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Everything posted by cwconline

  1. It's easy to save... just save it as a .php file so in words file.php
  2. Yeap another cool thing is this <?php$msg["welcome"] = "Welcome to our site";$msg["GoodBye"] = "Take it easy... come back and see us";echo $msg["welcome"];?> this is a good way to keep your message or your errors on a sepearte file to make it easy to call upon an error... although i did something completly diffrent than that above.
  3. Hello,I havent really seen to many coldfusion tutorials around. I also looked for some on here which I couldnt find any... (Must have over looked if I did'nt see it). Anyways we are going to be learning the basics of ColdFusion and from now on I may refer to it as CF so please do not get confused.CF is a very powerfull scripting language, it is a easy transistion if you know PHP, and is also easy to learn if you do not.In CF you have diffrent operators styles and IF formats.Example:PHP Operators in a IF statement if( var1 == var2 ){// What Happens Here} Now in ColdFusion. <cfif var1 eq var2><!-- Whatever happens Here //--></cfif> The operator (eq) is the same as (==) meaning EQUALS.ColdFusion in a sense is kinda more logical than PHP, although some may beg to differ.Most of the ColdFusion operators compared to PHP CF ----What it Does------ PHPeq ------ Equals -------------------------- ==lt -------- Less than -------------------------- <gt ------- greater than ----------------------- >gte ------ greater than or equal too -------- >=lte ------- less than or equal too ----------- <= Those abover are just the common ones.Setting Variables in ColdFusion.I'm not really going to go over how to see up Variables in PHP but in case you dont know its. $var = "what ever it is";// Where $var is the variable. Now, setting a variable in ColdFusion looks like this... <cfset var1 = "whatever"> Now calling out CF statments variables is not so diffrent than from PHP for this reasonIn PHP you cannot call out a variable unless you have it in the area of the program that is going to be complied by the php interpeter.Example... <?php// your codeecho "$var1";// you code?> Now doing this in Coldfusion looks like this... <cfoutput>#var1#</cfoutput> Just rember that (var1) is the variable that you set, it will be whatever you named it...Also notice the #'s Around the variable... This is what I call the RUN FUNCTIONS although its not really called that.I like to keep things simple... Just remember KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid... You will go far.Ok... Now more to expalin the <cfoutput> and the </cfoutput> The CFOUTPUT is basicly the <?php in php... although in coldfusion you do not need the cfoutput to set a variable.and the </cfoutput> is the ?> in php... Remember this.. all good things must come to an end so its best to endit now than to get hurt in the long run.So Lets Review some of what we know. <cfset var1 = "whatever"> <!-- Sets a variable //--><cfoutput> allows us to call on our variables. OK! We are doing good... now in php there is a thing called a SESSION which gives you some gobally guke that looks like this23988kald8923920112 or whatever....and COLDFUSION makes it look more professional with less risk of the possible SESSION HIJACKING! (WHICH WE WANT GET INTO YET)So....How do I set a CF session?Well... It's simple...As soon as you logon to a coldfusion server you are giving one of these session numbers,However, it updates per page you are going because you have not yet set that session on there machine.(if that confuses you like it does me, just know how to set it on the machine and get it OVER WITH!!!!)How to Display the SESSION NUMBER <cfoutput> #createUUID()# </cfoutput>Just think of the above like this Create Unique User Id --- thats what it stands for The code aboves allow you to see what the session number and how it looksNow how do I set a session on there computer?Well, it deals with cookies....How do I set a cookie?Setting a cookies is very idiot proof when it comes to coldfusion.... <cfcookie name="namethecookie" value="#createUUID()#"> Now to call on the cookie.... <cfoutput>#namethecookie#</cfoutput> Now ok... its set but it still gives me a diffrent number every time... WHY?Well thats because you need to check to see if that cookie exsist... and if it doesget the value... if it doesnt set a new value...So here is what it is doing... even thou you set a cookie.....FIRST ACCESSPAGE ACCESS --- GIVE UUID --- SET COOKIE TO UUIDPAGE REFRESHREFRESH --- GIVE UUID -- UPDATE UUIDHow to fix this is like so APPLING WHAT YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!! Yippie Skippie.... <cfif #thecookienameyouset# lt ""><cfcookie name="thecookienameyouset" value="#createUUID()#"><cfset token = "#thecookienameyouset#"><cfelseif><cfset token = "#thecookienameyouset#"></cfif>Now to call upon it <cfoutput> #token# </cfoutput> The above is just the quickest was to check to see if the cookie exsit... however you can slow check to validatethe TOKEN by a couple means that i'm not going to get into untill later...TO BE CONTIUNED...
  4. Yes, awesome site design, all though some of the colors do look a little strainy on the eyes, but it is well planned out by the way it looks, so u should be proud of yourself, maybe revising colors would make it excellent. but still looks good
  5. Sorry, I couldnt find my post, I am going to fix it right now... allow me until tomorrow to post what I fixed
  6. I did some research it's NOT THEFT it is FELONIES there is a big diffrence and besides, stealing anything under 15.00$ is non-prosuctiable and is a maximum of an over night stay. So, it only counts towards felonies.
  7. Hey! That is so mean talking about my site like that It took me 5 hole mintues to make that rainbow ... J/K Yeah, no offense to the person and all i repect them for doing it, well trying to do it. It probally was just something a little kid made that is just learning HTML, just respect him/her for they are just trying but it does look bad... I wouldnt tell them that to there face thou.
  8. Your right, it is so not worth it. A blackberry is basicly the same thing, and a lot more simple, iPhone, is bound to be faced with many returns in the near future. It just sucks over all...
  9. You are in direct violation of the terms and conditions of myspace.com/ Go and click on the Terms of Service link Sorry to burst your bubble... just make it where the top advert is showing, and make sure it knows to center itself so it doesnt look all messed up.
  10. Yes, actually i do it's called iCall and it's free I use it all the time.. try it out.
  11. Google has mulitiple servers, with multiple hard drives, i have a lapto and the hd is no bigger than the palm of my hand and it's over 160 GB, and there are terabyte drives no, so I am pretty sure, there soon will be teras in computers really soon... Do you rember back in 1997 when computers had only like 500 megs of storage, and if u had like a 1 gig hd u where like super kool, and lucky because they where rare, and now days some files are 500 megs or more... man thous where the sucky days... j/k the 90's rocked. as far as i can remember.
  12. Hello and Great Day or Night either one. Have you ever been to a site and seen a index page or any page at all control everything such as index.php?do=home&action=logout something similar to the above? Well I am going to show you how easy it is to make this all own your own, and only have to use one web template or design to make it work. Before we get started you need to go ahead and find the web design that you want to use. After you find the site you want to use go ahead and save it... and save it like this so we can work together, ok! Note* We are going to be skipping around a little bit and this probably will be a long tutorial but it is worth it. 1.) Create a New Folder Called site 2.) in the site folder save the page as temp.php 3.) do not move your css or img files into the same folder leave them in the root folder where your index file for your site is. 4.) now we are going to create the index page <?php$page = $_GET["do"]; // this is going to get the page that is being requested$act = $_GET["action"]; // this is going to be the action that is going to be processed if any.// We are now going to set where the "do" is going to go.######################################## This is the home page ########################################if( $page == "home" or $page == "main" or $page <= " " ){ include "site/temp.php"; }######################################## This is the About Page ########################################if( $page == "about" ){ include "site/temp.php";}###################################### Contact us Page ######################################if( $page == "contact" ){ include "site/temp.php";}####################################### Members Page #######################################// Note* you may want the user to login before hand, if you do so I would recommend using sessions, instead of cookies. for the purpose of this tutorial.if( $page == "members" ){ include "site/temp.php";}// Note you can always make more members pages but to speed up things im just going to show you how to make them really fast/*if( $page == "members" and $act == "thepage" ){ include "site/temp.php";}*/// Note* the $act == "thepage" is the page that you wish for them to request.. I have blocked commented it out....##################################################### Now this is when the user logs out only works with sessions. #####################################################if( $page == "members" and $act == "logout" ){ session_destroy(); header("Location: index.php");}?> Now, you are probally thinking why doesn't he just make it all in one if? well, i tried it and got an error when i was designing my Exchange program. especially when a user logged out, it would get an error. error would say HEADERS have already been sent. So, whats next lets see now we need to make... a page that is going to show what needs to be shown... You need to add the content your self I am going to be using dummy text as an example. So, lets create another file called show.php we need to save this in a new folder, so create a new folder called plugins and then save it. We need to add the following into the show.php file Now this part may confuse you but I will explain it at the end. You also need to create a couple more files, for your index page create a new folder inside of plugins and call it site and so it would be like plugins > site now create and save a file in this folder called home.php this will be your HOME PAGE! so it should look like plugins/site/home.php now in the site folder still create a file called contact and about both with .php exts ok. Ok, now we need to just go ahead and create the members page, remember i said you can just create all the pages you want, but i wasnt going to, it would take to long but i did show you how rember that... now for the members page go to the plugins folder and create a folder called members and in that folder create a file called home.php so it should look like plugins/members/home.php In those files just go ahead and add your forms our what ever... adding dummy text would just make this tutorial way to long, so go ahead and add the content to all the files giving to create, or however you want to do it. <?php if( $page == "home" or $page == "main" or $page <= " " ){ include "plugins/site/home.php"; }if( $page == "contact" ){ include "plugins/site/contact.php";}if( $page == "about" ){ include "plugins/site/about.php";}if( $page == "members" ){ include "plugins/members/home.php";}?> That should do it for that file, now remember the temp.php file? make sure it is blank, and place the following code where you wish for the content to show up at <?php include "plugins/show.php"; ?> Now how does the navagation work? well, just remember what you created and how you wish to make it look in the url... ex home page would be index.php?do=home or about us index.php?do=about or member logout index.php?do=members&act=logout It's just so easy once you understand it. try it you will see and if you dont understand just PM me... also u can take a quick look at a example that is limited in functions, but shows u what it can do at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it is just to show you what it can do and most features are disabled, some dont even work at ALL!
  13. Well its just a few diffs in the way you run queries. also SQL is more like Microsoft SQL or, PortSQl, there are so MANY DIFFRENTS and SQL just means structer query language thats all.
  14. Well, one thing is for sure if u do not have love, then you sholdnt be married even if you have a kids with a person it should feel mutal and love each other not an obligation, there are other things thou that you need to make a marrage work, a stable job, house, car and finical secuirty.
  15. HTML can not be used for game design how can you make a game out of the following HTML CODES? <html> </html> - Opening and closing html tags<body> </body> - Opening and closing body tags<title> </title> - Opening and closing title tags<br /> - line breaks<p> - paragraph breaks???<font><a href></a> Thats just a couple of the HTML codes it is NOT POSSIBLE To MAKE ANY PROGRAM WITH HTML ALONE! HTML IS JUST FOR PLACING CONTENT ON A PAGE!!
  16. Usally users dont scroll they want to see there content as soon as the page is up, i would say thou 1280x728 thats the screen resolution of todays typical mointor... hope you get some good info...
  17. It couldnt be that! I am online right now and have tried it... Mmmm, i dunno... I really dont use it that much, but sometimes it helps out when I am looking for a certain thing... Anybody else any ideas?
  18. well, i am using the dell e1505 right now and i couldnt ask for a better laptop i would go with dell..."Dude... Your Getting a Dell!" - and plus they have a cool slogan..
  19. Most Def a sub domain... but a folder domain is good to..Why subdomain? It can be shorter instead of something like site.com/members/cwconline/index.php or however it isBut also note a good url like geocities, or tripod will up and boost your search engine rank if it is in a folder. Becausethey already have there pages with there page rank, and there domain, is what is being looked at next to your folder where yoursite is.
  20. Hi... I was wondering if anybody is having the same issue and if they knew how to fix it.When I open Help and Support I get an error saying "FILE URL CANNOT BE DOWNLOADED" or similar to that... it like tries to open apage to download. what can I do to fix this?
  21. Well you would just click on databases are if you want you can click on your phpMyAdmin and type inCREATE DATABASE 'dbname';Just replace dbname with the database you desire and it should work depending on how trap 17 has installed there mysql and phpmyadmin
  22. Yes! With Google Adwords you can cancel right away. Your not entering in any contract at all... but I wouldnt recommend google add words I would go with value click media. they are in the top 10 of online advertising ranking above google last time I checked. also clicksor, although I wouldnt recommend it is decent on prices also bidvertisers is giving 20$ usd for first time subscribbers so you get 70 if you use bidvertiser but i would not recommend them either... I would recommend value click media, calsal media, cpx interactive... well best of luck and hope you succedd in advertising.
  23. Hello, Overall it is a nice layout and black is a good color for that paticular web content. White is more of a professional business lookblack just means its grunge or to mean seriousness. I hope that your site is a success, and hope you find luck with bidvertiser I never did.Well Best Wishes.
  24. I dont really believe so which is a shame. Most women can do the same things as men can do, and men sometimes cant do what women do... but yet there is a big disadvantage in both sex, if you are a women you have a more chance of a sectary. and men would probally not get that job.. lol, anyways... its just in the eyes of the employer... and the world, some see women as a threat some see them just as another nobody person...
  25. No, not halo for the computer I am talking about for the xbox i cant find anyplace at all to play it online. I was asking do you have to like beat the game before it is enabled or something?
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