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Everything posted by hydrogen

  1. Either I've been living under some internet rock like orifice or most people aren't aware of there being online internet trading card games. I just joined Countdown, which is a trading card game based on members from Johnny's Entertainment [big & cheesy j-pop/j-actor agents]. Essentially there are decks, traders, tokens, shops & games which allow you to gain more cards which are for the purpose of moving up different levels till you are given the rank of DEBUT. Traders set up their own page with wish lists, their collection and whatnot for other traders to view and to possibly strike a deal with. I really recommend you check out the site, I think it's a brilliant idea and even though I only just joined and haven't really gotten into it yet I'm finding it pretty addictive already! If you're thinking of joining there my name is Ginza ;] So essentially is this sort of thing new? Anyone know any other good TCGs?
  2. Someone already tried making one international language and coined it Esperanto. It was created by L.L Zamenhof whose goal was to: There's quite a few speakers and it borrows a lot from other languages and apparently if you learn Esperanto before learning another language you will be more adept at it. Wikipedia has a great article on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto
  3. Italian- so delicious! My godparents are Italian and their food is absolutely mindblowing with so much variation! I don't think I've ever had an Italian meal I didn't like so I had to go with this option, though I think all of the available have some merit to them. Mexican is really yummy but I don't eat it that much other than Doritos ! French is okay, a bit rich for me at times but they make wonderful desserts, there's nothing I enjoy more than making white chocolate creme brulee at home. I love Japanese but I like Korean more I feel, everything is all a bit too mild for me sometimes and Korean has a bit more of a kick to it. Ramen & teppanyaki as well as sushi is amazing and I love it so Japanese was a contender for my top choice. I eat 'Chinese' nearly everyday as my mum is Taiwanese and it really starts to annoy you after awhile, people have a very Westernised idea of Chinese food (char siu pork, sweet and sour pork, honey chicken) and not to say Chinese people don't make and eat the food they think they do but not everyday! Everyday Chinese eating is at times bland, lacklustre and just a bunch of fried choysum in a sickly cornflour-oyster-soy sauce concoction. But that's not to say Chinese food isn't delicious but most of the time unless it's a special meal it's not very nice at all. I love Cantonese cooking as it's very flavoursome and dim sum (especially char gow) is phenomenal! My dad grew up in Sri-Lanka so I'm used to the Indian food, I love it all except some of the sweets but the snacks and curries are gorgeous and chicken biriyani is especially delicious. Anyway that's my culinary wax lyrical
  4. I completely agree with Google's policies, neutrality and a strong foundation of privacy, a judicial order is completely reasonable as there is a formalised process and it is still possible to obtain details.
  5. I understand how it's like to be going out with an older male and I understand age restrictions if the male is younger but refusal to go out with a peer your own age is ludicrous and this only reminds me of one of my friends who only wanted to go out with males older than her (which 60% of girls including me have done) and then she was pressured to do sexual acts which she wasn't happy with which I'm sure could've been avoided if it was someone her own age. This girl is:A. Going to get a wake-up call soon. B. Ridiculous and not worth it. C. Grossly misrepresented by her friend. I'd hope it was C, so my advice is to just ask her out or something because I wouldn't really trust everything her friend is saying.
  6. Red Bull, when I'm tired I'm not the perky sweet person my boss expects me to be when selling lottery tickets to geriatrics so I have a Red Bull before work and it gets me going as well as satisfies my tart sweet tooth. But god, I tried a V drink (another guarana based energy drink) once and to borrow words from Wilfred Owen "[it was]obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud".
  7. The Harry Potter series hasn't exactly been riveting for me since probably the Goblet of Fire, it's all just a bit jokish to me really sometimes with JK screwing people over, if Harry ends up with Ginny I'll scream. Ron and Hermione- I could see that coming but "Hi Ginny, I've ignored you all these years and your appearances in previous books with my name have probably only gotten 100 words 'page time' but you suddenly got hot- LETS BE A COUPLE"
  8. Aha I read about this in Harper's Bazaar but I googled it a bit just then and caffeine is the active ingredient in many cellulite creams, it works to tighten blood vessels. This can temporarily give skin a slightly smoother appearance, but it has no effect on those fatty deposits that cause the problem.
  9. bah I don't think vista will be very succesful at all. the only reason I (and probably countless others) use windows is because we don't want to use macs because we're narrowminded individuals who don't like change and thrive on familiarity 98===>XP- was okay, a bit buggy but I could surviveXP===>Vista- *hides under blanket* "I'm scared, what's going on in my desktop- gadgets???"! every time I use a mac it takes me like 20 minutes to open something! microsoft what are you doing!?
  10. oh god I hope it reaches the shores of Australia, PayPal is all a bit too ~*slow*~ for me. but despite all the paypal sucks etc. I have never had a REAL problem that's really annoyed me to the point of boycott & a+ for customer service but I'm sure google could outdo them and win me!
  11. added myself!i don't care if people know what CITY i live in, it's all just a bit of forum fun, games and bonding .
  12. thank you!this is so useful, I'm always sharing lots of screencaps & obscenely large files with people and this is a very simple technique to use for ensuring people remember who to credit etc as it's in a designated folder with my name.
  13. Hmm I'm not sure if it's worthwhile for me as I like to lurk a lot and oh noez contact with people :lol:but once i clear up my 238120938120 firefox add ons this is definitely getting a trial run.
  14. technical kiss:in the dress-up corner with a little boy named luke in kindergarten when we were rugrats.proper kiss:ach, not very nice at allllll, so awkward, icky and unintiated by moi! was thirteen and going out with an older guy who didn't know when to stop!
  15. I agree with the sound intergrated advertisements being an absolute pain, especially the myspace one in particular with animated emoticons or something similiar to that & when there was the dawn of the Crazy Frog I swear every page I went to had an annoying Jamster ad, I just thank god I've got an AdBlocker and pop-up blocker function now so I don't have to put up with clunky sales persuasion.
  16. Thanks everyone for the welcomes, you're all very accommodating! I don't really like country or bluegrass most of the time too but I'll give it a go sometimes And I've read up on the rules, so I think I'm ready to plunge headfirst into posting!
  17. Thanks! Aha I'm not a very angry or flaming person so it should be okay, I don't think I'll post anything too controversial. And I do agree SPAM does suck, I get enough of it inbetween my sandwiches and in my inbox
  18. hmm you said you don't plan on doing anything live for two years but you'd like to book gigs :sanyway, I'm in a band at the moment we're not anything too crash hot but we don't plan on making a living out of it. but I think making a demo and sending it to recording companies (independent labels will be more sympathetic to your plight) along with solid live experience should be the head start you need.
  19. I'm technically on this thing on the lower end of the healthy scale but I'm aiming for a BMI of about 19 or 20 which is only or two points down and totally doable. But yeah, it is inaccurate in terms of the lack of muscle mass measurement but in the end if I look in the mirror or grab a piece of myself I can differentiate between fat (what I have ) & muscle.
  20. I'm going through a bit of a health craze at the moment but unfortunately I really can't chug down water and enjoy it unless I'm either:a. sick with the flub. parched from a very hot day c. knackered after some exercise so i'm compensating by drinking 1 litre odd of green tea a day supplemented with some forced water drinking made easier with some apple cordial. but the green tea is great, it's killing two birds with one stone- catechins + h2o = mega metabolism.
  21. Hi Trap 17 & its incorporated members. I'm Janet, a fifteen year old from the great southern expanse of Australia though I'm ethnically 1/2 Taiwanese and 1/2 pretty much British with a smattering of Sinhalese. I LOVE music and I am currently in a band. I'm into lots of eighties, electro, indie, jazz, britpop & shoegaze but I'll give anything a go (except metal, emo or anything core- just no). Since the dawn of my ADSL internet I only occasionally watch television but I am very much into movies, especially foreign films of Spanish, Mexican or Japanese origin. I absolutely adore Ryuhei Matsuda, Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Masanobu Ando and Tadanobu Asano so I'm always paypal-ling YesAsia.com ordering Japanese movies I do like some anime though I'm not into it as much as a lot of other people I know or a lot of other people on teh internetz, but I do like Death Note, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle & Ranma 1/2. I'm a real nerd so I also love reading and writing! I'm trying to get some short stories published (ack, it's an impossible task)! And just some random facts: I like green tea. British & Japanese culture fascinates me. I would like to be a pharmacist in the future. Anyway sorry for this essay that you had to read If you want to stalk know more about me then you're welcome to click away at links in my sig.
  22. Tidus annoys the hell out of me as does Yuna and on a FF8 note- Rinoa too.My vote goes to Squall, Cloud or Vincent and most characters in FF8.
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