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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. Do you sort of have a P4 @ 1x GHz along with a really old Hard Disk Drive or something? B)


    Seriously, I have installed Dreamweaver CS3 and it certainly doesn't take that long on my P4 3.0 GHz Processor with 512 MB RAM. Here's my complete system specs:-

    Processor - Intel P4 3.0 GHz HT Processor @ 800 MHz Front Side Bus

    Motherboard - Intel 915GAG

    Hard Disk Drive - Seagate ST380817AS, 80 GB @ 7200 RPM

    RAM - DDR 512 MB @ 400 MHz Front Side Bus

    The following is the list of other possible causes for the difference in installation time:-

    No Antivirus Installed on my system

    Disabled System Restore

  2. I don't think they will bring in Carnage so soon. King Pin with all his mechanized and mutated mercenaries seems to me like the best choice. I am not sure if Spidy can handle the likes of Michael Morbius along with the 500 pounds of the muscular crime boss. One thing that I want to see happening is Peter & Mary Jane getting married. Throughout the 3 movies, they haven't really been able to enjoy their lives together. Then again, Spidy doesn't have much of this luck in the comics either. I certainly hope they deviate from that notion, just as they have in a couple of areas and for once, let then have a moment of a lifetime.

  3. I read your reviews back at Xisto and found them to be exhuberating your immense passion for the whole Spiderman series. For the last two days, I spent more than 20 hours watching all 65 episodes of 1994-98 "The Amazing Spiderman" cartoon. Having read only a few of the Spidy comics, I was unaware of a lot of things, especially after the Shriek of the Vulture episode. Frustratingly, none of the further episodes was ever aired in our place.Getting back to the movie, I guess people ask more and more from each of the sequels, sometimes too much which earns the subsequent films poor reviews from critics. Although, Spiderman is much bigger to die out from these negative reviews, they do hamper the possibility of further releases. At times such as these, we the fans need to standby them so that we can see movies as awesome as these, if not more.

  4. You say your BIOS is not being detected at all. But if that were the case then you wouldn't be able to access the Boot device selection menu or see any of the status messages.Make sure your HDD drive is selected as the first boot device on the boot device order menu. I reckon you have got some loose and/or dusty IDE cables inside your CPU which are causing all these trouble. Unplug them and do some cleaning. In worst case scenario you might as well want to change them alltogether.

  5. Being a die-hard spidy fan, I couldn't have waited to get my hands on this one. In my opinion, what separates the movies from their comic counterparts is the emotional aspect, something that only real characters can depict. Spiderman 3 has it all - spectacular action, mind blowing special effects, an emotionally touching storyline and an occasional outburst of comedy. I believe the star of the trilogy was James Franco in his New Goblin role. Not that Tobey wasn't impressive in his evil form, its just that James stole the show with his acting, storyline, action and the cool new glider. The final fight where Harry comes to Peter's aid and the two of them team up was really awesome. From the way the two gelled together, it seemed like they had been fighting together for years. Man they could have kicked the butts of every bad guy out there. But it was disappointing to see him suffer the ill fate that he did. Perhaps if he didn't, the next release would have to be renamed to something like - Spidy & Goby. All in all, this is one movie series that I would love to watch over and over again.My opinion is likely to be biased and may not be appropriate for the neutral because of my sheer fanaticism for the entire Spiderman franchise. What do you people think of the movie?

  6. Value Types & Reference Types


    In C#, Variables are either value types or reference types depending on what they store, values or references. By reference we imply that the variable holds the memory address of another location where the actual value is stored. All built in data types - Int, Char, String, Float, Boolean, etc are value types while classes are reference types. The following is a diagrammatic representation of these two types.


    Posted Image


    In this picture there are two variables Num1 and Num2. Both of these being integer variables store the values directly.


    Posted Image

    The two variables in this case are actually objects of a car class. As you can see, they do not store the values directly but only a pointer to the memory location where the value is actually stored.


    Consider the following code snippet:-


    int Num1, Num2;Num1 = 100;Num2 = Num1;Num1++;Console.WriteLine("Num1={0}", Num1);Console.WriteLine("Num2={0}", Num2);

    Here we declare two integer variables, Num1 and Num2. On line 2 we set the value of Num1 to 100 and at line 3, we copy the value of Num1 to Num2. Both Num1 and Num2 now store 100. In the next line, we increment the value of Num1 by 1, thus it stores 101 now. This doesn't make any change in the value of Num2 as both of them are value types and have a separate storage location in the memory. Finally, we display the numbers and the output comes as:-





    Now take a look at this code snippet:-


    Car Ferrari, McLaren;Ferrari = new Car("F2004");McLaren = Ferrari;McLaren.Model = "F2002";Console.WriteLine("Ferrari={0}", Ferrari.Model);Console.WriteLine("McLaren={0}", McLaren.Model);

    Two objects of the Car class are declared. We instantiate Ferrari by using the new keyword, passing the value F2004 to its constructor which sets the Model to F2004. The third line McLaren = Ferrari; copies the value stored by the object Ferrari to McLaren. All classes being reference types, the objects store the memory address of the actual storage location. Hence, by copying Ferrari to McLaren, we are actually copying the memory location. Now both Ferrari & McLaren are pointing to the same physical location in the memory. In the next line, the model for the McLaren is changed to F2002. This doesn't make any change to the value stored by the McLaren object, i.e the memory address. The change occurs in the storage location pointed to by the McLaren object. Since, Ferrari is pointing to the same memory location this change reflects there as well and the results of the last two lines are:-








    A structure is a value data type which is used to group related heterogeneous data types. Say you want to store the details of all the employees of your company such as - Name, Post, Salary, Joining Date, etc. In such a scenario we can create a structure named employee which would be composed of these fields. We use the struct keyword to create structures with the following syntax:-


    struct StructureName


    member variable 1

    member variable 2




    Structures are similar to classes in the sense that they contain data members and functions, have access specifiers and need to be instantiated, but they do have notable differences such as:-

    Structures are value types whereas classes are reference types

    Structures can not be inherited

    They cannot have default constructor

    Example Usage:-


    struct Employee{	public string Name;	public string Post;	public int Salary;	public string JoiningDate;}static void Main(string[] args){	Employee Emp1 = new Employee();	Console.WriteLine("Enter Employee's Name");	Emp1.Name = Console.ReadLine();	Console.WriteLine("Enter Employee's Post");	Emp1.Post = Console.ReadLine();	Console.WriteLine("Enter Employee's Salary");	Emp1.Salary = Console.ReadLine();	Console.WriteLine("Enter Employee's Joining Date");	Emp1.JoiningDate = Console.ReadLine();}

    Note: Unlike in other languages such as C/C++, structures in C# can have member functions.




    Enumeration is another value data type that we use to store non generic values such as the name of the day - Sunday, Monday, etc. One may question the need for enumeration considering that we can use the string data type to store the names. But, one could assign just about any value to the day, which we certainly don't want. We could also use the numbers from 0 - 6 to denote the 7 days. However, that doesn't clarify whether 0 is for Sunday or Saturday. The enum keyword is used to create an enumerated data type with the following syntax:-


    enum EnumDataType { Value1, Value2, and so on }


    Example usage:-


    enum Month { Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec };static void Main(string[] args){	Month ThisMonth;	ThisMonth = Month.May;}

    Note:- The values of an enumerated data type are assigned in design time and not at runtime using the Console.Read or Console.ReadLine method.




    An array is a collection of values of the same data type, grouped under the same name and referred to by their distinct indexes. This is how they are represented in the memory.






    datatype[] ArrayName;


    > Where datatype is the type of data that the array will store - int, string, char, etc.

    > [] Specifies the size of the array.

    > ArrayName is the name with which we would be using the array


    Example usage:-


    int[] Marks;



    Memory is allocated to the array only when it is instantiated. The instantiation can be done in the following methods. Once initialized a default value is assigned to all of the elements depending on their data type - 0 for int, "" (NULL String) for char or string, etc.



    Posted Image


    ArrayName = new datatype;


    This step can be done along with the declaration.


    datatype[] ArrayName = new datatype;


    Example Usage:-

    int[] Marks = new int[10];


    Note: This creates 10 elements starting from 0 to 9


    Assigning values

    Each element of the array can be accessed by specifying their index along with the ArrayName.


    ArrayName[index] = value;




    Marks[5] = 99;


    Values can also be assigned during declaration as follows:-


    datatype[] ArrayName = {value1, value2, value3 and so on};




    int[] Marks = {100, 13, 69, 99};


    Using this process implicitly sets the size for the array. In this case it would be 4. The elements can be accessed by their indexes starting from 0 to 3. Note: In C# Index always starts at 0.


    Using the following is equivalent to using the above line of code.

    int[] Marks = int[4] {100, 13, 69, 99};


    Copying an Array


    You can copy an array just as easily you copy other variables. Example:-


    int[] Source = {0, 1 , 2, 3, 4};int[]Destination = Source;

    One point to note is that an array being a reference type, both these arrays point to the same location in memory and any change made in either of them would be reflected in the other one as well. To make separate copies of the array, we need to copy each of the elements individually. The code below does just that.


    int[] Source = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };int[] Destination = new int[Source.Length]; // Set the size of the destination to be the same as that of the sourcefor (int I = 0; I < Source.Length; I++){	Destination[I] = Source[I];}

    Previous Tutorial - Lesson 5 - Encapsulation & Abstraction


    Next Tutorial - Lesson 7 - Creating Value Types & Reference Types - Part II


    Lesson: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  7. Having grown up with plenty of dogs in the neighborhood, I know how it feels when you loose those dear creatures. Your story has refreshed their memories in my mind, considering the fact that the place I am in right now, doesn't have much canine population. I will just try to relive my experience with them, turning the clock to some 12 odd years back. There was this female dog (that single lettered word is too rude to be referred to them) who's name I can't seem to recall (Name?? Yeah, we used to do all the nomenclature for them). She was the regular stray dog of our locality. It wasn't like she was the darling or something but she did enjoy a bit of affection from the people who more or less covered her food expenses.Once while we were playing 'Hide and Seek', we came across two of her puppies in one of the old abandoned houses just across the street. They could barely walk and remained in the bushes for most part of the day. Dunno what took over me, but I picked them up and put them inside my jacket, just for the fun of it. Eventually, I decided to take them home as it was nearly sunset and the cold was setting in. I was afraid of as to what dad would say on seeing them, so I made a small home for them at our roof. It was made out of the construction bricks. Finally, I lodged them in and shut the door after ensuring a breathing orifice for them. After having persuaded mom, I was hoping that dad wouldn't come to know of them and we would see what could be done on the next morning. As poor as I was in concealing things, dad did notice something fishy. Finally, when the puppies started to squeak and squeal, mom had to spill the beans. I knew I was in deep trouble, but dad's first immediate concern was the well being of the poor creatures in such chilly cold and that too under the open sky. We rushed to their dwelling and seeing their plight I faced some amount of scolding for keeping them there. Dad took them inside and planned on letting them spend the night in. We gave them some milk and chapati. The night wasn't over yet, for they seemed unhappy or perhaps frightened of the place. Despite all our attempts, they kept on crying for most part of the night, until they finally fell asleep.On the next morning, I was pretty sure that they would get bumped courtesy of the show that they had put up. But, it wasn't to be and we finally decided to keep them. Me and the neighborhood kids had loads of fun with them and they became a seamless part of our lives. We named the puppies as Tommy and Blacky. Tommy being the older and more powerful of the two was the boss of the locality. I remember on one occasion he was dragging Blacky by the ears for one of his mischiefs. It was like the big brother giving the smaller one a bit of bashing. I tried to stop them, but my friends barred me from doing that for they were enjoying the scene. We had countless good moments with them.But the good days were not ever lasting. Once, Tommy got sick and wouldn't eat anything. We started growing increasingly concerned about him and took him to the local vet. He gave some medicine which seemed to have some effect on his health as we could finally get his jaws apart and get some milk in. However, his condition started deteriorating toward the evening and he finally gave up his struggle. He was foaming from the mouth and might have been poisoned as well. The reason could also be very similar to what m^e stated.At that point of time, I was at a complete loss and felt guilty of bringing them in at our very first meeting. Perhaps he would have been alive otherwise. With time though, things fell in place once again and the good days began again, only on this occasion it was with Blacky alone. He grew up to become the tiger of the locality and would fend of any strangers. Thieves couldn't dare place a foot at our place, all thanks to his dare devilness. As he grew up, he started expanding his exploration area and would sometimes be out for hours and even days, causing immense concern on our part. Nevertheless, he would be back for his Sunday mega feast.He must have been with us for 7-8 years. His death was even more sorrowful. We were out for a vacation to Kolkata. On returning we were stunned by the news that Blacky had been run over by a truck. It took us some time to sink all that in. Then we were told that he was still alive, barely alive. We rushed to him and saw him badly punctured. I don't want to recall the horrible battering that his body had taken. But, he was surprisingly alive, as if to have a final meeting with us. I was panicking from the scene, knowing not what to do. Yet again, I was in a scenario when I felt like the guilty one. If only we remained at our place and didn't allow him to go out and be run over by those monstrous vehicles - driven by drunken monsters themselves. But, ifs and buts were all that I had. Blacky finally passed away along the treacherous road after sipping some milk that dad had given him. I was acting like I didn't care as to what had happened to him, telling to myself that it is their fate. But I was only lying, to others and myself.There family didn't end there as some of his kids that had survived the bitter cold grew up and furthered their legacy. Most of them suffered the ill fate. Some died following unknown reasons while some were run over by the familiar monsters. To this day some or other dog pertaining to the same family lives around the locality. But not quite bounded to the extent they were before. From all of these years, I have learned a lot about these faithful creatures, enjoying their company, their love and compassion. They've left their mark on our lives and no matter where they are, they'll always remain with us, even if its just the memories.Coming back to m^e's terrible experience. I would be wrong to say that I can feel his plight, but I would say, I've been in those situations before. Why did it have to be them? I don't know whether the world is driven by Karma or it is the utter randomness that holds true. I wouldn't ask for the one who did all of that to suffer the same fate. Revenge is certainly not the way to go, at least not when it can't stop this from happening again. You can say that I wouldn't have said all of this, had it been me in your place, for I am vulnerable to the same humanly emotions as rest of us. But, try to get a hold on yourself and think deeply. Is it what you want? Blood for Blood!

  8. The index maintained by Google is solely under their control. Although you can direct them to get your pages removed, but that is provided you are the owner of the site as it requires either modification to the robots.txt file or using a meta tag in the head.I suggest you not to be worried about Xisto topics being shown for search queries pertaining to your site. Once the Google bots start crawling your pages, the more relevant content of your site would take the priority and be displayed at the top. I am telling you from my experience as it has happened to me before. Just give it a bit of time.You should submit a sitemap of your site to Google if you want their bots to crawl all of your pages and thus improve upon your page rank.

  9. The web messenger does have an eye candy factor about it. I guess they used Flash to have such a cool interface. I also presume that getting back-end things done is easier in flash when compared to the cumbersome java scripting one has to do for AJAX.There are subtle differences when you compare it to the likes of GTalk and its web based cousin. While GTalk allows you to transparently switch between its web based counterpart, Yahoo! messenger can only be kept signed in at one place. Then there are the similarities - online chat history, which was really needed. Both GTalk and Yahoo! are sticking with their beliefs. Yahoo! has always had a better and a bit bulky interface while Google likes to keep things simple and yet elegant.I don't know how this would stop the bots, though. The only way out would be major protocol changes. I suppose they will release a new version of the desktop client because a lot of things need to be addressed. Most notably, the growing number of SPAM messages which now-a-days can even be sent to an offline user. The ignore feature just doesn't work as the unwanted messages keep on irritating you. The report as SPAM seems to be just as useless. Earlier, the SPAM messages used to be sent only to the users in a chat room. But now, these wicked bots maintain a contact list and send Instant messages to them every now and then.

  10. Its sounds cool, simple but probably addicting. I can open in though. I extracted the Stop Stop.zip and tried opening it but Windows XP asks what program to open it with. I tried looking at the properties and cant seem to find how to open it. Any suggestions? Is it suppost to be a .exe file and extract again or is that one file the actual game? I look forward to playing it. Seems like something you could play all day lol.Thanks,

    My appologies! There seems to have been a renaming bug. Please rename the file you just extracted to Stop Stop.exe or re-download the compressed file. I have fixed the name issue. Best of luck in your playing. I can assure you of great competition.

  11. All I did was look for the HTTP 200 status. Pages with any other response are marked as not working. You make an interesting idea to differentiate in the site status based on different colored LEDs.Using HTTP requests does slow down the process, more so because IPB uses so much of inline HTML styling. Increasing the speed can only be achieved if those styles are defined in external CSS or even better having the access to the database. This technique can certainly be used anywhere on the web. As I mentioned before, I have a few applications that use it for doing some stuffs - Searching & Downloading photos from the Internet and Webshots library.

  12. Out of boredom, I turned one of the games that we used to play some times into a .NET application. The game named Stop Stop is pretty simple in concept where you need to stop the clock as close as possible to the checkpoints 10, 20, 30, 40 & 50. You earn scores based on how close you reach to the checkpoints. It maintains an online record of the scores obtained by players which can be seen by anyone along with the offline scores.


    Here's the link to it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Here are some screenshots:-


    Main Window

    Posted Image



    Interactive Update

    Posted Image


    Please drop your suggestions/feedbacks so I can improve it.

  13. Of course I love red and green lights because then I can sing Christmas carols and what not. I wouldn't doubt that trying to grab those links without a main db from the server would be hard, but of course if this script does get accepted to be implement into the servers then I would assume the difficulty would be gone, since now you can cut out the middle man (the posts) and connect it directly to the DB.

    It would certainly become a lot easier. Lets see what the administrators decide.

    I would assume you did a little test within your own account and set up subdomains and then connect to them from the php script within the dbs?

    Sorry, I can't exactly make out what you are trying to say. But, I haven't done any sort of DB testing as yet.

  14. When it comes to fighter games, there is no match for Guilty Gear XX #Reload. It has a good mix of characters ranging from the less talking traditional player Sol Badguy to the bizarre 9 foot doctor who fights with a giant scalpel. Mastering each of the players is one heck of a task. You have the engaging story mode to the regular VS and VS CPU Modes and the survival mode to keep you hooked up. To top it off, there's the almost impossible mission mode.Huge range of attacks and combos let you develop your style of play. Then there are the roman cancels, false roman cancels, faultless defense all set to offer an experience like none other. Summing it up, Guilty Gear Series has been the reviver of the classic 2D Games and all in all a must have for a gamer.

  15. Although I don't how much it is used here but requesting to change domain name post should be added into the script somewhere, since that won't be caught in their hosting application form post they made like 3-4 months ago.

    I looked into the domain change requests and hardly found any sort of regularity. Grabbing the correct link from those posts is extremely difficult.

    I don't see the sense of having a suspending page loaded in the directory if the person does not have sufficient credits to keep it running.

    The sites that are marked by the red image are not necessarily those that are suspended. I just employed the HTTP 200 status validation. Besides, don't you like the Red and Green status images? :ph34r:

  16. This is the third version of Xisto Directory. Only the members that are currently hosted will be listed. Please check it out and report if you find your site not listed.


    > Only hosted members, moderators and administrators who have their hosting active will be listed
    > Link correction for members whose pages are listed as https://xyz.xyz/
    > Dual search technique: Member list and Hosting Application Form
    > Hyper threading that significantly improves performance

    Test Bed: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  17. The application setup does not validate if the software can run on vista :ph34r:


    It does my friend. The setup performs a lot of other validations including this one. I have seen many applications end up with "This OS is not supported" during installation. However, if you manage to get pass the validation or just use a copy of its program files directory from another machine, you wouldn't find a single hitch in its working. As an example, I could say the Cyberoam Client for 24Online software that connects me to the Internet.


    This would help me explain why i wrote "vista compatible" in my presentation to the faculty. But as i mentioned earlier, it would be helpful if you could just explain a small paragraph in general on whats the difference between 3.0 and 2.0 and why i can use 2.0 to create vista compatible applications etc. I am a bad explainer, so hope you know what i mean. Just one line saying "vista compatible" made me go through all this trauma lol. Would appriciate any comments or suggestions on this topic.

    When you say a vista compatible application, you are talking about an application that would work in harmony with the OS. It doesn't have to use every new feature that the OS adds. 3.0 ships in with a new set of APIs that are an integral part of Vista, so that you can make your applications use the new capabilities of the OS.


    .NET Framework 3.0 consists of four major new components:


    Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), formerly code-named Avalon; a new user interface subsystem and API based on XML and vector graphics, which uses 3D computer graphics hardware and Direct3D technologies. See WPF SDK for developer articles and documentation on WPF.

    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), formerly code-named Indigo; a service-oriented messaging system which allows programs to interoperate locally or remotely similar to web services.

    Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) allows for building of task automation and integrated transactions using workflows.

    Windows CardSpace (WCS), formerly code-named InfoCard; a software component which securely stores a person's digital identities and provides a unified interface for choosing the identity for a particular transaction, such as logging in to a website.

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Framework

  18. Using the member search function was the first technique I tried.


    You would notice that this process, though accurate is extremely slow because of having to wait for the search flood time out. Besides, few members said that their site wasn't listed at all, perhaps due to being a moderator. But you are right, using a combination of the member list and the hosting application would be a much better approach.

    Thanks for the ideas, I'll work on it right away.

  19. As lee said, you don't need to have the .NET Framework 3.0 to run an application on vista. Even an application compiled with VB6 should run on it, thanks to the backward compatibility. I certainly have one of my .NET 2.0 application running successfully on Vista.

    The reason i want 3.0 is that in my presentation, i mentioned that my software will be vista compatible (lol, big mistake .. got caught in the moment), so in case they try to run and check the compatibility on vista, then i have a problem in hand.

    It is the setup of an application which tries to validate whether the OS is sufficient to run the application and not the application itself.

  20. Actual Searching is based on PHP while AJAX has been used to make the process more interactive and to ensure that a single search cycle does not exceed the maximum time execution limit of PHP.Yes, I do plan to implement a cache but not before the accuracy of the site searcher gets close to ~70%. Most of the old posts back at Xisto were not based on the now so familiar Web Hosting Application form. Getting the information from those posts is really difficult as there isn't much of a regularity. I'm trying to extract as many sites as possible.Moving the working sites to the top is a really good idea. I had also planned to show the page ranks of the stes. The Xisto directory would look more or less the same except for the sheer number of sites hosted over there.I don't believe OpaQue has seen the script. Although m^e did and was really impressed, but that was about it. Lets see what everybody has to say once the Xisto version is released.

  21. The list shows all of the members that were ever approved at Xisto. Most of the old members have abandoned the ship and their hosted sites are all but dead. There is no specific order in which the sites are listed. It all depends on which posting request topic comes first in the forum. Your site is discovered in the second pass because of the topic not being under Approved Requests, that is why you are a bit down the list.

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