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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. Is the world coming to an end? Is there more pandemonium today than ever before in history?

    No, and no.

    The Iraq war, the Timor Leste insurgency, the Congo civil war, the Thailand political crisis, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the Japan-NorthKorea-US tension, the Bird Flu, the SARS, the Hurricane Katrina, and, they all seem to point the world in one direction: self-destruction.

    Crusades, Hundred Years' War, Wars of the Roses, American Revolution, American Civil War, War of 1812, WWI, WWII, Cold War, 1918 Flu, Bubonic Plague, Pompeii, etc. War and death are nothing new.

    Why is there so much more fighting in a modern world that champions globalisation, peace and diplomacy? Why is there so much more diseases and natural disasters? Is it God, or is it us?

    In recorded history there are about 130 years total of peace. War is a constant. But we're curing all kinds of diseases and making life easier for people who never would have made it 100 years ago. Natural disasters haven't changed much either. Actually, the worst known earthquake happened 450 years ago. They're no worse now, there are just more people.

    The only thing that's really changed is the media. Because of TV and the internet we get more exposure to war, disease, and disaster. How many people do you think knew about the Shaanxi earthquake in 1556? If an earthquake killed 830,000 people today how many people do you think would hear about it? Two billion? Three? More? Probably.

  2. My advice is as follows: Don't tell her you "love" her. That would just screw up what you already have by putting a lot of pressure on her. Instead, continue to (or start to) see her regularly with a group of friends and after a short while ask her out on a date with just you and her. If it goes well, ask her out again or talk about going steady, but you don't want to be the first person to mention the L-word because it would just put her in an awkward place.

  3. and decide to have all their tests on the same day? Apparently interims are coming out next week, and the teachers want to have something to show, so they thought, "Oh no, there are almost no grades in my class, better have a test!" Today I had tests in Spanish, AP U.S. History, and Math, and tomorrow I have tests in Physics and Artificial Intelligence. I feel sorry for the people who had APUS, Physics, Math and Language in one day.

  4. I think its amazing that the Amish can forgive a man who killed their innocent children. The world needs to be like more like that.

    I don't think so. What if everybody just started forgiving everyone for every crime ever? I could go out in the street and kill someone, but that's okay! Everyone forgives me. Criminals should be punished.

    Geez, why couldn't he have had a grudge against kids who smoke pot and carry guns?

    Smoking pot and carrying guns doesn't make someone a bad person. Driving while high and using guns to kill people does.

    It is a shame that we can not have the faith and abilities and mentalities of that of the amish, but our world and society has progressed in such a way that it is impossible to become more like them. For those who criticize their lifestyle, they themselves are hypocrits.

    Again, it's not always the best policy to forgive everyone. It's probably better that we don't have blind faith in a higher power. Note that I admire them for their ability to forgive something like that and to live how they do without so many technologies, I just don't think blind faith is a good thing.

  5. /home

    Chinese scientists have claimed that they successfully fused deuterium and tritium atoms for about three seconds at 100M°C. If it's true (which I kind of doubt, they have a tendency to claim breakthroughs that turn out fake), then large scale fusion reactors are closer than ever. Fusion creates much less waste than fission, which is what nuclear power plants use currently.

  6. During the teen years, the brain is still developing. Drinking during that stage is much worse than drinking when you're older because it can hurt the brain cells that are forming in addition to the ones that are already there. If you drink a lot as a teen but stop completely, some stuff can reform, but it's still a really bad idea.

  7. This is sort of a sister topic to Gyad's "People Should Look Before Posting." People ask questions that are not that hard to answer, and the places to look are pretty obvious. I'll give some examples (I mean no offense to the people whose topics I use as examples):

    http://forums.xisto.com/topic/41497-the-difference-between-mysql-and-postgresql/ - Check Wikipedia, read the first paragraph of each article, or go to the mySQL and postgreSQL websites and poke around

    http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28842-how-to-mount-a-usb-drive-in-linux-operating-system-linux-administration/ - Google "linux mount usb" or something like it, there are tons of sites with that information (I know because I did it a while ago)

    http://forums.xisto.com/topic/41104-how-google-sends-money/ - I'm sure you could find that in the Adsense "Help" section. In fact, there's an entire section on "Payment" which includes several subsections on "Payment Options"

    In case you haven't noticed, I don't believe in the "no such thing as a stupid question" doctrine. But you have to realize, some things take much more time to actually type up the question and wait for a response than to go to Google and put in a few keywords from your question and find the answer.

  8. Is this a joke? You obviously know nothing about Islam. Calling every Muslim a fanatic is like calling every Christian an *BLEEP*. Some are, sure, but the vast majority aren't. All the Muslims I know are very nice people.


    And Islam doesn't say that everyone who isn't Muslim should die. It specifically states that only aggressors against the religion are to be attacked, and no action should be taken against innocents.

  9. Religion was created because, thousands of years ago, they couldn't explain anything with science. Sure, they could make fire. But fire can't explain why there are so many different living animals and why we seem to be the only sentient ones. The easiest explanation is that something more powerful than us did it. We can explain so much now that there's really no reason to continue believing in any God(s).

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