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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. I've got to agree too. When you compare phpBB to the likes of the paid ones, you'll see how good a product it is. Its true that it lacks quite a few of the features packed by VB & IPB, but unlike the freelancers at phpBB, those guys are composed of developers who are paid to do the job. Hence they can devote a greater amount of time in developing their products. phpBB, on the other hand has a large community, which comprises of developers and designers alike. There are loads of MODs / Hacks and Themes available, that can suit your needs. Besides, being fully open source, it can be customized to suit your needs too.With the advent of the third version - PHPBB Olympus (currently in Beta 5) you can see the number of features they've improved upon. It might still not be as powerful as VB, but I guess that's as good as you get it for free.

  2. Server Updation, a term heard quite often, be it during the Mobile Telecom Service Provider's GPRS woes or a hosting service's unavailability. I have a general idea of what might be going behind the scene, but could anybody elaborate on the exact technicalities involved in such an intricate process. Explanations pertaining to our own Xisto would be even more helpful.

  3. 404.png
    The .NET Framework is Microsoft's answer to the JAVA platform. With heavy investments going into the development, one can't question the push Microsoft is giving to this technology. Living in the hi-tech industry and not interacting with the .NET Framework is highly unlikely, considering the market share that Microsoft's Operating Systems have. I am writing this article as a means to further the knowledge that I would be gaining while learning the MCAD Training Kit (maybe in the process, helping out some beginners). For those of you who don't know what the MCAD is, its one of the certification program offered by Microsoft. Short for Microsoft Certified Application Developer, the MCAD is aimed at developers. The MCAD I would be trying, is for the .NET Framework. For further information on Microsoft's certificaltion programs, check out the following links:-

    • MCAD

    • Microsoft Certification Overview
    The .NET Framework
    Basically the .NET Framework is comprised of two components: The CLR and the .NET Class Library. CLR stands for Common Language Runtime and allows the interoperability between the various .NET languages. The class library is comprised of a lot of reusable components (Classes, Functions, Methods etc) that aid us in doing common repetitive operations.

    The CLR
    The CLR sweeps away the traditional concept of the Application having to manage everything from Memory Allocation & Garbage Collection to Thread Management. The .NET Framework is responsible for performing the above mentioned operations. Its another excellent move as developers can now focus on matters concerning the application's logic without having to waste time on managing these iterative issues.

    Whatâs with the multiple programming languages?
    Developers using Microsoft Application Development Tools, could be natively put into two categories - those from the C/C++ background and those with the history of the BASIC language. Packed with a lot of punch & power, C/C++ was the choice for making advanced programs. But it had its shortcomings too, most noticeably the complexities involved with the language itself. Case Sensitivity and type strictness are a few of them to be named. While these measures minimize the potentially dangerous bugs that would take us hours to determine and debug, they are annoying to some developers. BASIC was aimed at being a friendly, English like language that could be understood and mastered by the average human. Originally it was way behind its counterpart in terms of power, but with time it has been catching up.

    With introduction of the CLR based .NET Framework, Microsoft has instilled the freedom of language to the developers. Developers with expertise in different .NET languages can now work together in projects, thus increasing productivity.

    The .NET Languages
    Apart from those offered by Microsoft - VB, C# & C++ there are other languages that target the .NET Framework. COBOL, PERL, FORTRAN are just a few to name. All .NET Languages follow the Common Language Specification (CLS) to facilitate this.

    How does the Interoperability work?
    Programs written in .NET Languages are not compiled to machine code, rather into an Intermediate Language known as MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) or just IL. So, any assembly written in the .NET languages, are the same internally. This implies that the atomic data types such as Integer, Float, etc are now the same in VB, C# & C++. The

    Because of being compiled to MSIL, the reverse engineering of code becomes easier for .NET assemblies. It can seriously compromise security of a program, but thankfully there are obfuscation techniques to overcome it. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ships with a lite edition of dotfuscator. There are various other Obfuscators available in the market too.

    Basic Structure of a .NET Application
    .NET applications are comprised of assemblies. An assembly is a self-descriptive collection of codes, resources and metadata. Each assembly has a manifest which provides information pertaining to the assembly viz Assembly naming & versioning, list of all types exposed by the assembly, dependency on other assemblies & code security instructions. The manifest can exist externally or internally within a module of the assembly.

    Compilation & Execution

    As mentioned before, the .NET applications are compiled to the MSIL. During runtime, the MSIL is compiled into native binary code by the Just In Time (JIT) compiler. When the execution begins, the starting assembly is loaded and its manifest is validated. After all the security requirements are met, the assembly is executed. An important feature of the JIT compiler is that only the execution path of the assembly is compiled, thus maximizing performance.

  4. If these things can be made to cause damage to our organs, its bound to be exploited by someone at some point of time. Now, I am not too knowledgeable on this science, but from what I feel, these things are supposed to be power suppliers, right? They can't spread like viruses and cause damage via multiplying (or do they?)On the other hand, the vision of the positive revolution these devices can (and most likely will) bring is really fascinating. But, will it be wise to believe that they won't cause any sort of harm, even after being cleared via the numerous tests that will proceed. Who knows when a new flaw would popup? Imagine the state of thousands of panick stricken people (who would be using the nano devices), when they come to know of such a new development (bug/flaw/side effect w/e you call it).While I am really looking forward to this technology reaching the masses, my gut feeling says, it'll never be safe.

  5. I've often wondered what the best way is, to make yourself known, in this world of computers. Is it the overly-hyped negative methodology of writing the deadliest of Viruses / Hacking into the securest of systems, or is it the other way around, by developing something unique & good?


    Just think about the people who've been immortalized into the Hi-Tech world, the one who's name each and every Windows PE recites at the very begining (MZ) or the duo of the leading search engine creators. Amidst the countless of us human beings, only few will be remembered for long (I said long, 'cause I believe there memories are destined to fade too). Is it in us to follow there paths or rather their destinations? What do you think guys? (gals too, no discrimination intended)

  6. I got my first machine back in 2002 with the following specs:-


    Processor -> Intel P4 1.6 GHz with 400 MHz FSB

    Mainboard -> Mercury KOBP4M266 with 400 MHz FSB

    RAM -> 128 MB SDRAM

    HDD -> Segate 40 GB

    CD/DVD -> 52X LG CD Rom

    Speakers -> I Sound, 2.1, 2000 Watt PMPO

    UPS -> Classik, 500 VA

    Monitor -> 15'' LG Studioworks 563A

    Keyboard -> I Key Multimedia

    Mouse -> Samsung Cyber Beetle Optical Mouse


    Upgrades in 2002:-

    Processor -> Intel P4 1.7 GHz with 400 MHz FSB (Auto Upgrade)

    Keyboard -> Samsung Multimedia Keyboard (Broke the old one due to Washing ride)

    Mouse -> Samsung Generic Optical Mouse (Thanx to Virtual Cop, the old one gave up)


    Upgrades in 2003:-

    Processor -> Intel P4 2.66 GHz with 533 MHz FSB (Non HT) (Blew the old one when tried to run the PC without the CPU Fan mounted)

    Mainboard -> Intel 865 (533/800 Mhz) with HT Support (Had to upgrade 'cause of new processor)

    RAM -> DDR 256, 266 MHz FSB


    New additions in 2003:-

    Printer -> HP Deskjet 3550

    CD/DVD -> LG CD RW (52x-32x-52x) (The lens screwed up when a CD blasted inside the old ROM)

    Speakers -> Intex 4.1 3000w PMPO


    New additions in 2004:-

    HDD -> 80 GB Samsung SATA, 7200 RPM (Didn't take long to fill up the HDD)


    New additions in 2005:-

    Scanner-> Canon Lite


    Upgrades in 2006:-

    Processor -> Intel P4 3.06 GHz with 800 MHz FSB (HT) (Upgraded for the new motherboard)

    Mainboard -> Intel 915GAG, 800 Mhz with HT (Broke the processor lever while cleaning)

    RAM -> DDR 512 MB, 400 MHz

    RAM -> DDR 256 MB, 333 MHz (For Old system)

    Keyboard -> Microsoft Soft Key (For the Old PC)


    New additions in 2006:-

    Speakers -> Frontech 2.0 Stereo Speakers

    CD/DVD -> Samsung CD-RW 52x-32x-52x

    CD/DVD -> Sony CD-RW 48x-32x-52x

    Keyboard -> Frontech Multimedia Keyboard

    Mouse -> Frontech Optical Mouse

    Mouse -> Microsoft Optical Mouse (For the Old PC)

  7. I keep receiving mails of this kind every now and then (Being hosted everywhere does bring in incentives).

    I love this way of working : giving you a free hosted plan, and after some time saying "you must pay or go away".

    My point exactly, this is why I quit 110mb which had by far the best features (apart from Asta, that is). They keep toggling the Features & TOS every now and then. Speaking of TOS, I really liked what they had put up.

    Bottom line: We know that almost no one reads those 10 page TOS guidelines, so we'll make this short and sweet...
    You're free to put up anything with a genuine purpose. Generally something that your grandmother would accept or like.

  8. I played the demo of DS1 back in 2002 (as a part of the digit compilation) and from what I had seen, the game was really impressive. What I liked the most about the game was the accumulation of vivid characters into the party and fighting all kinds of evil creatures. The graphics and the sounds were just phenonemal.Eventually, I managed to get my hands on the sequel. The game has improved in most areas and is certainly worth the money (Not sure 'bout the time, though). Although I did miss the original sound theme (guess it was too good to be improved). Despite completing most of the games in record times, this game seems like it would take ages to cross. But, thats predominantly attributed to the genre.With hundreds of good games around, there are only a few that stand apart and the Dungeon Seiege series would have to be one of them.

  9. Designing a classy looking user-interface is something we all adore. The first look of an application does determine its longevity in the user's hand. Choosing the right balance between proffessional and stylish look involves a lot of thought process going in (mostly from the user's perspective).I believe, that developing applications with unique (but not over the top), elegant and consistent interfaces is the best choice. What do you guys think?PS: Please specify which side you are speaking for (User / Developer)

  10. the virtual pc 2004 is now freeware and can be downloaded from the microsoft website. go here http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download or if you want you can also now download the virtual pc 2007 (which is only a beta version at the moment and must be downloaded from microsoft connect!)


    Seems like I had quite an outdated information on that. Just the fact that I dumped VPC for the faster & more powerful VMWare a long long time ago. Lets see what v 2007 has to offer.

  11. This post is a part of the Work in Progress guide for Pika Bot. I would appreciate any help in the making of this guide (Criticism and Ideas are extremely welcome). Please note, that this guide is meant to target begginers and the not so begginers alike. If you want to try your hands on Pika Bot, navigate here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    What is Pika Bot?

    Pika Bot is a Yahoo! Messenger Protocol based client which can automate your session on Yahoo!


    Non-Greek Definition

    Basically, its a chatter bot


    What can I do with Pika Bot?

    The most common use of the bot is to respond to Instant & Chat messages. But, with the power of the CEVT mechanism, you can do much more complex operations. You can make the bot leave a room in response to a message 'Say Bye Bot' or make the bot notify about the status changes of your buddies or yourself. These are just some examples. You can find out more by experimenting with the Bot Maker.


    The CEVT Mechanism

    Short for Conditions, Effects, Variables & Triggers, the CEVT mechanims is what gives Pika Bot the real flexibility.

    Think of it in the sense, if something happens, I'll do this. Every action that is to be done, follows the same basic principle, where we take an action (an Effect) in response to an event (a Condition). Take a look at the following lines:-If somebody sends me a message, I'll say Hi.

    If somebody sends me a message Hello, I'll say Hi.

    If Brad sends me a message containing Hello, I'll say Sup Brad?.

    Let us examine the first line: "If somebody sends me a message" is the condition here and "I'll say Hi" is the effect. We can break the conditions and effects to further simplify the working of the CEVT mechanism. When we ask questions such as, who sends me a message, we get the answer 'somebody'. This somebody is the value for our condition parameter 'Who Sends Message'. Similarily, the effect part is composed of what message I'll send, 'Hi' which accounts for the effect parameter 'Message'.


    Simple enough, lets take a look on the second line. Here we have an added parameter to the condition, Message = Hello. Notice, how in the first case this parameter could be read as Message = Anything. In the third line, there's a specific answer to the Who sends message question, Brad. Again, the earlier lines could be thought of as Sender = Anybody.


    This was just meant for imparting a general idea on the Condition & Effect method of doing things. You maybe wondering what the Trigger part does. The trigger is what actually links conditions and effects together. To comprehend its actual benefits, think of the scenario when you have multiple Conditions attributing to an effect or Multiple effects being run in response to a Condition. Simple One to One relation between Conditions & Effects can't aid this problem. The trigger mechanism also allows reusability of existing conditions and effects, as the same condition or effect can be used in multiple triggers.


    The chaining of two conditions or two effects is done with either of the operator 'AND', 'OR'. Notice how the operators work differently for the two. While, two conditions joined with an 'AND' will run an effect only when both the conditions are TRUE, two effects joined by 'AND' imply that both will be run when the condition is TRUE. In case of the 'OR' operator, an effect will be run when either of the two conditions is set to TRUE, on the other hand, two effects joined by 'OR' will result in either of them (based on randomization) being executed.



    Variables act as storage vaults for values. Any String inside the %s is considered a variable, for example %ChatRoomName%. Using variables inside the parameters, will result in their values replacing their place. For example:- A message, "Welcome to %ChatRoomName%", will be sent as Welcome to Macintosh:1 when the user is in the room Macintosh:1. Pika Bot has a lot of global variables, whose values are updated throughout the application runtime and support for custom variables of types, Integer, String & Boolean.


    The following is the list of the Conditions, Effects and system variables supported by Pika Bot in its current release.




    Buddy Attributes

    Comes Online -> Fired when one of your buddy signs in.

    Goes Offline -> Fired when one of your buddy signs out.

    Status Changes -> Fired when the status of one of your buddies changes.


    Self Attributes

    Come Online -> Fired when you sign in.

    Go Offline -> Fired when you go offline.

    Join Room -> Fired when you join a room.

    Leave Room -> Fired when you leave a room.

    Before I Leave Room -> Fired just before you exit a room.

    Status Changes -> Fired when your status message changes.


    Chat Attributes

    Some one Joins Room -> Fired when a user joins a chat room.

    Someone Leaves Room -> Fired when a user leaves a chat room

    Someone Sends a Normal Chat Message -> Fired when a user send a Normal (i.e non Emotes and Think Text).

    Someone Sends a Think Text Chat Message -> Fired when a Think Text is sent in a chat room.

    Someone Sends a Emote Chat Message -> Fired when a user sends an Emote Chat Message.

    Someone Sends a Chat Message -> Fired when either of the above three is true

    User In Chat Room -> Fired as long as a user is in the room.


    Private Message Attributes

    New PM Arrives from Buddy -> Fired when one of your contacts sends a PM.

    New PM Arrives from Non Buddy -> Fired when someone not in your buddy list sends you a PM.

    New PM Arrives from Ignored User -> Fired when an Ignored User tries to PM you.

    New PM Arrives from Non Ignored User -> Fired when a Non-Ignored user PMs you.

    New PM Arrives -> Fired when anyone sends u a PM.

    I Send PM -> Fired when you send someone a PM


    Variable Attributes

    Value Equals -> Fired when a variable equals the specified value.





    General Effects

    Pause -> Pauses the Bot Engine for the specified no. of seconds.


    Chat Room Effects

    Join Room -> Joins the specified chat room.

    Leave Room -> Leaves the current room.

    Send Chat Message -> Send a Chat Message.


    Private Message Effects

    Send PM -> Send a PM to the specified user.


    Variable Effects

    Set Value -> Set the value of the variable.

    Increment -> Increments the value of an Integer Variable.

    Decrement -> Decrements the value of an Integer Variable.

    Inverse -> Toggles the state of a boolean variable (True/False)



    System Variables

























    User Defined Variables

    Pika Bot also supports creation, manupulation & validation of user defined variables of types(Integer, String & Boolean).



    System Function

    Random Number -> Generates a Random Number in the specified range.


    Besides, being a Yahoo! Bot, Pika Bot includes quite a few of the basic Yahoo! Features. Full feature listing is given below:-


    Log In to Yahoo! Messenger Protocol v 12

    Send / Receive Private Message

    Join Yahoo! Public Rooms

    Send / Receive Chat Messages

    Ignore / Un Ignore Yahoo IDs

    Add / Remove Buddies

    Deny Buddies / Others

    Filter Room Join Messages

    Font / Color Formatting

    Fade / Alternate Color Text (GUI for fade color development not employed)

    Smileys (All Yahoo! Smileys (Default + Hidden) + few extra smileys)

    Inbuilt Browser using IE Active X Component

    View Profiles

    Display Profiles in chat Rooms

    Events, Trigger, Condition based response engine

    Online /Offline Buddy Notification

    Buddy Status Display

    Block Add Requests

    Block Messages (Private) from Friends/ Non-Friends/All

    Prefetched Yahoo Chat Room Listing (US, Germany, France, India etc)

    Bot Maker

    Online Update (Now can be done even when Offline)

    Automatic Server Selection



  12. I found this tutorial for installing minix on Win XP using Bochs an open source IA-32 Emulator. You can get it from here




    Hope this helps!


    You can go for Microsoft Virtual PC, if you are boggled with all the features of VMWare. Its very simple to work with.


    Download Link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download


    Info Link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows


    PS: Virtual PC 2004 is a 45 day trial version.

  13. I have been using nlite for a long time now. Its a really helpful tool to make Windows XP installation painless. It offers easy slipstreaming of the Windows XP Service Pack 2, Integrating hotfixes into the setup package, removal of non-essential components (thus trimming the package size down), using a whole lot of registry tweaks, besides creating of the unattended setup mode.Using nlite and the reference of the unattended setup mode (the OEM one), one can easily make a setup disc which can install the necessary drivers, updates, softwares and what not, all for the sake of taking the pain out of re-installing Windows.One point worth noting is that: If a huge number of hotfixes are slipstreamed, the setup takes a long and I mean really LONG time to complete. Its not a fault in nlite, rather a Windows feature/problem/bug whatever you call it.

  14. Oh! I see, thats what m^e is using for his site http://chaos-laboratory.com/ (Wordpress)


    I think the idea is good for people who don't have enough time to design their sites. But, I would rather stick to taking everything under my control and make all the small and subtle changes. Besides, I guess blogs benefit greatly from CM systems and my site which's primarily aimed at being the host for my softwares, doesn't quite fall in the CMS based site's category.

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