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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. I used to get confused by the same very thing. In some of the PHP functions, the order of parameters does defy the common logic. VB & C# support the split function as Split(<StringToSplit>, <Delimeter>). Another such function is str_replace which takes the syntax str_replace(<ReplaceWhat>, <ReplaceWith>, <ReplaceIn>). Again logic says that the source string must be the first parameter as is in, VB & C# - Replace(<ReplaceIn>, <ReplaceWhat>, <ReplaceWith>).


    In C#, the Split() and Replace() methods are built into the string object itself. So, the first parameter (Source string) is not specified as the parameter. Rather, these method are called as SourceString.Split() or SourceString.Replace(). But, the thing is same, the source string must be specified before other parameters.

  2. Over here (Kolkata India), Orkut rules. Every one I know of, has an account at Orkut (Well apparently, not everyone). I remember jumping into the scene about 14 months ago. It seemed quite an interesting prospective back then. Being able to have my own profile page and getting in touch with lost class mates is what drove me in. To tell you the truth, it kind of suprised me to see so many of those old friends to be there even before us. That is when I realized how popular Internet had become for the general public.With time, I have learnt the Pros and Cons of social networking sites such as these. Orkut is so addictive that if you were to ask your brother for a bit of time to talk. He would say, "Sure! Go upstairs and login to Orkut"! I personally use it to get in touch with those lost buddies and not for making new friends.

  3. I have tried my hands on a lot of them. Norton was the leader a few years back. But, nowadays with each new feature rich version, the application's hunger for system resources is increasing. Panda Antivirus is another good product. It uses Tru-Prevent technologies to do heuristic scans, is a bit less resource hungry and has a nice clean interface. AVG seems to be the least resource hungry.Different products have different advantages. You'll need to try them out so you can choose what best suites your needs. I personally haven't had one for months. It is primarily because of the performance issues associated with any anti-virus system. 1 GB Ram doesn't seem to be enough for smooth handling of an Anti Virus, Dreamweaver, Netbeans and multiple Visual Studio studio instances.

  4. 7 zip is one of the best compression algorithms out there. It has even beaten the RAR format. It does take a lot of time to compress but that is a price one must pay for higher compression ratios. It is said to be hyper-threading friendly but I have found Win RAR to be faster when compressing the same set of files in the same format. Also, it lacks the Recovery record feature which exists in Win RAR.

  5. Axialis IconWorkshop is one of the best icon utilities. It has got loads of features and a nice clean interface. It even supports native icons for Macintosh, Unix & Windows Vista. The built in Image objects can be used to quickly create a lot of basic icons. It also includes a Librarian to easily manage all your media and icon files. Besides, the general features such as importing, exporting, batch procedures are also supported. It comes at a price though. You might as well want to try your hands on the 30 day trial before deciding.

  6. Finally!! Somebody apart from myself instilled their vote of confidence on Maxotek.

    Thank You eXc1te

    You missed the best one of them all, Yahoo! Coders Cookbook, ycoderscookbook.com. And yes this is self promoting

    Oopsy! Must be because your site could not be verified by the script at that time. I don't have the permission to modify the poll. It'll have to be done by a moderator.

  7. This looks like an excellent script so far!!
    There are a couple things that would be nice... It would be nice if it supported double clicking on files themselves...but it is a great script at the moment...

    Maybe even better if it supported dealing with some types of files (such as pdf, and image files) in certain ways without having to actually download them to your computer somewhere and then view them... (like embeded file viewers of some sort)

    That is a great idea. I will try to implement something like that. To begin with, the simpler ones such as images and plain text files would be supported.

    Another excellent web-based file manager is eXtplorer, look to this topic that i just post for more information about this: eXtplorer, A PHP -and JavaScript- based File Manager.
    Best regards,

    It feels so weird to know that when you've finished building something you presumed to be unique, it turns out that others have done something similar even before. I'll try to learn and utilize something from their product.

  8. It took 72 hours of marathon coding to be done. A potential vulnerability which allowed access to upper folders via ../ has been resolved. It would have compromised my hosting files, so I have disabled all paths with ../. The File type customization is now working and currently I am looking for cool file type icons. Another thing I am thinking of is to read the icons embedded in files such as EXEs.

  9. When an operating system installs, certain files (drivers) specific to your hardware configuration are loaded. Standard devices such as the keyboard, mouse and monitor can be run by fairly the same set of driver files. But, the core components which are a part of the motherboard require various different files owing to the difference in the architectures.If the computer you are porting to has a different motherboard (which in your case most certainly is), Windows will fail to run if you try to use the same installation. That explains the inevitability of installing a fresh copy of Windows. You can always use the "Files and settings transfer wizard" from Microsoft to take care of your documents and stuff.Simple softwares can be ported by basic copy-paste. But those like Microsoft Office, Visual Studio require numerous registry changes, type library registrations and what not. I am afraid you will have to take the pain of setting up your machine once again. But look on the bright side, a clean installation will re-deem the once lost performance.

  10. I wanted to create a directory where I could keep my files while on the move. The main problem was the poor interface associated with a simple Web Application. Fear not, AJAX is here and this is what I have come up with:-


    Posted Image


    Here goes the link to the script: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    *** List of explorer currently supported features:-Directory Navigation via Double Click

    Directory Navigation via the Address Bar

    Breadcrumb type Back/Next Navigation

    General Navigation: Go Up, Refresh, Home

    Scrollable + Sortable File/Folder Listing with details (Size, Type, Date Modified)

    File Type Detection with Custom Icon & Description

    Context Sensitive File & Folder Tasks which includes:-


    Make a new Folder

    Upload Files












    File/Folder Selection through Lasso and Mouse Click (Ctrl, Shift Supported)

    Status Bar which shows the current objects, total file size in the directory and the zone.

    File type customization

    Password protection for Files adnd Folders

    AJAX based Image Preloading

    *** The List will be kept updated.


    A lot of effort has gone in to make it resemble Windows Explorer both in terms of look and functionality. Although, at times, certain variations had to be made. I will be eagerly waiting for the expert opionion and ideas which made the previous scripts a success.





  11. Earlier I was trying the code in C#. I have managed to trace the cause to the line int lastNumberOfResult = resultInString.charAt(resultInString.length() - 1);


    Use the replacement code I gave for the body of the do-while loop which gets rid of the need to convert the result into the string. That should do it.

  12. The line output = originalFirstNumber + " " + originalSecondNumber + " "; should be outside the do-while loop because the first two digits need to be added to the output string only for the very first time.


    Next, the condition in while should be written as !(firstNumber == originalFirstNumber && secondNumber == originalSecondNumber). Notice that the NOT operator surrounds the entire condition and not individually on both.



    This is the correct code:-


    public class Necklace {	public static void main(String[] args) {		int originalFirstNumber = IBIO.inputInt("Enter the first starting number: ");		int originalSecondNumber = IBIO.inputInt("Enter the second starting number: ");				System.out.println(necklace(originalFirstNumber, originalSecondNumber));			}	private static String necklace(int originalFirstNumber,int originalSecondNumber) 	{		String output;				int firstNumber = originalFirstNumber;		int secondNumber = originalSecondNumber;				output = originalFirstNumber + " " + originalSecondNumber + " ";		do{			int result = firstNumber + secondNumber;			String resultInString = " " + result;			int lastNumberOfResult = resultInString.charAt(resultInString.length() - 1);			firstNumber = secondNumber;			secondNumber = lastNumberOfResult;			output += secondNumber + " ";		}		while(!(firstNumber == originalFirstNumber && secondNumber == originalSecondNumber));				return output;	}}

    P.S. - Instead of converting the result to a string and getting the last character, you can use the modulus operator (%) to get the last digit of any number. The updated code inside the do-while loop block would be as follows:-


    int result = firstNumber + secondNumber;int lastNumberOfResult = result % 10;firstNumber = secondNumber;secondNumber = lastNumberOfResult;output += secondNumber + " ";

  13. I have compiled the list of members along with active websites using the Unofficial Astahosted Members Directory. Members are requested to vote for the website which they think is the best of the lot.

    The voting should be based on the overall aspect of the site - Design, Content, etc.

    P.S. - The list has been manually filtered to remove entries that were inaccessible. If I missed out on somebody's website, please report it here. So, the moderators can add it to the Poll.

    For convenience the list is also added here:-walhez.com - WaLhEZ
    skemb.astahost.com - skedad
    quatrux.net - Quatrux
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - vujsa
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - mitchellmckain
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Chesso
    arbitrary.astahost.com - Arbitrary
    jeigh.astahost.com - Jeigh
    grafitti.astahost.com - Grafitti
    cubed.astahost.com - Jimmy89
    wutske.astahost.com - wutske
    yordan.astahost.com - yordan
    http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=ethergeek&e=com - ethergeek
    develcuy.astahost.com - develCuy
    maxotek.net - turbopowerdmaxsteel
    tibiatraders.com - Impious
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Sten
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Laurence
    gardening-by-cathy.net - mtnbluet
    djn.astahost.com - HellFire121
    http://www.sparkx.co.nr/ - sparkx
    https://kwokinator.com/ - xboxrulz
    http://www.ycoderscookbook.com/ - tansqrx

  14. Here's what I do to keep my system speed optimized:-


    Disable all optional services

    Disable all optional services and only start them when needed. Some of the system services can be safely disabled. Interestingly, there is no specific minimum set of processes needed to run Windows XP. It is said to be dependent on the hardware. You can determine the minimum of your system by first trying to kill the processes from the Task Manager and then disabling the ones which caused no problems (A shutdown timer will be initiated on your machine, if you kill a necessary process.)


    Defragment your Hard Disk

    I use Diskeeper's Smart Scheduling to keep the Hard Disk defragmented. Some files such as the Paging file cannot be defragmented while Windows is running. This is where the boot time defragmentation comes in handy. Another benefit this tool has over the in-built Windows defragmenter is that it supports Hyper Threading.


    Clean Your Registry

    With use, the Windows registry gets cluttered with invalid keys and values. This is primarily because of the countless (un)installations the poor Windows has to live through. Keep the registry clean and compacted by using a software such as Registry Mechanic.


    Remove Extra Fonts

    Make sure you keep only the fonts you use because if you have too many fonts installed, boot times might be considerably longer. Read this article for more information.


    Use Microsoft Bootvis

    Although Microsoft has discontinued Bootvis, the useful tool is kept alive by the Internet community. Use it to analyse and optimize your system bootup time. It also shows various statistics which helps you determine where (Bios, Driver Loading, Logon, etc) your system is lagging behind.


    Don't use an Antivirus/Internet Security

    This is risky, but the perfomance gain is immense because they supervise almost all of your activities, be it copying a file, installing a software or browsing the internet.


    Remove Login/Startup Sounds

    The default system sounds cause minimal delays, but you might still want to disable them.

  15. Well Kaushik, welcome to the Xisto forums. You seem to be very keen in exploring the world of Internet security and exploits. Would you care to enlighten us about your stealthy keylogger? I have always been fascinated by this field, but never really managed to jump in because of the sheer complexity and wayward documentation at service. I remember making a keylogger in VB .NET sometimes back. It was fairly basic and at that point it relied on listening for system level keyboard events. The word CANCEL would be shown something like CCAANNNCCEL depending on the duration of time the individual keys were kept pressed. (Fairly inaccurate, aye?) I didn't develop it any further as I really didn't have much of a use for it, except for cracking my partner's password.

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