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Everything posted by talbotda13

  1. Would you go crazy? NopeWould YOU not exist? I would existWould you be bored all day? Nope i have a jobWould you be board at school all day? I dont go to schoolWould you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? NoWould you end up working all day? YesWould you be determined to invent computers? NoWould you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? Pretty DoubtfulWould you just be a all around idiot? yupWould you drink coffee all day? noWould you sleep all day? noWould you kill yourself? noWould you be a cop? plan on itWould you be a robber? no Would you be a mugger? maybeWould you be a regular person? probably notWould you like to exist on this earth? duhWould you die of boredom? noWould you invent games? mightWould you invent more games?noWould you think about inventing computers? noand many more things...
  2. Well if the internet went down i would listen to the radio or even try to fix my car. i would also spend alot of time outside and i would work more often. ( the internet here went down lastnight due to a snow storm) If phone and all communication went out i would care. i dont talk on the phone. and if i wanted something i would walk to my friends house or drive my Dads truck. if all the above happend i would do everything i mentioned above. and maybe some extras. play games, walk, run, jog, drive, work on my car, go to work
  3. Okay so i couldnt find a spot to do this so i added it here. i am sorry if it is not in the correct place..Does any of you like Nascar? If you dont know what NASCAR is its Stock Car Auto RacingI just want to know if others do or dontI like nascar hence the reason i posted this anyways my favorite driver is Michael Waltrip
  4. No. I havent done a review thing for Xisto. i will need to think about what i will say if i do decide to do a review. However i think Xisto is a good Free web host. but i also think more things need to happen in order to have a wonderful community. Things i will not say here. anyways i will do a review but i need tothink about what i will write in the review.
  5. i personally dont trust any sites that have anything to do with getting paid to click, or read emails or leave browser open. i see them as a waste of time and you probably dont get paid for any of it. I do however like the get paid to do surveys. i have gotten about 100 bucks doing them. but yeah i dont trust any other sites that you have to click to get paid or leave browser open or the other ones
  6. Well i would rather see the death penalty for teenagers. If they can kill people then they should gat the ddeath penalty if they kill more than 2 people. now as for the death penalty as it stands in the US. I think they should keep it which i pretty much know they are going to. but if you can commit a crime that involves raping someone or alot of people, or murdering people then i think they should go to the front of the line instead of waiting. most of the people now days that are sentenced to death by lethal injection die from the waiting in the prison cell. In my honest opinion i think that more states need to have the death penalty
  7. I think that is kinda dumb to be able to order pizza while playing games online. But at the same time i suppose its a time saver for gamers that are hungy. My only question is why would you want to place an order while playing games online?
  8. I use whatpulse as you can see by my signature. I think its pretty cool but then again im on a team as to where my rank seems to never move.So yeah whatpulse is cool or neat and if you ever have a sudden restart of your computer whatpulse will keep the key counts and click counts until you next pulse them after you pulse them they go to the server and i think it refreshes every 6 hours (the servers do). But to see more look at my signature on this board. and go to the whatpulse website to read more about it.
  9. I seem to like that image. i mean i think it is cool and its shiny. i like shiny things lol
  10. It's an ad with a fly on it. i think its the ad where you need to shhot a fly. but it does it to me all the time. and it is annoying.But there nothing you need to worry about
  11. Well i don't do go to school. I graduate high school in 2003. i guess i have to get off my lazy butt and think about going to college. although i already know what i want to go to college for. but yeah no school for me as of now.
  12. I think ihave 10.25 but it keeps going down since i cant post as much as i would like
  13. Thanks for the heads up. i will scan my computer to see if i have any viruses. i hope i dont. i barely use msn but when i do i will keep a look out on any possible virus thingers
  14. I use Internet Explorer only. i dont like the firefox browser. i have tried it and i hated it. and i really dont like tabbed browsing. that gets annoying.
  15. Mine was probably the time i bounced off a church. i broke my arm them it was when i was probably 13. but i got teased for years about hitting a full church while i was on my bicycle
  16. I seem to like it and well i dont like alot in the world. everything kinda falls into place and it jusyt seems really good
  17. I like all the images. Infact i think i will say they are really good. compared to ones i have seen by other people
  18. I like the pciture thingy there. infact all the ones you have in the post above mine are really good ones
  19. the site its self is a little bit bad. the folio thing is good.
  20. well thats cool i guess. i wasnt paying attention and i had my headphones on and it got loud. but hey its pretty cool
  21. the color scheme is cool but i dont really understand what it is supposed to be
  22. It is indeed a very odd picture. but it does look good
  23. in my 20 years of life i have had so many friends betray me. and i really dont care anymore. but whrn your best friend from early childhood betrays you it is a heartbreaker. but do you really want to be their friends after what they did?And what i usually do is something i like to call revenge. but i wont tell you what i do
  24. I havent heard of it until i read this topic. haha. i guess i am slow at learing new technology
  25. I use both hotmail and gmail but i would rather use gmail due to the fact that my hotmail account gets way too much spam. i havent gotten any spam email at my gmail account. and the ads in hotmail suck. why would they need so many terrible ads. Gmail has one ad and i think that 1 ad is plenty for it. so i will have to go with gmail for my pick
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