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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. You are facing the same problem as I and a couple of other members have faced. Perhaps the issue surfaces when you have been inactive at the CPanel/Forum.

    You can do what I did, change the CPanel password. This wouldn't cost you 10 credits as the Password Change process will be marked as a failed. But, you can access your CPanel using the new password now.

    The same issue can be found in:-


  2. When I Try to access the CPanel, I am greeted with the 'Login Attempt Failed' error. The default FTP account is not working either. I haven't had any modifications with my site yet, so I am not sure if someone has hacked into my account. Is there any problem with the system? I have not reset the password as I don't want to loose 10 credits over nothing. Please confirm if the problem is pertaining to my account only.

  3. That offer was for Bihar-Jharkhand only, if I am correct. When I moved to Kolkata, I learnt that the Rs. 99 plan had been scrapped and barring existing customers, everyone would be charged Rs. 240 and given a speed of 64 Kbps. Because of extremely heavy load during daytime, the connection was as good as dead. You would be better off using postal mail than trust on the E-Mail Inbox to open. In the night as well, you wouldn't get any way close to 64 Kbps. I have moved on to Broadband since then. It used to cost Rs. 550 around an year ago and the speed was quoted at 64 Kbps. Contrary to Airtel GPRS, Allicane Boradband did provide 64 Kbps. The connection is highly reliable and the speed - more or less constant. Their Rs. 550 package has gone through three periodic upgrades and currently they have quadrupled the speed @ 256 Kbps.

  4. For the last 5 years or so, I have been spending loads of time with my computer. I can't say that I maintain the perfect posture while doing so, infact the beating my body has taken ever since, should have caused some sort of problem. I do maintain the right amount of light while operating and have setup the monitor to operate on extremely low contrast & brightness settings. This helps a lot and I rarely have any optical problems due to it. I believe, the eyes are relatively safe, if you are just doing the developer stuff. It is when you become a hardcore gamer and expose yourself to all kinds of continuously changing lighting effects, that you are in trouble. Extensive usage of mouse and keyboard are the biggest problems. Sometimes, they last for a few days and doing the daily routine becomes difficult. But, cutting back on usage eventually makes it go away.

  5. The onboard graphics card which is utilized if you don't have a dedicated graphics card installed, is sharing the rest of the 32 MB memory with your RAM. You can lower this amount by going to the BIOS > Video Configuration. Caution: You should not set it to the extremely low values (0, 1 or 8 MB) unless you have and additional graphics card. Your system might not be able to boot in that case. You'll have to reset the BIOS in that case which in turn can be done by the appropriate jumper on your motherboard (check the Motherboard's manual for more detail) or by taking the BIOS battery out.

  6. I've tried my hands on a couple of PS2 emulators. The compatibility is very poor when it comes to playing demanding games. And if it does run, the chances of getting even a decent amount of FPS is low, unless you have the latest graphics card installed.You can imagine the plight of a PS3 emulator, if they still haven't been able to match the performance of a PS2 with the high clock speeds of a modern PC. The fact of the matter is that, while the Play Stations and other consoles are specifically optimized for gaming, the PC is not. Despite the advancements in Direct X, the games in PC are never going to match those of the consoles.

  7. The future development of Yahoo Responder Bot, one of the best Yahoo! chat bots has also been terminated. The developer cited that he would not be able to outrace Yahoo's captcha protection mechanism, especially if it changes frequently. From what I saw back at his forum, the spammers are ready to pay him any amount of money, even on a daily basis, if only he would continue the development. I wonder why they are so desperate to spam around. The way Yahoo! chat has been for the last couple of months, the bots are only going to spam each other. Surely, there are better ways to cash in!

  8. I have had my share of mysterious drive space losses too. System Restore is something I usually keep turned off. It slows the installations down and quite often fails to restore as well, not to mention the unusually high disk space it eats up. Some applications generate a lot of temporary files but do not delete them on exit. So you might as well want to check your %Temp% directory. If you have a lot of RAM, your paging file, typically located at C:\pagefile.sys is taking up a lot of space. By default, it is setup to take 1.5 times the space of your RAM. Then there is the hibernate file, C:\hiberfil.sys which takes 1x times your RAM's size.


    Apart from these and the ones mentioned by tansqrx, I have found some amount of disk space (2-3 GB in my case) to have gone away mysteriously. The only way I could reclaim it was formatting the drive.

  9. Hi...
    I downloaded and installed the newest version of xampp. But when i try to start the Apache service it does not get started. The MySql and FileZilla services start without any problem. But the Apache service does not start. It returns with a message saying Apache service not started [-1].
    I tried by stopping the windows firewall but didn't have any luck.
    If there is anyone who can help me out here i would be really great full.

    Thanks in advance.

    As mentioned by Quantrux and faulty.lee, the problem is because of having another software bound to port 80. Microsoft IIS is the most common troubler. Others include the lightweight, EasyPHP. You can make IIS and XAMPP Apacher work together. To do this, go to website properties in IIS and change the port number to any free port like 8080.

  10. This was long overdue as Yahoo! seemed to have abandoned the chat completely. Changing the captcha frequently (like Rapidshare does) will ensure bot programs have a hard time spamming the rooms. One interesting captcha I saw was where the user had to type in the result of a simple arithmetic calulation depicted by the Captcha. However, this will only help prevent room cycler bots. The spammers can still have their dirty bots inside a room. I don't know how many bot programs have been adapted to the changes, but I am certainly not going to update mine.Even if, its just for now, this move by Yahoo! is for the better.

  11. I did expect Vista to be bulky, but certainly not this buggy. I am amazed that a corporation as big as Microsoft comes up with a product like that. Does that indicate the faults at various levels in the process of making such a huge Operating System or is it just that Microsoft intentionally lets some bugs slip through; so that people don't forget who made the OS and download the huge Service Packs.Well, atleast they distribute them for free, so I guess their system is at fault. The bigger the software, the more will be its complexity and greater the number of bugs. Keeping that in mind, one should not be amazed about these problems coming up with Vista. But surely, there can be better ways to develop software. Perhaps Open source is the way to go, after all.

  12. What do you mean by "arithmetic" ? Do you mean "add", "substract", "multiply" and "divide" and nothing else ?Because I guess that operations like "the square of 7" are forbidden because this would mean 7 multiplied by 7, which uses 7 twice ?

    As I mentioned before, the question came to me from the referer links to my blog. So, I am not sure whether the operations are limited to the atomic arithmetic operations or not. But, I don't think the atomic types are enough to solve this problem (4 * 5 * 6 * 7 can only reach upto 840). So, you should try Squares, cubes and other stuffs too.

  13. This question came from one of the visitors on my site. Apparently, this is the exact query he did in google to find a solution to the problem. I doubt he was successful in his attempt, though.


    Q) How will you get 2007 using 4, 5, 6, 7 only once using any arithmetic operation?


    I can already hear the answers showering down the lobby. :blink:

  14. The new game looks very cool. Better then the beta. This new look should make people want to try it more. You must know c++ pretty good. I was just starting to learn c++ and it seems like a cool computer language. I love how you can do just about anything. I was just a little confussed with the whole depth of screen and lighting while using 3D. I hope I could make a game like your one day.

    Actually, the game is built on good ol' VB .NET. I haven't really got a good hold of Direct X programming yet. So, I had to make the game in the form of a simple Windows Forms Application. It is very essential to have a strong liking for the essence of programming, as that is what gives you the driving force. You've got the right attitude, my friend. Just keep up the good work and you'll master the language very soon.

    I just downloaded your game and installed it - but when I started playing, when I clicked the 'Start' button, I receive a 'Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow' error message. Just thought you might like to know.
    I downloaded the version off your website. (Version

    That is a bit weird because the game's running fine over here and on one of my friend's PC. Considering, that the game wouldn't get installed without the proper .NET Framework, I believe you have .NET framework 2.0 or higher. Was that a one off occasion or are you still receiving the error? Can you post the entire error log over here?



  15. I formatted my hard disk two years ago and installed Windows XP with Service Pack 1, and since then I've just been adding and removing all sorts of (un)useful programs.

    You've got to be be the most patient person in the world. I can't recall how many times I formatted my system in that period. But, it would be surely in three figures. Sometimes, I used to re-install Windows 3-4 times in a day. Just to see if I could optimize the booting a bit more. The maximum my system has gone unformatted would be around 4-6 months which is a recent feat. I owe it to the additional memory module & DVD-RAM drive which have helped in keeping the cluttering at a minimum.

    I could only imagine 2 year longevity @ XP, on machines which are used almost mechanically for the same old data entry jobs and stuff. Hats off to you, pyost.

  16. Voted: Between 30-60 seconds, WinXP


    My Windows XP takes quite a bit of time while the bootscreen is shown. Even after a clean install the bar scrolls for 7-8 times. It didn't always used to be like this. I've had boot ups in less than 15 seconds with moderate amount of things installed. But, the system is pretty slow these days. I am not sure what it actually does there besides the Hardware detection, font & driver loading. Perhaps, I need to change the Hard Disk?


    Logon Phase is pretty fast as there is just one account and that too password-less. Besides, the startup items are at minimal. There aren't any extra fonts installed either.

  17. I have created a test table with a single column - Name using the SQL query given below.



    A NOT NULL Constraint has been added to the field, yet when I run either of the queries, the operation does not fail.



    INSERT INTO test VALUES("");

    Another example of a constraint not working under MySQL could be the FOREIGN KEY.


    CREATE TABLE parent (id INT PRIMARY KEY);CREATE TABLE CHILD(id INT,FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES parent(id));insert into parent values (1);insert into child values (2);

    The last line of the query should result in an error, because the value 2 does not exist under the parent table. Am I missing out on something or is it just that MySQL has show-off constraints just for the sake of being SQL.

  18. The need for Initialization

    A class contains data members (variables) and member functions. Initializing the values of these data members is essential, at times. Take a look at the following scenarios:-


    int MyNumber;Console.WriteLine("My Number = {0}", MyNumber);

    This block of code declares a variable MyNumber and then prints it on the screen. However, when you try to execute these instructions, an error Use of unassigned local variable 'Product' will be generated. This is because, we are trying to use the value of MyNumber, even before we have assigned it one. This is where initialization comes in. Many languages do implicit initialization based on the type of these atomic (int, char, bool, string, etc) data types. Example: 0 for int, false for bool, "" or NULL string for string. But, a strongly typed language like C# doesn't. The corrected code would be as follows:-


    int MyNumber = 10;Console.WriteLine("My Number = {0}", MyNumber);

    Take a look at this code snippet.


    int Product;for (int I = 1; I <= 10; I  ){	Product *= I;}Console.WriteLine("The product of the first 10 natural numbers is {0}", Product);

    This block of code is meant to calculate the product of the first 10 natural numbers. For this, we have setup a loop running from 1 to 10 and declared a variable named Product to store the running product. Finally, we display the result using Console.WriteLine. Again, this block of code generates an error on line 4. This is because, we haven't initialized the value of Product. The expression Product *= I is equivalent to Product = Product * I. When this expression is being evaluated for the first time, the Right Hand Side (RHS) part will be evaluated first. This generates the error because at the moment, Product has no value.


    In the previous versions of VB (not VB .NET), the value for Product would have been automatically set to 0. While, this would take care of this error, a logical error would creep in and drive the calculations crazy - the product of first 10 natural numbers = 0. To correct this, Product must be initialized to 1. In situations like these, an initialization is a must. Here's the corrected code:-


    int Product = 1;for (int I = 1; I <= 10; I  ){	Product *= I;}Console.WriteLine("The product of the first 10 natural numbers is {0}", Product);

    Initializing Data Members

    Data members can be initialized in a similar fashion:-


    class MyClass{	int MyNumber = 69;}

    However, its a better approach to have a method do all initializations inside a class.


    class MyClass{	int MyNumber;	public void Initialize()	{		MyNumber = 69;	}}

    After instantiating the object of this class, the method Initialize would have to be called to set the initial value for MyNumber.


    MyClass ClassA = new MyClass();ClassA.Initialize();

    This approach has a disadvantage too. The Initialize method needs to be called explicitly following the object instantiation. This is where the constructor jumps in. To define it: A Constructor is a special method which bears the same name as that of the class it is in and is used for initializing the data members of the class. Summing up the important properties of the constructor:-

    A Method having the same name as that of the class it is defined in.


    It does not return any value. Also, it doesn't have a return type associated with it, not even void.


    It is used for initializing the data members.


    A class can have multiple constructors.


    It is automatically invoked when the class is instantiated.

    Here is how the previous example would look when done with constructors.

    class MyClass{	int MyNumber;	public MyClass()	{		MyNumber = 69;	}}

    Now, when the class is instantiated, the method MyClass() will be automatically invoked and MyNumber will be assigned the value 69.


    Static & Instance Constructors

    Constructors can either be associated with a class's instance (object) or the class itself. Instance constructors are the ones associated with the object and are invoked when an object of the class is instantiated. They can be used to initialize the non static members of the class. The above example was that of an instance constructor.


    Static constructors on the other hand, are invoked only once during the execution of the program and can be used to initialize the static variables.




    public class MyClass{	static int MyNumber;		static MyClass()	{		MyNumber = 69;	}}

    A class can have these two constructors existing simultaneously:-


    public class MyClass	{		static int MyNumber;		int YourNumber;		static MyClass()		{			MyNumber = 69;		}		MyClass()		{			YourNumber = 69;		}	}

    Note: Static constructors can't be used to initialize non-static variables and Instance constructors can't be used to initialize static variables.


    public class MyClass	{		static int MyNumber;		int YourNumber;		static MyClass()		{			YourNumber = 69;  // Error: YourNumber is not a static member		}		MyClass()		{			MyNumber = 69;  // Error: MyNumber is a static member		}	}

    Parameterized Constructor

    The instance constructors we have seen up until this point are all default constructors. They initialize the variables with hard-coded values and are hence not flexible. We can use parameterized constructors to overcome this problem. Parameterized constructors as the name suggests, take parameters with which they initialize the values of the member variables.


    using System;namespace ConsoleApplication1{	class Program	{		static void Main(string[] args)		{			MyClass ClassA = new MyClass(69);		}	}	public class MyClass	{		int MyNumber;		public MyClass(int Number)		{			this.MyNumber = Number;		}	}}

    Multiple, parameters can be supplied by separating each of them with a comma. The this keyword can be used to get a reference to the current instance of a class.



    That which can be created, can be destroyed. Hence came the destructor which has the same name as that of the class it is in and is prefixed by a tilde (~) symbol. Destructors are automatically invoked when the instance of the class is destroyed. They are ideally used to release any memory occupied by the member objects. The .NET Framework automatically manages the memory for the atomic data types (int, string, char, etc). However, user defined data types are managed using a safe mechanism which does not release the memory occupied by an object unless all references to it are destroyed. This can be done in the class destructor. The following example, instantiates an object of the Socket class (located in the System.Net.Sockets namespace) inside the constructor and closes it inside the destructor.


    class MyClass	{		System.Net.Sockets.Socket Sck;		MyClass()		{			 Sck = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);		}		~MyClass()		{			Sck.Close();		}	}

    Garbage Collection

    The .NET Framework isolates the programmers from having to handle memory requirements. Garbage collection is the process of releasing the memory occupied by unused objects. Unlike, C there is no delete keyword in C# and objects cannot be explicitly destroyed. This job is automatically carried out by a special program of the .NET Framework known as the Garbage collector(GC). This program periodically scans the application for objects with no references and marks them for deletion. It is the GC which determines when the destructor of an object is invoked. This way, the GC ensures that only unused objects get destroyed.


    Finalize() Method

    This method allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.

    Source: MSDN


    This method is invoked when all of the references to an object are released from the memory. It does nothing by default and needs to be overridden. However, the precise timing of when the Finalize method would be invoked cannot be predicted. The CLR utilizes a system called reference-tracing Garbage collection, where by the GC periodically looks for objects that have no references left. Once such an object is found, the CLR invokes the Finalize method for the object, following which, the memory occupied by the object is released.


    Dispose() Method

    All classes that implement the IDisposable interface must define the Dispose() method. This method is to be used to perform application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources like Database connections, etc. Unlike, the Finalize() method, the Dispose() method is not automatically called and it must be explicitly called when the object is no longer in needed.


    Fore more information on the Garbage Collection process, read this article written by Jeffrey Richter.


    Previous Tutorial - Lesson 8 - Functions/methods


    Lesson: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Member understands that tutorials contributed to Xisto would be 100% original from now on.

  19. I use Dreamweaver 8 even though I rarely use the Design Mode. While the syntax higlighting and tabbed interface features are provided by a lot of lightweight tools, I stick to dreamweaver for its ability to manage the site files quite effificiently. Adding new pages is very simple & logical once you have made/customized your own template. FTP upload is rather slow as multiple connections are not supported. I stick to the open source FileZilla for that. Apart from that, Notepad++ comes handy when I have to edit something real fast. Plain old Notepad to me is pretty difficult to work with, especially without syntax highlighting and indentation aid.

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