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  1. In my opinion, it's quite hard for a man to get a fair trial when his judge and others are under such pressure, by their occupiers, to sentence him to death. Heck, the guy was even taunted by the guards sending him to the gallows - just shows you how "fair" things were for him.Nothing in the way he was treated, even while in US custody, was fair.No fair treatment, no fair trial, and no fair execution. One huge waste.BTW, as far as Osama goes... I don't know. I think he very well could be alive but he's just staying quiet.
  2. Same here, Thorned Rose! I have always believed that "and eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." I just don't get the logic behind getting revenge... it doesn't bring a person back, or make things right again.And war... what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
  3. No I haven't - I check it out when I have some time to do so Thanks
  4. Very well said, everyone! I completely agree with all of you. Anyway, I actually didn't feel bad for Saddam until this morning when I - unfortunately - turned the channel over on CNN (to see if they were showing Gerald Ford funeral footage) and boom - there's Saddam about to die. I don't know... I keep flipping on how I feel about all this. Yes, he deserved punishment but at what cost? To only make him a martyr? I don't know... I read something elsewhere from someone where they said that he could have at least been given some dignity and I agree. To video tape it, to dance around his body, to show his last moment over and over on television, etc... personally, I find that all offensive, sickening, and just plain wrong. Yes, he was a bad person and yes, he did not allow others to die with dignity either but where does his evil end and our kindness begin? If it were me, I would have allowed him to go out with some dignity to show that I were a better person. To not allow him (or his sons) that just makes the "good guys" look like bad people too.Just 2 more cents worth of my opinion on the matter
  5. Because I wanted to give an explaination in why I am Agnostic His death was the greatest tragedy of my life - he and my grandmother raised me... he was my light, my life. He died, and I kind of did too... just as my family did. You never know how much someone is holding you and your family together until they die and he was the one who held us together. Nothing is the same anymore, not even me. He had colon cancer - when he finally got to the doctor, it was so advanced that he was unable to do chemo or anything so all they did was open him up, take out as much as they could, and then he had to wait to die. He had a cathater(?) and everything... I remember him bleeding a lot - sitting on the couch and not feeling the blood coming out but myself or someone else noticing red on the couch when he'd move. Once I remember him getting up and being helped to the washroom and the blood would drip all the way there. The last time that happened I was at school and my grandmother called the ambulance because it was coming out "like a faucet." I got home and there was still blood on the bathroom walls - it had splashed up off the floor... thats how badly it was coming out. It wasn't just physical pain (there was A LOT of that) but emotional too... at the end he didn't even bother covering up because he said he had lost all his dignity so it didn't matter anymore. He knew he was going to die, though I thought he wouldn't (I was only 11). I didn't understand. But I remember him crying a lot. I guess it just didn't sink in. Depressing, I know. But when I get started I can't stop. LOL Probably more than you wanted to know! LMAO
  6. I seriously doubt Osama will ever be caught. I knew Saddam would, but Osama... not very likely. And as far as Bush goes... He finished his daddy's dirty work - good for him And all he had to do was have thousands of his citizens die on 9/11, invade 2 innocent countries for zero reason, have thousands upon thousands of soldiers and innocent others killed, and, let's not forget, cheat his way into office to do so. Wow, he so deserves a pat on the back - NOT. But I'm sure Bushy is so very proud of himself - I can hear the champagne flowing as we speak and his stammering through a sickening thank-you speech. I need to go to bed... LMAO :D
  7. Funny how a country denying the holocaust is itself being accused of trying to start a new one!
  8. I'm already bracing myself for the worst. He was apparently executed 35 minutes or so ago.I seriously have a sick feeling in my stomach... I don't know... something is gonna happen - something bad. I hope not though. Me no wanna die!!
  9. I heard something on CNN about how Saturday is the beginning of a week-long religious period for Muslims and to execute someone during this period is forbidden. If true, then it's going to cause even more tension, attacks, etc against the invading forces...Yes, Saddam needs punishment (and this is coming from an anti-death penalty person, people! LOL) but they also need to respect any and all Muslim customs and traditions. This is all just going to add even more resentment and hostilities towards them... if they want attacks to end, in my opinion, they need to begin getting out or at least begin respecting the people they are supposedly "freeing" and "helping"
  10. I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with anything? LOL But yes, if you would like to know - my grandfather was "born-again" when he died... he was scared of dying without asking forgiveness, etc.
  11. I want to believe in God but I find it hard to do so, always have. Especially since, when I was 11, I watched my grandfather go from being a large man to a skeleton, then die. I always wondered why a God would do that to someone - give them horrible pain, turn them into someone unrecognizable, allow them to waste away before their loved one's eyes then take them away without even a goodbye. I just don't know if I want to believe a "good and loving" God would do something like that.I consider myself, at the moment, an Agnostic. I am the type of person who is searching for something to believe in; looking for the place I belong. I find myself more attracted towards the Buddhist and Muslim religions more than any others. I don't know if I'll ever believe but I am trying.
  12. If anyone has watched a NASCAR race and viewed the interviews afterwards, you would see how exhausting and draining it is on drivers - and I mean both physically and mentally... sometimes drivers can hardly speak at the end of a race because they are so exhausted.It isn't just about sitting and driving... no true sport is that simple! Drivers honestly have to concentrate and use their brains while racing... one slip-up and they are screwed - whether it be them crashing, losing a position, whatever. Definitely not just "sitting and driving"! ^_^Did you know drivers lose upwards of 10 pounds each race? Or that they have to drink tons of water before each race because, otherwise, they could become dehydrated? OR, how about the fact that the inside of a car, during a race, can reach around 145-150 degrees?If that isn't a sport, I don't know what is!
  13. I think it would be cool to be able to speak to someone living in, like, China and not have a huge barrier like different languages... but I also think it would be horrible since, as others have said, having so many differences is very beautiful. I love the beauty of other cultures and languages so to lose any of that would be horrible.
  14. Sady, there were only two things I knew about President Ford: 1 is that he was the oldest living US President and 2 is that he was almost assassinated by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a follower (even today) of Charles Manson.
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