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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. Great job, Quatrux. One small recommendation, though. Better not to specify the host in the links. In case he tries to host the site at Xisto.

    The modified code will be:-

    * {  margin: 0;  padding: 0;}a:link {  color: white; text-decoration: none; }a:visited {  color: green; text-decoration: none; }a:hover { color: orange; }.boldtable{position:relative;top:216px;left:250px;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:yellow;background-image: url('pic/grass.jpg');	background-repeat: repeat;}.boldtable1 TD, .boldtable1 TH{font-family:sans-serif;font-size:8pt;width:74px;height:57px;color:yellow;}p.map{ position:relative;left:20%;top:20%;width:70%;height:70%;background-image: url('pic/grass.jpg');background-repeat: repeat; }

    One more thing, files in Linux are case sensitive hence Pic and pic would refer to different directories. It won't cause any problem as long as you are testing the site on your localhost.

    link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="map.css" /><p class="map"><?php$x=$_GET['x'];$y=$_GET['y'];$x*=74;$y*=57;echo '<img style="position:relative;top:'.$y.'px; left:'.$x.'px;" src="pic/mark.jpg">';?><table class="boldtable1" cellspacing="0"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="map.css" /><?php$x=$_GET['x'];$y=$_GET['y'];  for($j=0;$j<10;$j++)   {echo '<tr>'; for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)   {if(($i!=$x)||($j!=$y)){?>   <td>	<?php echo '<a href="map.php?x='.$i.'&y='.$j.'">'; ?>	<img src="pic/grass.jpg" /></a></td>  <?php }   else { ?>   <img src="pic/mark.jpg" /></td>  <?php }}  echo '</tr>';  }?></table></p>

  2. But how come they don't appear in IE :/

    Can you re-post your entire source code and the exact location of your files (PHP and Images). Also, what URL (including the hostname) you use to access the page. We have been assuming a lot of stuff on our own. It would be easier to help, if you provided all the details.

    If you have an index.php file in your Game folder, you cannot see any files, with IE you can only start the index.php program.Just for fun, rename your index.php to index.something, rename your index.html to index.somethingelse and you will be able to see the files with IE6.

    I don't think he is referring to the directory listing feature of Apache which works as the index page when there is none.

  3. Its pretty easy to do. Open Regedit and navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders key. Edit the String value named Desktop to the folder of your choice. You can even use Environment Variables.


    One thing worth noting is that you will still see the items (only shortcuts) of your real Desktop. The contents of the Desktop User Shell Folder you choose will be merged with it.


    Note: You will need to restart the explorer, either by Logging Off & On or killing the explorer process and restarting it using the Task Manager.

  4. You have always been using file path. Initially you were missing the quotations " around the value of the src attribute. I presume your page is located at LOCALHOST/Game/index.php. Its best that you use the img tag as <img src="/Game/pic/grass.jpg"> (relative to the root) or <img src="pic/grass.jpg"> (relative to the current page).

  5. Try adding file:// before the C:\wamp part.


    At present your website is located in your localhost. Migrating it implies that you are moving it to a real host so that it can be accessed on, say, yourdomain.com. Suppose your index file is localhost/index.php and the pictures are located in the pic directory. Its best to use relative URLs such as <img src='/pic/grass.jpg' />. Now when you move your website to yourdomain.com, all you need to do is copy the files (PHP & Images) to your hosted account. In the current scenario, you will need to change the src attribute to <img src='http://yourdomain.com/pic/grass.jpg' /> when you move to yourdomain.com, <img src='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/' /> if you are moving to khalilov.astahost.com, and so on.


    Note: Remember that ./ refers to the current directory, .. the parent and / the root directory.

  6. I think it will be more or less, a fix for the problems that continue to exist with Vista, even after the release of its Service Pack. In that sense, Microsoft should allow the users who've purchased Windows Vista to upgrade to Windows 7 at a low price. I am also not in favor of naming it Windows 7 and not 6.1. I believe each major build has looked distinctively different from the previous ones (not sure about version 1 and 2, though).

  7. In the third semester of our software engineering course, we were taught about Unified Modeling Language (UML). It is used to create models for the software. Using UML, you look at the problem through different perspectives and come up with a design that can be translated into code. Before this, though, you need to perform a number of analysis and summarize the features of the software.In Object Oriented Analysis & Designing, you identify the various entities, their functions & the relationships between them. This represents the various classes that will be written during the coding process.On a personal note, I have not created any software utilizing the knowledge of UML. The model I use comprises of developing one feature/page at a time and then modifying the design if required.

  8. Here's how I would do it in C#. It'll be a bit difficult to do it in C, especially since you don't have classes.


    using System;using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Maxotek{	static class Program	{		static void Main()		{			int[] userid_t = new int[] { 1001, 1002, 1003, 1001, 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005 };			char[] itemcode_t = new char[] { 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'F' };			// Remove Duplicate Itemcodes			List<char> itemcodes = new List<char>();			for (int i = 0; i < itemcode_t.Length; i++)				if (!itemcodes.Contains(itemcode_t[i]))					itemcodes.Add(itemcode_t[i]);			// Sort Itemcodes			itemcodes.Sort();			List<int>[] frequency = new List<int>[itemcodes.Count];			for (int i = 0; i < userid_t.Length; i++)			{				int j = 0;				for (; j < itemcodes.Count; j++)				{					if (itemcodes[j] == itemcode_t[i])						break;				}				if (frequency[j] == null)				{					frequency[j] = new List<int>();					frequency[j].Add(userid_t[i]);				}				else if (!frequency[j].Contains(userid_t[i]))					frequency[j].Add(userid_t[i]);			}			// Display the result			for (int i = 0; i < itemcodes.Count; i++)			{				Console.WriteLine(itemcodes[i] + "-" + frequency[i].Count);			}			Console.Read();		}	}}

    With List<int>[] frequency = new List<int>[itemcodes.Count];, I have declared an array of list of integers. It stores the userids that selected the itemcode at the corresponding index in the sorted itemcodes list. Before adding the userid to the list, we check if it has been already added and skip the step if it is. At the end we can obtain the distinct users by retrieving the count property of the each of the lists.

  9. I have used Symbian OS on some of my friends' nokia mobiles and I myself use HTC's cheapest model P3400i with Windows Mobile 6. I prefer Windows because it seems to be a lot more customizable than Symbian and I can easily create my own applications for the .NET compact framework. HTC had recently introduced a model that supports Google's Android OS.

  10. I think it may also just be because your ambient air temperature is just too hot. Like I'm looking at your physical location, it may just be ambient air temperature. Try to keep it between 18C - 25C in your room for your hardware to not go KFC.

    It could be a factor. The room I am currently in, is a total mess and its not equiped with an AC. But, its the onset of winter and temperature's expected to drop by 5-8 degrees in the coming weeks.

    At least congrats for the job, this is an important milestone in real life.

    Yes, congrats indeed.xboxrulz


    I think you need to get an aftermarket cooler since I believe that your system has insufficient cooling in the first place. A CPU should never operate over 45C on idle and over 55C on load (unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise).
    For a system that won't produce a lot of heat and still provide quite the punch, I would recommend you get an AMD Phenom X3 (or X4 is better).

    I'm running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ overclocked to 2.78 GHz. It runs very stable at an average temperature of 45C and it doesn't ever peak 48C on full load. I have a Zalman CNPS-8700 heatsink. For more information of my build, check it out here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Mine barely goes below 55 °C when its low on usage. I think I'll stick to this for the time being considering that it has been able to surive 20+ hrs of daily onslaught for 3 years now.

    I saw your machine. It appeared very pretty with that, LED heatsink, was it? I doubt those are available over here. I'll probably have to order those. Also, it was very clean & shiny (must tell you mine didn't look so even on the first day). I am curious to know if the current generation of AMD processors can beat/match the Intel dual core CPUs in performance. They are known to produce less heat and consume less power, aren't they? I've also heard that hardly any softwares of today can utilize the full power of Intel Core 2 Duos; and as such, going for a quad core would be a waste.

  11. I think its a Micro ATX (doesn't seem to be labelled anywhere). The cabinet is very spacious and there is no congestion whatsoever. Also, I have kept the sides open to allow the heat to flow out. The board does have the LGA 775 socket and it has been going well beyond the 68 °C warning limit during heavy CPU usage, even from the first day I purchased the board. I remember letting Norton Antivirus on to do a full system scan. When I came back, I saw the system turned off. On powering it back on, BIOS reported that the computer was shut down because of a thermal overheating event. I installed Intel's Desktop Utilities that came with the Motherboard's support disc and used it to monitor the temperature in Windows. 68 °C is the warning level set in this tool by Intel for the processor.I too am itching to dump this system and upgrade to a Core 2 Duo with DDR2 RAMs, but I can only do that after 3-4 months when I get a job (hopefully).

  12. I agree with Darasen that its quite easy. My technique would be without using ADO, though and it would need some custom classes to be written if you are using Visual Basic 6.0 or lower.


    Basically there are two steps in selecting mutually exclusive options. First, we need to select a question from the list by generating a random number between 1 to 100. For VB .NET, you use the Random class to do this.


    Dim Rnd As Random = new Random()Dim Index as Integer = Rnd.Next(1, 101)

    Note: The second parameter to the Next method of the Random class must be one higher than the upper bound.


    For Visual Basic, use the Rnd function and the following formula to generate a random number between LowestValue & HighestValue.


    Int((HighestValue - LowestValue + 1) * Rnd) + LowestValue


    Dim Index as IntegerIndex = Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd) + 1

    Store the random number in a variable and retrieve the element at that index from the list of questions. (Bear in mind that VB .NET arrays are zero based).


    For VB .NET:-


    Dim Questions As New List(Of String)()' Add the 100 questions to the list here Questions.Add("What beath your name?")Questions.Add("How young are you?")' --' Retrieve the question at position IndexDim MyQuestion As String = Questions(Index - 1)

    Now that the question has been selected, you must remove it from the list.



    Repeat these steps to once again generate a random index, select an element at that index & finally remove that index from the list. Only this time, you need to generate the number in between 1 & 99.


    For VB 6 you need to write a class equivalent to .NET's List class which will allow you to add/remove elements at any position in the list.

  13. How long does it take the CPU temperature to reach 104°C? If it's immediate it could have been faulty reading. I'm seen similar cases when a wrongly configured temperature reading software could get wrong reading, and sometime even negative.
    Cases like this could have been cause by anything. Anyway, if it's 104°C inside, I bet you can feel the "warmth" nearby. Imagine standing near a pot of boiling water.

    It first happened 20 minutes into the installation of Windows. But, after that it seemed to occur in seconds, even after the PC had got a rest of 5 hrs or so.

    That's not always true. If the heatsink has a bad or no contact, you'll hardly feel any heat comming from the cpu, it'll power of before it can heat up the environment.
    @turbopowerdmaxsteel: if it ain't broke, don't fix it :rolleyes:

    You are correct. Without the thermal paste between the CPU and heatsink, the temperature goes very high. In any case, I am not touching it until something happens by itself.

    Thank you all for your help!

  14. Yes the heatsink was dusty and caused the 80 °C temperature. But, there's something still fishy about the 104 °C being reported when the new HDD was connected. Like I mentioned before, it didn't occur once I exchanged the IDE & Power cables. I still think that if I were to touch the cables again, the temperature would go beyond 100 °C.

  15. The error happens even if I use the disk by itself (removing the other HDD and CD/DVD Drives). Ever since the chasis fan broke, the cabinet has been running without the side doors. This has helped maintain the system zone temperature at levels much lower than the fans ever could. Although, it didn't really effect the processor temperature.I have used two HDDs before without this kind of a problem. Also, the product specification states that it consumes less power than previous models.Surprisingly, the drive seems to be working fine after I exchanged the SATA & power cables of the two drives. So it could just have been a loose connection. In any case I am not going to touch the interiors of the cabinet for the next three months or so. I can only upgrade the system (Motherboard, Processor & RAM) by then. I think the board is nearing its end because there have been issues with other hardwares too.I also cleaned the CPU & its heatsink following which the CPU temperature has dropped to 58-60. One of the wires of the +5V power connector came off while I was trying to take it out. I found burn marks all around that pin. The system though, is working after I plugged it back in.

  16. I just got a seagate 1 TB Hard Disk Drive to give the old 360 GB some company. It is causing my CPU to overheat or so the BIOS is reporting. The system abruptly shuts down and the next time I turn it on, I hear the overheat beeps. Its only when I remove the HDD that the system is able to boot. When I check the temperature through the Hardware Monitoring feature in the BIOS, it reports 80 degrees Celsius with the old disk and 104 when I re-connect the new HDD.Can the HDD cause the CPU to overheat or is the disk causing the CPU heat sensors to go bonkers? My hardware configuration is given below:-Motherboard > Intel D915GAGProcessor > Intel Pentium 4 3.0 HT RAM -> 2 x 512 MB PC400 DDRHDD -> 360 GB Seagate (Old), 1000 GB Seagate (New)CD/DVD-ROM Drives -> Samsung CD Writer & Samsung DVD RAM DriveSMPS -> 450 W

  17. I heard from the students of (.net) that it is much easy and and good language than C#. Is it so?As .net is window based it is easy and C# is not so.
    Can anyone tell me which is the best language to be opted to get a good scope in website designing in the future .

    Microsoft .NET is not a language, rather, a framework for writing applications using languages such as C#, VB, C++ & Delphi. The framework is composed of runtime features such as memory management and a huge library of classes that help you in doing any kind of programming.

    One of the important reasons of having a framework is to make the source code portable across different operating systems and platforms. Take the Compact Framework for instance, it allows you to write .NET applications for a Windows Mobile Enabled smart phone. Similarly, there are third party implementations of the framework for Linux; mono being the most popular one. A lot of open source applications (such as the libtorrent library) have also been written using mono.

    True, the portability of C programs is still higher. But, the programs need to be modified and compiled for each Operating System. This is where the advantage of the Framework comes in. The framework which in itself is platform dependent, takes care of handling the issues of portability. .NET applications are compiled into bytecodes an intermediate language. It is during the runtime that the framework's CLR compiles the bytecode into platform specific code.

    The main disadvantage of using a framework is that it takes up quite a bit of disk space (especially for smaller devices) and as such it is not possible to bundle them into every device; at least not now. An in-depth knowledge of C/C++ is very good for a programmer. But, eventually we will have to completely move on to languages and frameworks that allow us to focus on solving the problem statement of an application and not worry about memory management, how the application would look in different platforms, etc and other such complicated issues. After all, isn't the computer there to make life easier for us.

  18. Actually, there is a SPAM protection mechanism at Yahoo's end. It blocks messages with links from suspicious usernames and IPs. For example, if the conversation was started with a link or the same link (or even link to the same domain name) is repeatedly sent, the account & IP gets blocked. This ban doesn't apply to links being sent to buddies. The actual spam protection algorithm is much more complicated than what I have described and it works quite well considering the fact that many spammers ask for ways to bypass it.You are right about a user moderated protection. It would be really handy in chat rooms. Say if 4-5 clean room users vote an account as SPAM, it should be banned. By clean users I mean those that are active in the room and are rated low on the spam rating.

  19. I don't think the captchas are that bad. Some things need to be changed, though. The most annoying part of the captchas is that you have to open a web page in the browser to enter it. A built in GUI to enter the captcha would be very handy. The captchas should be limited to 1 per 2-3 hrs of room joining or so. Users often need to surf through rooms before they finally get in a room with real users and real conversations. Also, as you mentioned in a topic that the existing Yahoo captchas have been broken; so they need to be changed.

  20. The only real problem with BSNL's broadband is the fluctuation in speed. I use Alliance Broadband which provides connection through optical fibres. They don't provide speeds more than 640 kbps, but it is highly consistent as you get 90-100 percent of the promised bandwidth throughout the day. Downtimes due to wire/server maintenance are also low. I haven't personally used BSNL's broadband so maybe their lowest speed might still be higher than Alliance's maximum of 640 kbps. But, from what I have heard, speed goes down drastically during peak hours.

    Alliance offers two kinds of packages - Limited & Unlimited. I use the unlimited package which is further divided into 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 384 kbps & 640 kbps sub packages costing Rs. 392, Rs. 560, Rs. 785 & Rs. 1572 respectively. My personal favorite is the 384 kbps package which provideds the best Cost to Bandwidth ratio.

    It is only available in Kolkata, though.

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