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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. Recently, I purchased managed DNS for my TLD (maxotek.net), just to see if I could manually get the IP address to point to the new Gamma server IP address. The Managed DNS feature requires that I change the Name servers to:-WHIZ.EARTH.ORDERBOX-DNS.COMWHIZ.MARS.ORDERBOX-DNS.COM WHIZ.MERCURY.ORDERBOX-DNS.COM WHIZ.VENUS.ORDERBOX-DNS.COMBeing hosted at Asta, the name servers are required to point to:-NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COMNS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COMBecause, there were many slots for the name servers I appended the former name servers to the list. My question is that, will the simultaneous existence of all these name-servers cause any problem, considering they are from different providers - Xisto - Web Hosting.com and Whiz.in.

  2. Correct. I can get to the account {root} file and all the links from there are working (the ones I checked), but the folders below the {root} seem to be in-accessible.
    ie : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ works to get me to the Cpanel, but moving from there to jlhaslip.trap17.com/forum/index.php doesn't work.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ does not lead to the CPanel. It is actually your hosting files just as they would appear in your site. The CPanel can be accessed on port 2082 or 2083 only. For example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The problem you are having with the forum link is that its located in jlhaslip.trap17.com. As I mentioned before, most domains are still being resolved to the old Gamma server IP address. The URL will actually point to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. This is why the link doesn't work. You can access the forum by using the physical URL http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. In this case though, an HTTP not found error is being shown. Make sure the forum sub-directory exists by going to your CPanel File Manager.

    Thanks, turbopowerdmaxsteel, what you PM'ed me works.There is only one more problem now:
    I use a program called QIOS to access my MySQL database which stores the people who have subscribed to my newsletter, and then the program sends out the newsletter.
    I cannot access my MySQL database anymore, although it is set to be accessed from my IP address.

    This might be the last suggestion I need to get completely up and running again.

    In QIOS, how do you connect to the database? I mean, do you use the IP address of the server? If so, make sure its pointing to the new address and not Also make sure your IP is listed in the Remote Database Access Hosts list [http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/]. If it is already listed there, try removing it and then adding it again. If it still doesn't work try sending a support ticket.

  3. Thanks for the input, everyone.

    However, Jim, it is not all moonlight and roses yet my end, although my site loads now I still cannot get into my Cpanel, turbopowerdmaxsteel, the method you posted does not work for me, furthermore, I still have some problems with receiving email. Sending seems to be OK.

    Supposing your CPanel username is ntek then your site can be accessed as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. This will work as long as you are hosted on the Gamma server (either on Xisto or Xisto). You however, don't need to do this because your Domain is being resolved to the correct IP address.


    Don't use the CPanel address listed on the forum. It still points to the old address. To access your CPanel use etiher http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/cpanel or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  4. Ever since yesterday, I wasn't able to access my site http://maxotek.net/, so I tried others' sites like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, none of which opened. I've tried PINGing the sites and have received no response as yet. I've heard that there were some changes to the IP addresses for the shared IPs. Just a while ago, I heard from a friend of mine that he was able to access the sites. Another one reported of a Gateway Timeout error.

    Do I need to make some changes in the CPanel or will this be solved automatically?

  5. Well that's not entirely accurate since. As you said, they both work on the same framework but they also both BUILD upon that same framework. Now both share probably 90+% of their functionality but there are certain features available in some .NET languages that others do not have. This is why they all exist In relation to file I/O this won't matter though heh.
    When you are working with .net (or any language, but .net one's are quickest for this) it is VERY simple to google for example code blocks for basic functionality usage such as file I/O so in the future it might be more efficient for you to simply do that.

    I was talking in the sense of the end result. Because all .NET languages compile to MSIL, what one can do, the other languages can accomplish too. Sure, some provide a bit easier ways to do them. Like the My object in VB. NET provides a lot of frequently used functions. C# code tends to be shorter than VB .NET because it is not bounded by the rule of being English like and uses symbols to quicken things up.

    I am not sure they exist because of the differences in features. I believe they are there for different groups of programmers - those that have come up from the BASIC background and those from C/C++.

  6. I would have to disagree with you on that one. C# and VB .NET run on the same framework and provide the same functionality. VB .NET code is easier to understand to a beginner as its syntax and keyword are much like english. C# on the other hand is like the traditional C/C++ and has a fan franchise of its own. Both of these languages have their advantages and disadvntages. But at the end of the day, they are both equal in terms of power.

  7. MP3Cutter is another one of those softwares that allows you to cut out pieces from MP3 files without loosing quality. Although, I am not sure it can join files. It is a Freeware so the limitations can't be criticized.

    Power MP3 Cutter Joiner from sagasoft gets over these limitations and as can be inferred from the name, allows both cutting and joining of MP3 files. Not sticking to the name ethics, it supports other common formats too - WAV, WMA & OGG. It comes at a price of $24.95.

  8. i hate popups and i never go to sites i know use popups so i suggest using not only google adsense but try out yahoo adsense and look at other sites with ads and reffer out from there

    Many people find sites bloated with popups annoying. It gives a false impression about the lack of good content too. Still people may visit such sites if they trust the name. The game listing sites for example comprise of all kinds of nasty ads. Yet, people often go to them for reading reviews, watching previews, etc. For other sites with popups, most visitors are from search engines. They are less likely to bookmark such sites or visit them by typing the address.

    Google adwords is good considering you can get listed at the top of the world's best search engine. Before being aware of the adword program, I stayed out of links termed as Sponsered because it seemed like they would require credit cards and stuff to get through.

    The content of a site is the most important factor for visitor retention. Once you have quality content, using the likes of adwords or bidvertiser will improve the visitor count.

  9. My favorite FTP client is Filezilla. Its not loaded with the extreme security features of Cute FTP. Although, its quite lightweight and does what is required - Upload/Download files. CHMODing is also supported. Being open source anybody can download the source code and extend/customize it to his/her own needs.I once decided to create an FTP client of my own and in the process learned quite a bit of the protocol. It was initially built in VB and then ported to .NET. The application could only download & resume files. It lacked most of the features of a generic FTP client. It was sort of built by need of a program to download a huge file from a site without having to worry about bad shutdowns that corrupted the file. None of the download managers could recover the file from that point. So, I decided to build one of my own. The application could recover the broken downloads and that too without corrupting the file.One day I plan to build a complete FTP program and hopefully get people to vote it as the best or atleast their favorite, in here.

  10. You don't really have to setup anything on Way2SMS.com except for creating an account. For sending SMS through a script you need to provide your user number and password to the script. You can find your user number in the address bar of your browser as it is frequently used in places such as when you send the SMS, etc. The script then logs in your account and sends the supplied message to the specified user. Presently, this action has been encapsulated in a console application or a DLL file to be used in the .NET Framework. I will try to create a web script in PHP which will do the same once I get back to my workplace.

  11. For some reason even compatible RAM chips (compatible in the sense of Bus Speed) manufactured by different companies seem to cause this trouble. Recently, I got myself a new 512 MB DDR PC 400 module and it worked like a breeze when I used it along with the existing pairs. The manufacturers have got to look at things such as this. I don't if this problem exists internationaly. Quite a few of my friends here in India have reported the same problem.

  12. Your method seems excessive, why not just retrieve the value and then truncate it. While it probably doesn't matter for the scope of his problem, using loops while going through massive data can be taxing on resources. Granted the first explanation wasn't very good, but if you look up the truncate function in the Microsoft C# reference library it will explain how to use it, I'm sure it will fit your needs.
    @Sandip is there a reason you can't truncate the value? If so please post it and I'll give you some more feedback.

    I did not get what you mean to say by using the Truncate method. The Decimal.Truncate() method returns the nearest whole number. While the given problem has got nothing to do with points. Am I missing out on something or are you confusing the two feedbacks? I have answered to malleswararao's problem of determining the sum of digits at even and odd positions in a given number.

  13. write a C# program to find out the sum of odd & even digits in a given large integer. for Ex:- input= 147936 and output:- odd total-1+7+3=11 & even total-4+9+6=19.


    Decrementing Number Of Digits Ofter Point

    I need a complete C# program of

    Write a C# program to find out the sum of odd & even digits in a given large integer. For Ex:- input= 147936 and output:- odd total-1+7+3=11 & even total-4+9+6=19.


    Can any one of you give me this program?


    -reply by malleswararao

    Thats easy enough. The trick is in converting the number to string and then taking out one character at a time using the string type's substring method in a loop. Use the counter variable to check if the current position is odd or even and correspondingly add the digit to the running sum of Even or Odd numbers. Given below is the code.


    using System;class Program{	static void Main(string[] args)	{		Console.Write("Enter the number:");		int Num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());		string NumInString = Num.ToString();		int OddSum = 0, EvenSum = 0;		for (int i = 0; i < NumInString.Length; i++)		{			int Digit = Convert.ToInt32(NumInString.Substring(i, 1));			if (i % 2 != 0)				EvenSum += Digit;			else				OddSum += Digit;		}		Console.WriteLine("Odd Sum = {0} Even Sum = {1}", OddSum, EvenSum);		Console.Read();	}}

  14. I can't think of any other cause either. Do you connect to the Internet using your LAN connection? If so, it could be a WOL network message being sent from the network. Remember, just stopping the client provided by your ISP won't be enough as it is still connected to the network. Check the advanced configuration properties of your network adapter. There will be a setting to disable the Wake On Link/LAN feature.

  15. I am afraid it will. Even in Dual Channel mode, the motherboard will run all memory modules at the speed of the slowest module. You could think for the future and still buy the 800s. But, I have heard some boards have compatibility issues with certain brands or models of modules running at different speeds. Also, its the size of the RAMs that primarily determine the speed of the system. I am sure you know that but jumping to a higher bus speed always is more satisfying (Certainly does to me).Seriously though, you should look at compatibility. I ran into some problems myself when I got confused by Intel's site saying 915g boards support both DDR and DDR2 RAMs. So, I got myself a 1GB 666 MHz (it was mentioned that the boards wouldn't support modules of higher speeds). It was only when I couldn't fit the new module into the slot that I started looking in the board manual. There I found out that 915s had two models one which worked on DDR and the other on DDR2. My first board supported both SD RAM and DDR RAM. So, I assumed that this one would allow both versions of DDR.After that I got into a fight with the salesman blaming who finally replaced it following my acceptance of the mistake.

  16. I have come across those too. After installing VB .NET Express edition, the welcome page listed the series of Video Tutorials. The size of the files were surprisingly low. Despite the tutorials being ~30 minutes each. And the quality didn't suffer either. But the main aspect was the tutorial which was very well backed up by the tutor's voice. And yes, they help you get started much faster than reading countless pages. The only drawback in this way of learning is that the amount of content is less. But, then again, these are meant to be starting points for beginners. You can always look into the documentation for reference.

  17. There are four access specifiers in C#:





    The above list is in the order of decreasing visibility. Members declared as public can be accessed from anywhere. The internal access specifier can be thought of as application public, i.e a member declared internal can be accessed from any other class belonging to the assembly. A protected member is public across the class hierarchy but private outside it. Protected members can be accessed in the child (derived classes). Those declared private can only be accessed inside the same class.


    public class Base{	protected int Var1;	internal int Var2;}public class Derived : Base{	public void MyMethod()	{		// Bot Members are inherited		Var1 = "Value";		Var2 = "Value";	}}public class Unrelated{	public void MyMethod()	{		Base B = new Base();		B.Var1 = "Value";	// Compile Error (Var1 cannot be accessed from this class)		B.Var2 = "Value";	}}

    The above code contains three classes: Base which declares two variables and is the base class for class Derived. A third class Unrelated exists in the same assembly. As you can see, Var1 and Var2 get inherited to the Derived class. As such, they are directly usable by a method of the class. Class Unrelated is not derived from class Base. It can however, access the members of class base by creating an object of it. internal members being public for the assembly are accessible through the Unrelated class. But, the protected variable Var1 is not accessible because Unrelated is not derived from class Base or any of its child classes.

  18. Accepting payments through PayPal is both easy and secure. I completely agree with Jimmy on the feel good factor that PayPal provides. PayPal too allows setting up a shopping cart [http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/]. One thing to worry about is that your account may be closed without notice, if they receive multiple complaints from others (most likely your competitors). I have heard there are countless lawsuits against them.

  19. I have a hierarchy of functions represented as something like:-




    Each of the functions follow the format @FunctionName(<ParamString>)@. The ParamString itself can be composed of a string, a number or a boolean value. For example:-


    @AfterText('String', "st", True)@ - This function returns the portion of text following the specified substring. It is composed of three parameters. First one is the string being worked on, second is the substring being sought and the third parameter denotes whether to Ignore case.


    The above code will result in an output of ring.


    Trouble starts with function nesting. The following example should give the output so.


    @BeforeText(@AfterText('Microsoft', "Micro", True)@, "ft", True)@


    This kind of nesting should be possible to arbitrary levels. I can do this using Loops and Conditional Branching statements. But, I would rather use Regular Expressions and in the process learn some more nuances of .NET's Regular Expression support.


    Classes for evaluating the functions have been designed. What I need to do is parse the functions from the deepest of levels just as the programming languages do, execute it and use the resulting output as parameters to outer level functions. But I am not sure where to begin. Anybody care to give a head start?

  20. I remember the lot of Nokia users I had to deal with. They had similar issues, all because of the lack of a simple procedure to use the Nokia mobiles as a modem for the PC. Doing the same on Samsung mobiles is extremely easy. All you have got to do, is install the PC Studio Software. The virtual modem drivers are automatically installed at the end of the installation. Then you can proceed to the connection phase. Start the application, enter the APN (airtelgprs.com) and dial *99***1# from there. This automatically creates a dialup connection which can be subsequently used to directly connect to the Internet.


    In your case, the problem seems to be a missing or incorrect Access Point Name. Here's what you should do.


    STEP 1: Open the Connection Settings in your mobile

    STEP 2: Make sure the Access Point Name is set to airtelgprs.com (This is what it used to be 3 years back. I am not sure about now, though. If it doesn't work re-download the Mobile Office setting from Airtel.)

    STEP 3: After STEP 2, you should be able to connect through your mobile. Open the Connection Settings for Nokia PC suite and enter the Access Point Name there.

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