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Posts posted by thebluekirby

  1. Okay...this is like....really really pathedic. People who like anime in general don't just go for the art style. Theres at least 500 sucky animes and at less then 50 of them that are really good. For me, I just go for particular anime series, not anime in general. And just because you saw one or two sucky animes doesn't mean all animes in general suck. There are lots of really GOOD animes that are really enjoyable and you can get hocked on. You just haven't seen them yet. All the animes and manga that were dubbed from Japan suck because no one translates it good.Although they look fake, the characters look beautifully drawn. They have the characteristics of a human and that's all that matters. If someone went off and drew a cartoon with 2-d people who had eyes, noses, and mouths like a real human, they wouldn't end up pretty. What about cartoons on Cartoon Network? They have green and purple tounges on ed, edd and eddy and mac from fosters home for imaginary friends has a round rectangular head. And they look cute too, depending on the artists, or they look really crappy, depending on the artist... I hate how Animes are being imported to the US as well. They should stay in Japan. People just want to make money, jeez. But in the end, it should be for entertainment purposes =P. Take note: Anime is ANY cartoon from Japan. And not all of them are draw with cute eyes, realistic hair and such. Some end up looking like Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty IS an anime. It's kinda of being biased if you say you hate anime. So try narrowing it down to particular series. What series have you seen anyways?

  2. I need a little help with parking my domain...
    I got a domain, seigikan.net and parked it at my site on Xisto.com and everything seems to be working fine =D
    when i type in seigikan.net, it goes straight to my www directory, which is good
    but when i type in seigikan.net/light.it redirects like it's supposed to...but changes to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. is there any way to change this so the adress bar doesn't change? I hope i made sense >_< please help!

  3. paint shop pro is AWESOME!!i've never tried photoshop, but have any of you seen my graphics? i was able to make it all with paint shop, nothing else. The controls aren't as obvious as photoshop, and like photoshop, it takes a bunch of layers, you can't just depend on brushes. Once you toogle around with the buttons on paint shop, you'll be like...some kind of graphics pro

  4. When you go out and see someone dressed in the latest trends, like gothic, or "gangster", and walk around as if they're all that....don't get the feeling that you want to hate them so much, no matter who they are?Especailly all the super popular songs, bands, chewing gum...tv shows...if everyone does it, don't you just want to hate every person who does it/likes it? It's a feeling hard to explain, but I had to make a rant that people should try to come up with their own unqiue personalites instead of copying off other people, and doing what everyone else is doing. I dunno, it's kinda hard to explain =/ but i just needed a place to rant and hopefully i can find someone who thiks the same as me and better explain it =/

  5. people are so rude T_T going off and saying people are gothic...just because they like black...black is also a color of poetry, not death. and goths are becomming so popluar everyone hates them, even if you're their friend. Yeah, anything that gets popular, everyone seems to have and I dunno why. and plus, black is a pretty color and goes nice with everything and i don't see why people label people gothic just because they wear black. shouldn't goths have like...grey highlights, baggy pants, and white make up + black eyeliner? seriously...

  6. Yeah, I know the feeling... I wonder what will be next though, I just read that they introduced a whole new drive-in here in Holland, a supermarket drive-trough  :)  how weird does it get?


    haha, super market drive thoughs XDD that would take a while, being in line and listing everything you need. There'd be a long, long line.

    There should be more grocery shopping online, where people can deliver it to you in a few days fresh *nods*

  7. Ok, I found this topic pretty interesting. Has anyone noticed? Some people use the plural term of mouse "mouses", but some people use "mice". I have no clue what term I use because I rarely use that word, but which one do you guys think sounds more correct? Google says it's both XD.

  8. ok, in your opinion, what do you NOT like about the internet?

    For me, it would be... spam...popups....txt talk...but it's the people who are producing these spams and popups and such, not the internet XD but still, let's blame it anyways XDD

    and if your internet is dialup, then your internet life must really really suck (i'd die if i had dialup XD)


    what about you guys? try not to post hateful rants >_<


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Please post it in the correct forum section. Moving from What Is...? to Internet. Last friendly warning.

  9. Haha! I finally got a domain and I'm letting Xisto host it yay!!! So, I made this layout. It was made entirly on Paint Shop Pro 7. It features Suika of....Suika XD. This layout was about to be Iframes, but some how I ended up making it in tables. Some how...and it was blue origanlly but looked really really ugly so I changed it to green! Here's the layout:

    Posted Image

    please give me any suggestions or comments!! it would be very appreciated!

  10. gawd, I'm so glad a bunch of people agree with me XDSometimes, on shows like family guy, it's ok to curse because well...it's funny XDbut when little kids go out and curse like that. yeah. it's funny. And if you're that age, like...younger then 16, people will just go "no...just....no..." and think you're stupid instead of the exact opsite, even if everyone else is cursing as well. I gotta convince people to stop cursing...not because it's bad...but because it's stupid and getting really really old and weird...

  11. When you buy a video game for someone, you have to trust that they are SMART enough to play the game and not commit crimes 0_oThat's what game ratings are for. But so many people look over them and just go "yeah whutever, it's just a video game...". They're like... 10 year olds buying rated "M" games because their parents allowed them to. There are so many thugs around my school, and people who like violence and I bet they got it off video games. It's ok if they be themselves, but killing people and hurting people is not very mature, even doing crime. There sould be a video game that teaches people justice in a way it's not stupid T_T. That's my little rant...

  12. Even thought people can find it rude, the people who are listening to the music on the headphones well...they're trying to show off their personality and wish to see how people react to them. In the end, they don't care if the music is bothering you or not, nor are they trying to be "cool". like i said, they're trying to show off their personalities and just be themselves. what's wrong with that?

  13. over all, terriosts have a want to scare and see people panic. that's just them? why would they do that? let me ask you this. why do you like to watch TV? why do you go on the computer all the time? why are you trying so hard to do well on your test? because you feel better and entertained. That's how terrorists look at it. Of coruse, they must also have a reason behind it. some people might have been raised that way. Most terrorits think that people are crazy, to think that they are crazy because they have the want to kill people. Do you guys ever look at them from their view? they know that eventually, people will forget all about it and pretend it was something that just "happened". such as 911, for particular people. it happened so long ago that...well...no one really cares anymore. I'm not saying I'm on the terrorists side or the oposite, i'm just trying to get the point that terrorits have their reasons weither it's pointless or not. That's how it is with everything.

  14. XD it's like one of those pandorabots thingies!!! i like them, but they view themselves as robots, y'know XD Those robots are really smart, I wonder how they're programed!!
    You guys can make one with your own characters and stuff at http://pandorabots.com/botmaster/en/home
    You can fill out bios about them, but it takes a little convincing and practicing to get the lines right so they don't say the default stuff =P but it's still really cool XD
    here's my interesting conversation:

    Hello my child. What is your name?
    My friends call me Makie
    How are you doing, Makie.
    I'm pretty sleepy
    Better get some rest.
    I do better when I don't sleep for some reason
    Why do you have to do it?
    For some reason, I get A's on my test if I don't sleep
    Your purpose is some reason you get A s on your test if you do not sleep.
    What kind is it?
    Um,,,lets's change the topic then...
    I see. OK let's do it.
    "do it"?
    Do you mean "It"?.
    Do you mean "It"?.
    Do you mean "It"?.
    Do you mean "It"?.
    Do you mean "It"?.

    and then it goes on like that for a while XD

    Notice from wassie:
    Dont forget to quote

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