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Posts posted by DjLuki

  1. well this game is about to come about.. its a first person shooter game i believe.. it is made by novalogic.inc it should be coming out this month.. oh the name is Delta Force: Xtreme..if you played any of the old delta force games than you might like it.. they just added more stuff to it and better graphics. if you think you gonna buy it and play it than maybe we cuold start a squad in there.. cuz first day i get it im gona start recruiting lol. you can find more information on it at novalogic.compeace

  2. well first .. the image on the left.. i didn't want it to be like the other ne.. so i blended it becuse i don't think it would have looked good .. since the sig is not that big.. it would have taken the whole space..and t owuld have messed it up.. for the blue thing ..i do think that that messed it up a little but at the beginning i thought it owuld look better with some animation. as for i didn't do much to it.. common it took me 30 minutes or maybe a lil more to make it lol.i don't wanan tell you everything i did cuase than it would look likea tutorial.anyways iw ould appreciate it if you guys would rate it 1-10 and tell me waht i did wrong and how i can make it better.Thanks

  3. thanks for the comments..some of you said to add a border..and it does have a border but its white.. and its not visible in this forum becuse of its color. but im gonna come up with a better design with a sig like this..stay tuned. :o

  4. :blink: thank you.. i tried to get some pictures with real people bt couldn' find what i was looking for..also i wa gonna do a different sig.. which would have been better but it would have taken to long..im goan try it on weekend..same theme but with real pictures.. also i think the pics on this looks pretty good lol.. if i would have just put the cup on top of everything.. some of the letters would have been invisible. i jsut tried to get everything to show.

  5. i don't think i ever talked to you but goodbye,, nice to have you here @ Xisto....also i disagree with you about Xisto. I love its..its free and its up most of the time..i think its the best.. theres no other place where you can get better hosting for free.. unless you have somebody like you but other than that nobody can beat it!

  6. what is you're site to be about? psychicfreak? ther is basically nothing there but a original phpnuke theme.. since you're a designer.. shouldn't you have something more attractive looking :) ... and round i cehcked out ure site to.. it looks very nice.. that move with the chinese theme or wahtever it was was awesome.. do you make sites or movies? and you psychiccyber freak.. if any of u two make sites or graphics.. send me a pm..

  7. hi.. does anybody know how to make a module with phpnuke? i tried to make it.. this is waht i did... i went to 1) Modules2) Created a folder called Chatroom3) made a file called index.php and when im done and i try to open it .. it gives me this error...."Warning: main(/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=1): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/berkolli/public_html/DjLuki/modules/Chatroom/index.php on line 27Warning: main(/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=1): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/berkolli/public_html/DjLuki/modules/Chatroom/index.php on line 27Warning: main(): Failed opening '/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=1' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;) in /home/berkolli/public_html/DjLuki/modules/Chatroom/index.php on line 27"somebody please me if you could help me step by step that would really help out alot. Thanks

  8. yea i guess they're to small for wallpapers or background guess ill try and make them bigger next time. everybody keeps saying that about the blue one lol.. ill try and come up with something simiar to that but maybe different colors or just make it better.thanks!

  9. here are some things i made you can use them as walllpapers i guess or for website layout or whatever. tell me what you think..





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