby, and the mother who isn't ready to take care of the baby does not have to worry about taking care of it, or the charges that come with leaving a defencless child in the dumpster. I just don't think it is right to leave a baby in such an unclean place. This law is actually one of the better laws texas has come up with :XD:
  24. Here's the thing though. I agree with you completely. But we already do pay taxes when we spend... we just pay property taxes, income taxes, and Lord knows what else taxes... And Do we benifit from most of it? NO WE DO NOT! And it angers me.... The property taxes pay for school, which there are so many kids at our school who are just flat out wastes of space... and will be on welfare anyways...
  25. Well, in my opinion, it is MUCHO better than leaving it in a dumpster for a dog to attack or for it to die in filth. I am at least glad that now there SHOULD be fewer sightings of babies in dumpsters....And honestly, the baby moses law DOES have its advantages, and they all outweigh the disadvantages... Like say a mother who is living on welfare (another one of my petpeeves) goes to a party and gets her stupid *bottom* pregnant. She does not want the baby but can not afford an abortion. So she has the option of leaving the child at a firestation so that somebody say- an infertile couple may have children. And (I know this makes me sound greety and careless, but I'm NOT thank you very much) therefore for all of you who hate welfare, that is one less person you are paying for.
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