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Everything posted by communitykat

  1. I am posting to keep my credits up. I was at 8.something, I made a couple of posts and now i am back to 3.something. What is happening?
  2. neil youngphil lesheric claptonjeff buckley...yum. They are great.
  3. Well, here he has to be careful. If he cares deeply for this girl, then he must always keep that in the back of his mind, and keep his "dating" in control. Dating can be fun, but one must practice self control. If one cannot do this then most likely one will not ever have a good love relationship. It is a game that needs to be practiced (and like I keep saying...can be very fun if one does not get too serious). It IS complicated, but one has to know what one wants and make appropriate dicisions. (I am a crappy speller)
  4. I definitely think that it should be legal. This is an area where I really don't think the law should get involved. A life is very personal, and most likely spiritual. Everyone has different spiritual beliefs (I am not talking about religion, but about the perspective each has on life and life's purpose). For instance, if one were to believe that life is a form of disipline for ones spirit, and/or one choose the life he/she wants to lead before he is born. If the worlds environment (social, political, etc) has a negative effect on ones progression toward a higher being, then maybe it would be better to kill ones self, save the good works one has done to ones soul and return to build upon that in the next life. You get what I mean. Also, free will is a huge part of our mortal lives To be or not to be is a most personal choice that can only be made by ones own free will.
  5. You should try it anyway, and keep on trying things that might work. People keep saying that it is impossible, but it isn't (at least that is what I think). Nothing ever was done by a person who said it couldn't be. There is much more energy in the universe and even on our planet than we need, we just need to change our perspective of what is out there and how it can be harnessed. Even if it doesn't work, you will have a better idea of what might when you are done. Here are some good quotes from good old Thomas Edison:"Just because something doesn't do what you planned doesn't mean that it was useless""Results! Why man I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that will not work""We don't know a millionth of one percent of anything"Society always wants to cage a person into norms and an accepted paradigm of "what is" and "what isn't", but we have to remember that we can walk in and out of that cage anytime we want to. Any genius has aqainted him/or herself with the outside of the cage.
  6. I must say I was afraid to try to start the kind of website I wanted to (a rather large community website). One, I didn't know if my structural idea was possible and two, because I have never built any kind of website before. I am so excited to get started now that I am in and have nosed around a little bit. Trap 17's options seem to be very well thought out and presented in such a considerate and supportive framework. Thank you very much for the service! It is the best of all the free sites I have searched, not to mention the pleasant atmosphere in the forums and friendly customer support! This sounds like one of those late night infomercial testimonials...low and behold it really is 3:21am in my part of the world. But seriously, Xisto, I have great visions of the future.
  7. Pat Robertson called for the assasination of Hugo Chavez on live television. Oi. He said something like, "If he thinks were going to assasinate him, then we should do it, it's a lot cheaper than starting a war."
  8. Sounds great. I say live in romanitc torture for the time she is away, date other people while away for social, mental and physical health, and if love is love, someday you will both be together in a more seriously committed relationship. Nice Quotes!
  9. I think that if all of the oil ran out, people would become more resourceful and think of better ways to operate everyday things. The economy would be in better balance when the oil companies suffer just like other companies and maybe we'd try a little harder to conserve a bit instead of wasting so much. Without oil, the world could be a better place, or a place that no one should ever have to live in. Ah, an optimist. That is good, especially if you believe in post-modernism, which I actually do to a point. (Post-modernism is the view that the world is what we think it is, so funny...but so true) Anyway, did you know that the Ford was originally made to run on vegetable oil? Actually car fuel and car bodies were both originally invisioned as hemp products. Did you know that hemp can make a car body stronger than steel, and that is what they originally meant to use for car bodies. The deisel engine was actually made for veggie oil! We have had this technology all along, but those money grubbing oil tycoons don't want to hear any of that, and unfortunately I don't know how they are going to act when they are forced to suffer like other companies. Other companies, if they had good leadership, would have started investing in renewables 30 yrs. ago. The oil tycoons didn't do that, so how will they react? Anyone here have a psycological opionion? Since these people hold so much power, money and weapons? Those oil tycoons are neck deep in war. I mean is it possible that they are at stage 4 of grieving...Anger? What about water? If you haven't seen it you should see the new water technology on youtube.com.
  10. Exactly, I think what we can focus on here is sustainablity and money. They go hand in hand. Only thing is we have to do it quick, or a lot of people may die...in war or from infrastructure collapse. It is the new generations that will see the hardest times from previous generations selfishness and laziness. What a grand thing. Anyway, I guess that means art and literature will be coming back full force becuase times will be so hard. Get ready for another "Grapes of Wrath"...finally(sigh). Geez, and I would be really concerned if I lived in England, because if the weather patterns match what happened historically when the waters cooled from the Great Lakes melting...England will freeze. 10 years after the great lakes melted England was in an ice age...and right now the North Pole is melting...polar bears are dying and more species than ever are going extinct. Dun Dun Dun! I live in Pennsylvania, USA and this is supposed to turn into a tropical rain forest, just what I always wanted...although all of Southern US is supposed to turn into a desert, and those folks will probably come up here and cause havok with their southern ways. I have to say though, everyone I have ever met from Texas has been REALLY FUNNY, and if take the President out of Bush, he would probably be really funny too...especially if I were really drunk!...I take that back, he would still probably annoy me and I would have to leave his presence.
  11. I have heard of legend that says... during the "point of transcendence" when all magnetism is nill and a high frequency is nigh(hee hee) in order to pass through one must have ones spirit in control and accept becoming ones opposite. But how does sexuality fit in here? Does this mean that you will be straight in the next life, and what religious study are you undertaking if I can ask. Also, even if you do have a womans soul, do you not have some needs of a man, such as feeling masterful and strong? I don't know because I am a woman, but it seems to me that men who do not have some sense of feeling masterful and strong have self-esteem problems. This could be from society, but really a man's hormones kind of demand a man to have masterful control. To control sexual urges and protect smaller creatures. (I really am making myself laugh, but deep down I think men feel this). I think about it a lot because I think women are losing knowledge about how to treat a man respectfully and properly. Of course men would never start rioting in the streets because women started disrespecting them, but society loses when men feel unimportant and unwanted. WE REALLY NEED YOU GUYS TO BE STRONG AND KNOW HOW TO HAVE MASTERFUL CONTROL!! Man, I love men.
  12. They Might Be Giants made me think a lot when I was growing up. Their songs are just so wierd you have to think hard to come up with a meaning for it like Whistling in the Dark, really a social commentary. Yeah, that's where I learned about palindromes. I guess the Beatles, not to be trite, but...they have a lot of deep songs...one of my favorites is The Fool on The Hill, geez pick any one of their songs and you have a philisophical discussion. Also, The Moody Blues song Question-love it. Bob Dylan-Blue Eyed Son (don't know if he actually wrote that) Damn, there are just too many- all oldies though and I am sick of that. Hmm...I wish there were more intellectually stimulating bands. That is why I like classical and Jazz. It is intellectually stimulating without any words.
  13. Religion is embedded in us, and there is no way to remove it. If all religions dissapeared today, a million would be started tomorrow. Mortal life and the prospect of immortal life are too interesting of questions to go unasked and un organized into institutional thought.
  14. I think you are taking things too seriously and quickly. You are obviously not ready for a long term relationship. Have you ever been in a long term relationship before? It gets pretty messy no matter who you are with...even if you are with your soulmate. The question is are you ready to be considering marriage? If you are bouncing between these two girls, probably not. If you are not sure which one you like, maybe you should cut it off with both of them and look at things from a more objective angle. Maybe you will see a totally different girl you have not had the eyes to notice on account of playing game with x and y. Don't forget your life is manageable by YOU and YOU control what you let in your life and what you stay connected with. Make sure the choices you make in life are of YOUR choosing and not at the whims of someone elses emotions. Life is much more free when you are not in a relationship, and that can be empowering and fun. Managing romanitic life on a non-committed scale is a historic passtime, don't let it slip you by by buckling down into marriage too quickly. A girlfriend on the side to spend time with and make-out with is quite a complement, but marriage....not so much...more of a life commitment like starting a business, especially if your love is not the through and through, no questions asked, you are so in love this person is definitely YOUR soulmate type. I know it is a girls book, but if you can read The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, it is very inspiring for relationship management and life-mate seeking. Of course her husband did not end up loving her as much as she loved him...just goes to show how tricky it can be. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. I asked a psychologist this once in reference to the oil powers (the people who make money off of and control the oil) and he said that the psychological avenue would be one of grief which has four stages: 1. Denial/Shock 2. Bargaining 3. Depression 4. Anger 5. Acceptance I believe that the professional world (the folks who own and make money off of oil) are in stage one and some are moving into stage 2 (like BP). As citizens dependent on oil I say we are still in 1. For instance, there is at most 100 yrs. of oil left. The U.S. geological survey says there are only 3 trillion barrels left to be found. The world uses 76 million barrels per day. You do the math. On page 82 of the Annual Edition of The Environment published by McGraw Hill, the U.S. is projected to be negative 20million barrels of oil PER DAY by 2020. Here is a clip from an MSN news article at http://www.today.com/news/how-long-will-worlds-oil-last-2D80555939 At some stage , someone is going to have to stand up and say, We have a problem here and I think we ought to go out and solve it, said Smalley (a professor at Rice University). But at the present moment neither of the people involved in our presidential race have found the words or the motivation to do this.(2004) Since then Bush has come out with the Advanced Energy Initialtive to foster renewable transition and the American Competitiveness initiative to create competitive markets in the U.S. (we are way behind much of the world when it comes to renewable transition). Unfortunately for apathetic Americans, if we don't want a huge disaster on our hands including death (from people freezing to death), starvation (from the lack of food transportation to cities) and global warming (a well known fact that is predicted to hit humanity with calamity around the same time we run out of oil), we need to act for ourselves and make sure we use renewable energy in our homes and communities. Even with all of the work that the Fed and State governments are doing rrom the top down to foster renewable energy transition, local municipalities and individual citizens need to educate themselves and work from the bottom up to meet the goals of the 21st Century.
  16. And would Tom Robins marry Susan Sarandon? Take a look at their pictures: TOM robbins- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ TIM robbins- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Would Tim Robbins, the husband of Susan Sarandon write a book like Still Life With Woodpecker, or Jitterbug Purfume?I saw Tom Robbins read at a book store once and he had so much make-up on his face was melting. Tom Robbins often is shown with hats and sunglasses on. I like the idea.
  17. Data, data. Well it actually wasn't that easy to come up with hard data. I am going to have to take this issue on with a research paper. However, in all of my searching I found that the issue is a hot one. There are three main contenders, Ancient Athens/Switzerland/USA. There are muttled definitions of democracy. Two legislative bodies, freedom (what about women/minorities?), or general self-perception (China believes that they are a democracy). Anywho, the fact remains democracies have not historically lasted very long, and your request truley is splitting hairs. Athens had a ruling class, Switzerland didn't give women equal rights until the 80's and is generally (although it has had the longest two chamber parliment, and seems to be the most sucessful county all around. Also is the only country on Earth where citizens partake in direct democracy) and the U.S. is actually a democratic-republic...not a pure democracy. It is very interesting and scary to think that freedom (however you want to define that) has not been the norm throughout human history. It is also scary to think of how easily societies can go from being okay, even somethimes free to dictatorships and genocides. It all depends on who takes power and who validates that power, who gives authority to that power. That is scary. Back to the issue of Iraq, if we are trying to spread democracy there then why did we send troops in that could not speak their language, or have any training on their culture and what it was envisioned to become? Why did we not have any educational or strategic tools for setting up a democracy? We still are not educating the citizens about what a democracy IS. Did anyone consider what democracy would mean to Iraq and Iraqi culture? There are still two very important questions American leaders have not asked and Americans have not demanded be asked: Why did someone fly planes though the World Trade Centers, and who EXACTLY is responsible. There are only a couple of handfulls of democracies around the world and they are all very specific to the cultures hisory. We need professionals to develop strategies and educational tools if a new democracy is planned. Why aren't we doing these things? Why were we there to begin with, which brings us back to...is democracy dying in the U.S....I knew and senators knew and CIA agents knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (just google it). Should I believe that the average American is really so dim that they did could not see the facts through the propaganda? That they have too much faith in the govenment? Or should I believe that they are scared and do not see a path of action for themselves? Any way democracy is shakey. The great thing is that the United States is a uniqe and poweful democracy, because of its roots and progressive achivements as a society...and if the present generation and new generations are taught how to maintain a democracy and what a gem it really is, the American tradition will continue. I really could go on and on, I feel the urge to spill onto the outdated "realist" perspective and how it has affected history. Can I check my spelling on this?
  18. I read in a book once that a person was abducted and, in the spaceship the aliens were taking souls out of human bodies and placing them into new alien bodies. Why would they do that? Anyway...and then, the aliens got a message from "God" that they are not supposed to be doing that, and that they had been warned of this before. That is really funny. I read it in an alien book while I was waiting for an interview. LOL! I haven't thought of it for a while. Anywho...a "space ship" definitely hovered over my house one time in Washingtonville, PA in 1989. It shook the house and hovered for a while then travelled up the road and above a tree (it seemed to have shrunk as it hovered over the tree) then flew away. There were many reports of UFO sightings the next day on the news. Government or not?
  19. Democracies have historically only lasted 200 years. America is just over that historical limit. Anyone see democracy fading in America, even with the "campaigns" to spread democracy across the globe. People in America are actually afraid to speek out against the man. Americans! They are supposed to be free, and pursuing happiness. The more they fear, the more they shut up. How about that. That is how democracy falls. Well, if I ever get my website up it will be devoted to motivating citizens. Americans think that the government should do everything for them. That is leaning toward socialism, and I don't think Americans know what path they are heading down. They should be blaming themselves, not politicians. Justice Scalia once said that if the people cannot tell him how they want to constitution interpreted, he would have to listen to the people who put him there. For most congressmen, presidents, etc. they listen to the money. Why? because you have to raise at least one million dollars to be a senator and even more to be the president. If the people do not tell the leaders what they think, the money sure will. And that is what is happening in America today. I hope I can set up my website soon.
  20. I do not think that he should be killed. I am not sure who is doing the killing; the Bush Admin, or the Iraqi Gov't. Are they seperable? I don't think so. Concidering this, and that the Iraq war was based on lies, I do not think that Hussein should be killed. Think of a situation with your kids. If the kid did not like a bully at school, or a bully teacher, and so made up lies about that person to get them into trouble and kicked out of the school, even though the person might be bad, any ramification coming from the lie is invalid. As for showing the killing on TV. That is just repulsive and completely wrong.
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