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Posts posted by DjLuki

  1. maybe cuz of that guy he's kind of green :) lol. if u live in us .. and thanks for the comments.. nobody says anythin about it i gues.. not many like it but its alright i can take critics to :P that will make me even better :D!

  2. Pizza, hamburgers, french fries , umm sphagetti, steak, what else is there lol? i do not like maccaroni and chees.. i find that kind of nasty :) lo.. for drinks.. sprite, coke. Man i've been going to this McDonalds .. they can never get my order right.. its pissing me off!!! Iorder a 4, they give me a 1, i order a 6 they give me a 5..they need to find some better people to work there..i guess people with education. i love the Wendy's french fries though..that is good!! and chicken nuggets.. oh ya! :D

  3. well i don't know if everyting is actually gonna happen like in the movie robot but alot of thigs are controled my computers now and im sure more will soon. people have to relize that if they create something and they make one mistake the whole world could end. im also interested to knwo if they are gonna make something to be able to travel to toher planets or live there. they're already working on mars s.. im not a scientist but i love exploring stuff :). ims ure they will be able to make omethig to travel faster ot other planets but im not sure about living there. remember, Humans rule Earth.. not technology..i also think that maybe US and Japan wil be the first to come up with somethig big cuz these are like the only two cities that use alot of technology.

  4. welll why should the person downloading the music get sued first of all? the person that puts it on the site should get sued. or something..this RIAA industry needs to dos omething and not make some people pay for nothing. y should it be illegal to download music anyway? if its on a website..its there for a reason! if its illegal than it shouldnt be in a place where ppl can download it .. but they jsut want money so

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