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Everything posted by talbotda13

  1. If i had the time and the cash to get it i would get it. but money is tight these days
  2. I havent see a rubix cube in years. infact i havent goofed with one. i might ask my sister if she still has hers.
  3. I hate all popup and pop under ads. they bug the heck out of me. but since i got my pop up blocker i dont get anymore of the stupid things
  4. I use MSN and Yahoo messengers. I use MSN more than I use Yahoo. I really see no point of talking to someone online through a instant messenger unless its family or someone you have known for a long period of time. Personally i hate getting IM's from people i dont know. all the messages poeple send seems like a big waste of valuable time. Especially for the person IMing you. i love it when someone IM's me and i tell them constantly im busy and they wont stop until you block them. I used to use AIM but it got boring fast and i dont like AIM. So yeah thats my reply to this topic
  5. I'm glad that i dont have a cell phone. i see no use in a cell phone. its all mumbo-jumbo stuff to me
  6. I used to be a creepy internet person. but thats when i was 15. now im just a dork
  7. If there was no internet i wouldnt be answering this question. lol. Actually i would be working more hours and living a life that would be net free. which i wish was that way right now.
  8. I prefer any search engine. what ever one i decide to go to is the one i use. but i do use yahoo's search engine alot. i guess i should try google more often. but i dont see a difference between anyof them. they look up the same stuff.
  9. I don't think there is a way to prevent crimes in the world. you can only do so much to try and stop it but everything fails. I do however wish there wasnt as much crime in the world. it would make the world a little better or at least thats my opinion
  10. my goal in lifelet me see. well i want to go to college. and study criminal justice. the go back to college and study meteorology. that way i can pick out which career i want. lol. Actually i think my true goal in life to is stay married and have a nice happy family
  11. talbotda13

    Gay Marriage

    i dont know if i support or if i am against gay marriage.however if someone truely loves another whether it be gay or not then let them marry
  12. I think it would be a neat idea. Your right the shoutbox is very slow and i hate refreshing it to see if anyone has said anything. However the decision is up to opaque. but there are probably other things he would want to do. but i dont know what he would want to do. but yeah the chatroom thing seems like it is a good idea
  13. I think i used to have a diary, But i don't know what happend to it. If i do find it i'm sure that i will see how much anger i had in my system at the time i wrote it. Somedays i was happy but 98.1% of the time i was angry at everything. maybe i will go look for my old diary before i go to bed. Maybe i will see how stupid i was back then
  14. Thats pretty much the reason why i never donate anything because you never know when something is a scam.
  15. I cant wait until im 21 but i have to wait another full year for that. after 21 i guess the only thing to look forward to is death, or prison whatever one comes first. lol.... Anyways being 20 isnt much different from being 18 well exept maybe one year from being 21. im not a big drinker but when i hit 21 i will become a fast alcohalic lol.Sorry for my spelling errors
  16. the PS3 i think will be cool. but i probably won't buy or use it. i never really play games anyways. i am usually too busy at work. well okay maybe i will use it when it does come out but not very often
  17. The poems seem good. at least thats what i think.
  18. It's a good game but i usually dont play sports games. but i like NFL Street 2
  19. I've never really thought about it before. I would think i would be against it. But i guess i will have to go think about it.
  20. I think my favorite car is the Ford Mustang
  21. I use FlashFXP..... It's an okay FTP program but i only use it when i need it. But i think cute ftp is the best by far. I tried it once and i liked it but i accidently uninstalled it. so i went with FlashFXP. Maybe i will go back with Cute FTP
  22. I haven't tried the New MSN Search yet. I might later after i get out of work.
  23. I use all of them so i really dont have a favorite and i dont prefer one over another. Although Gmail has alot of space and you can invite people to use it. Hotmail is sometimes annoying especially if you use msn messenger. Yahoo is good. but it has the same annoying things as hotmail.
  24. Well if and when it is done 100% done i might try it.
  25. I used to use the 30 day trial but i stopped doing it it seemed like it was a hassle to download the trial every 30 days. I wish i had the money to buy it.
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