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Posts posted by thebluekirby

  1. Omg, that site looks so unprofessional. I feel bad for anyone who actually bought one of those rings and ended up not living forever XDwho wants to live forever anyways? what will it benifit?anyways, who is going to fall for that? they don't even give a good explination on how the stupid ring works or proved that it even works XD so don't fall for this one guys or i my respect for you will go down.

  2. ok...I'm sorry about the double posting....
    I decided to go to the Xisto.com domain change processing form to change my URL back to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and then park seigikan.net for a month, then go back to the domain change processing form and make my domain seigikan.net

    but the problem with doing that is when I tried to park or addon my domain, this message would show up:

    Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than ( 0 ) parked domains!

    but on the front of my cpanel page, it says i have unlimmited =/does that mean I have to go back and get 15 credits all over again to change it back to seigikan.net or can you fix this so I can park it just for a month.

  3. If you changed the primary domain name to your top level domain name, then you don't have access to blukirby.trap17.com anymore, and unless another user requests it, it won't exist.


    so then we won't be allowed to acces it? ;____; and we can't have double accounts, can we? Could I just request a redirection URL on Xisto.com under "blukirby.trap17.com" to "seigikan.net"? or would that not be possible...

  4. I changed my Domain URL from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ using the processing form

    but would there be any way to keep http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ up for about 3 weeks with a page that says "we have moved!!" because the amount of hits I've been recving has vastly descreased and it took me a lot of work to get so many hits, and not that many people know about the URL change. So it would be nice =/ do you guys know if this is possible?

  5. I think it depends on who's your parents.But seriously....my parents...need to dieand I'm only 13. If I think they need to die now, I might preform that action when I'm 16 or something if they keep up how they are acting towards me. Jeez, I tell them that I need glasses and they go "Well, you need glasses because you're on the computer so long!" WTF! That's so rude! Come on, I've had bad eye sight since I was like...6! But when they took me to the doctor, they only check my far sighting! I'm near sighted!!! I can't see ANYTHING within 4 feet of me, and my parents think I got it from the computer. WFT? You can't become near sighted from the computer, can you? You'd become far sighted! And near sight is something you get off a family member. And my dad was like "There is no one in our family who has glasses!" HELLO! At least half of my family have glasses, jeez. They don't even care about my own eye sight. Yes, it's true I'm on the computer all the time, but then I would hae been blind by now. I'm not on the computer ALL the time. And even though I am, they're always telling me to get off. Haven't they seen some of my work? (Website wise). They don't even support me on the computer! or encourage me to do better with scripting and graphics! They just try to kick me off! They always think I'm just chatting with people on the internet. If that was the case, I'd rarely use my computer. I'm guessing if I played my violin 8 hours a day, my parents would tell me to get off the violin even so because i keep playing it too much. Jeez...And I don't have a strong attitude towards my parents, but they seem to get hurt waaay too easy. At least my mom. She's too sensitive. But she yells like hell, even about small things and it scares me. I get the want to cry whenever I'm around my mom because she yells too much.I've been seeing the counculor at my school latly because my parents cannot help me at all through out my life. They support me on things I don't even look foward to in life, and I've been very VERY depressed latly and they make me feel even worse. I hate being around my parents, I am definatly moving out of my house in 4 years if they keep this up. And I don't care if I live in a rusty old hotel, I just don't want to be around them. EVER.

  6. I used micrsoft frontpage as a start because I didn't know how to do HTML XDi never read online tutorials. or took lessons at school. I just used microsoft frontpagemore and more, I used it. And once I started having to do stuff like splitting images, I used HTML more and more, but still used Microsoft frontpage. In the end, I'm like...really HTML experianced. And i never read tutorials or took lessons at school. Haha, people should look at site builders that way XDD

  7. I was trying to change my domain from blukirby.trap17.com to seigikan.net, but i recived this message:

    User Data Verfied Successfully!Changing password..
    This can take time...
    Please be patient..(Do not hit Reload or Back). This can take a lot of time.. Please be very patient..

    Domain Change Failed!

    i pointed the DNS servers at the right place.... why doesn't it work: ;__;;

    note: eh... my domain was parked while I was trying to preform this. Maybe it had something to do with the effect? Should I unpark it before I change domains?

    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Quoted text. You must quote things you did not write!

  8. Like they said, shouldn't add links because it's leading to an illegal site =/yeah, I saw it!! The characters are done very nicely and detailed!!! They look so real, I was surprised! But some how, Cloud looks really really weird...But the fighting scenes were hard for me to keep up with. They'd change clips every 2 seonds, you couldn't tell what was going on until something magor happens X_Xbut in the end, it was still really really good =D

  9. It depends on which series you are reading. Like Hikaru no Go. The manga was good, but the anime was ssooooo boring, even though it was based right off the manga. It's more funnier in the manga though. And Ueki no Housoku, the anime is brilliant but the manga was...eh....not that great. So yeah, depends on the series, but in the end, I'd rather watch anime then read manga.

  10. Gah... my little brother is like that!!! Everytime he loses a game he cries and it's just like... a little video game like kirby. We weren't betting money or anything!!As for people who win and rubbing it in your face.... well...it's natrual for someone to be happy, but it's not nessicary to rub it in their face. You can joke around and go "OH YEA!!!" and something really funny after it, as lon as it's ok with the person you went agenst ^_~. But you just look like a totally *BLEEP* instead of a winner if you rub it in their faces, it's soooo annyoying!!

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