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Posts posted by DjLuki

  1. hey i got this search bar on my desktop " its called Desktop Search" and i can't figure out how to delete it. i don't even know where it came from. i did a search " Start--Programs" but it couldnt find anything. any idea where to look? also do you know any free spyware remover programs?

  2. hey.. ok i got a problem. this is the url to my homepage http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . i installed xoops and i want the xoops homepage ( http://forums.xisto.com/) to be my index page.. how can i forward it or what do i have to do so when i type my url (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) it goes to the xoops page. sorry if its confusing.. but i want to make that work if its possible. when i installed xoops, i had to make a new dir.. because it wouldnt let me install it in the root dir. any ideas?Thanks

  3. ok dude, first of all you're the one spaming on the forum. Second, have you tried that program? did they lie? don't just say something you don't know without proof. And i still don't really now if its a scam, im still trying to reach $50 and see if theyt're actually going to send it. i'll tell yall if it works or not.

  4. hey, im registered with with a company called resource-a-day, all you have to do is sign up..which you get $10 bonus jsut for signing up. They will send you an eamil each day..and basicaly all you do is click on one of their ad so ure account is not deleted. The way you can make money is, you just have to get people to sign up by giving them your URL. which you wil get after signing up. you get 40 cents per person,, than if that person that signed up under you, he gets people to sign up. you get 20 cents/each person. and so on til the fourth person. i will give you the link, try it.. you wil not get the check until you have reched $50. here is the link if ure interested..Resource-a-Day

  5. lol i can't believe what you jsut said.. how can you not notice it that its a soldier ? i know its blurry cause i had to make the picture a bit smaller to fit on the sig so thats why it looks bad, but yea mybe if i put a better picture and more zoomed in..it would be better. Thanks for the comments, i will work on a new one and try to fix everything that i did wrong on this. Thanks!

  6. yes it is my first animated sig. i acutally didn't try working on the background i was more interested in just getting the animation to work. what's wrong with the soldier? :D because that's what the picture ont he left is about.. army. i thought it would look good. anyways.. do you like the text? :D

  7. hey yall.. check this sig out that i made.. i messed up that animation part i thing i made it to dark adn you can't see it when it moves through the middle. but give me ure opinions and tell me how i can make it better next time.

    Posted Image

  8. lol.. hmm well just stop eating fat foods.. stop eatin sugar ( sweet stuff) and start running, excercising? i got a question to.. how do you gain wait? lol..since there are so many ways to ose weight.. is there a way to gain to?

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