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What Is Lucid Dreaming? And how to do it
Warrockers_Of_America replied to TheArrow's topic in General Discussion
Lucid dreaming is the conscious perception of one's state while dreaming, resulting in a much clearer (lucid from Latin, lux "light") experience and sometimes enabling direct control over the content of the dream, a realistic world that is completely in the control of the dreamer.[1] The complete experience from start to finish is called a lucid dream. Stephen LaBerge, a popular author and experimenter on the subject, has defined it as "dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming."[2]LaBerge and his associates have called people who purposely explore the possibilities of lucid dreaming oneironauts (literally from the Greek ονειροναύτες, meaning "dream sailors"). The topic attracts the attention of a diverse and eclectic group: psychologists, self-help authors, New Age groups, mystics, occultists, ufologists and artists. This list is by no means exhaustive nor does interest in lucid dreaming apply necessarily to each group.The validity of lucid dreaming as a scientifically verified phenomenon is well-established [3]. Researchers such as Allan Hobson with his neurophysiological approach to dreaming have helped to push the understanding of lucid dreaming into a less speculative realm.[edit] Scientific researchA number of universities conduct continued research into the techniques and effects of lucid dreaming, as do some independent agencies such as LaBerge's The Lucidity Institute. Jungian psychology, for example, seems to indicate that non-lucid (or partly lucid) dreaming is a way to achieve self-understanding. At present, there are no known cases where lucid dreaming has caused damage on either a psychological or physiological level. However, it would be very difficult to determine whether some form of lucid dreaming might prevent one from receiving a benefit from normal dreaming.The first book on lucid dreams to recognize their uniqueness and scientific potential was Celia Green's 1968 study Lucid Dreams. Reviewing the past literature, as well as new data from subjects of her own, Green analysed the main characteristics of such dreams, and concluded that they were a category of experience quite distinct from ordinary dreams. She predicted that they would turn out to be associated with REM sleep. Green was also the first to link lucid dreams to the phenomenon of false awakenings.The first scientific support for lucid dreaming came in the late 1970s from the efforts of a British parapsychologist Keith Hearne, and a volunteer named Alan Worsley, who used eye movement signals on a polysomnograph machine to signal the onset of lucidity. Philosopher Norman Malcolm's 1959 text Dreaming argued against the possibility of checking the accuracy of dream reports in this way, but this experiment proved that actions agreed upon during waking life could be recalled and performed once lucid in a dream. Similar experiments were duplicated by Stephen LaBerge at Stanford University for his doctoral dissertation some years later. Interestingly, LaBerge had no knowledge of Hearne and Worsley's previous experiments at that time, probably due to the lack of publication of Hearne's work.During the 1980s, further scientific evidence to confirm the existence of lucid dreaming was produced as lucid dreamers were able to demonstrate to researchers that they were consciously aware of being in a dream state (usually again by using eye movement signals).[4] Additionally, techniques were developed which have been experimentally proven to enhance the likelihood of achieving this state.[5]One unresolved question on the neurophysiological nature of lucid dreaming concerns the electrical activity in the frontal cortex, which is generally reduced during normal sleep.[6] The behavior of the frontal cortex has not at present been crucially analyzed with respect to lucid dreaming.[edit] HistoryEven though it has only come to the attention of the general public in the last few decades, lucid dreaming is not a modern discovery.In the Old Testament in the Song of Solomon 5:2, there is some debate as to whether lucid dreaming is mentioned. The New Living Translation of this verse reads as follows: "One night as I was sleeping, my heart awakened in a dream. I heard the voice of my lover. He was knocking at my bedroom door...". Other translations are more literal. The Revised Standard Version of the same passage states only that "I slept, but my heart was awake ...". Even this is a matter of interpretation; the original Hebrew reads "אני ישנה ולבי ער קול דודי דופק" and a very literal translation would be "I [am] asleep and my heart [is] awake; the voice of my beloved [is] knocking". Whilst the RSV's interpretation of "and" as "but" is entirely reasonable, it remains an interpretation only. From this it is not at all clear whether the narrating woman is relating a dreamstate. Of course this is no proof that the text in the Old Testament was relating to lucidity, but there is a chance that it was. It is in the fifth century that we have one of the earliest written examples of a lucid dream, in a letter written by St. Augustine of Hippo in 415.[7] As early as the eighth century, Tibetan Buddhists were practising a form of yoga supposed to maintain full waking consciousness while in the dream state.[8] An early recorded lucid dreamer was the philosopher and physician Sir Thomas Browne (1605?1682). Browne was fascinated by the world of dreams and stated of his own ability to lucid dream in his Religio Medici: "... yet in one dream I can compose a whole Comedy, behold the action, apprehend the jests and laugh my self awake at the conceits thereof;"[9] Marquis d'Hervey de Saint-Denys was probably the first person to argue that it is possible for anyone to learn to dream consciously. In 1867, he published his book Dreams and how to Guide Them, in which he documented more than twenty years of his own research into dreams. The term "lucid dreaming" was coined by Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his 1913 book A Study of Dreams.[10] This book was highly anecdotal and not embraced by the scientific community. The term itself is considered by some to be a misnomer because it means much more than just "clear or vivid" dreaming.[11] A better term might have been "conscious dreaming". On the other hand, the term ?lucid? was used by van Eeden in its sense of ?having insight?, as in the phrase ?a lucid interval? applied to someone in temporary remission from a psychosis, rather than as referring to the perceptual quality of the experience, which may or may not be clear and vivid. To that extent van Eeden?s phrase may still be considered appropriate. In the 1950s the Senoi hunter-gatherers of Malaysia were reported to make extensive use of lucid dreaming to ensure mental health, although later studies refuted these claims.[12] [edit] Achieving and recognisingMany people report having experienced a lucid dream during their lives, often in childhood. Although lucid dreaming is a conditioned skill[13], achieving lucid dreams on a regular basis can be difficult and is uncommon, even with training. Despite this difficulty, techniques have been developed to achieve a lucid dreaming state intentionally.There are some factors which can affect the ability to experience lucid dreams:Meditation, and involvement in consciousness focusing activities can strengthen the ability to experience lucid dreams.[14] Children seem to have lucid dreams more easily than adults do. The ability to sleep appears to decrease when people get older.[15] Hypnotism may help induce lucidity [16] Induction techniques can help much in becoming lucid. Dream recall, the ability to remember one's dreams, is often practiced in conjunction with learning to lucid dream. A better dream recall ability makes one more aware of their dreams in general as well as allowing one to remember if they did have a lucid dream. [17][edit] Common induction techniques[edit] Reality testingReality testing is a common method that people use to determine whether or not they are dreaming. It involves performing an action with results that are difficult to re-create in a dream. By practicing these techniques during waking life, one may eventually dream of performing a reality check?which will usually fail?helping the dreamer realize that they are dreaming. Common reality tests include:Holding one's nose, then breathing through it. Dreamers will be able to breath through your nose, even though it is pinched shut. [citation needed] Read some text, look away, and read it again, or to look at your watch and remember the time, then look away and look back. Observers have found that, in a dream, the text or time will often have changed.[18] Flipping a light switch or looking into a mirror. Light switches rarely work properly in dreams, and reflections from a mirror often appear to be blurred, distorted or incorrect.[19] Pinching oneself or hitting an object hard. The acute pain usually cannot be felt in dreams. Another form of reality testing involves identifying one's dream signs, clues that one is dreaming. Dream signs are often categorized as follows:Action ? The dreamer, another dream character, or a thing does something unusual or impossible in waking life, such as photos in a magazine or newspaper becoming 3-dimensional with full movement. Context ? The place or situation in the dream is strange. Form ? The dreamer, another character, or a thing changes shape, or is oddly formed or transforms; this may include the presence of unusual clothing or hair, or a third person view of the dreamer. Awareness ? A peculiar thought, a strong emotion, an unusual sensation, or altered perceptions. In some cases when moving one's head from side to side, one may notice a strange stuttering or 'strobing' of the image. Cohesion ? Sometimes the dreamer may seem to "teleport" to a completely different location in a dream, with no transition whatsoever. Though occurrences like these may seem out of place in waking life, they may seem perfectly normal to a dreaming mind and learning to pick up on these dream signs will help in recognizing that one is dreaming.[edit] Mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)The mnemonic induction of lucid dreams is a common technique used to induce a lucid dream at will by setting an intention, while falling asleep, to remember to recognize that one is dreaming, or to remember to look for dream signs. Because it is easy to master (almost everyone sets intentions frequently), it is ideal for those who have never practiced lucid dreaming induction techniques before.[edit] Wake-back-to-bed (WBTB)The wake-back-to-bed technique is often the easiest way to induce a lucid dream. The method involves going to sleep tired and waking up five hours later. Then, focusing all thoughts on lucid dreaming, staying awake for an hour and going back to sleep while practicing the MILD method. A 60% success rate has been shown in research using this technique.[20] This is because the REM cycles get longer as the night goes on, and this technique takes advantage of the best REM cycle of the night. Because this REM cycle is longer and deeper, gaining lucidity during this time may result in a more lengthy lucid dream.[20][edit] Wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD)The wake-initiated lucid dream "occurs when the sleeper enters REM sleep with unbroken self-awareness directly from the waking state".[21] The key to this technique is recognising the hypnagogic stage, which is within the border of being awake and being asleep. If a person is successful in staying aware while this stage occurs, they will eventually enter the dream state while being fully aware that it is a dream. Because one does not have to recognise a cue in order to induce a lucid dream using this technique, it tends to be more reliable than other techniques. There are key times at which this technique is best used; while success at night after being awake for a long time is very difficult, it is relatively easy after being awake for 15 or so minutes and in the afternoon during a nap. Users of this technique often count, envision themselves climbing or descending stairs, chanting to themselves, exploring elaborate, passive sexual fantasies, controlling their breathing, concentrating on relaxing their body from their toes to their head, allowing images to flow through their "mind's eye" and envisioning themselves jumping into the image, or any various form of concentration to keep their mind awake, while still being calm enough to let their body sleep. During the actual transition into the dreamstate, one is likely to experience sleep paralysis, including rapid vibrations[22], a sequence of very loud sounds and a feeling of twirling into another state of body awareness, "to drift off into another dimension". Also there is frequently a sensation of falling rapidly or dropping through the bed as one enters the dreamstate or the sensation of entering a dark black room from which one can induce any dream scenario of one's choosing, simply by concentrating on it. The key to being successful is to not panic, especially during the transition which can be quite sudden.[edit] Cycle adjustment technique (CAT)The cycle adjustment technique, developed by Daniel Love[23], is an effective way to induce lucid dreaming. It involves adjusting one's sleep cycle to encourage awareness during the later part of the sleep. First, the person wakes up 90 minutes before normal wake time until their sleep cycle begins to adjust (Love suggests at least a week for this stage). During this 90 minute period regular reality tests are performed. After this initial period is complete, the normal wake times and early wake times alternate daily. On the days with the normal wake times, the body is ready to wake up and perform reality tests yet remains asleep and dreaming. These sleep cycle adjustments should create favourable psychological and biological conditions for lucidity.[edit] Don Juan's techniqueThis technique is the one endorsed by Carlos Castaneda's fictional guide, Don Juan, in the book Journey to Ixtlan. Before going to sleep one must look at one's hands and say to oneself: "Later, when I am dreaming, I will look at my hands and realize that I am dreaming." While dreaming, one must look at one's hands, then look around and repeat the procedure throughout the dream.[24][25]See also: The Art of Dreaming (a book by Castaneda) [edit] Induction devicesLucid dream induction is possible by the use of a physical device. The general principle works by taking advantage of the natural phenomenon of incorporating external stimuli into one's dreams. Usually a device is worn while sleeping that can detect when the sleeper enters a REM phase and triggers a noise and/or flashing lights with the goal of these stimuli being incorporated into the dreamer's dream. For example flashing lights might be translated to a car's headlights in a dream. A well known dream induction device is the Nova Dreamer [26]; however, as of 2006, the device is no longer manufactured.A different method of inducing with electronic aids is using software to remind one to do reality checks, such as Lucille made by Harry Bosma.[27] Electronic devices are not the only tools for lucidity. It is very common to listen to various sound files at night just before falling asleep.Other associated phenomena Rapid eye movement (REM) and communication during sleep: during dreaming sleep the eyes move rapidly. Scientific research has found that these eye movements correspond to the direction in which the dreamer is "looking" in his/her dreamscape; this apparently enabled trained lucid dreamers to communicate the content of their dreams as they were happening to researchers by using eye movement signals.[28]. This research produced various results, such as that events in dreams take place in real time rather than going by in a flash. False awakenings: In a false awakening, one suddenly dreams of having been awakened. Commonly in a false awakening the room is identical to the room that the person fell asleep in, with several small subtle differences. If the person was lucid, he/she often believes that he/she is no longer dreaming, and may start exiting their room etc. Since the person is actually still dreaming, this is called a "false awakening". This is often a nemesis in the art of lucid dreaming because it usually causes people to give up their awareness of being in a dream, but it can also cause someone to become lucid if the person does a reality check whenever he/she awakens. People who keep a dream journal and write down their dreams upon awakening sometimes report having to write down the same dream multiple times because of this phenomenon. Sleep paralysis: During REM sleep the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain, because otherwise the movements which occur in the dream would actually cause the body to move. However, it is possible for this mechanism to be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain awakens. This can lead to a state where a person is lying in his or her bed and he or she feels frozen. Hypnagogic hallucinations may occur in this state, especially auditory ones. -
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What Is A Chupacabra? Very Interesting.
Warrockers_Of_America replied to AmandaB78's topic in General Discussion
The chupacabra (or chupacabras) is a cryptid said to inhabit parts of Latin America. It is associated particularly with Puerto Rico (where it was first reported), Mexico, Chile, Brazil and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities and Maine. The name translates literally from the Portuguese and Spanish as "goat sucker". It comes from the creature's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Physical descriptions of the creature vary. Sightings began in Puerto Rico in the early 1990s, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile. Though some argue that the chupacabras may be real creatures, mainstream scientists and experts generally contend that the chupacabra is a legendary creature, or a type of urban legend.The legend of cipi chupacabra began approximately in 1987, when Puerto Rican newspapers El Vocero and El Nuevo Dia began reporting the killings of many different types of animals, such as birds, horses, and, as its name implies, goats. However, it is predated by El Vampiro de Moca (The Vampire of Moca), a creature blamed for similar killings that occurred in the large town of Moca in the 1970s. While at first it was suspected that the killings were done randomly by some members of a Satanic cult, eventually these killings spread around the island, and many farms reported loss of animal life. The killings had one pattern in common: Each of the animals found dead had two punctured holes around its neck.Puerto Rican comedian and entrepreneur Silverio P?rez is credited with coining the term "chupacabras" soon after the first incidents were reported in the press.Soon after the animal deaths in Puerto Rico, other animal deaths were reported in other countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Peru, Brazil, the United States and, most notably, Mexico.Both in Puerto Rico and Mexico, "el chupacabra" gained urban legend status. Chupacabra stories began to be released several times in American and Hispanic newscasts across the United States, and chupacabra merchandise, such as T-shirts, baseball caps, and even candy, were sold.[edit] SightingsIn July 2004, a rancher near San Antonio, Texas, killed a hairless, dog-like creature which was attacking his livestock. This creature is now known as the Elmendorf Creature. It was later determined to be an unknown canine of some sort, similar to a coyote with demodectic mange. In October 2004, two animals which closely resemble the Elmendorf Creature were observed in the same area. The first was dead, and a local zoologist who was called to identify the animal noticed the second while she was travelling to the location where the first was found. Specimens of the dead animal were studied by biologists in Texas, who found that the creatures were some sort of canines of an undetermined species.[1]In Coleman, Texas, a farmer named Reggie Lagow caught an unknown animal in a trap he set up after the deaths of a number of his chickens and turkeys. The animal appeared to be a mix between a hairless dog, a rat and a kangaroo. The mystery animal was reported to Texas Parks and Wildlife in hopes of determining what it was, but Lagow said in a September 17th, 2006, phone interview with John Adolfi, founder of the Lost World Museum, that the "critter was caught on a Tuesday and thrown out in Thursday's trash."[2]In April of 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabra was spotted in Russia for the first time. Reports from Central Russia beginning in March 2005 tell of a beast that kills animals and sucks out their blood. Thirty-two turkeys were killed and drained overnight. Reports later came from neighboring villages when 30 sheep were killed and had their blood drained. Finally eyewitnesses were able to describe the chupacabra. In May of 2006, experts were determined to track the animal down.[3]In mid-August 2006 Michelle O'Donnell of Turner, Maine, described an "evil looking" dog-like creature with fangs that had been found dead alongside a road. The mystery beast was apparently struck by a car, and was otherwise unidentifiable. Photographs were taken and several witness reports seem to be in relative agreement that the creature was canine in appearance, but unlike any dog or wolf in the area. The carcass was picked clean by vultures before experts could examine it. For years, residents of Maine have reported a mysterious creature and a string of dog maulings.[4]On September 2006, the Lost World Museum acquired the remains of what may be a Chupacabra. Spotted, hunted and killed in late August 2006, 15 year old Geordie Decker and 16 year old Josh Underwood of Berkshire, New York handed over the bones of a small fox like beast that hopped, had yellow eyes and an orange strip of hair going down its almost bald gray back, to Museum owner John Adolfi. Its bones are currently on display on the Lost World Museum's web site while further examination and investigation continues.In December 2006, a local farmer in Peru claimed to have seen a creature fitting a particular description attacking a wild bore on his farm. The man, who referred to the creature as "Zahir," later told the authorities that he feared for his life when he saw the creature devour the bore within minutes. The creature then ran faster than any animal the farmer has ever seen. Shocked at the site of the creature, the farmer stated that he is haunted by the evil in the Zahir's eyes.The most recent, undocumented sighting of the Chupacabra was in Hawaii on the island of Maui. Witnesses who apparently saw the beast outside of the Kuia Leia Airport, described the creature as half dog half human.[edit] AppearanceCryptozoologists believe that descriptions of the different Chupacabra may in fact be attributable to several different breeds. Although they have various differences in appearance, Chupacabra also have several common traits. They are all typically described as being three feet (1 m) or taller, and roughly humanoid in shape.The most common breed of Chupacabra is described as a lizard-like being, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. This form stands approximately 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo. In at least one sighting, the creature hopped 20 feet (6 m). This variety is said to have a dog or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue protruding from it, large fangs, and to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well as leave a sulfuric stench behind. When it screeches, some reports note that the chupacabra's eyes glow an unusual red, then give the witnesses nausea.Another breed of Chupacabra, although not as common, is described as a strange breed of wild dog. This form is mostly hairless, has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws. It is claimed that this breed might be an example of a dog-like reptile. The account during the year 2001 in Nicaragua of a chupacabra's corpse being found supports this conclusion. The corpse of the animal was found in Tolapa, Nicaragua, and forensically analyzed at UNAN-Leon. Pathologists at the University found that it was an unusual-looking dog-like creature of unknown species.Some reports claim the chupacabra's red eyes have the ability to hypnotize and paralyze their prey, leaving the prey animal mentally stunned, allowing the chupacabra to suck the animal's blood at its leisure. The effect is similar to the bite of the vampire bat, or of certain snakes or spiders that stun their prey. Unlike conventional predators, the chupacabra sucks all the animal's blood (and sometimes organs) through a single hole or two holes.Many residents of South America have reported sightings of Los Chupacabras, and although various, the descriptions share some significant likenesses. In many reports, accounts include the visible inflation of the stomach region, after El Chupacabra has been feeding. The appearance of the animal changes when an internal bladder-like organ fills with the blood of its prey. Furthermore, almost all witnesses have reported large protruding fangs. These fangs are suspected to be hollow and be the vehicles for the blood on which it feeds.Some Puerto Ricans also say that El Chupacabra is growing. First reports of mutilations in the 1990's included domesticated cats and dogs and the beast itself was described as roughly dog-sized. Later on, the creature became infamous for attacking goats and was described as a larger creature. Some current sightings have even gone so far as to describe a terrible nearly-man-sized monster attacking horses and cattle.[edit] TheoriesChupacabras have been described as similar in appearance to gargoyles, so it has been theorized that the creatures were seen in Medieval Europe, and possibly taken to South America on board Spanish galleons. According to this theory, gargoyles were carved to resemble chupacabras, to keep the public (and sometimes believed to keep evil spirits) afraid of any place with gargoyles. Some cryptozoologists speculate that chupacabras are alien creatures. Chupacabras are widely described as otherworldly, and, according to one witness report, NASA may be involved with this particular alien's residency on earth. The witness reported that NASA passed through an area in Latin America, with a trailer that was thought to contain an incarcerated creature.[citation needed] There have also been UFOs seen where chupacabras have been at the same time on occasion. Others speculate that the creature is an escaped pet of alien visitors that wandered off while its master was visiting Earth. The Chupacabra does have a slight resemblance to the Greys, which could mean that they are somehow related. Some people in the island of Puerto Rico believe that the chupacabras were a genetic experiment from some United States' government agency, which escaped from a secret laboratory in El Yunque, a mountain in the east part of the island when the laboratory was damaged during a severe storm in the early 1990s. The US military have had a large presence across Puerto Rico since the 1930s, with bases on the island used as Research and Development facilities (amongst other things) up to the present day. The lethal agent orange chemicals were tested by the US on the crops of Puerto Rico in widespread crop-spraying operations, all performed without notifying local people or farmers, and the efficacy and safety of contraceptive medicines was also secretly tested on islanders who had no knowledge of their 'guinea pig' status at all. ("UFO's Strangest Mysteries", Discovery Science) This may explain some of this alleged paranoia. Another possibility would involve giant vampire bats of which a few fossils have been found in South-America. Most scholars believe that the Chupacabra is most likely to be a close relative of the aye aye, Madagascar's equivalent to the racoon. And, like the Vampire Bat, it evolved to feed on the blood of other animals. [edit] In fictionChupacabra have also appeared in a variety of different fictional works. To name but a few:In the Vol. 2 Trade Paperback of the Comic Book Series The Amazing Joy Buzzards published by Image Comics El Campeon who is a mythical Mexican Wrestler teams up with bandmember Gabe Caryle in Costa Rica to take out a den of Chupacabras in the story "The Devil's Zapatos". El Chupa is also a villain in this series who rules over and has Chupacabras as his minions. In the issue 4 of the Image Comics series Hero Camp the Chupacabra makes an appearance as he threatens to eat the Goat Man. In episode 1-01 ("Dia de los Dangerous") of The Venture Bros., the Chupacabra is said to be, per a superscientific formula, an urban legend, but appears later in the episode, attacking Dr. Venture. After it was disposed by Brock Samson, Dr. Venture asked, "What the hell was that?!?" and Brock replies, "Chupacabra. They're all over Mexico." The episode "El Mundo Gira" of the TV series X-Files is about a man believed to be El Chupacabras (an issue of the Topps comic book based on the FOX series also featured the chupacabras). In November of 2005 the Sci-Fi Channel aired a movie called Chupacabra Terror, about a beast killing on a cruise ship. An episode of Dexter's Laboratory had the Chupacabras as one of Dexter's experiments (which he named Charlie) that escaped to South America. Throughout the episode, Dexter could not remember the creature's purpose until the end, when he realized that he created Charlie to scare his sister, Dee Dee. In an episode of Jackie Chan Adventures, the Chupacabras only came out at night, and attacked the live-stock in its area. If the Chupacabras bit or scratched a person, he or she would become a chupacabra, similar to the mythical Werewolf. Canadian punk-pop band Chixdiggit recorded a song named "Chupacabra". American Power Metal band Cage recorded a song named "Chupacabra". Psychedelic Welsh rockers the Super Furry Animals released a song called "Chupacabras" on their 1997 album "Radiator". The experimental rock band M.I.R.V. has a song titled "Chupacabras" on the album "Feeding Time on Monkey Island". A monster named El Chupanibre appeared in an episode of the TV Series Futurama. It was portrayed as a large bipedal/primate like reptile which lived in the sewers and preyed on mutants. The hip hop collaboration group Danger Doom has a song titled "El Chupa Nibre" on the album "The Mouse and the Mask". In an episode of Maya & Miguel, the twins claimed that they had a Chupacabras as a pet, and tried to trick the whole town into believing them, before realizing that the real chupacabra was there. In an episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Billy found a supernatural video documentary on the Chupacabras which summoned the chupacabra from the TV screen to suck out the viewer's brain.Billy thought it was a dog and named it 'Daisy'. In Scooby Doo and the Monster of Mexico, the gang attempted to track down a chupacabra which was terrorising Veracruz and the nearby villages. Instead of the correct reptilian beast, a bigfoot was incorrectly used. In an episode of Mucha Lucha, The Flea tried to use a hair grow formula to sport a new hairstyle, and ended up being mistaken for the chupacabra, angering the real chupacabra, which resulted in a fight. In episode 2 of Red vs. Blue, "Chupathingy" (a derivative of "Chupacabra") is suggested as a name for the "new vehicle" which was in fact, a Warthog. In the episode "Game Slave 2" of Invader Zim, Gaz told Dib that there was a chupacabra in the parking garage of the mall to get rid of him, to which Dib replied, "But there isn't a goat to feed on for miles." In an episode of American Dad, Stan and daughter Hayley engaged in back-and-forth insults, with Stan eventually resorting to calling Hayley "Chupacabra!" Hayley's response was to ask "I'm the Mexican Bigfoot?" A comic book version of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror featured a story of a chupacabra that escaped Professor Frink's lab and killed off almost all of the regulars at Moe's Tavern. In the episode "Bite Me" of Charmed, while looking in the Book of Shadows for a creature that flies and bites (later found to be a Vampire), Piper found an entry for chupacabra, which said that while Chupacabra's fly and bite, they only attack livestock. In an issue of The Onion, an online satirical newspaper, there was a fictional article by the president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, titled, "The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is The Chupacabra." In the short story "Kiss" by Steve Berman, the Chupacabra plays a role in a young gay man's search for his own identity. In the book "The House of the Scorpion" by Nancy Farmer, the stories about the chupacabra are used to frighten the protagonist as a young child so that he will not leave the house at night. In the horror anthology "Tropical Tales of Terror" by writer Roberto Guzman (published by Bookman publishing (http://bookmanmarketing.com/) in 2004) the short story "The Elderly Xeno Hawks of El Yunque" suggested that the chupacabras legend was based on a hidden race of intelligent creatures descended from prehistoric hawks. The chupacabra appears quite frequently in the Castlevania series of videogames most commonly encountered in underground areas and attack by sticking out an elongated tongue There is a mid-boss monster called "El Chupacabras" in the PC game Diablo. The Chupacabra appears in one episode of Sealab 2021 entitled "Episode 40 - Isla de Chupacabra" El Chupacabra is a B-movie released in 2003. In the American television show "Will & Grace" (First episode of season 4), Rosario startles Karen, to which Karen tells her "You scared the hell outta' me! I thought you were the Chupacabra!!" In the song "Earthquakes and Sharks" by the indie rock/emo band Brandtson "Chupacabras" are mentioned. The Belgian metalband Sons of Jonathas has a song that is called "Chupacabra". Page Springs Vineyard and Cellars (A winery situated in Arizona) have released a wine, entitled 'Chupacabra' that is an undisclosed blend of various grape varieties. The plot of the Spider-Man novel Valley of the Lizard is centered around chupacabras Independent film released in 2005 "Mexican Werewolf in Texas" originally titled "Chupacabra". Mexican Werewolf website In the volume 4, episodie 33 of the manga Mikakunin Shounen Gedou the Chupacabra appears In the American television series Supernatural's third episode of the second season, a fellow demon tracker mentions that a chupacabra is two states over and the main characters are welcome to hunt it rather than interfere with his vampire hunt. Several references in the Japanese television series Negima!? are made to chupacabras. Vampiric attacks are blamed on a chupacabra (as well as Dracula), a Chupacabra hunt is formed, and there is even a brief look at female lead Asuna wearin a chupacabra costume, strumming a guitar, and singing, "Chupa chupa chupa chupaCABRA!" In the manga, during a conversation about the vampire rumour, Sakurako and Konoka imagine Makie being attacked by a chupacabra. Chuapacabra appears in third chapter of Maciek Kur's book Stowarzyszenie Umarłych dusz czyli traumo-pocieszne przygody Znicza Deathsoul Sacramento local punk band The Groovie Ghoulies recorded a song named "Chupacabra". Orange County, California, band The Friendly Indians also has a song called "Chupacabras". Josh Lesnik's webcomic, Girly, features a character named "El Chupacabre," a former supervillain who possesses an "aura" that makes any nearby females lust insatiably after him. El Chupacabre has since reformed and is going steady with another character but still has his "aura." He goes by the nickname "Chuy." On the side of a Line 6 Spider II 115 guitar amplifier cardboard box it reads, "Eliminates Pesky Chupacabras." According to the podcast "Ask a Ninja," Selma Hayek is actually a Chupacabra with a boob job, or what he called a boobacabra. Some RPGs(Role Playing Games) feature this thing, usually as a villain for the heroes to attack. -
go to http://www.warrock.net/ !!!!! Its free!! Its downloadable... Its product held so like no viruses come attached i swear... Its massive multiplayer fps... Like its a new game and its totally free... its the best free game u will play!! Its better than counter-strike because it hase boats and airplanes and helicopters and tanks... and in a month the commercial release will come out.. but u can still play for free.... is a free multi player first-person shooter. It has intentionally low system requirements in order to encourage widespread participation. War Rock features a growing number of maps, vehicles and over 25 different weapons. The player has the choice of playing on the NIU or Derbaran teams. The player has the choice of a number of classes, with each class having a different weapon set and ostensibly different combat roles and tactics. The game also features a ranking system and an in-game Item Shop where the player can 'rent' more powerful weapons using virtual currency (dinars) that is earned by playing the game. Rental periods range from three days up to a month. Some weapons can only be bought if the player uses real money to pay for an additional weapons slot. The player can also use real money to pay for other benefits in the game in the future as well. The basic version however is completely free to play, both the International and Korean versions. This version, opposed to the Korean version, has no blood. K2 decided to do so that the ESRB rating system would mark it as a T for Teen. War Rock contains five main modes of play: [edit] Close Quarter Combat Originally called Mission Mode, Close Quarter Combat consists of rounds of game play. In each round, a player is allowed to choose their class and is given one life. Depending on the player's team, certain objectives must be completed in order to win the round. Currently, the only available game mode is "Explosive." In this mode, the Debaran team must plant a bomb at one of the arena's specified sites. The NIU team's objective is to either eliminate the Debaran team or defuse a bomb if one successfully planted. There are no ammo or health recovery stations in this mode; and as a result, the Medic class is more popular. Close Quarter Combat maps require at least 2 but support up a maximum of 16 players. [edit] Urban Ops Urban Ops (originally called Infantry combat) maps are medium sized with ground assault vehicles, such as armored Humvee with machine guns or a heavy gun, transport trucks, aircraft, and motorcycles; however, some of the maps feature tanks (Either small, single passenger tanks or large, armored tanks). Urban Ops often features buildings or obstacles that hamper the line of fire. Players can move around with vehicles or on foot with no difficulty, or with aircraft depending on the map. Urban Ops games can be hosted with as little as 2 and as many as 24 players. [edit] Battle Group Battle Groups : Maps are large with many vehicles, such as tanks, Humvee, three types of jets (one being the A-10), motorcycles, Blackhawk helicopters, and other transport vehicles (such as a truck). Players are able to both move through the game world on foot, the air, or in a vehicle with not too much difficulty unless otherwise. Battle groups can have from two players to a maximum of 32 players. The only game mode available currently is death match. Currently there are only 7 different levels. After getting destroyed you have to wait 10 seconds or less to respawn, depending on when you died. You have an unlimited number of lives, but each time you die, your death counts against your team's life points. When your team's life points are either gone or not fully used to kill the other team's life points, game is over. The winning team is the team with the highest life points. [edit] Free For All A War Rock screen shot of two armored vehicles in Cantumira. A new game mode, Free For All(you can choose FFA as game mode any time you want in Korean WarRock) maps can be either small or medium. The object in Free For All is to have the highest score obtained by the number of kills you get. In Free For All, unlike all of the other game modes there are no teams. It is everyone for themselves. There are little if any vehicles. The game ends when a pre-determined score is reached by a person. This is not yet a public mode meaning you cannot make this type of game. Only game moderators are allowed. It can handle between 8 and 16 players. The game mode had been used in the FFA tournament by the moderators starting 10/30/06. Players were granted shotguns in slot 5 while playing free for all mode in FFA tournament. [edit] Conquest mode Conquest Mode can be enabled on Urban Ops and Battle Group maps. Each team begins with 999 points, and may capture flags as normal. However, if at any time a team is in possession of more flags than the other, the other team's points will begin to tick away. The more flags a team has in their possession, the more points will tick away. In addition, it is now possible to capture base flags. If a team gains possession of all flags on the map, the game will end, and they will be victorious. Within a few hours of Conquest Mode being released, major bugs and exploits had started to be reported in. Due to this, K2 was forced to remove the creation Conquest Mode game rooms by normal players. Currently, only in-game moderators and administrators are able to create Conquest Mode game rooms. This will not be for long though, due to the fact that once the bugs are fixed, Conquest Mode will be released to be created by all players. [edit] Maps War Rock has a rapidly increasing number of maps, with new maps being released with most patches. Currently the following maps have been removed for testing: Ohara, Ravello and Ravello 2nd Street. Close Quarters Combat Urban Ops Battle Group Marien Cadoro Velruf Xauen Khyber Urban Ops Battle Group Montana Harbor IDA Emblem Harbord Elia Havana Cantumira Battle Group Engrene Pargona Pargona East Conturas Cantumira Emblem Havana Notice from BuffaloHELP: Copied from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrock and this earned the ban
Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people as defined by Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." Notice from BuffaloHELP: This guy sure loves wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide
As soon as you mention the word cloning, you are most likely to ignite a debate. This is because people are greatly divided on whether it's good or bad. A way to reach a conclusion is to look at cloning from ethical, risk, and religious perspectives. The reality is, cloning is unethical, very risky, and irreligious. The arguments I will make will hopefully convince you that cloning is not good for the future. Cloning is very unethical. It would be violating the human rights in many ways. It would be violating of the freedom of beliefs and thoughts (Peter Flaherty, and D. Lynn Moore. Civics. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2000) Cloning also reduces human dignity. Humans can be sold as manufactured products. If we allow that, we would be violating others human rights. One of them is that no one should be held in slavery or servitude. Cloning also threatens individuality and uniqueness. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion'>http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion) Life would be very dull considering the fact that everyone would have the same personality. If we follow this to the future, one wouldn?t want to live in that kind of world. The process of cloning involves killing a great number of embryos; (http://focusin.ads.targetnet.com/) which one also find unethical. Furthermore, cloning would be playing God. God has already devised a good and proper plan to make babies. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/) Why mess with it? If god doesn?t want you to have babies, then you shouldAgianst!!!
This was a letter written from a teenage girl on this website.. Its hard for us to respond to such a post. What this person had to say is terribly tragic. They were so young to be faced with such a horrible situation; one they couldn't deal with. All I can really say is that I hope their last few months will be as pleasant as they can be.They should Enjoy spending time with their family and the people ythey love. Notice from jlhaslip: added quote bbcode tags just like you should have done
New Technology Gives Thought More Power
Warrockers_Of_America replied to beeseven's topic in Science and Technology
http://www.lce.hut.fi/research/css/bci/ Look at thiss.. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) enable motor disabled and healthy persons to operate electrical devices and computers directly with their brain activity. BCI recognizes and classifies different brain activation patterns associated with real movements and movement attempts made by tetraiplegic persons. One of their aims is to examine whether subjects with no previous experience of BCIs could achieve satisfactory performance after a short training period. The picture demonstrates a BCI in use. The user has a EEG cap on. By thinking about left and right hand movement the user controls the virtual keyboard with her brain activity. It would be important to understand the signals used in BCI applications. They have concentrated on motor cortex activity. Like most other BCI groups, they measure the electric activity of the brain using electroencephalography (EEG). They have also examined the feasibility of magnetoencephalography, MEG (see this picture), for BCI use. Subject is being prepared for MEG experiment. EEG is also recorded. Feedback plays an important role when learning to use a BCI. In BCI training, the most commonly used feedback modality is visual feedback. Visual attention, however, might be needed for application control: to drive a wheelchair, to observe the environment, etc. It would be important to also test other feedback modalities. They have started to do tests with haptic feedback. An experiment where the subject receives tactile stimuli to the lower neck while learning to control a robot wheelchair in a simulated environment. -
My name is Warrockers_Of_America...I have an LG from Alltel!! I beleive that Alltel has the best plan. You can add any 10 persons you want on your friends list from any network and call them for free. I live in Ohio so I personally get awsome service because they have built alltel towers in my area. Another good feature about this great plan is that you may call anyone on the alltl network for free. Even if they aren't in you top ten. I have the phone on the right in this image. That is the mobile phone that I have.