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Everything posted by chefwhit606

  1. really there is alot more then 5 buttons...wow I would have never guessed
  2. if you haven't got one yet, it is worth it, I would get the elite system with the hdmi and the 120 g hd now though
  3. Umm I had a texas instrument computer, but my first actual system was an intellivision
  4. how does the NES miss this poll, I don't understand?? that is the best
  5. The original is by far the best, seems like that thing never ends!
  6. Does anyone else think this game is one of the most addictive things to come out for xbox 360, I suck at it but I love playing it!!
  7. actually I love to cook. I have a culinary degree in it, I don't currently work in a restaurant because I hate being told how to cook and not doing what I want to do. I cook almost anything, but I hate baking...blah, it sucks.
  8. Guys if you ever are thinking of getting married, take a step back and look at everything. Do you really know everything there is to know about this girl/guy. Do you know everything that makes her tick, does He/she know what makes you tick? Is she/he everthing you are looking for, or just somethings you are looking for? I will tell you right now, everything may seem jack dandy right now, but when you say I do, those words transform your partner and you into two totally diffrent people then you were one second ago. I met my ex, we dated for about a year, we had a great time all the time, very few arguements. We rushed into getting married, way to early, before either of us should have been ready to. I didn't know everything I should have known, but there were also signs that I should have payed attention to, but ignored. Once we got married it was all downhill from there, it should have been a trip to the court house to annul but it was a trip to south carolina for the crappiest honeymoon on the planet. Then my ex went crazy, would get a job but would always call in sick, then she wanted to move to california to continue schooling at Stanford university. So we pack up everything in Indiana and move to california, she last less then a semester and drops out, moves back to indiana and leaves me to finish my school in California. Then when I moved back to Indiana she moved to Tennesse and left me in Indiana. Then one day I was working, I had a text message from her saying she wanted a divorce and that was that. 3 years of my life waisted, for nothing. Make sure you know what you are getting into!
  9. When patrick Bateman drops the chainsaw on the hooker from 3 stories up in american psycho, I almost feel out of my sleep in laughter
  10. that was the most boring movie I have ever seen, I saw it for free and asked for a refund after I left!
  11. Saw is a great series of movies, you can't call it a trilogy cause saw 4 comes out this halloween, with more to come I am sure. I don't like how people call this a horror film, yes it is gory but horror, no way. Psychological thriller is more like it. I think it is inherant in most people to like that idea of weeding out the nastyness of this world by a person who has nothing to lose but to teach a lesson to the people who need it. I think that is why a show like dexter on showtime is so good, because here is a man who is a serial killer, but who are his victims, other serial killers, so what harm is he doing but taking care of other people? I think it is an interesting concept where you are actually cheering for the bad guy, but is he really bad or missunderstood?
  12. yea, I agree with both the above, I think it is a never ending cycle for the inhabitants of the matrix and the machine world. Just as neo chose to leave and save trinity, instead of going into the other door to chose the new inhabitants of zion, when he is fighting smith in the end, smith says he has seen this before. That is because I think it happens the same way everytime. I think when the oracle says they will see neo again, they will but in the form of a new savior. Also many believe there is a deep biblical root through the whole matrix and I have seen it myself, so this could also point towards a second coming of christ, just like christ gave his life so sinners could be free, and then to come back to take his believers home a second time. Neo died to save the humans of zion, maybe he to will have a second coming?
  13. Grindhouse is a great movie. I am going to tell you right now, the QT portion of the movie is not as good as the Rodrigez portion. And to the guy who said it was over violent, why don't you watch the movies that it is paying homage to before you make such a blanket statement about it. That is the point it is supposed to be over the top violent, it is supposed to be aweful acting, it is in the vain of old campy, ultra violent, sexplotation flicks of past. It is actually pretty mild compared to most movies that is is supposed to be paying tribute to.I don't understand how people can make judgements about movies before they even see them.
  14. Some of my favorites areSmokin Aces300American PsychoA mighty WindSpinal TapAnything Mystery Science theater
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